Towers and Timing
Volume V, Issue 32

Today we talk of towers and timing.
When you think of towers, one cannot help but think of France’s most important tower — La Tour Eiffel — but that’s not the one we’re thinking of. Today, think about towers many centuries older once built as defenses, today serving as residences. Read all about it and have a look at some of the properties we’ve chosen to whet your appetites for towers.
Timing is everything in life…and in particular, with purchasing property in France. From the point you consider purchasing property till you sign on the dotted line of the Acte de Vente, the timing is crucial to avoid the pitfalls. Today we give you a step by step guide with which you may mark your calendar.
Money is on mark, too, today. Get ready for the FPI conference call next Sunday evening, the 26th, when Jody Cracknell joins me to speak personally with all of you about “How to Save Money Transferring Dollars to Euros.” Plus, be sure to read about Moneycorp’s Regular Payments Abroad program that makes currency transfer simple, easy and at a fraction of the cost.
Speaking of fractions, Fractional Ownership is a new way to own a piece of Paris — a way to have a lot more bang for your Euro buck when you share the ownership with 11 others. Le Jardin Saint-Paul, our latest offering, has only a few shares left, so don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about it.
Read all about it in today’s issue then get ready for next week’s missive when I bring you life from Marseille, Nice and the luscious, warm and bustling Côte d’Azur.
A Bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Now’s the time to sign up for the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference October 13th, plan on attending the “I’m Not a Tourist Fair” on the 14th and don’t forget to watch House Hunters on October 1st and 2nd when they feature “Settling Down in Paris” with Angela and Ben Harris.
Volume V, Issue 32, August 16, 2007
In this issue:
* FREE Conference Call for FPI Subscribers!
* Timing is Everything with French Property Purchase
* Towering Over France
* Keeping an Eye on Watchtowers
* Second Most Famous Tower in Paris
* Rouen Cathedral Almost Ruined
* Save Money on Overseas Currency Transfers
* A Tour of Le Jardin Saint-Paul
* Less Rate Risk for French Property Market
* Different Property Dreams for French and British
* Tax Planning for Property Purchasers
* House Hunters International Encore in October
* Living and Investing in France Conference, October 13, 2007, Paris, France
* Expatica Welcome to France Fair, October 14, 2007
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: September 11, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Tempting Towers
* Leasebacks: Domaine du Bearn, France, Atlantic Coast, Salies du Bearn
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments — NEW! Le Balcon Planté
Free Conference Call for all FPI Subscribers!
Meet Jody Cracknell from Moneycorp Currency Specialists along with Adrian Leeds, Editor of French Property Insider, when they teach you “How to Save Money Transferring Dollars to Euros” during this one-hour special event, exclusively for FPI Subscribers.
Date: August 26th, 2007
Time: 8 p.m. Paris Time, 11 a.m. PST
Please RSVP to this special event and we will send you the call details. Sign up now by emailing: [email protected]
Timing is Everything
By Adrian Leeds
The toughest part of purchasing property in France is the timing.
First, there is the timing to arrange your property visits so that either 1) there are lots of properties on the market to choose from OR 2) there are fewer properties, but those that are on the market are priced well to sell quickly (such as August when there are fewer properties, fewer owners and fewer agents!).
The best months to be visiting properties are ALL months, EXCEPT December when the Christmas holidays prevent visits, May when there are five national holidays creating long weekends and absence of agents and sellers and August, of course, for the reason noted above. If you’re buying in the countryside, and not sure about which region, then you might want to consider visiting properties in Winter or Summer when the weather is the most extremely bad or good just to get a reality check on how well you might like or dislike it!
Once you’ve decided when to do the visits, allow enough time to visit a sufficient number of properties, have one consultation with the Notaire and meet with at least two lenders. For Paris apartment purchases, we find that one solid week is tight, but doable, without the weekend, as most agents will not show on Saturday, Sunday or evenings and the bank and Notaire offices are clearly closed as well.
We recommend that the mortgage process is begun early on, even long before any visits are begun, as the ability to borrow and the amount of the loan will be very important to the ability to buy and negotiate successfully.
If during the week of visits you find the property of your dreams, the negotiation process ensues, often taking less than 48 hours. It can be verbal or in writing (email suffices) and relatively uncomplicated. With the market in its current position of so few good properties, selling very quickly, properties mostly sell at asking price (the seller is morally obligated to accept asking price, so there is little chance of ‘bidding wars.’).
