Life on the Canal Saint Martin
Volume III, Issue 22,

News! French Property Insider got an update…last night at midnight Paris time. Now you can have your own username and password to access the site, and that will afford you special privileges, discounts and offers we will make available to you as time goes on.
If you did not receive the letter with your temporary username and password, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
If you did, I hope you took the time to update your account information and change the username and password to anything you like — but don’t forget to make note of it in some important place!
More news! The dollar is up and the euro is down (1.22 today!) thanks to the NO votes from France on Sunday and then the Netherlands yesterday on the EU Constitution. While the negative outcome of the referendum was not what I was looking forward to, the upturn in the dollar means it’s an even better moment for you to be looking for an investment in France.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn all you need to know at our seminar here in Paris this coming August 10th…one day of intensive presentations related to buying, owning, renting property — in short, “Invest in France.” Condensed to just the crux of what you need to know at a one-day price, it’s a perfect opportunity for the would-be investor. Visit for more information and to register directly online.
Today’s issue focuses on life along the Canal Saint Martin, a result of a three-hour barge tour I took along with the would-be photographers of the Ultimate Travel Photographer’s Workshop last Friday. The vantage point from the water gave me a whole new perspective on life along the water, and should you, too.
There are two leaseback properties to consider for a non-risk, hassle-free investment and lots of interesting properties on the auction block. Meanwhile, property in Paris is still increasing in price, inventory is down and what there is on the market is selling quickly. We urge you to make your plans to jump in as soon as you can and be sure to let us help you along the way so every decision you make can be as right as rain.
Today’s issue is filled with interesting tidbits, so don’t miss a single word. And until next week…
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. WELCOME Torontonian Lynda Sydney as official Parler Paris and French Property Insider staff effective yesterday…Assistant, Customer Service, Copywriter, Calendar Gal and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, among other responsibilities! Lynda can be reached all customer requests at [email protected]/parlerparis or mailto:[email protected]
Volume III, Issue 22, June 2, 2005
In this issue:
* Cruising on the Canal Saint Martin
* The Number of Americans in France
* Losing It in the City of Light
* Reducing the Gain
* Q’s and A’s With Jean Taquet: Striking Out
* Lucky Eleven in Seven
* Making a Smooth Transfer
* Today’s Rates of Exchange by Moneycorp Currency Brokers
* Après Midi Coming Soon
* Hot Property Picks: Living on the Canal Saint Martin
* Two Leasebacks in France
* What’s On the Auction Block This June
* Consultation and Search Services
* Getting a Mortgage is Easier Than You Think
* Take Advantage of Your Insider Discount
* Things You Need to Know
* Classified Advertising: Vacation Rentals
Volume III, Issue 21, May 26, 2005
In this issue:
* Getting Connected in France
* Oui or Non — How Will the French Vote?
* Pets Make the Move
* Bubbling Up Living
* From Ruin to Renovation
* Driving a la Française
* The City of Light is City of Flight
* Today’s Rates of Exchange by Moneycorp Currency Brokers
* Hot Property Picks: The 14th of Paris
* What’s On the Auction Block June 7th
* Book Property Services Before June 1 and Save
* Getting a Mortgage is Easier Than You Think
* Take Advantage of Your Insider Discount
* Things You Need to Know
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Apartment Available July 22 – August 1
Living on the Water
By Adrian Leeds
Last weekend, as part of the Ultimate Travel Photographer’s Workshop, we relaxed during a 3-hour long ride first along the Seine and then up the Canal Saint-Martin on a “peniche” (barge) run by Paris Canal Croisières. In the decade I’ve lived in Paris and the many years visiting as a tourist, I had never taken the time to take the smooth ride, always assuming I’d be bored to tears. The canal was no stranger to me, having walked along its quays dozens of times and enjoyed its cafés and public events. I’ve had friends with apartments overlooking the canal and shown clients apartments for sale there…so seeing it from the water just didn’t strike me as unique.
I was wrong.
