A Toast to Beaujolais Nouveau and a Nouvelle Cuisine
Volume V, Issue 45

Today marks the 25th anniversary of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau in the U.S….the third Thursday in November when the first bottles are opened and shared. We honor Beaujolais Nouveau in today’s French Property Insider, so be sure to read the Georges Duboeuf story and peruse the Hot Beautiful Beaujolais Winery and Châteaux Properties!
We had a successful conference call last Sunday with Steven Navaro of Paris Home Shares discussing the Fractional Ownership Solution with about 20 of you subscribers tuning in and asking questions. Read the report and listen to the entire hour of presentation plus Q and A by downloading the mp3 file.
The Chambre de Notaires has just added a few new diagnostic requirements for property sellers, so be sure to make note of the new reforms.
FPI readers Ralph and Karen Moorhouse are in the final stages of completing the renovation to their two-bedroom Montmartre apartment, with amazement on how much space was achieved by reconfiguring the rooms and dealing strategically with a 40 degree angled kitchen corner. Don’t miss the before and after photos of the kitchen and the bath.
More is in store with articles from our friendly sources, so just scroll down and pick and choose what interests you most.
I’m heading to the Big Apple tomorrow morning to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter and I’ll be looking at apartments to purchase in the West Village that she can call home. There will be no FPI on Thanksgiving Day, so you’ll have to wait till the week after to get the report on what’s hot and what’s not in Manhattan as compared to Paris!
Have a wonderful Beaujolais Nouveau and Thanksgiving Holiday.
A Bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. We are very pleased to announce the next Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference February 16-17, 2008 at the new Alliance Française in Miami, Florida. Visit the site at https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/conference/LIF_Miami_AF_Feb_2008/index.html or for more information, email Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]
Volume V, Issue 45, November 15, 2007
In this issue:
* Fractional Ownership Solution Conference Call Report
* Tips on Checking the Condition of Paris Property
* Kitchen Renovation Success!
* A Toast to 25 Years of Beaujolais Nouveau in America
* Investing in Mini Growth Markets
* Forgetting Freedom Fries
* Own a Piece of Paris for a Fraction of the Cost
* Living and Investing in France Conference, February 16-17, 2008, Miami
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: December 11, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Beaujolais Beauties
* On the Auction Block: November 27 and December 4, 2007 at 2 p.m.
* Leasebacks: Residence Ker Goh Lenn, France, Brittany / Normandy, Plescop
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments — Le Penthouse Voltaire
Reporting on the Fractional Ownership Solution Conference Call
November 11, 2007
By Adrian Leeds
Steven Navaro of Paris Home Shares and his wife, Suzanne, have been in Paris the last two weeks overseeing the renovation of Le Jardin Saint-Paul, a Fractional Ownership property in the heart of Le Marais on rue Fernand Duval (4th). It was a perfect opportunity for Steve to host a conference call for FPI subscribers to address the concept of Fractional Ownership and answer questions from the listening audience.
Approximately 20 of you subscribers tuned in and as is the normal case, a few ask most of the questions, while the others listen patiently and absorb whatever information is prese
nted. We were very happy to hear from
both past attendees, long-time subscribers as well as newcomers.
Steven made a brief and concise introduction to Fractional Ownership with a slant on his own viewpoint and experience compared to others’ projects. Abut 15 minutes later, the floor was opened for questions.
The questions were exactly the list for which we’d expected and hoped (not in this order):
Does the price of the property include all closing costs and agency fees?
What is the difference between a “Time Share” and “Fractional Ownership?”
What is the legal structure of the purchase?
How is the property maintained and kept clean?
Who represents the property at the homeowners association meetings?
Can one get financing for such a property?
How would you later sell your share if you wanted to?
How is the rotation system of usage determined?
Where do you leave your personal belongings?
Is the property insured?
How is money collected to pay the general bills? And how are the bills paid?
Who does the necessary income tax filing?
All of these questions and more were answered in full. Even though you may not have been one of the callers, you may now listen to the entire one-hour conference call, simply by clicking here:
Special Notes:
This conference call is part of a series of conference calls made especially available for FPI subscribers. Please let us know what topics interest you most so that we may explore the possibility of offering them.