Once the offer is accepted, the seller’s and buyer’s Notaires must contact one another to arrange and gather all the documents to prepare the signing of the “Promesse de Vente” (purchase agreement). This normally takes a couple of weeks, but can take as little as a few days or as much as a month, depending on what is required of the dossier. During this period, as the buyer, you will have time to transfer the obligatore 10% deposit (sometimes 5%) to the Notaire’s escrow account.
This is all that is basically required of you at this time, however, information regarding an imminent loan is imperative if the Promesse de Vente includes a “clause suspensive” — a contingency clause stating that you are seeking financing of a specific kind (for example: maximum loaned X €, minimum term X years, minimum fixed interest rate of X % / X term without life insurance) and that if financing is not obtainable, then you are refunded your deposit and the property reverts back to the seller. (Note that most sellers will reject a Clause Suspensive unless you have proof of pre-approval in principle from a lender.)
The Promesse de Vente may also include a “clause de substitution” enabling you to change the purchase structure prior to closing. You need not know at this time whether the title will contain simple ownership, be in the name of an SCI [“Société Civile Immobilier”] or in both names as a couple with a community property marital regime.
A signing of the Promesse de Vente can take place without your presence if you have given proxy to someone to sign on your behalf. (Our office does this regularly on behalf of our clients.) From the point the Promesse de Vente is signed, the buyer has 7 days within which to retract the purchase for any reason. Once those 7 days are concluded, the work begins to prepare for the final closing, two to three months from that time.
Your work now begins to prepare the necessary documents for the lenders, secure homeowner’s insurance required at closing and determine the final ownership structure of the purchase. You will want to prepare for the transfer of any additional funds to the Notaire’s escrow account and open a French bank account.
Meanwhile the Notaire begins to prepare the documents for the final signing of the Acte de Vente and the lender prepares to issue a loan offer. The lender’s loan offer must be posted for proof and an acceptance cannot be issued by the buyer for 11 days (by law!), and once accepted, must be posted for proof…therefore, at least two weeks prior to closing must be allowed to accommodate this consumer protection law.
Once the loan offer is accepted, the lender issues the check to the Notaire, your transfer of funds has been received and all documents are in place, you may sign the final deed and the property is yours.
In retrospect, all this sounds simple enough, but buyer beware, the devil is in the details and there are many pitfalls along the way, so keep your eyes and ears open and don’t take your eye off the calendar for a moment!
Towering Over France
By Adrian Leeds
French Author Guy de Maupassant hated the Eiffel Tower so much that he ate at the restaurant in the Tower almost daily, so he wouldn’t have to see it. “Moreover, he and forty-six other Parisian literary and artistic notables attached their names to letter of protest, ornate as it was irate, against the tower’s construction to the then-Minister of Public Works.”(
No one questions that despite the protest of these 47 intellectuals, today the Eiffel Tower is not only the symbol of Paris
, bu
t of all of France and is one of the most well known landmarks in the world, if not the most beautiful.
Centuries before the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, kings, lords and aristocrats constructed their own towers for a myriad of purposes. A mural tower built into the curtain wall of a castle offered increased strength to the perimeter defenses. They are found in a variety of shapes, including square, rectangular, polygonal, round and D-shaped. Mural towers began life as square or rectangular structures and were used until the end of the 12th-century. As castle design progressed in the 13th and 14th-centuries, polygonal, round, and D-shaped towers were introduced.
The medieval fortress of Bourbon l’Archambault, the birthplace of the Bourbon dynasty, remains one of the most powerful and impressive buildings of feudal times in France counting originally fifteen strong towers which served mainly for defense purposes. In 1794 it was turned into the region’s most productive quarry until 1832 when the poet Achille Allier saved the remaining north towers and the adjoining hall from further destruction. Together with the clock tower “Qui Qu’en Grogne,” these parts remain the only witnesses of a stronghold that in its days of glory would successfully withstand all attempts of forced access and conquest.
Today, towers can make charming residences. In the village of Soumensac, in the Lot-et-Garonne near the Dordogne and the Gironde, a 17th-century tower on the grounds of a family château with great authenticity and charm and has been made into a delightful private guest house that is surrounded by beautiful, château gardens full of peonies and roses in May and June, followed by jasmine and fragrant heliotropes, olive and lemon trees, divided into different areas by small box hedges and pittosporums.
