Luxury Living on the Côte d'Azur
Volume IV, Issue 9

A weekend trip to the Côte d’Azur shed new light on this warm spot of France for a “Parisienne” in desperate need of sun and surf after a long and gray winter. Along with Pascal Fonquernie of, we took in the Carnaval de Nice, the Fête de Citron in Menton and sightseeing in all the towns between the two along the blue and stunning coast of the Riviera.
Today’s French Property Insider takes an in-depth look at the stretch of sand and sea and the luxurious lifestyle it affords at still more affordable prices and posh Paree.
GE MoneyBank has important news about the rise in interest rates — this is the time to make a purchase before they escalate further, or fix your rate on an existing mortgage. Still, rates are almost half as a U.S. mortgage and the product offerings are creative and competitive.
The City Hall of the Paris is still working hard to reduce the use of cars and therefore pollution…see the latest statistics on the use of cars vs public transportation — this may help you decide which areas of the city you’ll want to call home if you prefer to breathe better and easier.
Hot Properties are naturally along the Côte d’Azur and today’s featured Leaseback is on the other side of the Mediterranean…Sête. Auctions are up, too, if you’re in for adventure!
On a fun note, we have included a recent article from Parler Paris about 17 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Moved to Paris…including a 10-page full report we are making available to those who subscribe this month to two years of FPI and to you who we value as loyal readers. Be sure to read on to learn how to download your free copy.
And news from FPI is our new site at …where you will find everything related to our property services apart from the weekly publication. But don’t worry, all the old links will take you right to the new ones in the blink of an eye so you won’t miss a thing!
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Time is drawing near…but you can still take advantage of the $1 = 1 Euro offer when you register NOW for the Living and Investing in France Conference March 17 – 19 here in Paris. Visit for more information and to register.
Volume IV, Issue 9, March 2, 2006
In this issue:
* Driving vs. Public Transit in Paris
* Lessons Learned: Making the Move to France
* Partying in Paradise…Nice Carnival
* Predicting Riviera Weather
* In the Lap of Luxury…Côte d’Azur Style
* National Real Estate Trade Show, March 23-26, 2006
* Discovering The Riviera
* Bank Rate Update from GE Money Bank
* Upcoming Conferences: Special Paris Offer – $1 = 1 Euro!
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: March 14, 2006
* Hot Property Picks: Mediterranean Jewels
* Leasebacks: Cap Corniche, France, Mediterranean Coast, Sète
* On the Auction Block: March 21, 2006
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Marais Apartment Available May 19-30, 2006, Last-minute Deals at, Coming Soon…Parler Paris Apartments
Taking the Train vs Stepping on the Gas
The debate continues here in Paris over how to minimize the use of cars to reduce pollution and alleviate traffic. The following charts show the percentage of use of cars vs public transportation by “quartier.”
Notice how the western part of the city relies more heavily on thier cars — these more expensive areas with larger apartments, more affluent families, who also likely work in the western suburbs and need their cars to travel to work.
Thanks to my “little birdie” at the Hôtel de Ville for this interesting and important information.
Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Moved to Paris…
By Adrian Leeds
From Wednesday, March 1, 2006
There are so many things I wish I had known before moving to Paris.
This past weekend, even after eleven years, I found myself complaining to my French friends (who likely didn’t appreciate it, at all) about some of the same things that either haven’t changed, worsened or I simply can’t get used to. There is no doubt, that in many ways I have “crossed over” to see things from the French point of view, but the cultural differences can be so acute, and in so many situations, impossible to overcome.
On the train back to Paris from the Côte d’Azur Monday, I had time to reflect on these ideas and compiled a list of 17 things I wish I had known before I moved to Paris. The first one that came to mind was the first thing you traditionally think of doing when moving to another country — getting a visa. Being an American, where we follow the laws the way we are supposed to and telling a lie is worse than murder (thank you, George Washington), we applied for a “carte de séjour” knowing we would be staying more than 90 days, as the law says we should.
Oh, if I only knew then what I know now! I might not have been so quick to blindly follow the law. We half-heartedly joke at the French idea of truth: “There is the law. And there is the reality.” This is one cultural difference I’ve learned to cross, because if you don’t, and continue to blindly follow the law, you’ll forever fall into the deep French pits.