To listen to the call, you must have a program installed on your computer that will play back mp3 files, such as Microsoft’s Media Player 9 Series for Windows:
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/9series/default.aspx or iTunes 7.5 for Apple: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
The New Diagnostics
By Adrian Leeds
The seller of a property must provide certain diagnostic information prior to the signing of a “Promesse” or “Compromis de Vente” to establish the condition of the property. The diagnostics must be performed by a licensed technician and certified by an accredited organization.
Since November 1, 2007, there have been some additions made to the standard requirements for diagnostics of the content of lead, asbestos and termites:
1. The state of the interior installation of gas (Since November 1, 2007)
A report on a natural gas installation (“installations de gaz”) in the property. It applies to those properties where the gas installation has been installed for at least fifteen years. The period of validity of the report is three years.
2. A report on the energy performance, (“Diagnostic de Performance Energétique” — DPE), of the property is required to give the future owner some idea of the likely level of energy consumption and heating costs. The report will grade the level of energy efficiency using the European standard energy efficiency rating scale – A (economical) to G (high consumption) – in terms of the annual level of consumption of energy and greenhouse gas emissions. The period of validity of the report is ten years.
3. Natural or ‘Technological’ Risks within France (Since June 1, 2006)
A report on any natural or industrial/technological risks, called “risques naturels ou technologiques,” to which the property may be prone, together with a declaration by the seller on any previous insurance claim(s) on the property relating to a natural disaster. The report is required in those communes where there a risk prevention plan (“un plan de prévention des risques naturels”) in place, or in those areas classified as at risk of seismic movement. The report must stipulate, for instance, whether or not the property is located in a flood zone, an area prone to earthquakes, major storms, avalanches, subject to ground movement, near a dangerous factory, or in proximity to major lorry routes where dangerous materials are being transported.
The report cannot be dated more than six months prior to the signing of the sale contract, and must be updated if there has been a change in the designation of the area prior to completion. The seller must also state separately whether they have previously received compensation from their insurer on a claim resulting from a natural or ‘technological’ disaster on the property, e.g. claim for subsidence, flooding, or storm damage. Where the risk report is not provided a buyer has the right to seek recourse in the courts for cancellation of the sale contract, or a reduction in the sale price.
4. Electrical Wiring in France
A report on the condition of the electricity supply in the property, for those properties where the wiring is over 15 years old. This requirement is a recent change in the law, and is scheduled to become operations sometime in 2008.
5. Septic tanks in France
A report
on the condition of a septic tank, for those properties which do not have collective drainage.
The government keeps moving back the date when this survey requirement is scheduled to come into operation. The date now being suggested is January 2013. Nevertheless, all city halls are now required by the government to set in place an inspection of all septic tanks in their area, and to require owners to bring them up to specification if they do not comply with the required standards. Accordingly, unless you are buying the property in the clear knowledge that the installation does not comply, it would be prudent to ask for a certificate of conformity from the present owner, which they should be able to obtain from the city hall.
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Tricky Corner Cuisine
By Adrian Leeds
Ralph and Karen Moorhouse liked the ‘bones’ of their 55 square meter Montmartre apartment, but space was wasted in the poor configuration of the foyer, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and closet, so complete renovation was in order.
With a budget of about 1000 euros per square meter, Martine di Matteo and her construction crew redesigned these areas to reposition the kitchen in what was the foyer, closet and toilet, then combining to kitchen and bath to create one very spacious bath with toilet.
The biggest problem to overcome was an unusual 40 degree angle in the kitchen that kept all the designers scratching their heads, but as you can see from the photos, with brilliant resolve.
The 55 square meters now affords three spacious rooms — bedroom, living room/dining room and office/bedroom, open kitchen and spacious bathroom. It’s the most amazing use of space I’ve ever seen. It will enable up to six people to sleep when it’s rented on a short term basis, which maximizes the rental rates vs the cost per square meter to own and operate.
Bravo to all involved!