In Correze, Limousin, a 17th-century castle for sale boasts of 1200m² of living space with 17 main rooms including a kitchen of 46m² with a fireplace in a tower and a 49m² bedroom with fireplace in another tower.
Throughout France you’ll find thousands of château for rent or sale with towers both square and round fit for comfortable habitation. Imagine all that may have preceded your visit there…and allow your stay to spiritually project you to a time long past.
Take Me To The Tower
By Anna Tyzack for The Telegraph
An Englishman’s home is his castle in France. From the tower, he can watch for advancing guests through slit-arrow windows. The garden is enclosed by low stone walls and walnut trees, and inside the house there are medieval fireplaces and stone éviers (sinks). His castle would probably be a National Trust property if it were in this country. But in France, houses with watchtowers are two-a-penny, and the British owner can use stones from a crumbling wall in the garden to build a barbecue without incurring the wrath of a heritage organization…
To read the entire article, visit
Saint-Jacques Tower
From Wikipedia
Saint-Jacques Tower is one of the monuments of Paris. It is located in the 4th arrondissement. This 52m gothic tower is all that remains of the former church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie.
Boucherie is the French word for butchery. The rich decoration which can be glimpsed beneath the sheeting covering the tower reflects the wealth of its patrons, the wholesale butchers of the nearby Halles market. It was dedicated to Saint James the Great under François I’s reign, and welcomed pilgrims of way of St James. A statue of the saint was installed on the top of the tower during the 19th century. The church, with the exception of the tower, was demolished in 1797.
The architect Ballu restored the tower in the 19th century and its current setting, in a small, beautifully-kept city park, dates from second-empire improvements coinciding with the construction of the eastern section of the rue de Rivoli to the north and avenue Victoria to the south.
The tower was placed on its pedestal at this time. Huge quantities of earth were moved from this area in order to ensure the rue de Rivoli a smooth orderly path through the ancient quarter and the pedestal allowed the tower to retain its original elevation. The change in ground level can be best appreciated in rue St-Bon, just to the north east of the tower, where a staircase leads up to the original street level in rue des Lombards.
A statue of Blaise Pascal is located at the base of the tower, commemorating the scientist’s experiments on atmospheric pressure, performed here. Nowadays, a meteorological laboratory is also installed at the top of the tower.
The tower inspired Alexandre Dumas his play, La tour Saint-Jacques-la-boucherie, created in 1856.
As other donators of the church, Nicolas Flamel was buried under the church floor.
The tower has been surrounded by scaffolding and obscured by sheeting for some years as surveyors investigate the condition of the stone. Their recent findings show that happily the existing fabric is far more original than thought and that much ornamentation previously attributed to the imagination of the 19th century restorers is the genuine, late-medieval article. U
tely, the survey has also discovered serious cracking and no timetable has been given for an unveiling of the monument.
Rouen Cathedral
Rouen Cathedral contains a tomb of Richard the Lionheart which contains his heart. His bowels were buried within the church of the château of Châlus-Chabrol in the L. It was from the walls of the château of Châlus-Chabrol that the crossbow bolt was fired, which led to his death once the wound became septic. His corporal remains were buried next to his father at Fontevraud Abbey near Chinon and Saumur, France. Richard’s effigy is on top of the tomb, and his name is inscribed in Latin on the side.
Rouen Cathedral was the tallest building in the world (151m) from 1876 to 1880.
The cathedral was bombed in 1944, taking several direct hits that narrowly missed destroying key pillars.
In Art
The Rouen Cathedral was the subject for a series of paintings by the Impressionist painter Claude Monet who painted the same scene at different times of the day. Two paintings are at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and one is in National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade. Estimated value of one painting is $40 million.
Gustave Flaubert was inspired by the stained glass windows of St. Julian and of Salome, basing two of his Three Tales on them.
Joris-Karl Huysmans wrote La Cathédrale about the Cathedral, a novel based on an intensive examination of the building.
The Joan of Arc Tower
This big and simple round tower is of course much more than the only remains of the fortified castle built by Philip Augustus in 1207, after having conquered the city of Rouen and added Normandy to the Kingdom of France. It reminds us of Joan of Arc’s terrible martyrdom, her imprisonment and her torture.