The most difficult cultural difference to overcome has been our idea of customer service where the “customer is king” to the French idea where the seller is “doing you a favor.” While it has changed drastically over the years as American-style retailing has infiltrated the French landscape (Starbucks, Gap, McDonalds, etc.), it can still be a challenge. I’ve learned never to expect to be able to return/refund any purchase without a major hassle, but I still fail to see the point of telling the customer, “No.” Just this past week, I actually had the owner of a small shop tell me that not only did she not know the price of the dinnerware she had on display, but that I must call her later that day to ask — she would not bother to call ME! I walked out thinking, “Yeah, right. Ha! You just lost that sale, babes.”
Perhaps the most fun cultural difference to cross is the use of flirtation to get what you want. American women (and I suppose, me, too), are taught that flirtation is a form of sexual harassment and therefore unacceptable behavior (even though it works). Here, it’s absolutely necessary and quite honestly, expected. Usually it’s me flirting with the waiter to get good service, but last night I had the opposite and quite pleasant situation. Upon entering the restaurant, the waiter made a point to compliment me on my very ordinary black beret (mostly worn by Americans and out-of-style French), to which I was surprised and amused. It started the whole evening off very right for both of us, and so the little game should.
And the hardest thing to give up? Those out-of-style bérets that give me away as an American.
Editor’s Note: While both my computer and my brain were plugged in and the TGV was slipping down the smooth tracks to Paris, I jotted down the 17 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Moved to Paris to the tune of 10 typed pages and turned it into a “report” that readers could learn from. You can have it, too — it’s FREE with your subscription to French Property Insider! Click here to have your complimentary copy:
Carnival on the Côte d’Azur
By Adrian Leeds
Monday, February 27, 2006
We had first class tickets for only 5 euros more, straight to Nice on the TGV, a mere 5.5 hours door to door — it could not have been more comfortable. Pascal Fonquernie, neighbor-friend-colleague, of, and I, had the trip planned for weeks — to stay in his Roquebrune “aerie” overlooking the sea and attend the carnival in Nice and the lemon festival in Menton, neither of which had we ever had the pleasure.
Friday on route to the Côte d’Azur towns, the rain was misting down, the skies uncharacteristically gray, the air nippy. It just didn’t seem fair to have only a few short days in the sun not to have the sun at all. Monte Carlo was the afternoon’s respite, to wander around the Casino and the surrounding shops I can’t afford, ogle t
he cars sitting out
front that cost as much if not more than my Paris apartment and get a sense of this “Disneyland” for the rich and famous. It’s a surrealistic “beauty mark” on the Riviera, with a blend of old and contemporary architecture, perfectly manicured streets and well-heeled civil servants that have power over some of the wealthiest and most prestigious jet-setters the world has known.
We dined that evening on an antipasti from the market in Vintimiglia (the first Italian city of a respectable size after the French border) and omelets with sauteed porcini mushrooms with long-time Parisian friends who have a second home in Cap d’Ail. It’s the town on the other side of Monaco from Roquebrune, making the two communities proverbial bookends. Their terraced apartment profits from a dense and lush garden they have cultivated the last 10 years or more.
Saturday morning, I awoke to a picture postcard scene out the solid glass wall/sliding doors and large terrace. An enormous sun peaked through the thin gray clouds, blue-blue water calm and serene below, the sound of gulls in the distance and a very light breeze touching the Mimosa trees.
The drive to Nice along the Moyenne Corniche affords breathtaking views of the seaside communities below…Cap Ferrat, Villefranche, Cap d’Ail, Antibes…the sun shining brightly hinting at perfect weather for the carnival parades. We met up with Parler Paris team member, Sibel Pinto, and her husband Henry, for an “Aioli” on the Cour Saleya in the heart of Old Nice (a platter of fish and seafood, freshly cooked vegetables, accompanied by two types of aioli), washed it down with a good white wine from Cassis, then headed off for the parade.
