“Yes, It’s True. In France Women Get Lucky.”

Okay, I can take a hint. Dozens of friends and readers forwarded Pamela Druckerman’s article that ran in the Washington Post on Sunday, February 11th — “French Women Don’t Get Fat and Do Get Lucky.” And then they wanted to know…”What do you think?,” “Is it true?”
With Valentine’s Day less than 24 hours away, it’s only right that love and sex should hit the top of the topic list. And there’s nothing wrong with that topic as long as it’s not all talk!
If you haven’t read the article, it’s a must. Just click here, have a read and then come back…
Welcome back.
The answer is, “yes, it’s true.” And here’s what I really think, but be prepared — it could be offensive to some of you. If it is, then think about why and don’t be angry at me for being your mirror reflection! Here goes:
When I left my husband of almost 20 years more than 10 years ago, I really believed it would be the last relationship I’d have, then in my mid ’40s. ‘Course, the sex had dwindled to almost nothing anyway, so what was the big loss? Ugly flannel pajamas had replaced the sexy nighties years earlier and cotton panties were so much more comfortable than “le string!”
Then, my wise young daughter took me shopping. She said, “Mom, don’t you want to get the guys? If it’s not sexy, don’t buy it!” Buying sexy clothing is easy in France. There are lingerie stores on every corner showing off lacy push-up bras, sexy garters with fishnet stockings and even multi-colored vibrators. The clothing is form fitting. The skirts are short. The necklines are low. And I’m talking about the shops that sell “career clothing” — clothing for bu
siness women, not hookers.
I took her advice and decided the French had the right attitude. They aren’t afraid of sex or their bodies. They treasure their ‘natural resources.’ So, showing off a little cleavage in the work place is “de rigueur” (standard). No one thinks much of it and certainly doesn’t think less of the woman as a business person, just because she’s sexy. Au contraire! In fact, as much as the feminists would hate to admit it, it works to their advantage to get what they want.
Women of all ages buy into being sexy. Just because a woman is 80 doesn’t mean she must stop wearing her fishnets and stiletto heels (as long as she can still maneuver the cobblestoned streets without breaking a hip!). Last November in New York, that same wise, but now much older, daughter, said, “Mom, where do you think you are? You can’t wear your short skirt and fishnets on the streets of New York! You’re too old for that.” I swear, she made me put on a longer skirt (but the only one I had has a slit up to the high thigh…Ha! I showed her!).
What happened? Has five years in the States converted her way of thinking? Try shopping for sexy clothing in the U.S. Okay, I can hear you saying, “There’s Victoria’s Secret.” Face it, it’s not bad, but it doesn’t come close to La Perla, Eres or Orcanta. And clothing for the over 25-year-olds immediately goes from form-fitting to boxy, oversized and…comfortable. I virtually stopped shopping Stateside, even though it was so much less expensive, for this very reason.
Age isn’t a factor for many. Younger men are attracted to older women…who have experience. Older men are attracted to older women…who have brains. These older women haven’t been face-lifted or Botoxed or tummy-tucked, either. All those cosmetic contortions just scream, “I don’t like myself,” “I think age is ugly,” “I can’t have romance because as an older woman I’m no longer attractive.” Guess again girls. That poor self image is what’s not attractive!…at least here in France (although I must admit, sadly, the trend to ‘youthification’ has been on the increase along with Starbucks and other bad American habits).
You understand, these are broad generalizations, observations and truisms, as it were. And I’m certain that many of you will disagree. Fine. Disagree all you want, but thank goodness, being an actively sexual woman in France is exactly that — active.
It’s certainly one good reason I’ve been here all these years and live happily to tell all sorts of tales at the ripe old age of fifty-five.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
P.S. Tomorrow morning American Airlines will be taking me to the sun and surf of Miami, Florida for the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference. Before the conference begins on Saturday, I’ll be rendez-vousing with a high-school sweetheart who I haven’t seen in 38 years (along with his wife)! On Monday, I’ll be sure to report on the outcome of both! If you’d like to join us at the conference or for dinner at The Provence Grill, register now! Visit /parlerparis/liveinfrance/LIF_Miami_AF_Feb_2008/index.html for more information.
P.P.S. The topic was just one of many of fascinating topics at yesterday’s Parler Paris Après Midi coffee gatherings. Click here to read all about it: /parlerparis/apresmidi.html and mark your calendar now for next month’s meeting on Tuesday, March 11th.
To read more, click the links below.