The inhabitants of Rouen were clearly divided when what would become the 100 Year War was declared between the English and the French in the 14th century. For decades, Rouen had been a prosperous city thanks to its geographical location and its trade across the English Channel. When Joan of Arc arrived in Rouen towards Christmas of 1430, most of the population had never even heard of the young girl. A travesty of justice took place in utmost secrecy inside the castle. Joan’s fate was sealed in advance of the trial. Her sentence was to be burned at the stake, like any other witch would be. On May 30, 1431, it was a horrified crowd that assembled on the Place du Vieux-Marché in Rouen and bore witness to the ignominy of such an execution. France changed after that day. The English were finally booted out of the country, and for the first time in French history a true feeling of patriotic unity developed. The young girl sacrificed herself for the love of a country that she believed in, and her prayers were heard. It was a long time ago and the English are now very welcome.
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By Moneycorp
If your answer to the question above was ‘Yes,’ Moneycorp thought you may be interested in learning more about their Regular Payments Abroad (RPA) service.
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A Piece of France for a Fraction of the Cost
By Adrian Leeds
Originally published in Parler Paris
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
This is the view from all of the windows — this lush garden that looks more like a corner of a tropical rain forest than the center of Paris. It’s an oasis just two steps off newly pedestrianized rue des Rosiers in Le Marais and one block from Métro Saint-Paul, behind a stone-encased wooden door, down a stone-walled corridor and up seven small tiled steps.
Just before arriving at the Notaire’s office to sign on the dotted line yesterday afternoon on behalf of Paris Home Shares Fractional Ownership company, the real estate agent and I performed a “walk-through” to ensure that all was in order and that the buyer could feel comfortable taking possession of it in its present condition.
The two-bedroom apartment looked even better without the previous owner’s 1970’s Jetsons Retro furnishings, leaving only an enormous gilded mirror, window shades and of course, all the high quality kitchen appliances. The open “American-style” kitchen, dining and living area is expansive, with approximately four-meter-high ceilings, exposed 17th-century wood beams, stone walls and a large stone fireplace. Tall windows in all the rooms frame the picturesque garden around which the apartment wraps in the shape of an “L.” I wanted to move right in.
Instead, we headed to the signing where the seller’s Notaire, our Notaire, the real estate agent and I reviewed the “Acte de Vente” (deed) thoroughly, initialing or signing every page, every pertinent document so that title could be taken in the name of “SCI Jardin Saint-Paul” (SCI = “Societé Civile Immobilier” — a French property company) which in turn, will be equally shared by 12 different owners.
For years of discussing various investment schemes at the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conferences, “Fractional Ownership” has been an idea on many people’s lips. It is not a brand-new concept, but there are only a handful of developers testing the Paris market, and even that has only been recently.
Fractional Ownership is a hybrid of direct ownership and time sharing, combining the best elements of both. The primary differences are that while timeshares involve many thousands of shares in a large complex with “resort” amenities and costs built specifically for that purpose, Fractional Ownership is joint ownership by only a few individuals in a single property whose value can easily be determined on the open market and for which there are very few, if any, resort amenities which must be managed and maintained (and paid for!).
You may have seen the recent article in the New York Times about Fractional Ownership in Paris: “A Less-Expensive Way to Own in Paris” by Andréa R. Vaucher. Read it, but there are a few things you should know as you do:
1. This particular Fractional Ownership seller could get the owners into trouble as the units are rented for income because French law says that if the French company, the SCI, generates income, it will be treated as a business and therefore there will be tax of 3% of the value of the property assessed every year.
2. Compare the price per square meter with Le Jardin Saint-Paul. Their charge is 1745€ per square meter (for an apartment of only 47 square meters with a mansard roofline), compared to 1169€ per square meter for an apartment two-thirds larger at 77.4 square meters with very high ceilings
3. Owners only get two definitive weeks per year for their one-twelfth share, and must return a second time each year for any additional weeks they want to use. Paris Home Shares has a better plan and believes this arrangement is very awkward.
4. The apartment was offered on the market in June 2006 and according to the article, wasn’t yet sold out. Le Jardin Saint-Paul was offered on the market only two months ago and was two-thirds sold out even before yesterday’s signing of the final deed!
Before the owners can take possession, Steve Navaro and the team of Paris Home Shares will renovate and decorate to ultimate luxury in the regal style to which this ancient space deserves. When all is said and done, there will be 12 very happy owners enjoying their own pied-à-terre in Paris and its appreciating investment value, with absolutely no effort.
Remember, the first shares which were at the lower price are gone and a new price has just one into effect — 90,500€ per share, and worth every penny.