Unlike Mardi Gras in New Orleans which is open and free to the public, the Carnaval de Nice is private to only those who pay for seats in the grandstands or standing room on the sidelines. This is its 122nd edition(!), titled “Roi des Dupes,” lasting 17 days (February 11 – 28 of this year) and offering dozens of events and parades. Tickets were sold only two hours before each event from booths stationed near the parade sites and children under 8 were free.
I found all this to be surprising, from an American cultural point of view, particularly as a New Orleanian, where Mardi Gras is for everyone, by everyone to enjoy. (In fact, a few of those who also don’t agree with the Carnaval as a paid event, have created their own alternative and free parade.) The Promenade des Anglais, the main road along the seafront, was partitioned off with only a couple of entrances where the crowds filed in showing off their tickets or passes.
The parade seemed to materialize from almost nowhere, but…WOW! This was the flower parade…with float after float of magnificently decorated platforms of floral heaven, adorned by one or more stunning young women, in costume, waving and throwing branches of Mimosa into the adoring crowds. In between were strange acts of all kinds…women on stilts in lobster costume; men on a trampoline somersaulting in mid air; bagpipe players in kilts; a troupe in Venetian costumes and masks; huge balloons flying overhead made of multi-faced heads, dragons and blimps; bicyclers shooting silver streamers from oversized pistols, and on and on and on…making two turns around the parade route. There is no way to describe the ingenuity and creativity of the costumes and the concepts of the performances!…all very, very different from the Mardi Gras I know from New Orleans of marching bands, horseback riders and decorated floats with costumed Krewe members throwing beads and doubloons.
This was only one of dozens of events that took place over the two-and-a-half weeks of festivities and I wondered how the people of Nice had the tenacity to maintain the high spirits…but they do!
In the afternoon we wandered the narrow streets of old Nice and visited the Palais Lascaris, a 17th-century baroque Genovese palace which was once the residence of the Lascaris-Vintimille family classified as a “Monument Historique” in 1946. In contrast to the stunningly elegant and refined rooms, one can see the neighbor’s laundry hanging in the sun over the narrow street below, reminiscent of an Italian lifestyle.
Yes, Nice is nice, no doubt about it. Pascal and I agreed, it could be a good alternative to Paris — a spot on the sea where he claims the sun shines at least 300 days a year, loaded with charm and cultural activities. At 9 p.m. that evening, the Parade of Lights will have rolled down the same route, but we opted to rest our weary bones over a seaside dinner in preparation for another day of merriment.
Traffic to Menton Sunday was bumper to bumper from all directions as the French and Italians filed into the town to witness the last day of the 73rd Annual “Fête du Citron” — having taken place from February 10th. Roadside stands selling lemons and oranges were everywhere. The Jardins Biovés had been transformed into a wonderland of citrus creations…the Taj Mahal, a plantation home (with Dixieland Jazz musicians out front and a sign that read “New Orleans Jazzmen”), a gondola under a bridge of Venice, and a dozen or so more…all lifesize structures completely made of lemons and oranges grown in the region, each fruit secured with a rubber band of yellow or orange appropriately.
At 2:30 p.m. sharp, the parade started slowly winding down the seaside route, making three turns before calling it quits. Float after float of ingenious citrus creations were punctuated by a variety of acts…musicians and dancers — mostly Brazilian in scantily-clad costume in honor of The Year of Brazil. I wouldn’t call it as sophisticated as the Carnaval de Nice, but fun it was, and impressive — these massive monuments to fruit. I loved the big banana best of all, with her big lips and funny face.
In Menton, I bought little black Niçoise olives flavored with garlic, rosemary and peppers; ogled the Provençal shops for linens and other household
goods for my new little studio apartment that I intend to decorate and call “La Provençale.” From there Pascal insisted we visit the Villa and Gardens Ephrussi de Rothschild in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, a palace built by Béatrice de Rothschild in the early 1900s with 9 magnificent gardens over 4 hectares of land overlooking the sea. Oh, what a charmed life this heiress had created for herself, evident from her ravishing boudoir with views on the gardens and sea. As the sun was slowly setting, the sky turned pink and shed a soft glow mirrored by the pink stucco mansion and the lush foliage.
