Trifling with Truffles and Technology
Volume V, Issue 1

Happy New Year!
We ended the year with a long and power-packed day at the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Seminar, cocktails, canapés and optimism that dreams to live in France could come true. Read the report and watch for our next seminar in the near future.
Now we start off the new year with what may be the next best delicacy to champagne and foie gras…truffles. Be sure to read Dick Pyle’s story of the Truffière in Le Gers, department 32, and how you can have a truffle tree of your own.
Lender UCB has interest rate and new product news…a variable rate Interest Only mortgage offering a fixed term and variable monthly payments. You will want to know more about it — it’s a great way to jump-start a new rental property by keeping your mortgage payments low.
Meanwhile, do not miss the excerpt from Parler Paris about Paris: A Technological Heaven or Hell? If you are setting up an apartment in Paris, buyer of technology beware…it’s a twin edged blade! This is one you will want to print and hold for future reference.
Hot properties on the roster come from the region famous for truffles and the Leaseback property is in the Alps…from one end of the country to the other.
Don’t forget that we’ll be visiting the Vive La France French Property Show in London later this month and if you’d like to join us, book your tickets now!
So, stoke the fire, pour yourself a glass of wine from the Midi-Pyrénées and enjoy today’s first issue of the year.
A Bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. If you’re in Paris next week, stop by Parler Paris Après Midi on Tuesday afternoon. Visit for more information.
Volume V, Issue 1, January 4, 2007
In this issue:
* Living and Investing in France Real Estate Seminar Report
* Interest Rate Update from UCB
* UCB’s Interest Only Mortgage Product
* Truffle Tree Story
* Technological Connections in Paris
* Vive la France Property Show, London, January 17-21, 2007
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: January 9, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Magnificent Midi-Pyrénées Maisons
* Leasebacks: Roc Belle Face, France, French Alps, Les Arcs 1600
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments, “Le Provençal” Studio
Reporting on the 17th Living and Investing in France
Real Estate Seminar
December 29, 2006
By Adrian Leeds
Friday, December 29th, was an 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. marathon of information about living and investing in France presented by six professionals who had come from London, Leeds, Florida and Paris to an eager group of British, Canadians and Americans. It was the 17th seminar of its kind that we have offered to those interested in both enjoying their time in France while profiting from their investment.
Chez Jenny makes a perfect venue as they keep us plied with coffee and croissants, then wine us and dine us generously all throughout the day and into the closing cocktail reception.
It all began with what I call “First Things First.” Attendees are asked to jot down on paper in 25 words or less, WITHOUT SAYING “BECAUSE I LOVE FRANCE,” who they are, where they’re from, and why the came to this event. We want the truth! We get all sorts of fascinating responses, but for the most part, everyone wants to learn if it’s really possible to turn their dreams into reality. “Mais oui!”
John Howell started off the more serious aspects of the day with the answer to the question: “Why Invest in Property in France?” As an expert in property in both Western and Eastern Europe, John paints a clear picture of the solidity of investment in France and how perhaps, better investments can be made in other
places or other ways, but not nece
ssarily as enjoyably.
Before breaking for lunch, I spoke on how one goes about “Finding Your Dream Apartment in Paris or Home in the Countryside” — whether you strike out on your own or hire professional assistance. With more than 4000 real estate agencies in Paris alone, it can be a daunting task. Eugenie Autissier, with Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier (BPI), followed with how to get a mortgage in France — easier than one might think!
Just after a three course lunch with apéritif, wine and coffee in the main restaurant of Chez Jenny at one long table, Mark Rickard from Moneycorp London discussed “How to Reduce the Risk of Currency Exchange.” This one tidbit of information would save property purchasers who have to transfer dollars or other foreign currencies to euros many times the amount it cost them to attend the seminar.
Graham Platt, a partner with John Howell in the International Law Partnership, lead the session on “Buying and Owning Property in France, The Leaseback Program and Other Investment Property Programs.” He was particularly amusing and candid and added a very British point of view to the process, since most British buy in the countryside, while most Americans buy in Paris. Our attendee list had a fair balance of British — more than in most past conferences.
An important aspect for investors was learning how to “Rent Your French Property for Profit” that I presented, explaining how to purchase and set up a successful rental property and showing off a number of luxury apartments that rent well and return favorable profits.