EDITOR’S NOTE: To take a video tour of this gorgeous property, visit We will be discussing Fractional Ownership at the upcoming Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference October 13th but by then it may be too late. If you’re interested in learning more about Le Jardin Saint-Paul and Paris Home Shares upcoming projects, visit or call or write Steve Navaro: +1-303-793-0900, email: [email protected]
French Property Market “Sheltered”
Experts assert that the French property market is by and large sheltered from the current U.S. sub-prime crisis due to a stringent legal framework that will not allow sub-prime risks to penetrate.
Serge Grzybowski, chief executive of property development group Icade, argues that France is protected from this vulnerability as a result of the way in which its mortage system is set up, with banks tending not to lend excessively to mortgage borrowers.
In the U.S. a combination of uncapped floating rate loans and relatively high lending in relation to disposable income leaves many borrowers susceptible to base rate fluctuations.
“Floating-rate loans are often capped in France and banks don’t lend more than 33 per cent of an individual’s disposable income,” explained Mr. Grzybowski to the French press, according to Forbes.
He continued to state that French property groups tend to have little exposure to “the more speculative property markets” or foreign property markets.
A spokesperson for Association Integration Kreizh Briezh maintains that UK property investors with an eye on the French market would stand to benefit from French language classes in order to make the process and transition easier.
Property in France: A Question of Taste
By Miranda Ingram for The Telegraph
Can anyone explain why the British dream is: rural, isolated, old, stone-built and lots of land. And the French dream is of getting rid of all the above – for a tidy sum to some anglais – and settling in a new-build with a bit of lawn and a couple of pots of geraniums?…
To read the entire article, visit:
French Property Owners Should Research Tax
Investors in French real estate are being advised to make sure they fully research any possible tax implications.
Property company Assetz are reporting that many people keen to buy real estate in France are not fully aware of the financial implications of property ownership and that new rules have recently been introduced.
Therefore, any planning to invest in French property needs to ensure that they carry out significant research into the issue.
Leonie Kerswill, a tax partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, explained:”While the UK rules have changed so that it is now possible to buy foreign property through a company, it is still important that any decision to buy property abroad and how to own it is well thought out.”
She added that anyone letting their property should complete an overseas tax return for local or national tax in their country where the investment is (including France) as this is vital, especially when different countries share tax information.
The recent appointment of President Sarkozy is expected to encourage even further overseas interest in French property, especially with possible further reforms of the country’s property tax system planned.
French Property Insider to be Aired on House Hunters International!!
New Dates and Times in October!
If you missed the show the first time around, now you have another chance to see Adrian Leeds live on House Hunters International!
Settling Down in Paris
Angela and Ben met in 2003 when they lived in Los Angeles working for the same clothing company. Now, the two are engaged to be married. When Ben started receiving frequent overseas work, the company believed he’d be more valuable in Paris, so they happily relocated. They immediately moved into a cozy rental in the 17th district near the Arc de Triomphe and started to explore the different neighborhoods of Paris. The pair is now ready to take the big leap and purchase an apartment to stay for good. Real estate agent Adrian Leeds is enlisted to help.
Adrian Leeds
Property Search Consultant, Adrian Leeds Group
Web site:
Episode HHINT-402,2756,HGTV_24956_50766,00.html
• October 1, 2007 11 PM ET/PT
• October 2, 2007 3 AM ET/PT
Editor’s Note: Be sure to read the entire story about Ben and Angela on FPI issues: and
Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference!
October 13, 2007 at Chez Jenny, Paris
If you’ve always dreamed of owning your own “pied-à-terre” in Paris or home in the Provinces of France, perhaps as a future retirement home or for now as investment property rented part of the year…this power-packed one-day conference is a MUST.
Hosted by Adrian Leeds, long time resident of Paris, Editor of the Parler Paris Nouvellettre® and French Property Insider weekly E-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for the International Law Partnership, London, this one day in Paris will point you in the right direction to make it really happen! Includes three course lunch and cocktail reception.
For more information and to register, visit:
Or email Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]
I AM NOT A TOURIST Welcome to France Fair
October 14th, 2007
Carrousel de Louvre, Paris
New to France or looking to make the most of expatriate life?
Get the information you need from companies and agencies specialized in expatriate services, from banks, investment firms and insurance companies to schools and tax agencies. You’ll find information on house hunting, finding a job, immigration and permits, staying long-term, and much more.