Life along the Canal Saint Martin is a unique experience that removes you from the Haussmannian Paris you may have come to call home to a Paris you may not have known existed. Images of Amsterdam, Venice and the bayous of Louisiana come to mind. Living along the canal provides a cool, tranquil oasis from the hustle-bustle of the city.
The canal was opened in 1825 after Napoleon had ordered the artificial waterway dug to supply Paris with water, but by the 1960s, traffic had dwindled to a trickle and the canal narrowly escaped being filled in and paved over for a highway. Today, boulevard Richard Lenoir’s neutral ground covers the southern part of the canal, on which the largest open air market takes place on Thursday and Sunday mornings.
The cruise embarks from the Musée d’Orsay, takes you down river on the Seine until entering the canal from the lock at the base under the Pont Morland into the Port de Plaisance de Paris Arsenal. The “Colonne de Juillet” at the Bastille is just in front of you as you glide along the Arsenal, a wide waterway lined with barges and boats moored there. Just at the column, the barge enters a two kilometer stretch of underground waterway.
Captain, tour guide, barman, musician and sales manager Steven Zade, tells tall tales and hysterical anecdotes, serves coffee and plays an eerie tune on his clarinet as the barge glides lithely on the water in the echoing tunnel under boulevard Richard Lenoir. The barges stops to allow the waters to rise at each lock before continuing on as onlookers gaze from the bridges and quays.
From the vantage point of the water, buildings from all epochs of Parisian life loom above — Haussmannian pierre-de-tailles, contemporary cinder-block buildings with glass sliding doors leading to balconies, and architectural styles in between, all with the object of having a view on the canal.
People line the quays, some just taking a repose to watch the barge enter the lock, others reading on a bench, mothers strolling with their children, children on bikes, homeless asleep under the trees. The Hôtel du Nord, landmark for the 1938 film of the same name sits at the curve in the canal, a bridge nearby connecting it with the western quay.
New shops, cafés and restaurants have been springing up over the last few years attracting a young, hip crowd of “BoBo’s” (“plus bourgeois qu bohème”). As you continue north, at the Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad, the canal broadens to become the Bassin de la Villette and then narrows again to become the Canal de l’Ourcq all the way to Parc de la Villette and beyond the Périférique. It is at the Parc that we disembarked, having had the highlight of the four day workshop and an extraordinary photo opportunity. Every which way we turned, evoked another snap on the cameras.
While most of the 10th arrondissement surrounding the canal is still not desirable and certainly not a great spot for vacation rentals, the immediate apartments on the canal are just the opposite. This is prime real estate and increasing in value and demand every single day. Living along the canal would be an endless stream of tranquil contemplation.
For some examples of properties available on today’s market, scroll down to Hot Properties.
How Many Americans Live in France?
By Adrian Leeds
I am asked this question repeatedly…and it’s anybody’s guess, although estimates say approximately 112,000.
Americans living in France simply don’t want to be counted. A trial census over the first half of 2004 produced little information. Less 3% responded — only 3000 people registered despite of an effort on the part of the media, official agencies and various Expat organizations.
Some believe that concern for privacy and confidentiality is a factor in the poor response. The American Constitution doesn’t include a ‘data protection’ act and therefore collected information for one purpose has sometimes been used for other purposes.
It is also believed that of large concern is the threat that the data would be shared with the IRS, but the law “Title 13” prohibits one state department sharing w
ith another.
There is also, no doubt, many ‘illegals’ who choose to remain anonymous for tax reasons. They consider themselves ‘commuters’ and therefore avoid tax responsibilities to their resident country. This takes place among individuals as well as companies operating internationally.
For Americans who find it difficult to get working papers in France, remaining elusive is often the answer to earning an income ‘au noir’ (‘under the table’). EU citizens have the right to work in any EU country, so are less affected.
Editor’s Note: To read the entire official report, you may download the pdf file by clicking here:
For more information on the American census, click here:
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Most Items are Found on the Métro
Paris Lost and Found
One of the world’s oldest lost property offices – in the center of the French capital Paris – is celebrating its 200th birthday this week.
