Good Company in Compiègne Compagne
Volume V, Issue 3

Not too far north of Paris are the medieval cities of Picardie where Jeanne d’Arc once roamed, not to mention many illustrious French writers. Within less than one hour, you can step into another world, centuries-old, feeling transformed in time…a life at another pace. If you already have your pied-à-terre in Paris and want a home away from home in the peaceful countryside close-enough to the city to frequent it, this could be your perfect escape. Read today about Senlis, Compiègne and Crotoy — cities in the region of Picardie we visited recently and discovered.
On a more practical note, we offer a humorous story about renovation — the expectations of Paris’ most important Do-It-Yourself store, the “BHV,” by a couple of Aussies who are loving every minute of their Marais studio apartments and battling the challenges of setting up a household in France.
Interest rates are predicted to decrease, thanks to the European Central Bank, according to Imoinvest, a specialist in Leaseback properties and we have a lot of new properties on the auction block where one can find some interesting bargains.
Today’s Leaseback property is on the Atlantic and our featured Hot Properties are in Picardie, of course!
Thanks to all the British property owners in France, the Eurostar business is booming. I’ll be on the high-speed train that travels under the Channel bright and early tomorrow morning headed to the annual Vive La France French Property Exhibition in London! So, stay tuned for next week’s report on the show…always an amazing event.
A Bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Don’t forget that taking a mortgage in France is not only easy, but a smart thing to do! Visit to learn more.
Volume V, Issue 3, January 18, 2007
In this issue:
* Interest in France Increases as Interest Rates Decrease
* BHV Has Everything for Home Renovation — Almost
* A Trip to Medieval Times
* Down by the Baie
* High Speed Rail Attracts Travellers to France
* Vive la France Property Show, London, January 17-21, 2007
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: February 13, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Picardy Picks
* On the Auction Block: February 6 and 13, 2007
* Leasebacks: Domaine du Château de Clavier, France, Atlantic Coast, Lagord
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments, “Le Provençal” Studio
France Back in the Spotlight as Interest Rate Reduction is Predicted
IMOINVEST, specialists in the French property market, predict that now is the ideal time to invest in property in France. They anticipate that the orientation of the Central European Bank concerning the Euribor (Euro Interbank of fixed rate) should decrease and have an effect on interest rates offered by the French banks, which are expected to decrease as well.
The Euribor is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Euro wholesale money market.
Julien Lu Regional Director of IMOINVEST says, “Euribor rates are used as a reference rate for Euro-denominated forward rate agreements, short term interest rate futures contracts and interest rate swaps, in very much the same way as LIBOR rates are used for the US Dollar denominated instruments. They thus provide the basis for some of the world’s most liquid and active interest rate markets. We anticipate that this interest rate decrease will have a positive effect on the French property market and investors can expect to see strong capital appreciation as a result.”
IMOINVEST are currently marketing Domaine du Golf in the charming town of Fabregues ideally located close to Montpellier in southern France. This charming Languedoc town is just a 20 minute drive from the ancient city of Rodez, with a backdrop to the Aubrac Mountains and in an area dotted with ancient stone villages.
Residence Domaine du Golf will comprise of 110 one, two and three bedroom semi detached properties and cottages surrounded by well maintained landscaped gardens with two swimming pools and adjoining a private 9 hole golf course. Each property will be fully air conditioned and come with fully fitted kitchens as standard along with private car parking facilities. In addition the properties will boast sunny wooden terraces with Jacuzzis overlooking the mature grounds. The development will also offer state of the art security with surveillance cameras throughout the grounds.
Prices at Domaine du Golf a leaseback opportunity start from just £53,666 for a one bedroom and
owners will benefit from up to two we
eks of personal holiday each year with a guaranteed rental income of 4.8%. The Languedoc region is showing excellent capital growth where prices are rising quicker than the national average, at around 20% per year.
Editor’s Note: To learn more about Leaseback properties, visit
Everything But the Kitchen Sink
By Adrian Leeds
An Excerpt from Parler Paris
January 17, 2007
Judy and Gary are Aussies who a few years ago lucked into buying a studio apartment they once rented at the corner of rue Simon Le Franc and rue du Temple in the 4th arrondissement. The entrance to the building on rue Simon Le Franc appears to be the narrowest building in all of Paris, as the building is no wider than the door itself. Deceivingly, that’s just a narrow path leading you to the main building at the corner with windows on both streets.
