Paris Photo Op

Paris Photo opened for the 7th time last night by invitation only to a record crowd of professionals and guests with 93 international galeries and 10 publishers from 15 different countries filling the three-compartmented space in the Carousel du Louvre. The show continues through Sunday, November 16th.
Mexico is being honored this year with 8 galeries representing the country — no wonder that Manuel Alvarez Bravo’s 1930s portrait of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (courtesy of the Agath Gaillard Galerie, Paris) is the signature piece on the cover of all their printed materials.
The show is paying hommage to the pioneers of photography — Gustave Le Gray, Charles Marville, Eadweard Muybridge, Eugène Atget…to the grand masters — Berenice Abott, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walkers Evans, William Klein, Brassai, Manuel Alvarez Bravo…to the legendary — Ed Ruscha, William Eggelston, Robert Mapplethorpe, Irving Penn, Horst P.Horst, Steven Klein…and to the newest talents — Jean-Marc Bustamante, Thomas Ruff, Johan Gimonprez, Susan Derges, Olafur Eliasson, Sarah Lucas, William Wegman and Ryuji Miyamoto.
Be prepared to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and the overall quality of the works on display. Vintage, classic and contemporary fine art photography marries well and offers something for every taste.
There is photography as art and there is art as photography. As a fine art photography collector myself, it has always intrigued me that an artist may use photography as the medium or a photographer may create art from the craft. This year I noticed an abundance of erotic art — bolder than ever, plus more use of color and computer techniques to create art using photography as the medium. About 20% or so of the works are vintage pieces…my favorites.
For more information, visit the official site at
To visit the show:
Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
Dates November 13 – 16, 2003
Thursday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Entry Fee 14 Euro, Students and Groups 7 Euro
To buy tickets, visit or call
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. Thanks to American artist/photographer, Theo Robinson, for escorting me to Paris Photo 2003. For portraits in photography or art by Theo and our other American artisits living in Paris, visit /parlerparis/art/index.html
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* Further resources:
* Can’t get enough to read about Paris and France?
* Max’s wine of the month is a bargain not to be missed.
* Though France might seem as familiar as any other Western country, the truth is, from paying taxes to having a baby — things are done differently in France. Read the stories how other people maneuvered the system.
To read more, click the links below.