The Service des Objets Trouvés receives 900 items from all over the city every day – usually small objects belonging to commuters, such as mobile phones, umbrellas, glasses, hats and wallets.
But some of the more unusual items have included a wedding dress, a skull, a wooden leg, and a 1kg solid gold bar – which remains unclaimed.
“As far as can I remember it was a taxi driver who handed the bar in – a very honest taxi driver,” Abdourazak Bourhane, who has worked at the lost property office for the last nine years, told BBC World Service’s Outlook program.
“The odd thing was that nobody came to claim it. In that case, according to the rules here, the object can be returned to the finder.
“[The taxi driver] could in fact come and retrieve it.”
The office manages to return around 43,000 objects a year to their rightful owners.
This task is easier with items that have an identity printed on them, such as credit cards. In these cases, a letter can be quickly sent to the owners.
The office will write to anywhere in the world, if they have a clue as to who the owner might be.
One recent case saw a number of diamonds, which had been found in a public area, returned to their owner – an American woman – after she was tracked down.
Lost items come from the Métro, airports and off the street
“We wrote to her, and she came especially here to retrieve the diamonds,” Mr Bourhane said.
“She was very surprised.”
However, not everything can be traced, and the more unusual items that go unclaimed reside in a small museum at the office.
These include a dead lobster, which was found at Charles de Gaulle airport and handed in, dental plates and false teeth, and the funeral ashes of a cremated person, identity unknown.
“We found two urns,” Mr Bourhane explained.
“One was claimed by its owner, and we still have the other one here.”
For unclaimed items, a time limit is applied to determine how long it is kept.
Items worth less than 50 euros are kept for three months, whereas items worth more are kept for a year and a day.
After this time, the item is handed to a special office at the finance ministry and sold at auction.
Offset Capital Gains with Property Improvements
In general, the capital aspect is emphasized, and any “repair”-type expenditures are disallowed. Invoices and other supporting documents are necessary — so self-help, or work for payment under the table will not be taken into account.
Expenditure that can be offset:
Construction, reconstruction, extension, renovation or improvement works which are borne by the seller and made by an enterprise, provided that the cost has not been deducted for income tax purposes and it is not rental expenditure (e.g. works such as simple redecoration). When the taxpayer sells after five years from the purchase and cannot provide proof of the expenditure, the original purchase price is increased by a “forfait” equal to 15% thereof.
Editor’s Note: For more detailed information, consult your tax advisor. The above information was provided by the Law Offices of Samuel H. Okoshken,
Jean Taquet’s Practical Answers: June 1, 2005
Striking Out Against Strikes
Although Mr. Delanoë’s (current mayor of Paris) policy has a certain merit on the surface (to eliminate car congestion, etc. in the city), we mustn’t forget that, in Paris, public transportation strikers are sure to take advantage of this new commuter dependency, and will be that much more powerful. I cannot tell you how much income I’ve personally lost due to these public transportation strikes, which punish the commuters more than their employers! This, alone, has sent many a foreigner packing,
as these strikes are ongoing, year after year, seemingly without resolving issues. When there’s a union strike in the U.S., gripes are addressed, and that’s usually the end of it, but not here. I wonder why Mr. Delanoë is putting us all at the mercy of these ridiculous strikes.
Before addressing the topic of strikes in France from a legal perspective, I’d like to point out that, in fact, when there is a massive public transportation strike in the Paris region, it paralyses the city completely, both underground and aboveground. So, in the end, it makes little difference whether one drives a car, rides a bus or uses the metro to get to work. This is one of the reasons for my choosing an office within 30 minutes or so walking distance from my home.
Further, it’s simply a ‘fact of life’ that living in Paris or its suburbs for a year or longer means experiencing, at least once, the consequences of a massive transportation, postal services or school strike.
French law regulates the right to strike, as do the laws of most countries I know of, including the USA. When a labor dispute eventually reaches a deadlock, the union representative gives a formal warning to the employer – in France, this is called a “préavis de grève” – defining the reasons for and length of the strike (which, in some cases, can be unlimited). Of course, the actual legislation is much more complex than what is outlined here; this simply describes the basis.