Their 17th-century studio is airy with high ceilings, exposed beams, one large window, an American style open kitchen and is decorated with industrial antiques they painstakingly sought out and treasure. It stays rented well while they’re on the other side of the world in their Melbourne home.
Being the “smart cookies” they are, they managed to recently purchase the studio apartment next door which has an entrance on the same “palier” (landing) as theirs. With luck, the “copropriété” (homeowners association) will allow them to purchase the landing and enclose the two apartments behind one entrance. Meanwhile, the new studio is undergoing massive renovation.
It’s a strange configuration…entering a hall that houses an L-shaped bathroom, one main room with a large window leading onto a small terrace (perfect for “barbies”) and a long galley kitchen with a window, that is of course, over the narrow entry path that deceives us all into thinking the building is the narrowest in all of Paris.
They started the renovation almost the very day they signed the “Acte de Vente” (sales deed). Fortunately, their apartments are a stone’s throw from the famous Bazar de l’Hôtel de Ville (BHV) department store on rue de Rivoli opposite the Hôtel de Ville about which we joke regularly…”If the BHV doesn’t have it, it doesn’t exist.”
Yesterday, Gary was laughing so hard, he could barely tell me what had tickled their funny bones so badly, so I asked him to put it in words we could all enjoy. Here it is…the story titled: “Everything But the Kitchen Sink”…
Judy and I went to the trusted BHV department store to check out a kitchen sink for the new apartment renovation. We wandered around in the basement and got lost in the aisles in the usual manner. After circling around a few times, we knew we needed help.
Where did they keep kitchen sinks amid all of that other incredulous paraphernalia? After finding an assistant who could speak a “skerrick” of broken English, we were told that kitchen sinks were now “terminé.” They were no longer an item on stock for BHV.
Oh dear, we said…well, okay, it wasn’t quite in those words. Judy and I came out of there mumbling under our breaths. What’s going on?, we regurgitated once again. With that, Judy found an opening. A smile bounced across her cheeks as she looked me in the face and said, “Yeah, BHV has got everything but the kitchen sink.”
I had no alternative but to crack up on the spot. There we were, standing on the corner of rue de Rivoli and rue du Temple, our heads in our hands trying to curb our hysterics, with passers-by giving us the eye as though we had just eaten a truck-load of those, you know, cookie things that make you go a bit “troppo.” It took us a good minute to gather our sanity and head home with thoughts of a new strategy. We know kitchen sinks don’t grow on trees; they sure as hell can’t be found at the institution called the BHV that stocks everything but the kitchen sink.
C’est la vie!
Judy and Gary, Melbourne and Paris
A Medieval Sunday Afternoon
By Adrian Leeds
Pascal Fonquernie, Director of, keeps an old car for occasional trips outside of Paris. We opted to escape the pollution by heading north to the Medieval cities of Senlis and Compiègne on the A1 Autoroute, Senlis being about 50 kilometers north of the city. The skies were blue and the roads freely moving, putting us in the center of this ancient town within one hour.
Most tourists head south to Chartres to see the famous cathedral and its incomparable stained glass, but the city of Chartres was bombed during World War II and little remains of its charm. Senlis, less known and less frequented, has maintained its centuries-old cobblestoned streets and stone houses seemingly untouched.
“Senlis was first a Gallo-Roman settlement. The monarchs of the early French dynasties lived here, attracted by the proximity of the forest (Forêt de Chantilly) and its venison, and built a castle on the foundations of the Roman settlement. In 987 the archbishop of Reims, Adalberon, called together an assembly, and asked them to choose Hugh Capet as king of France. However, the monarchs of France soon abandoned the city, preferring Compiègne and Fontainebleau. New life was given to the city in the 12th century, and ramparts were built. The popularity of the city later fell, and it slipped into decline.” (
Many of the buildings are half-timbered, many are stone. Signs of Medieval France are everywhere, in carvings and doorways and well-tended details. During our wanderings, we spotted one ivied wall with a carved plaque noting it had once been a Gallo-Roman rampart in the 3rd century.
The cathedral at Senlis, “Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Senlis,” dedicated to the Virgin, has one of the earliest (if not THE earliest) monumental sculptural representations of her triumph. She is enthroned in Heaven with Christ in the tympanum while her death and assumption are depicted in the lintels. This theme is also evident at Chartres at the North Portal, at Strasbourg at the South Transept and at Nôtre Dame in Paris.