Editor’s Note: Martine di Matteo is the Adrian Leeds Group, LLC interior architect who is working on several clients’ projects. She is bilingual and bicultural, understanding exactly what kind of charm her non-French clients want in their Paris pieds-à-terres. For more information, email her at [email protected]
A Toast! Georges Duboeuf Celebrates 25 Years of Beaujolais Nouveau in America
From http://www.winewithoutrules.com
Anticipation. For some, it’s that eagerly awaited recording by a favorite group, for others the release of the next hot-and-overpriced techno-gadget. But in the world of wine, watches are synchronized for the third Thursday in November – the official arrival for the year’s first bottle of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau. This year, the wait is over on November 15th , a day that marks the 25th Anniversary of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau in America.
What was once just a simple autumn rite to celebrate the arrival of the primeur, the year’s first wine, has become an international phenomenon of staggering proportions. Since the arrival of the first bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau in the U.S. the trajectory of its popularity has been a steep and steady climb, an occurrence echoed in markets as far-flung as Germany and Japan. Duboeuf’s American importer Bill Deutsch, of W.J. Deutsch & Sons, Ltd., vividly recalls the first arrival in the U.S., “We put a couple of bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau on the Concorde with some of Paul Bocuse’s Boeuf Bourguignon. We ran from the airport with this Boeuf Bourguignon to Bloomingdale’s for a Beaujolais Nouveau luncheon, where we introduced the wine to America.”
The excitement and demand for Beaujolais Nouveau has grown ever since and this is largely attributable to Georges Duboeuf and his son Franck, who have long been promoters of the Beaujolais region and its wines. It is Duboeuf’s skills in selecting, blending and selling that have allowed Beaujolais Nouveau to go worldwide, but it is the honest appeal of this first wine of the harvest that has done the rest. Georges Duboeuf states, “The last 25 years have been an amazing journey. It has been tremendously rewarding to share my passion for this wine with America and to see how widely our tradition of celebrating Beaujolais Nouveau has been embraced.”
A breezy young wine made from the Gamay grape in the Beaujolais region of France, Beaujolais Nouveau makes the journey from grape to glass in the express lane: the transformation from vine to vino is accomplished in a matter of weeks. What It Is: Fruity, juicy and light, Beaujolais Nouveau is a simple, accessible, uncomplicated pleasure,
satile enough to pair with everything from Thanksgiving turkey to beef and seafood. What It Is Not: A serious, complex wine that invites deep and ponderous contemplation.
To fête the 25th Anniversary, Duboeuf has issued the decree, “Let Them Eat Cake!” and in response, top pastry chefs have, well, risen to the challenge. Riffing on the theme of “The Art of Wine,” pastry chefs in New York, Chicago and Miami will compete to create outrageous towering tortes with Beaujolais Nouveau as their muse. In addition, the winner of the 2007 Georges Duboeuf Wine Book of the Year Award, an annual tradition established in 1989 to recognize works that advance food and wine education, will also be announced. And finally, for this special anniversary, Duboeuf has created a commemorative poster featuring the labels from every Beaujolais Nouveau bottle issued in the past 25 years, each a colorful and unique design. Available online at http://www.WineWithoutRules.com, the public may snag a poster or a t-shirt sporting the label line up, simply by answering three simple questions.
Mini Growth Markets
From http://www.homesworldwide.co.uk
Buyers are advised to seek out ‘mini growth markets’ to capitalize on their property investments in France.
The French property market is experiencing sustained growth, with local and overseas demand increasing substantially every year.
Such is the need for homes, that up to 500,000 properties will need to be constructed each year for the next ten years just to satisfy domestic requirements. This figure does not include the demand that arises from overseas buyers, which is also substantial.
With the major shortage of new properties and ongoing construction programs that are underway to solve this problem, the next ten years will see France struggling to catch up with other European markets, making it a great time for property investors to capitalize on their assets.
Anthony Fernandes, Director of SPC Overseas (the overseas property experts) advises buyers to look for ‘mini growth markets’ when choosing where to invest. He describes these as “areas where demand from both locals and overseas investors is high.”