Now, the first problem is that the employees’ unions here are far from being united, and also have a very meager membership compared to the Anglo-Saxons and Northern European countries. This is especially true in the private sector, particularly within small- to medium-sized corporations. The combination of these two factors – lack of unity and low membership across private sector firms – has resulted in France having one of the lowest ratios of union representation in Western Europe. The most obvious consequence of this is that the unions have their largest membership and best representation in companies that are currently, or formerly, owned by the government, and this, of course, includes civil servants. Effectively, then, the unions are fighting the government as an employer, and thus, the strikes appear to be much more politically driven.
For the public, which is largely removed from these labor disputes, the reasons for 24-hour or 48-hour strikes are often hard to grasp and, moreover, such relatively short strikes seem to achieve nothing, in the end. In reality, however, these short strikes enable the unions to either show, or test the level of, the popular support regarding their positions in the dispute. So, in some ways, these could be thought of as “preemptive strikes”, mounted to inform the employers of how much support they can count on from the general public, as well as from other parts of French society.
Globalization has, of course, had an impact on the legislative changes proposed by the government in the past few years, which in turn, have tended to limit, or decrease, employee protection and acquired rights. In this environment, of course, strikes become more popular, because employees have potentially quite a lot to lose if new labor legislation is passed. This, then, is the reason behind almost all the strikes that have handicapped the general public in recent times.
All that said, as a nonpartisan writer, my expertise is only in helping foreigners in France with practical issues, so I do not wish to comment on whether striking is a positive or negative negotiating tool.
Could you please tell me what a “Carte VITALE” is (issued by l’Assurance Maladie/Securité Sociale)? Could you also please tell me who is eligible to receive such a card?
“Carte VITALE”, per se, is simply a membership/identification card for the national French health insurance system. But let me address in more detail what I think are your real questions: how it functions and who is eligible for it.
The French national healthcare system could be compared to a gigantic HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) in the US, but with not just some, but almost all healthcare providers in the country (doctors, hospitals, nurses, specialists, medical labs, and so on) participating in it. Because the population of France is now over 65 million people, this makes it a very large, and therefore cumbersome, governmental program with an enormous budget.
Aside from the issue of being covered, each individual registering with one of the branches of this national insurance system (called in French, “la couverture de la sécurité sociale”), a membership/identification number is issued by the Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Etude Economique (INSEE). The proof of coverage is the statement that comes with the above-mentioned “Carte VITALE” (the full name being “la carte d’assuré social dite VITALE”). This card shows the name of the insured, and his or her identification number (“numéro de sécurité sociale ou INSEE”). It very much resembles a credit card – it’s the same size, made of the same type of plastic, and has a computer chip in it, in this case, one containing the person’s coverage status, as well as some very basic medical information. For this reason, most medical professionals have computerized machines that can read the chip.
One gets the first card issued upon registering with the French national health system for the first time. This could be as a student, getting one’s first job position after school, starting to work as self-employed or, in the case of a foreigner coming to France, whenever he or she qualifies for the program.
I would say that 99.99% of the medical professionals in France are registered with the system and, therefore, the patient only pays the deductible or the co-payment to the professional, or pays in full and then gets reimbursed in a matter of a couple of weeks.
For practical purposes, the ID number on a “carte VITALE” functions very much like an American social security number, and most people will know it by heart, since it is used for many other things than simply being reimbursed for medical bills (e.g. as a form of identification). Furthermore, the medical coverage can be passed on to dependents, so one’s spouse and children can be covered under the same account and account number. The first half of this number is a code for the gender, then the year and month of birth and place of birth, and the second half is made of a random number that is coded like credit card number, which means that it comes with a “key.”