To see some terrifically beautiful photos of the cathedral, click here:
We lunched extravagantly, elegantly and leisurely at the charming La Vieille Auberge Restaurant Rôtisserie (at the corner of rue du Long Filet and rue Saint-Geneviève) along with the local Sunday diners. This spot has been amazingly serving meals since 1588! Then, off we went to explore Compiègne, about 40 kilometers north, taking the departmental roads, grazing the tiny towns and tree-lined two-laners.
Located on the Oise river, Compiègne dates back to 665 when Saint Wilfrid was consecrated Bishop of York and has an illustrious history. During the Hundred Years’ War, Joan of Arc was captured by the Burgundians while attempting to free Compiègne. Marie de’ Medici’s attempts to displace Richelieu ultimately led to her exile to Compiègne, from where she escaped to Brussels in 1631. The Armistice with Germany, agreed at Rethondes near Compiègne, ended fighting of World War I and another Armistice with France was signed between Nazi Germany and the defeated France also in Rethondes, near Compiègne, in exactly the same place. The starting location of the Paris-Roubaix bicycle race was changed from Paris to Compiègne and most recently, the Communauté de Communes de la Région de Compiègne became a partner in a European Union INTERREG IIIb project called SAND.
The Town Hall is an impressive structure, facing La Place de l’Hôtel de Ville de Compiègne. It was here, with many of the shops on the place open particularly on Sunday thanks to the semi-annual sales, that I found my new winter coat, a bargain at 40% off.
On the Baie de la Somme
By Adrian Leeds
Le Crotoy on the Baie de la Somme in Picardie is about two hours from Paris by car along the A16 first to Abbeville Nord and then in the direction of Saint-Valery sur Somme. From Paris you travel along small rolling hills, through farmland heavily planted with corn and wheat. During the summer months, the round bales of hay have been freshly rolled and sit symmetrically placed like checkers on a checkerboard awaiting their next move.
As you exit the Autoroute onto the two-lane roads, the scene is almost surrealistically pristine — colorful pots of flowers line the roads, manicured lawns and trees dress the eclectic style homes, bike paths parallel the motorway, no neon or billboards…just man-made landscaping “extraordinaire.”
The village is made up of small two-story houses, attached one to the other, landing directly onto narrow sidewalks, filling the knob of land that makes up Le Crotoy. A friend’s house was once a corner café and couldn’t be more centrally located as it’s directly across the street from the Town Hall. A few steps away is the main shopping street and within moments, you’re at the port, where you can buy fresh seafood just brought in that morning from “poissoneries” and roadside stands and where there is inevitably lots of activity at the outdoor cafés and restaurants.
I’ve lined up along with the locals to await our turn and take home enormous oily sardines to grill, large skate fins (stingray) to poach (“Raie au Beurre”), spicy “bulots” (sea snails) to dip into homemade “aioli” and gourmandize ourselves on an enclosed patio. By car, it’s easy to visit the nearby towns, one of which named “Le Touquet Paris-Plage” claims to have been the first “Paris Plage” for more than a century.
Neither Picardy (in French — Picardie) nor Pas-ce-Calais are regions of France many Americans are familiar with — certainly not as “on-the-beaten-track” as Provence or Normandy. I wouldn’t have known much about them myself if it weren’t for a street in my neighborhood named “rue de Picardie” or the “maison de village” a friend owns in the pretty little village of 2500 habitants — Le Crotoy on the Baie de la Somme.
Le Crotoy’s history was born at the same time as the sand on which it sits. During the Middle Ages, it was an active commercial port with routes between Abbeville, Amiens and Corbie, but the Hundred Years War ended that prosperity. Jeanne d’Arc was imprisoned there by the British in 1430 before crossing the bay toward Rouen. The castle where she was held was destroyed in 1674 by Louis XIV.
The Battle of the Somme was one of the largest battles of the First World War with more than one million casualties and was one of the first steps towards an eventual Allied victory in 1918. Jules Verne left Paris to set up a house in Le Crotoy, bought his first boat in Crotoy in 1867 (the “Saint-Michel”) and there wrote “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” Other French celebrities connected with Crotoy are Guerlain, the perfumer, Toulouse Lautrec, Colette and Anatole France.