We stopped in the seaside towns on route back to Nice for dinner, where the streets had emptied out except for a few tourists and local vagrants. It seemed appropriate to have a Salade Niçoise topped by grilled sardines before saying so-long to the beautiful blue coast of France, which is about as charmed a place on the planet to visit or live…except for Paris to which I am headed on the TGV as I peck on this keyboard.
Weather on the French Riviera
Weather can’t be forecast more than a week or so in advance, but weather averages are good indicators of what to expect any month. Degrees are shown in Fahrenheit.
Month | Average High | Average Low | Warmest Ever | Coldest Ever | Average Dew Point | Average Precipitation |
January | 55 | 42 | 66 | 21 | 35 | 3.0 |
February | 55 | 43 | 79 | 23 | 37 | 2.9 |
March | 58 | 46 | 75 | 36 | 41 | 2.9 |
April | 61 | 29 | 79 | 32 | 46 | 2.5 |
May | 67 | 56 | 90 | 43 | 53 | 1.9 |
June | 74 | 62 | 88 | 48 | 59 | 1.5 |
July | 79 | 67 | 96 | 55 | 64 | 0.7 |
August | 80 | 68 | 93 | 55 | 64 | 1.2 |
September | 75 | 63 | 86 | 50 | 60 | 2.6 |
October | 68 | 56 | 84 | 41 | 52 | 4.4 |
November | 61 | 48 | 72 | 34 | 43 | 4.6 |
December | 56 | 43 | 68 | 28 | 37 | 3.5 |
Living a Luxurious Lifestyle on the Côte d’Azur
By Adrian Leeds
While Pascal Fonquernie and I were gallivanting from one chic coastal town to another between Menton and Nice, we ogled the windows of the real estate agencies and contemplated what life would be like in any one of the coastal cities.
For Parisians who like a lot of life without a car, Nice is nice, no doubt…particularly old Nice which is loaded with charm, cultural activities, restaurants and boutiques, all accompanied by the usual ills of urbanity — petty crime, vagrants, noise, etc. It is a cornucopia of nationalities and religions making for a colorful landscape that will never bore you. Property isn’t very expensive there — a studio apartment can easily run under 100,000 euros and with 300,000 euros, apartments as large as 80 square meters of 4 rooms is possible. Keep in mind, though, that this doesn’t allow for a sea view, the streets are narrow, and the sun that shines most of the year may be falling elsewhere.
Outside of Old Nice, as the landscape terraces upward, contemporary apartment buildings abound affording fabulous views of the city, the port and the sea. Expect to spend 50% more for the privilege.
The seaside towns nearby such as Villefranche sur Mer, Cap d’Ail, Roquebrune and St. Jean Cap Ferrat could easily cost you twice as much or more as Old Nice for an apartment overlooking the sea within a quieter, more serene and elegant environment. The lifestyle in these neighboring communities are very different than living in the heart of Nice. The trains regularly stop at these towns, having originated in Nice, but once you’re there, you will need a car.
Menton, at the Italian border, is one of the lesser expensive seaside communities and on the average, attracts older residents, perhaps because the terrain is flat and more manageable on foot.
Living on the Riviera can be close to paradise with beautifully warm, sunny days, stunning views and the cultural assets of both France and Italy to draw from. Prices aren’t quite as expensive as Paris, affording you more space for your budget, but if you’re looking for investment, it may fall short. Rental returns are lower as the season is much shorter — Paris is rentable all year ’round while the season on the coast is primarily spring and summer months.
Statistics provided by
the Notair
es de France for Nice and the neighboring communities, for resale apartments for the period of 2nd quarter 2004 through 2nd quarter 2006 are as follows:
Arrondissement | Prix Moyen (Euros) | Px m2 (Euros) | Number of Rooms | Surf Habit. m2 |
NICE | 152.215 | 2.761 | 2,4 | 55 |
213.159 | 3.750 | 2,3 | 57 |
BEAUSOLEIL | 161.045 | 3.347 | 2,2 | 48 |
CAP-D-AIL | 198.229 | 4.354 | 2,1 | 46 |
GUILLAUMES | 56.147 | 1.653 | 1,5 | 34 |
ISOLA | 55.627 | 1.872 | 1,3 | 30 |
LA TRINITE | 132.582 | 1.975 | 3,1 | 67 |
MENTON | 167.655 | 3.397 | 2,1 | 49 |
PEONE | 63.747 | 1.632 | 1,7 | 39 |
222.344 | 4.228 | 2,2 | 53 |
77.176 | 2.266 | 1,6 | 34 |
274.561 | 4.475 | 2,5 | 61 |
To access these figures for all of France, visit
Salon National de l’Immobilier – National Real Estate Trade Show
Paris, Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot
March 23 – 26, 2006
Daily 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday until 9 p.m.