Meet the people who make expat life great, including the top clubs and associations, travel agents and sports teams.
Explore the expatriate life and your ambitions – higher education, career opportunities, your own business, travel and lifestyle possibilities. Every year, thousands of international managers and employees arrive in France. The I AM NOT A TOURIST Fair answers the 101 questions you have about living here, in a unique environment where you can meet the right people face to face.
News: Expatica is proud to announce that Sir Peter Westmacott, the newly arrived British Ambassador to France, will be on hand to give the opening ceremony at the Fair. We are thrilled to have Sir Westmacott participate in our event and thank the British Embassy for their continued support.
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC and John Howell & Co will be at Booth 92/93 — be sure to come by and visit us!
To order your FREE tickets, click here:
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the Notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
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Parler Paris Après Midi
Come for a drink and to meet and chat with other readers in Paris…
The next gathering is September 11, 2007, and every second Tuesday of the month.
Please note: There will be no meeting in August.
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Aquitaine, Dordogne, Thiviers, 17th Century Château
17th and 18th century château with breathtaking views, close to the pretty villages of Brantome and St. Jean de Cole. This is a very spacious, bright home with enormous potential. The château comprises a kitchen with French doors to the terrace, dining room, large living room with 2 fireplaces, a sitting room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, one with en-suite shower room, bathroom. All original wood floors, doors and windows. Electric central heating, but every room has a fireplace, all in working order. Plus, stone barn with tower and land of 20,000m². Possibility to install a swimming pool. Perfect for a hotel, chambre d’hôtes or family home.
Asking Price: 689,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Indre, Castle with Watchtower
This superb castle is located in a gorgeous setting, only 10 minutes from a large recreational lake with a wide range of water sports and outdoor activities. With a dining room, kitchen, scullery, living room, library, bedroom with private bathroom and more.
Asking Price: 735,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Lezignan Corbières, Château
Located in the Aude department, perched in a quaint village bordering the Canal du Midi, a 12th century castle boasting two towers and an 18th century wing. The castle offers approx 6450 sq.ft. of space with currently 4300 sq.ft. of habitable space. It includes four lounges, 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. The interior has been maintained in its authentic charm and includes some remarkable elements. Features include wood burning heating, caretaker, cellar and fireplace.
Asking Price: 960,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Atlantic Coast, Salies du Bearn
One Bedroom 36m² to 38m² €120,000 to €120,000
Two Bedrooms 48m² to 48m² €149,000 to €149,000
Three Bedrooms 71m² to 71m² €190,000 to €215,000
Guaranteed Buy to Let – Leaseback
With the stunning backdrop of the Pyrénées Mountains and the rolling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, discover the beauty of Salies du Bearn, nestled between Pau and Biarritz. Salies de Bearn is a thermal spa town nestled in a wooded valley. A town full of character where stone cottages are dispersed amongst flowery lanes and tree lined roads, and where golf and spa treatments are key to the relaxed nature of its inhabitants. Located within the Aquitaine region where one finds historic towns full of art, of character with traditional houses, museums, castles, churches and abbeys, concerts and traditional festivals, and also sporting events taking place from the Gironde to the Atlantic Pyrénées and from the Landes to the Lot and Garonne without forgetting the Dordogne.
This pleasant development is situated on the edge of one of Europe’s oldest golf courses. The residence will comprise fully furnished apartments and villas located 30m from the entrance to the golf course, in a private gated community, surrounded by stunning scenery and well manicured grounds. Owners and tenants alike will benefit from hotel services and top of the line facilities including a large indoor swimming pool and sauna as well as children’s games area and private parking. In order to enjoy the sun all the year round, the swimming pool is covered by a glass roof.
Owners have the choice of a 4% guaranteed rental income with 1 week holiday use to be taken anytime of the year or a reduced rental return of 3% with 3 weeks of holiday use! In addition, owners will receive a 20% discount for all additions holiday weeks within the residence concerned and a 15% discount within any other residence serviced by the same management company. Investors will receive a 19.6% VAT refund after building completion and financing is available.
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
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NEW! Le Balcon Planté
Sunny and bright one-bedroom apartment with planted balcony, and views of the Promenade Plantée and clock of the Gare de Lyon. Near Place de la Bastille and the Paris Opera, the Viaduc des Arts and the Promenade Planté, 12th. Sleeps up to 4.
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Adrian Leeds Group, LLC,
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