French taxes can be frightening, so that’s why John Howell spent a considerable amount of time reviewing “How to Minimize Your Tax Liability and Maximize Your Investment Potential.” With the proper planning, any property owner can save tremendous amounts, just by structuring the purchase correctly. This is a session not to be missed.
And before doing a final Q and A panel, Tarek Richey, a financial advisor with Raymond James Financial, closed with how to “Never Outliving Your Income.”
Before parting pouring up cocktails and munching on canapés, the attendees handed over their evaluations and comments. Some on the seminar evaluations included:
“This was very well put together, organized.”
“Well worth the fees.”
“Awesome! Thank you so much!”
And at the end of a long day, power-packed with valuable information that would help make their dreams to live and invest in France come true, we presenters felt a huge sense of accomplishment and gratification, if not fatigue! Until the next one…
To learn about the next Living and Investing in France Conference or Seminar, be sure to keep your eyes on
UCB (Union de Crédit pour le Batiment)
A BNP Paribas Company
Interest Rate Indexes (on 01/12/2006)
3 month Euribor: 3.60%
12 month Euribor: 3.87%
TEC 10: 3.73%
Source UCB
Exchange Rates (on 05/12/02006)
€1 = £0.6745
£1 = €1.4826
€1 = $1.3335
Source Boursorama
Rented Dwellings Reference Index
(on 13/10/2006)
2006 2nd Quarter Annual Variation: 2.78%
Source INSEE
Interest Only Mortgage Product Update
UCB, A BNP Paribas Company
A variable rate Interest Only mortgage offering a fixed term and variable monthly payments. Rates and monthly installments are adjusted yearly after the first year and calculated on the basis of the
EURIBOR 3 months index.
There are options to convert the mortgage to a classic fixed rate mortgage for the remaining term. (These options are subject to certain conditions.)
I Characteristics
• Purpose:
– Purchase of existing or new property, including new builds and/or renovation works, for main or second home or buy to let;
– Equity release (see separate sheet)
– Mortgage re-finance (including Euro Switch – see separate sheet)
• Minimum amount: 200,000 Euros
• Term: From 7 up to 20 years
• Loan to Value:
Max LTV Criteria
80% Residents of “A” list countries
Not available for residents of “B” and “C” countries.
List of countries available upon request.
“Resident” is to be construed in the economic and fiscal sense as where the borrowers receive their income and pay taxes.
• Capital repayments:
– Possible at any time* in minimum amounts of 10% of the initial amount of capital borrowed.
– No early redemption penalties throughout the loan, as long as the loan rate remains variable.
II Financial Conditions
• Arrangement fee: 1,500 Euros
• Life Assurance: Life assurance cover is compulsory up to the amount of the loan.
• Net Assets –
At the time of applicatio
n the existing net assets should be:
– Minimum 150% of the requested loan for amounts under 300,000 Euros
– Minimum 120% of the requested loan for amounts of 300,000 Euros and more
The assets must be directly owned by the borrower(s):
– Including real estate, bank deposits, share portfolios and the present value of life assurance
– Excluding professional assets (shares or buildings) even if privately owned.
– The assets must be held in countries of the list A.
• Interest rates:
Please refer to our latest interest rate conditions, updated on a monthly basis.
III Special Conditions
• Application/Declarations:
The applicant’s assets and liabilities should be clearly set out in the mortgage application form or on a signed annex if necessary for clarity. To support this, the borrowers will be asked to provide originals of all relevant documents: their most recent bank statements, land registry certificates, property valuations, mortgage statements, share portfolio statements etc. In the absence of these documents we can accept a recent letter/certificate from the applicant’s solicitor, accountant or IFA as appropriate confirming, to the best of their knowledge, the verity of their customers’ declaration.
The applicant(s) will also be required to sign and add to their application the following declaration to show they have been independently and professionally advised in their choice of Interest Only: “This application is for an Interest Only mortgage where the capital is repayable in one amount at maturity. I/we confirm that I/we have been advised in this choice by ………….. in their capacity of ………………….”.
Conditions applicable to mortgages for individuals subject to acceptance of the application by UCB and the insurance company.