This show is part of the large, national real estate show which attracts a highly motivated audience. There are some 200 exhibitors currently registered including real estate agents, promoters and developers, financial organizations, insurance companies, notaires and trade associations. The 40,000 anticipated visitors will be able to meet these professionals and obtain information, whether they want to purchase a home, are looking for investment opportunities, or are interested in other projects. Promotion Expo Conseil, the show’s creator and organizer, also organizes shows in Lyon and Toulouse.
Métro: Porte Maillot
Parking: Porte Maillot, Hôtel Méridien, Avenue des Ternes, Avenue Foch
Entry: 5 Euros or free entry with an invitation for 2 people, available from site at
The Riviera
From Maison de la France
In 19th-century European high society, people would often talk of a magical land where winter never came – that land of unending sunshine and azur waters.
A few miles back from the shore is a less publicized side of the Riviera — a world of romantic hill towns and perched villages balanced on craggy peaks. Worn-down stone stairs and cobbled byways lead through modest hamlets crowding around ancient châteaux. Clusters of narrow-fronted houses, Roman ruins, modern museums and perfume centers cling to steep hillsides.
Within sight of the sea are towns such as Eze, Vence, Grasse and St. Paul; well known to sophisticated travelers. Here, one sees olive groves and pine woods stretching for miles down to the shore. Perfumed foothills are carpeted with flowers in the luminous light that inspired generations of painters from Renoir and Matisse to Picasso and the Fauves. Now a gentle, subtle resort-life blossoms here in soft air and sun above the Mediterranean.
For many others, today’s Riviera offers all the grandeur of old: casinos, splendid hotels and villas. Very special are Nice’s historic Hotel Negresco, Hotel Westminster, and Hotel Beau Rivage, where Henri Matisse lived and painted, as well as the Hotel Bel Air-Cap-Ferrat. The Relais et Châteaux hotel chain is well represented here, with the Château de la Chèvre d’Or in Eze, Le Métropole in Beaulieu, as well as the Château Saint-Martin in Vence. Gastronomic high-spots include 1-star Moulin de Mougins, the Negresco’s 2-star Chantecler, and the Noga Hilton’s “La Scala”, to name a few.
As long as anyone can remember, this French seaside Riviera was Europe’s classic resort. Graced by palms, sub-tropical flowers, the appropriately-named Azure Coast ranked for over a century as the preferred playground for the upper crust of society.
With the sheltering Alps as backdrop, calm blue Mediterranean at the door-step, France’s glamorous southern coast was a winter rendezvous for an affluent elite who came to casinos and gala-soirées.
Only in relatively recent times did the Riviera add the swinging summer scene – where the Bikini got its start and a whole new leisure lifestyle evolved. Mid-July to early September makes the high season, when film stars come for their fill of sun and sports.
t another distinctive pace and view is just minutes above Antibes, Cannes, Villefranche, Menton and Nice. Here there is a refreshing lifestyle close to the countryside among relaxed countrymen in touch with a very private, contemporary setting. It’s seclusion with a view, and just a quick turn in the road from the city-scene.
Hillside holidays along the Côte d’Azur mean a distinguished inn that may range from the opulence of the half-hidden Château St. Martin to Le Cagnard in Haut-de-Cagnes. The scene centers around family-run bistros, village life on the square, artisan craft studios, gallery openings, hiking, or simply lolling on a slope.
By looking to lesser-known aspects of the region, and coming here before the summer season, a visitor can discover a totally different French Riviera. Take handsome corniches and byways to art towns. Visit perfume factories and their fields of blossoms. Savor unexpected small museum-gems. Stay in hide-away country inns. Dine on spicy bouillabaisse fish stew, rotisserie lamb, and country style chicken.