One clear example of a ‘mini growth market’ is Brittany, which attracts British holidaymakers in their thousands each year, as well as native French buyers.
San Antonio Express-News on the French President’s Recent Visit to the U.S….
Freedom fries, it can safely be said, are now consigned to the dustbin of congressional history.
Those tidbits of political gastronomy were the creation of former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio. As chairman of the Committee on House Administration in 2003, he ordered House cafeterias to rename french fries “freedom fries.”
It was a sign of the times. The French government was critical of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Criticism, it’s said, is sometimes the most truthful demonstration of friendship.
French President Jacques Chirac, however, didn’t seem to be offering his critique in a friendly spirit.
Mired in scandal, Chirac chose not to seek a third term. His successor, Nicolas Sarkozy, visited Capitol Hill last week and the changes were palpable.
Sarkozy delivered a paean to the long history of Franco-American solidarity. He displayed an appreciation for all things American, from the U.S. military that twice in the last century liberated French soil to American culture.
“On behalf of all Frenchmen, I want to reconquer the heart of America,” he told a joint session of Congress.
Leaders of both parties were bowled over. Sarkozy reiterated the depth of his nation’s friendship with the United States in a warm exchange of toasts with President Bush at a state dinner.
The relationship of nations is often reflected in the personalities of their leaders. Happily, Sarkozy has restored the relationship between the United States and France to its proper, amicable state.
The “Fractional Ownership” Solution…
An Update by Adrian Leeds
Those who have purchased shares in Le Jardin Saint-Paul on Rue Ferdinand Duval, 4th Arrondissement, Le Marais, will be happy to know the renovation is well underway! If you viewed the photos of the apartment prior to any work done on it, you may recall the arch leading from the living room to the bedrooms, stuccoed over and painted a bright mustard yellow.
The construction crew recreated a 17th-century classic keystone arch of beautiful stone using a “trompe l’oeil” technique! Be sure to see the video of and by Liam Gallegos in his excitement over the newly created arch! Just click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_Y-Gu
HswLc</a >
To visit the site describing the property, visit
https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation/sales/fractional/jardinstpaul.html and to take a video tour of this gorgeous property, visit http://www.parishomeshares.net/jspvideos.html
Chez La Tour
Boulevard de Latour-Maubourg, 7th Arrondissement, Eiffel Tower
Two-Bedroom, 88.1 m2
99,500€ / 12 Shares Available
Available for Use May 2008
If you would like to receive more information on this apartment, VISIT https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation/sales/fractional/chezlatour.html
Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference!
February 16-17, 2008
Alliance Française, Miami, Florida
Photo by Erica Simone
If you’ve always dreamed of owning your own “pied-à-terre” in Paris or home in the Provinces of France, perhaps as a future retirement home or for now as investment property rented part of the year…this power-packed two-day conference is a MUST.
Hosted by Adrian Leeds, long time resident of Paris, Editor of the Parler Paris Nouvellettre® and French Property Insider weekly E-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for the International Law Partnership, London, these two days in Miami will point you in the right direction to make it really happen! Includes three course lunch and cocktail reception.
For more information and to register, visit: https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/conference/LIF_Miami_AF_Feb_2008/index.html
Or email Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the Notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
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Parler Paris Après Midi
Come for a drink and to meet and chat with other readers in Paris…
The next gathering is December 11, 2007, and every second Tuesday of the month.
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Beaujolais Beauties
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation
*** Beaujolais des Crus Winery, approx. 420m²
Buildings feature the warmth of Beaujolais stone, and are flanked by 2 lateral towers. The main house is built on two levels, raised on cellars with outbuildings. Vast grounds, meadow. The vineyard has the possibility to acquire more vines in AOC Juliénas, with an independent farm.
Asking Price Range: Under 800,000€ + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Beaujolais des Crus Château, approx. 500m²
Near Lyon this very fine house has an Italian touch. Three lounges, study, hall, kitchen, a suite with 2 bedrooms, two private rooms and bathrooms, sheltered courtyard and swimming-pool, plus outbuildings, including a independent chambre d’hôtes. The vineyard has the possibility to acquire Regnie AOC and other appellations.