For more information contact:
Alessandro Cavallari
Métier Crédit Immobilier Spécialisé International Buyers [email protected]
A Truffière in the Sun
By Dick Pyle
It all started with Fathers’ Day. After years of not-even-a-card, 2001 saw two wonderful presents – a trip in a glider and the rent of a vine for a year in a Sussex vineyard plus a bottle of wine made from ‘my own’ grapes. At the time a buyer had just been found for Hilaire Restaurant London’s Old Brompton Road – a business in which I had a one third share – and my long-held dream of retiring to a quiet corner of France began to seem a distinct possibility. I did some rough research on possible regions, then some armchair house-hunting and finally flew over in February 2002 armed with around a dozen properties-to-view spread over four immobiliers and four days, in one of the few areas of France I had never visited – Le Gers, département 32.
The houses I had chosen to see all seemed to have minor problems attached – a beautifully converted mill with a glass drawing room floor and magnificent views of a huge, tatty pet food factory, courtesy of the 1999 storms; a vast mansion with innumerable rooms in execrable repair which would have cost a couple of million to render even habitable. On my final day sitting despondently in the immobilier in Auch, I was idly scanning some property details pinned to a board when a house caught my eye. It looked in reasonable repair, seemed quite imposing and, most importantly, had an affordable price tag. I asked M Brunel if I could inspect it and we rushed out there at once. It sat on the side of a gentle slope about 150m up from the minor road that ran along the valley bottom, with a field of wheat dividing its garden from the road. For some reason the idea of copying the rather old hat ‘adopt a vine’ concept but this time with the million times sexier truffle instead, suddenly came to me. I asked tentatively whether the field could be for sale and the answer was, “probably, yes!” Just on cue the owner of the field drove past on a wonderful antique tractor and provided the definitive positive reply I was so hoping for.
Perhaps I should explain at this point what a truffle is – an explanation that was only finally widely accepted towards the end of the nineteenth century. It is a kind of mushroom that grows underground in the root systems of several species of young tree, the most important genera for commercial use being oaks and hazels. The truffle is not a parasite but grows in a strange symbiotic relationship, enabling the tree to assimilate phosphorus and other minerals in return for which it receives carbohydrates to further its own development. Nowadays dogs are used to hunt for truffles and a trained chien truffier is a very valuable beast. There are many species of truffle, most inedible, but two are very highly prized by gastronomes – the white Piedmont (Tuber magnatum) and the black Périgord (T melanosporum). Both will cost you at least £2,000 per kilo in London, Paris or New York and supply is never able to keep pace with demand.
I came back in April to sign the preliminary purchase contract for both house and field and after that, ignoring the usual horrors of British house-buying chains, all was pretty well settled; all that is except the $64,000 question – was the land going to be suitable for truffle growing? I returned in July and the very first thing I did was to send a soil sample off to a specialist laboratory for analysis. Three weeks later the result came back – near perfect for truffles, needing just some phosphorous, potassium and a large quantity of manure.
We started in October with the manure – not something that is normally easy to lay one’s hands on. But by an extraordinary stroke of luck, just fifteen metres from the boundary of the truffière, there sat a huge heap of pretty well rotted material from the bottom of
my new neighbour’
s 6,000 bird chicken sheds. Chicken manure is not absolutely ideal as it’s rather acidic but it was terribly convenient and 60 tons was duly spread over the 1.2 hectares that were to be planted with oaks. Next, in December, came the ploughing. Normally the objective in cultivating is to avoid a pan – a solid boundary between the relatively fine, airy topsoil and the subsoil. With truffles that is just what you do want. The tree roots must be encouraged to grow laterally rather than downwards so that the truffles appear not too far below the surface. In Provence a flat stone is sometimes placed just below the tree to achieve this objective.
While waiting for the soil to dry out after the winter rains I composed a very draft press release, explaining the Truffle Tree concept, and sent it off to a journalist friend for his comments. Three weeks later I had heard nothing from him and feared that he had found my idea uninteresting. Then the phone began to ring – his national newspaper had printed a small but very effective story. Meanwhile my neighbour, Serge, had been presented with three puppies by his border collie, Rumba. I would need a truffle hound eventually but it seemed far too soon, with not a single tree yet planted. I avoided visiting the youngsters for a week or two but finally I succumbed and there was Polka. She was a delight – clearly intelligent, stunningly beautiful and totally irresistible. Against all my saner inclinations she became mine.