Just north of Le Crotoy on the Channel are other towns of interest, just across the border into the region known as Pas-de-Calais — Berck-su-Mer and Le Touquet Paris-Plage.
Berck has a wide flat sandy beach and the largest amusement park (Bagatelle — just outside the town) in the area. In the 19th-century it was a fishing village of many artists who were inspired by the special quality of the light along the Côte d’Opale.” When Cholera epidemics afflicted the cities of Europe mid 19th-century, Berck gained a reputation for the healthy benefits of exposure to sea air and sea bathing from its wide sandy beaches, facing the bracing Channel breezes. Soon other invalids were being sent to benefit from the sea air and sea bathing as a cure. In 1869, Napoleon III’s wife, Empress Eugénie, opened the big Maritime Hospital, which still overlooks the sea like a huge barracks with iron balconies. Other “medical” institutes followed.
In Berck, it would follow suit that we saw dozens of people in wheelchairs, many motorized, scooting quickly along the special made paths just in tune with the traffic. The flat landscape makes it ideal for biking.
After the First World War, when poor miners began to have holidays, many came to Berck. They poured down by train (for a day-trip or a week’s stay) from the black mining towns of the north, and stayed in cheap accommodation near the sand dunes. Berck became a fun resort for working families, very different to posh Le Touquet just up the coast.
Le Touquet has a reputation as the most elegant holiday resort of northern France — the playground of rich Parisians, with many luxury hotels and claims to have been the first “Paris Plage” for more than a century. A beautiful, clean city with a vast white sandy beaches, Touquet has a number of cobbled streets with a variety of shops and expensive boutiques. Inland from the beach, the hotels, casino, bars, restaurants and expensive villas are spaced out amid acres of woodland. It also has a casino (actually the first one in France) and superb golf courses: “La Mer,” “La Fôret” and “Le Manoir.”
The resort was created in 1876 by the owner of the Paris newspaper, “Le Figaro,” Hippolyte de Villemessant. At the time, it was an area of wild sand dunes and forest — part of a hunting estate that later became known as “Paris by the sea,” and strict building regulations encouraged the most talented architects to create imaginative and innovative developments.
In 1903, a British syndicate bought the land, and sold properties to the rich from across the Channel. In the 1920’s Noel Coward and the “smart set” from England spent weekends here, and commissioned more outstanding villa designs echoing traditional and ultra-modern domestic styles.
All three coastal towns offer completely different architectural styles, people profiles and lifestyles. Any one you choose, however, makes a delightful vacation spot, for a weekend or a summer, and an inexpensive way to have a second home on the sea not far from Paris.
Travel Through the Centuries in Picardy
Picardy is one of the oldest provinces of France, and one of the richest too when it comes to the sheer number of historic sites.
Let’s start with some of the most picturesque villages in all France; we have lots of them, among the best known of which is Gerberoy in the Oise. Sites of particular archaeological interest, like Samara in the Somme. A host of splendid Gothic cathedrals (Amiens, Senlis, Noyon, Laon, etc) and equally splendid châteaux (Condé-en-Brie, Chantilly, Pierrefonds – to name but a few). Numerous museums covering a wide range of interests and specializations; abbeys and churches too.
It was from Picardy (Saint-Valery-sur-Somme) that William The Conqueror sailed; and it was in Picardy that the Battle of Crécy was fought, and that Henry VIII met François I of France at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.
A trip through Picardy is a lesson in history. A history that comes very close to the British heart. The fiercest battles of World War I took place in 1916 in the Somme; capturing high ground on the Chemin des Dames in the Aisne also cost thousands of French and British lives; Armistice was signed at 11am on the 11th November in 1918 at Rethondes in the forest of Compiègne, and it was in the identical railway carriage at the exact same spot that Hitler forced the French surrender in 1940.
Picardy has inspired many writers. Robert Louis Stevenson canoed the River Oise and recounted his exploits in his first work “An Inland Voyage”, before going on to undertake the journey that lead to his writing “Travels with a Donkey”. Ruskin described Amiens as one of his favorite towns, the “Venice of France”, and its cathedral as “Gothic pure, authoritative, unsurpassable…”
Jules Verne lived most of his adult life in Amiens. Colette, Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust have sung the praises of the Picardy landscapes. Further back in time, La Fontaine drew from his knowledge of animal life near Château-Thierry to write his famous fables based on Aesop’s. Alexandre Dumas, of Musketeer fame, was another native of Picardy. A number of museums celebrate the life and works of these great figures of French literature.