It’s easy to get around the Riviera with its compact variety of sights, good trains, luxury bus services, and mini-car rentals. Even in Nice, just a few blocks from the Promenade des Anglais, is the colorful “old town” with its open-air market for picnic shoppers, and quarter restaurants with hearty Niçoise fare at reasonable prices.
Visitor plans can be expanded to include a number of half and full-day tours, or to make use of a relatively inexpensive car rental with unlimited mileage. Discover the hill towns – Vence, where steep, narrow streets lead to views of a landscape rampant with pine, cypress and olive trees. Vence’s best known feature: the magnificent chapel conceived and decorated by Henri Matisse. St. Paul is enclosed within perfectly preserved 16th-century ramparts, where threads of cobblestone passageways wind to fountains and ancient churches. The nearby Maeght Foundation displays one of Europe’s greatest collections of modern art. Other outstanding museums can be found in Menton, Nice, Haut-de-Cagnes, Antibes (mainly Picasso), Biot (Fernand Léger), Grasse, St. Tropez and Vallauris. Highest of the high, dramatically perched like an eagle’s nest on a rocky pinnacle, medieval Eze affords astonishing views of the Riviera and the sea. It is crowned with one of the world’s most remarkable cactus gardens. Winding byways lead to craft shops and art galleries. West of Nice, Cagnes is divided into a lower and upper town. At sea level is a venerable fishing port; at Haut-de-Cagnes, a cypress covered hill is dominated by a medieval castle, now a museum of contemporary art. The 17th and 18th-century stone homes look out on a landscape of orange groves and field carnations that stretch down to the sea. The great Renoir spent the last decade of his life here, considering this the closest one could come to heaven on earth. The painter’s home has been turned into a museum and sits in a setting of 300 year old olive trees.
Riviera Tourism Board web site:
Important News About Bank Rates
By GE Money Bank
Last Monday, February, 27, the European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet confirmed expectations of a Eurozone rate rise early in March, confirming that this was needed to contain inflation.
Following an increase in the European Central Bank’s benchmark interest rate in December 2005 to 2.25% from 2%, this information is confirming the current opinion that the ECB will increase its main interest rate by another 25 basis points, to 2.5 per cent, on 2nd March.
The ECB’s first decision to increase its main interest rate last December – its first move upwards in 5 years – was taken on the grounds that it will help secure expectations of low inflation while still permitting economic growth.
Data released last week showed flat growth in Germany in the last quarter of 2004 and extremely moderate growth in the euro zone confirming worries that European economic growth is still weak.
JC Trichet also highlighted the effects that oil prices could have on inflation in the euro zone, further confirming that the ECB would move to prevent any rise in crude prices from increasing prices of other goods.
Unfortunately and as a direct consequence, GE Money Bank has no other option but to increase the base rate on all the mortgage products we offer in order to reflect the Eurozone rate increase. This increase will be effective as of 3rd March. Please not that the new rate tables will be available by Monday next week.
Following are the new rates for GE Money Bank’s most popular mortgage products.
* Flexicredit
Enjoy the freedom to manage your monthly payments. Benefit from an original financing solution divided into two phases:
Phase 1: Interest-only payment
Phase 2: Pay back capital and interest
Minimum 20% deposit
5 years + 20 years – 3.95%*
10 years + 15 years – 3.95 %*
*Rate is fixed for the first 12 months
* Special Mortgage Account
The one Loan and Line account that combines the flexibility of a line of credit with the advantages of a low interest rate mortgage, and as you make principal payments, the equity you are building becomes available as a line of credit to use as you see fit.
>=50,000 Euros
minimum 20% deposit
5 years + 20 years – 4.45%*
10 years + 15 years – 4.45%*
*Loan offer regulated by Scrivener Law
>=50,000 Euros
minimum 20% deposit
5 years + 20 years – 5%*
10 years + 15 years – 5%*
*Loan offer NOT regulated by Scrivener Law
* Profil
Borrow the smart way and keep your freedom of choice.