Asking Price Range: 800,000€ – 1.5 Million € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Beaujolais Pierres Dorées Château, approx. 900m²
35 minutes from Lyon, this exceptional 19th century château, at the heart of a vast 37 ha estate, is adorned with four towers and reflects in two fine pools surrounded by flowers. The building structure is in excellent condition. Inside, very fine reception rooms with magnificent wood panels, fireplaces and fine parquet floors. Two 450m² living floors and an attic. Renovation needed. A 16 ha park and 1.4 ha gardens surround the château.
Asking Price Range: 1.5 Million € – 2.5 Million € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
Paris Auctions
Next Sessions: November 27 and December 4, 2007 at 2 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the Web site at http://www.encheres-Paris.com/ Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
November 27, 2007 at 2 p.m.
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4 rooms 69,80m² 15 rue du Louvre 75001 PARIS 1st Opening Bid: 380,000€ Deposit: 76,000€ |
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4 rooms 61,80m² 62-74 boulevard Garibaldi 75015 PARIS 15th Opening Bid: 250,000€ Deposit: 50,000€ |
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4 rooms 92,45m² 9 rue de Miromesnil 75008 PARIS 8th Opening Bid: 500,000€ Deposit: 100,000€ |
December 4, 2007
at 2 p.m.
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2 rooms 40,40m² 39 rue Volta 75003 PARIS 3th Opening Bid: 190,000€ Deposit: 38,000€ |
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3/4 rooms 73,98m² 32 rue Pastourelle 75003 PARIS 3th Opening Bid: 488,000€ Deposit: 97,600€ |
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2 rooms 35,2m² + 8,6m² outside loi carrez 22 avenue d’Eylau 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 185,000€ Deposit: 37,000€ |
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2 rooms 29,30m² 28 rue de Ponthieu 75008 PARIS 8th Opening Bid: 120,000€ Deposit: 24,000€ |
France, Brittany / Normandy, Plescop
Studio 20m² to 20m² €60,000 to €60,000
One Bedroom 35m² to 35m² €106,000 to €106,000
Two Bedrooms 58m² to 58m² €176,000 to €176,000
Three Bedrooms 55m² to 55m² €188,000 to €188,000
Guaranteed Buy to Let – Leaseback
Excellent location in Brittany benefiting from beautiful jagged coastline with cliffs, panoramic views over sandy beaches, exceptional seaside resorts and lively commercial and unspoiled fishing harbors. In the South lies the Gulf of Morbihan, an amazing inland sea dotted with islands. This area is a real haven for seabirds and a sailing paradise.
The residence will be located in a wooded park and will comprise apartments and cottages with terraces and a heated swimming pool as well as a water therapy spa. Investors will have the option of using their property for 2 weeks per year for holiday and will be paid a guaranteed rental income of 4.6% per year. This means that investors will have access to their property in this outstanding tourist area for years to come.
This area has been rated #1 in France for economic growth. The area comprises 24 towns and boasts a population of 135,000 inhabitants. There are over 9000 companies installed in this area focusing on water sports and technology. Approximately 1 billion euros were generated in 2006-2007 by tourism in Morhiban. The area boasts a moderate student population of 6000 that is currently on the rise. The location is unbeatable, only 3 hours from Paris and 1 hour from Rennes and Nantes.
When you make a purchase as important as a piece of real estate in a foreign country, you want to know that you can trust the people you are dealing with. Adrian Leeds has developed a network of professionals that meet only the highest of standards. With the expertise and experience of Adrian and her team, you can depend on getting the best advice and support to feel completely confident that you are making an informed investment decision.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/loan for more information or contact [email protected]
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Le Penthouse Voltaire
American comfort with French flair! Overlooking Boulevards Richard Lenoir and Voltaire, in the 11th Arrondissement. This three-bedroom, two-bath luxury penthouse with wrap-around balconies and spectacular views, sleeps 6.
Reserve now! Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/parlerparis/apartments/rentals/voltaire.html
or email: [email protected]</ a>
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Copyright 2010, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC, http://www.adrianleeds.com
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