Après-Midi Recap
Alec Lobrano, Paris – September 2024

I was so privileged that journalist and author, Alexander Lobrano, agreed to speak at Après-Midi. I had heard about him many years ago when a literary agent chose his book to represent in place of my online restaurant guide…but knew he was the better man for the job! He deserved to get the book deal more than I did, for sure!
His talk at Après-Midi was an SRO record crowd with barely an inch to move. He spoke extemporaneously about his growing up and discovering food, and how he became a journalist, a critic, a chef and an author. He held us spellbound for almost 1.5 hours and we loved every minute of it!
Alec grew up in Connecticut and lived in Boston, New York and London before moving to Paris in 1986, his home today. He was European Correspondent for Gourmet magazine from 1999 until it closed in 2009, and has written about food and travel for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, Saveur, Travel & Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, and many other publications in the United States and the United Kingdom.
He is the author of Hungry for Paris: The Ultimate Guide to the City’s 110 Best Restaurants (Second Edition, Random House, 2014), and a Contributing Editor at Saveur magazine. His second book, Hungry for France, was published by Rizzoli in April 2014. His most recent book, My Place at the Table: A Recipe for a Delicious Life in Paris was published in 2021.
Alec has won several James Beard awards, and in 2011, he was awarded the IACP’s Bert Greene award for culinary writing for his article “Spirit of the Bistro” in Saveur magazine.
Watch the entire event on our YouTube Channel.
In attendance:
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Hi, Adrian – What a treat yesterday to hear Alec Lobrano talk about his life with food and journalism! I would have loved to have met him and say hello to you, but there was such a crush, I didn’t want to intrude. It’s too bad the cafe took back so much of that upstairs space! Nancy and I got there just in time to get a couple of the last seats! Congratulations on your upcoming role as bube – I know Erica must be excited! We are so grateful for your friendship and so thrilled for your success. We are here until September 26, so if you have a minute for a drink, let us know. Otherwise, have a wonderful Fall and a magic month in Maui.
Most cordially,
Linda H