Enjoy an outstanding level of freedom in your options — review your mortgage rate every 3 years and take advantage of any rate changes.
Minimum 20% deposit
15 years – 4.05%
20 years – 4.05%
25 years – 4.05%
* Evoluto and Accessis
Benefit from a competitive low rate for your property purchase.
Take advantage of low interest rates while securing your risk if interest rates rise.
Minimum 20% deposit
15 years, 20 years – 3.4%*
Minimum 20% deposit
20 years – 3.45%*
*Rate is fixed for the first 6 months
Editor’s Note: For assistance in obtaining a mortgage, visit, or contact Meadda Ang, Client Manager, [email protected] or for other financial solutions, contact Property Search Consultant, Yolanda Robins, [email protected]
Upcoming Conferences
Living and Investing in France Conference
March 17 – 19, 2006
Chez Jenny, Paris
For a limited time only… $1 = 1 Euro!
Right now, when you register for this 3-day power-packed conference, instead of investing the usual conference price at $1.20 per Euro, you can invest in the conference price at only $1.00 per Euro — a savings of 20%! But hurry…
Saturday, March 18, 2006 Dinner at Historical Chez Jenny, 8 p.m.
with Guest Speakers and presentation by David Downie and Alison Harris, authors of “Paris, Paris: Journey Into the City of Light.”
Take a Private Tour of the City Hall of Paris!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 10 a.m.
A special private tour of the Hôtel de Ville!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Take a Private Tour of Paris Apartments!
Sunday, February 12, 2006, 8 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Participate in a One-Hour Conference Call with FPI Consultants!
Save $50 on a Property Search and Visit Paris Apartments!
Living and Investing in France Conference
May 26 – 28, 2006
Sheraton, New Orleans
Saturday Night at the Second Oldest Restaurant in New Orleans!
May 27, 2006, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, May 29, 2006 at 1 p.m.
Tour New Orleans with Grayline Tours
Hurricane Katrina — “America’s Worst Catastrophe”
5th Paris Poetry Workshop
Paris, France
May 14 – 19, 2006
This is your opportunity to spend five days in Paris as a poet among poets. Over the past four years, the Paris Poetry Workshop has become a tradition in the English-speaking Paris poetry community, offering poets from the U.S., Canada and Europe the opportunity to come together for a week of intensive workshops, lectures and readings. Anyone who’s been to Paris already knows about the inspiration and stimulation of the senses the city affords; this is a chance to see and experience a side of Paris not readily accessible to the average tourist. Participants generate new work, hone their craft, share and support one another’s creative endeavors, make new friends and expand their literary horizons. This is your chance to become part of this exciting and vibrant community. For more information visit:
NEW DATES: May 15 – 19, 2006
Chateau de Saint-Loup
The Art of Trompe l’Oeil Workshop originally scheduled for December 29 – January 2, has now been postponed until May 15 – 19, 2006, and will be held at the fabulous Chateau de Saint-Loup. Join a unique community of artists, engaging in hands-on painting and conversation with internationally renowned trompe l’oeil muralist and educator, Yves Lanthier. An award-winning artist, Yves has created large oil paintings and elaborate trompe l’oeil that adorn the ceilings and walls of many East Coast mansions and Palm beach estates, including Celine Dion’s estate in Jupiter, Florida.
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le the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the a
gencies and owners, recommend the notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
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Moving to Paris? Our experienced relocation expert will make your move easy and hassle-free. We offer complete property and relocation services normally only provided by employer hired relocation firms…but at a price much more affordable for individuals.
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Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Mediterranean Jewels
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Menton, 3 rooms, approx. 80m²
In an totally renovated palace, 3 room apartment on the top floor, in perfect condition. Facing south, and very bright, it offers a splendid fully equipped kitchen, plus a one bedroom, bathroom, cave and parking is possible.
Asking Price: 370,000
Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Roquebrune Cap Martin, 3 rooms, approx. 58m²
This apartment has 3 rooms including 2 bedrooms, plus a lovely terrace, garage and cellar.