French Travel Boom Led by Eurostar
Assetz Property News Service
Photo: Michel Cardon
Eurostar has unveiled record passenger figures for 2006, data that is set to be welcomed by property investors with homes for rent and sale in France. The increasing popularity of Eurostar services is indicative of the status of the country among holiday-makers both in Britain and abroad.
Some 7.85 million customers opted for Eurostar trains last year, a 5.4 per cent improvement on 2005. Leisure passenger numbers were up 4.5 per cent while business customers flocked to the service with a 17 per cent improvement on 2005.
Eurostar carried 28 per cent more passengers in 2006 than in the 12 months prior to the opening of the first high speed section of track in the UK in September 2003.
The opening of the new St Pancras terminus and further high speed sections of line towards the end of this year are set to bring fastest journey times from London to Paris down by 20 minutes to two hours and 15 minutes; a move that is expected to entice even more holiday-makers to France.
The figures are great news for investors with property in the country, as increasing numbers of visitors can be expected to head to France looking for places to rent.
Furthermore, southern based Brits hoping to enter in to the French property game have the option of visiting potential sites on a regular basis without the need for long waits at airports.
Richard Brown, Eurostar’s chief executive, remarked: “I am delighted at the strong growth in the number of business travelers, who are discovering th
e punctu
ality and productivity advantages that Eurostar offers compared with the experience of flying.
“Many more travelers are being attracted by the environmental benefits of using high-speed rail instead of short-haul air.”
He added that increasing numbers of passengers are opting for the service beyond the core countries of France, the UK and Belgium; evidence of the growing popularity of the service and of France as a tourist destination.
“We are making good progress in attracting more travelers from across Western Europe, particularly in the Netherlands and Germany, where travelers are discovering that international connections are easier than they imagined,” Mr Brown said.
He added that the company is anticipating another busy year in 2007, with the annual spectacle of the Tour de France in July coupled with the unique autumn event that will be Rugby World Cup in France expected to produce considerable interest.
France is second only to Spain in terms of the number of Britons who visit each year.
French Property Exhibition
Vive La France
January 19-21, 2007
French Property News are once again holding a French property exhibition at “Vive La France” – a celebration of all things French.
Ticket Prices: £8 in advance, £12 on the door
Tickets available from : 0870 013 0730 or visit
Over 175 exhibitors – Estate Agents, Builders, Developers, Architects plus financial and legal advice.
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Parler Paris Après-Midi
NEXT MEETING: February 13, 2007 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
RTY PICKS: Picardy Picks < /p>
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Aisne, House, 7 rooms, approx. 180m²
Includes a living room with fireplace, 4 bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, toilet, cellar and beautiful, enclosed garden.
Asking Price: 257,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Oise, House, 6 rooms, approx. 160 m²
This lovely house is in good condition. Includes 4 bedrooms.
Asking Price: 520,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Senlis, Manor House, approx. 480m²
Close to Senlis, 60 km from Paris, by a forest, this fine manor house dating from the 17th century offers superb reception rooms with genuine architectural details, stone fireplaces, exposed beams and period doors. With 10 bedrooms, the property includes gardens, a swimming pool and tennis court. Meadows and horse shelters. A very rare opportunity.