Shortly after that the land was dry enough to work and things really started to move. The phosphorous and potassium were spread, followed by a ton or so of lime to counter the acidity from the chicken manure and return the pH to its original 8.0. Le Gers abounds with wildlife and two species are particularly dangerous to a newly-planted truffière – wild boar and deer. The former are, apparently, even able to detect the truffle spores around the roots of the trees and will come in and wreak havoc with their huge tusks, while the latter love to nibble the bark and new shoots of young trees. So some sort of enclosure was a necessity; not, perhaps, high enough to deter a cervine Fosbury or so solid as to be totally impenetrable to a porcine linebacker – but sufficient to deter the odd amateur who would happily be diverted to easier pickings elsewhere. After soliciting construction advice from numerous people – no two of whom agreed – I settled for a simple wire mesh fence supported by long-lasting acacia posts. I had reckoned to slot in the posts myself over a weekend using a rented, hand-held, petrol-engined boring machine but it was impossible; every time I let in the clutch the bit stuck in the clay and I was spun to the ground. In the end it took a mini-excavator and much trial and error before we discovered a viable technique – dig a hole around half the depth of post to be buried, refill the hole and compact it with the bucket and then push the post into the ground, again using the bucket. With the truffière secure and harrowed once again we could now turn to planting.
Planting densities in truffières vary quite a bit. I went for an average sort of figure – 500 trees per hectare – with trees 4m apart in rows 5m apart. This would give room for mechanized harrowing even when the roots were fully developed. My original intention was to plant a mix of hazels, evergreen oaks and deciduous oaks but after a visit to a plantation in the next village I was put off the former on the grounds of their labour-intensive pruning requirements and very acid leaves. So the Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) and the Downy Oak (Q pubescens) became my chosen species. Truffles have a status in French agriculture way higher than their economic importance justifies and much government-funded research has gone into the preparation of truffle-producing trees. Around thirty years ago it was discovered that seedling trees produced truffles much more rapidly and reliably if truffle spores were in contact with their roots. Hardly surprising, one would have thought – and I’m sure the ‘secret’ was known to plenty of individuals; they just weren’t in the business of giving away valuable commercial data! The truffle business is terribly secretive; no wild truffle hunter divulges the location of productive trees unless on his deathbed and all sales in the market are cash – no checks, no invoices and, almost certainly, no tax – and often take place right outside the mairie or gendarmerie. I chose to buy my trees from a fourth generation family truffle business in La Drôme, about an hour’s drive North of Avignon, and placed an initial order for 100.
The twenty square metre plots were marked out using six kilometres or so of tough binder twine and on 3rd April 2003 my daughter, Hannah, and I planted the first trees. Following the newspaper article, adoptions were taking off rapidly and towards the middle of April I decided to plant another 100. My order was lost twice and when the trees were finally shipped they took ten days in transit and arrived on 22nd May, bone dry and looking as if the cartons had been kicked most of the way. It was really too late to plant but I decided to risk it, pray for some rain and a cool spell of weather and rely on the newly installed watering system to give them a bit of cosseting. So now you know what caused the 2003 heat wave which gave us temperatures in the low forties day after day, relentless sun and not a drop of rain for months.
With the initial planting completed the next task was to build a web site,, so that potential owners could learn a little about truffles, see pictures of the truffière under construction and adopt trees on-line, either for themselves or as gifts. But the nicest aspect of the entire business has proved to be welcoming visitors who come to see and encourage their tree – from Australia, from California or from just across the Channel. Some have come for just a couple of hours, some for a week, but all seem to enjoy being photographed with their oak, toasting it with a glass of Gascony wine and experiencing the beautiful, tranquil Gers countryside.
So that’s the story of how Truffle Tree was born. Since 2003 the owner base has continued to expand and we now have more than three hundred tree owners in twenty five countries. More trees have been planted including some SuperTrees cloned from a single highly productive Downy Oak. A litter of potential truffle hounds has been produced with attenda
nt comedies and tragedies. Weeding and watering, watering and weeding seem to go on endlessly. But life here is superb. The best thing I have done in my life is to have moved to France and the second best is to have started Truffle Tree.
Editor’s Note: You can now buy Truffle Trees in the Gilded Fork Boutique!
Paris…A Technological Heaven or Hell?
Excerpt from Parler Paris
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
By Adrian Leeds
Paris can be a technological heaven or hell. In the last few weeks, the pleasures of high speed Internet, hundreds of television channels and free unlimited telephone worldwide have been peppered with the pain of a bureaucratic and complex system. Three new Parisian homeowners have needed our assistance in getting their communications systems operational, and that’s when the fall into the abyss of purgatory began.