Asking Price: 375,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Nice, 3 rooms, approx. 78m²
Located in a quiet environment with an open view to the sea, this apartment has 3 rooms including 2 bedrooms. It has a living room, a kitchen/dining room, a terrace and a garage. Wood floors, individual heating.
Asking Price: 477,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Monaco, 3 rooms, 96m²
This luxurious apartment is in a building with an elevator, and includes 2 bedrooms.
Asking Price: 2,590,000 Euros + 2.5 % Finder’s Fee
France, Mediterranean Coast, Sète
Studio 26m² to 33m² Euros 103,000 to Euros 138,000
One Bedroom 35m² to 47m² Euros 153,000 to Euros 203,000
This three centuries old town is placed like a pearl between the Mediterranean Sea and the Thau Pond. Situated at the foot of Mont Saint-Clair along the Mediterranean, this stunning complex is located in a charming residential district of Sète. Often referred to as the ‘Little Venice of Languedoc,” Sète has very typical quarters crossed by canals reflecting the colourful facades. This is a seaside resort as well as a city with businesses open all year round. Situated only 30km from Montpellier, close to shops and approximately 1500m from the town centre. Corniche beach is approximately 300m from the residence. Sète’s old harbour is approximately 1.5km from the residence.
Situated on two hectares (5 acres) of land located on the waterfront, the building offers an agreeable, airy and dynamic architecture. A vast panoramic terrace surrounds the swimming pool which has two basins, one especially for children. Two tennis courts are across the main entrance. All the apartments are south-facing and profit from an outstanding view overlooking the sea. All upper floor apartments have open or closed loggias and/or terraces. The ground floor apartments have a paved terrace. A foot path along the side of the building gives access to the two neighbouring beaches. An automatic gate gives access to the building and there is electric door access to underground parking. This is a secured residence with digicode and general access control. Nearby you will find casinos, cinemas, shops, restaurants and cafes. The Languedoc-Roussillon region tops the list with an annual regional price increase of approximately 28.4%!
Paris Auctions
Next sessions: March 7 and 14, 2006, 2 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
![]() 5-7 rue des Beaux Arts 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 218,400 Euros Deposit: 43,680 Euros |
4 rooms 88,50 m² 28 rue Jacob 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 587,000 Euros Deposit: 117,400 Euros |
![]() 28 rue Jacob 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 496,000 Euros Deposit: 99,200 Euros |
![]() 5 quai Malaquais 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 440,000 Euros Deposit: 88,000 Euros |
![]() 20 rue Mazarine 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 312,000 Euros Deposit: 62,400 Euros |
![]() 2 rue des Beaux Arts 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 816,000 Euros Deposit: 163,200 Euros |
![]() 29 rue de Seine 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 100,800 Euros Deposit: 20,160 Euros |
![]() 29 rue de Seine 75006 PARIS 6th Starting Bid: 136,000 Euros Deposit: 27,200 Euros |
![]() 12 rue des Nonnains d’Hyères 75004 PARIS 4th Starting Bid: 556,800 Euros Deposit: 111,360 Euros |
![]() 2 quai de Gesvres 75004 PARIS 4th Starting Bid: 126,400 Euros Deposit: 25 280,00 Euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 72,010 Euros Deposit: 17 550,00 Euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 54,390 Euros Deposit: 16,900 Euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 46,130 Euros Deposit: 14,300 Euros |
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
For more conversions, refer to:
Leeds Marais Guest Room or Entire Two-Bedroom Apartment Available in its entirety May 19 – 30, 2006
Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hotel Particulier, this 70 square meter two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and is perfect for a single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian Leeds is in or for up to 4 people when she’s traveling.
Pictures and more details available here: Marais Guest Room or Entire Apartment
==APARTMENT RENTAL== is offering 30% off apartment rentals during the month of February: 4-star suite 90 euros/night, luxury attic apartment 70 euros/night, romantic studio 65 euros/night with champagne included for special Valentine’s Day celebration! Visit or email Pascal at :[email protected] for this special offer.
Coming soon…Parler Paris Apartments rental representation at If you have a property ín Paris you’d like to keep booked and represented properly, please email Adrian Leeds at [email protected] for more information.
For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at or for long term apartments.
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Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds Group, LLC
To read more, click the links below.