Asking Price: 1,480,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
Paris Auctions
Next session: February 6 and 13, 2007 at 2 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the Web site at Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
February 6, 2007
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2 rooms, 80,90 m² 7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre 75009 PARIS 9th Opening Bid: 401,500 € Deposit: 80,300 € |
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4 rooms, 76,30 m² 8 rue de l’Espérance 75013 PARIS 13th Opening Bid: 250,000 € Deposit: 50,000€ |
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3 rooms, 60,5 m² 63 rue Laugier 75017 PARIS 17th Opening Bid: 265,000 € Deposit: 53,000 € |
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Studio, 34,40 m² 19 rue du Général Appert 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 135,000 € Deposit: 27,000 € |
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2 rooms, 26,40 m² 6 rue Yvonne Le Tac 75018 PARIS 18th Opening Bid: 135,000 € Deposit: 27,000 € |
February 13, 2007
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Studio 17 m² 7 rue Valadon 75007 PARIS 7th Opening Bid: 85,000 € Deposit: 17,000 € |
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4 rooms 113,9 m² 87 boulevard Voltaire 75011 PARIS 11th Opening Bid: 460,000 € Deposit: 92,000 € |
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5 rooms 159,66 m² 5 bis rue Budé 75004 PARIS 4th Opening Bid: 855,000 € Deposit: 171,000 € |
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2 rooms 52,3 m² 8/10 rue de la Bûcherie 75005 PARIS 5th Opening Bid: 350,000 € Deposit: 70,000 € |
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2 rooms 47,5 m² 124/126 rue du Théâtre 75015 PARIS 15th Opening Bid: 250,000 € Deposit: 50,000 €</t d> |
6 rooms 227,4 m² + service room 9,3 m² 16 avenue du Président Kennedy 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 1,000,000 € Deposit: 200,000 € |
France, Atlantic Coast, Lagord
One Bedroom 32m² to 33m² €172,000 to €183,000
Two Bedrooms 43m² to 44m² €212,000 to €212,000
Guaranteed Buy to Let – Leaseback
Excellent location in Lagord along the Atlantic Coast offering miles of beautiful sandy beaches and a warm sunny climate. The Poitou Charentes region has preserved a rich heritage offering visitors a wealth of historical, cultural and culinary treasures. Two popular large islands, the Ile de Re and the Ile d`Oleron have been joined by bridges to the mainland and are just a stone’s throw away, while the seaports of Rochefort and La Rochelle are found a bit further inland. La Rochelle has a population of 120,000 and is renowned for its mild climate and vibrant atmosphere. It is the third most visited place in France and boasts cobbled streets and squares, statues and museums to take in and appreciate just by strolling around.
Built around the 19th century, Chateau de Clavier, the residence offers an outstanding setting for quality investments. The estate is pleasantly located close to the town centre, beaches, the harbour (5 minutes away) and the transport network (5 minutes from the airport and only ten minutes from the train station). Set in a superb 30 acre country park, the residence offers a four star quality setting comprising fully furnished accommodations, all with balconies and pleasant views over the park or the Chateau de Clavier. Reception and leisure facilities include a reception area, outdoor swimming pool, restaurant, fitness centre with sauna and steam room as well as seminar rooms. In addition, all properties have underground parking. Personalized hotel services include breakfast, daily cleaning, household linen, car or scooter rental and shuttle service to the train station or airport.
This investment opportunity falls under the Leaseback fiscal framework, allowing investors to benefit from a full VAT refund, guaranteed rental income, a fully managed property and owner occupancy during vacation periods. This 4 star residence will be managed by one of France’s best hotel and residential property management firms. This year managing over 5000 beds with over an 80% average occupancy rate, this management company will take care of the rental of your property using a range of tailor made marketing tools, will ensure a guaranteed payment of rent and secure the maintenance of the property, as well as offer services such as household linen rental, housekeeping and catering.
When you make a purchase as important as a piece of real estate in a foreign country, you want to know that you can trust the people you are dealing with. Adrian Leeds has developed a network of professionals that meet only the highest of standards. With the expertise and experience of Adrian and her team, you can depend on getting the best advice and support to feel completely confident that you are making an informed investment decision.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit for more information or contact [email protected]
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Welcome to your home in Paris. Home is how you will feel in a private apartment in Paris that has the “seal of approval” from Parler Paris Apartments and me, Adrian Leeds.
Parler Paris Apartments offers high quality accommodations to make your stay in the City of Light as enjoyable and memorable as possible. We at Parler Paris know each and every apartment owner or manager personally, and stand behind the quality of those we represent. We understand your needs and desires, all the small details that make a rental apartment a warm and welcoming home – and a much better alternative to an impersonal hotel!
Parler Paris Apartments is administered and serviced by the same great team as Parler Paris, French Property Insider and French Property Consultation. You can trust that Parler Paris Apartments and all those with whom it is associated will do their best for your 100% guaranteed satisfaction.
“Le Provençal” Studio
Located in a very charming and quiet 18th-century building in the heart of Le Marais, this sunny studio is perfect for one or two seeking ultimate Parisian calm, flavored with the beautiful colors of Provence.
Still available April 6th – 15th (departure April 16th) and April 26th – May 6th (departure May 7th)!
Pictures and more details available here:
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Copyright 2010, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC,
To read more, click the links below.