I’m not alone in this “Catch 22.” Anyone in Paris who is cyber connected in any way is affected by this twin-edged razor sharp blade.
When Noos cable first came on the scene with high speed Internet in 1998, I signed up without reservation. Now Paris and France benefit from a whole host of companies which offer high speed Internet access with WiFi, cable or satellite television and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol — a.k.a. IP Telephony, Internet telephony, Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband, the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network):
* 200 TV channels, 30 Megabits of Broadband, unlimited calls within France. 49.90€/month
* 40 TV channels, 20 Megabits of Broadband, unlimited calls within France plus 23 European, North African and territorial destinations. 29.95€/month
* a “bouquet” of TV channels, 18 Megabits of Broadband, unlimited calls within France (up to 2 hours per call), 100 SMS messages on your Orange phone. 29.90€/month
* 200 TV channels, 28 Megabits of Broadband, unlimited calls to 28 different destinations including the U.S., Canada and Australia. 29.99€/month
* New to the mix! 40 TV channels, 20 Megabits of Broadband, unlimited calls within France, Europe, the U.S. and Canada. 32.90€/month
This all sounds great…and it is, really. For very little money (less than 30 euros), we can be connected with our friends and families at what used to cost hundreds of euros per month. And it’s easy to sign up. Go to any of these sites and with the click of your mouse, you’ll be able to sign away your cyberspacial life, as long as you can provide a “RIB” (relevé identité bancaire — banking details), a home address and an email address.
BUT WARNING! Nothing and I’m mean nothing, is simple.
Remember, Noos is cable, not adsl (via the telephone lines), so your building must be cable-ready and the service can be spotty. As more users clog the lines, the service can become slower and less efficient. Cable lines break down. You may be calling Noos fairly often. But, they’ve been around a long time and there are boutiques where you can actually talk to a real live person! I still keep the service after all these years, just as back-up to the others.
Alice is Telecom Italia. Don’t be fooled by their French Web site and their beautiful young mascot. When you call for service, a recording tells you their lines are busy, call back later and then actually hangs you up. I swear this is true. I lived in this technological hell for one year until I could “resilié” (cancel) the service. The only way to do that is by registered mail and even that didn’t work very well.
Orange is a product of France Telecom. They are more expensive than the others, but their service is top of the list. They also have boutiques where you can sign up with a real live representative. Only big problem is that phone outside of France is going to cost you…and that’s one big reason we want the VoIP phone, anyway, right?
Free was the leader of the pack in adsl. At the moment, they offer the overall best deal for the price. Service is a cross between Orange and Alice — hot and cold. I have Freebox installed at my home/office, my rental apartment, Le Provençal and have installed it for several clients. Installations has been ridden with problems, but not unlike the others.
I have no experience with Dartybox, although I am loyal to Darty electronics and appliances, thanks to their amazing service. I’d say they are worth a try. Plus, Darty is advertising installation of any of these services for 90€!
If you’re moving to France and want to “abonner” (subscribe) to any of these services, keep in mind that it takes at least three weeks before you will receive your equipment by post (the adsl systems)…and that’s only if you already have a France Telecom line in place. If you don’t, and your telephone line will be subcontracted with France Telecom by the VoIP provider you choose, then allow an extra three weeks for anything to happen.
Be careful to make your selection of “dégroupé” or “non-dégroupé.”
For example, if you choose Freebox dégroupé, then Freebox becomes your primary phone provider and you will no longer have an invoice or service from France Telecom. The “prises” (jacks) throughout your apartment will no longer provide any line of communication — only the one in which your Freebox is connected. The solution to that are multiple phone systems that operate from one jack. (I found a great site that explains this: and at Darty you can buy them easily enough.)
If you choose “non-dégroupé,” you will continue to also have France Telecom service, plus the VoIP phone at your disposal, but you’ll have to add a small adsl filter to each jack with your France Telecom line.
Promise not to laugh when I tell you how connected my household is after all this trial and error?:
1. Noos TV and Internet service since 1998.
2. VoIP phone with a U.S. phone number that is obtainable only from the U.S. and is on 110 current convertor.
3. Freebox Internet and VoIP phone service.
4. Two France Telecom phone lines, one business, one personal.
5. One cell phone for use in France (or anywhere).
6. One cell phone for use in the U.S.
There are two two-line phones that sit on my desk — one for VoIP and one for France Telecom lines. Two cordless phones on the auxiliary desk next to me and a phone in every other room of the apartment. WiFi from both Internet systems, with secured access, of course. (If one goes down, the other kicks in.)
Keeping track of all the phone numbers, answering machines and security codes could make your head spin. And now, while all the battling for cyberspace is going on among these companies and others, the little old city hall of the 3rd arrondissement has made WiFi free arrondissement-wide! Have a look at
Isn’t there a better way to keep life in Paris dreamy? Or are we doomed to these technological nightmares?
French Property Exhibition
Vive La France
January 19-21, 2007
French Property News are once again holding a French property exhibition at “Vive La France” – a celebration of all things French.
Ticket Prices: £8 in advance, £12 on the door
Tickets available from : 0870 013 0730 or visit
Over 175 exhibitors – Estate Agents, Builders, Developers, Architects plus financial and legal advice.
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the Notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
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The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation.
Parler Paris Après-Midi
9, 2007 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Magnificent Midi-Pyrénées Maisons
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Auch, House, 6 rooms, approx. 450m²
A beautiful house in the center of Auch from the 14th/18th centuries. The entrance opens on a lovely stone staircase from the 17th/18th century. Includes living room with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, office, 2 bathroom, 2 toilets.
Asking Price: 385,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Auch, House, 11 rooms, approx. 300m²
In the center of Auch, a lovely house full of character. Features fully equipped kitchen. On 2900m² of forested land.
Asking Price: 646,383 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Samatan, House, 10 rooms, approx. 400m²
Only 45 minutes from Toulouse. Splendid master house on a park with a garden and swimming pool.
Asking Price: 720,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, French Alps, Les Arcs 1600
Studio 25m² €139,000
Exclusive preview 4 star residence located in Les Arcs 1600 earning up to 3.8% guaranteed rental income and offering attractive holiday use options! The ski resort of Les Arcs is situated in the Tarentaise area of the Savoie department in the Northern Alps region. Its high speed funicular whisks skiers from the international rail terminus at Bourg St Maurice to the base of the slopes in Arc 1600 in just 7 minutes! The residence is ideally located directly at the terminus of this funicular. The lift served area extends from 1660 metres to the 3226 metres. Including La Plagne there is a total of 420 km of lift served runs; Les Arcs proper has over 200 km of runs. There are 20 km of cross country trails and the resort features a snow park.
155 total units from studio to 3 bedroom duplex earning up to 3.8% guaranteed rental income for a minimum of 9 years!! In addition investors will benefit from attractive holiday use options and flexible investment options. 4 star facilities including pool, sauna and Turkish bath. Investors will benefit from an immediate VAT discount and have peace of mind knowing that there is a strong management company behind the project.
Please take advantage of this exclusive preview and place options on preferred units while stock is healthy!
When you make a purchase as important as a piece of real estate in a foreign country, you want to know that you can trust the people you are dealing with. Adrian Leeds has deve
loped a network of professiona
ls that meet only the highest of standards. With the expertise and experience of Adrian and her team, you can depend on getting the best advice and support to feel completely confident that you are making an informed investment decision.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit for more information or contact [email protected]
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
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Welcome to your home in Paris. Home is how you will feel in a private apartment in Paris that has the “seal of approval” from Parler Paris Apartments and me, Adrian Leeds.
Parler Paris Apartments offers high quality accommodations to make your stay in the City of Light as enjoyable and memorable as possible. We at Parler Paris know each and every apartment owner or manager personally, and stand behind the quality of those we represent. We understand your needs and desires, all the small details that make a rental apartment a warm and welcoming home – and a much better alternative to an impersonal hotel!
Parler Paris Apartments is administered and serviced by the same great team as Parler Paris, French Property Insider and French Property Consultation. You can trust that Parler Paris Apartments and all those with whom it is associated will do their best for your 100% guaranteed satisfaction.
t;Le Provençal” Studio
Located in a very charming and quiet 18th-century building in the heart of Le Marais, this sunny studio is perfect for one or two seeking ultimate Parisian calm, flavored with the beautiful colors of Provence.
Still available April 6th – 15th (departure April 16th) and April 26th – May 6th (departure May 7th)!
Pictures and more details available here:
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Copyright 2010, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC,
To read more, click the links below.