Editor’s Notes:
Jean Taquet is a French jurist and associate member of the Delaware Bar Association, specializes in civil, criminal and commercial law. He frequently gives courses about the legal system in France and regularly speaks at the Living in France Conferences in the U.S. and Paris. He is also well known for his informative Q and A columns in past Paris Voice magazines, which can now be purchased in one document as “The Insider Guide to Practical Answers for Living in France.“
To subscribe to his monthly newsletter, email Jean Taquet at [email protected]
To make an appointment with Jean Taquet for his consultation services:
Phone: Cell: or email [email protected]
To read this month’s column in it’s entirety, click here:
Eleven Neighborhoods Get a Face Lift
Eleven neighborhoods in Paris along the outer perimeter, in 7 arrondissements, are part of the Grand Project de Renouvellement Urbain (GPRU) planned for uban renewal. A budget of 106 million euros is set aside to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of these areas with better equipment, more green space, improvements to transportation systems, etc. Attention is being paid to amenities for children and the handicapped. The daily lives of more than 200,000 residents of Paris will benefit from the project.
The neighborhoods are:
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Les Olympiades (XIII) | |
Bédier – Porte d’Ivry – Boutroux (XIII) | ||
Plaisance – Porte de Vanves (XIV) | ||
Porte Pouchet (XVII) | ||
Porte Montmartre – Porte de Clignancourt et | ||
secteur Porte des Poissonniers (XVIII) | ||
Secteur Paris Nord-Est (XVIII) | ||
Cité Michelet (XIX) | ||
Saint Blaise (XX) | ||
Porte de Montreuil – La Tour du Pin (XX) | ||
Porte de Vincennes (XII et XX) | ||
Porte des Lilas (XX) | ||
For more information, visit:
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Parler Paris Après-Midi
p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Living on the Canal St. Martin
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Paris 10th, Quai de Valmy
2 Rooms, new building from the 80’s, 60m², 3rd floor with elevator, guardian, unobstructed view, high ceilings, entry, large living room on an angle, independent kitchen, large bedroom with closets, bath, toilet, cellar. Quiet, sunny.
Asking Price: 330,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Paris 10th, 50 Meters from Canal Saint Martin
2/3 rooms,60m² near “Antoine et “Lili” in a building of good standing, on a high level with elevator, on a garden, equipped kitchen, parquet flooring, closets, very good condition.
Asking Price: 300,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Paris / Ile de France, Annet-sur-Marne
Chambre 21m² to 25m² 139,500 Euros to 139,500 Euros
château with over 700m² of exquisite gardens creates ideal atmosphere for our elderly. The future will bring an impressive demand for elderly care as a large portion of the elder population retires. Residence Château de Louche has perfectly prepared for this need by choosing the perfect location to effectively and humanely handle this important demand. Residents live comfortable, fulfilling lives in a beautiful environment participating in vibrant activities and receiving wide-ranging services to enhance their comfort and promote healthier lifestyles. Residence Château de Louche offers an assisted living community servicing basic and incremental levels of need based upon each resident’s individual physical needs. The residence combines customized care services, including Alzheimer’s care and a compassionate environment. The beauty of the Château and the surrounding gardens easily creates an atmosphere that is calming and restful while at the same time providing the necessary facilities to promote activity when possible.
All suites in Residence Château de Louche, are fully equipped with smoke detectors, fire sprinklers and an emergency communication system monitored by a 24-hour registered nursing supervision as well as a visiting house doctor. Halls are also monitored by cameras on each floor. The Residence ensures complete security through the caring, considerate, courteous and knowledgeable professionals who live on the premises or who visit when necessary. Residents enjoy activities that are healthy, stimulating, unrestricted and fun. Be it physical exercise, a game of bingo, home or live entertainment, arts and crafts, social outings or excursions in the passenger van, life at the Château is in constant movement. The enhancement of each residents personal life-style is encouraged and practiced in the manner each resident prefers – to go for a walk, visit family and friends, play a round of golf, or enjoy the many nearby sites and attractions; the staff is there to fulfil these desires. Some of the residents may enjoy many fun-filled and trouble-free recreational programs; however, there is a center designed specifically for those residents who are in need of daily assistance.
For dependant seniors Residence Château de Louche has designed a freestanding assisted living community. The existing Château will be renovated and two new buildings will be constructed. One building will be designed to meet the needs of those residents who are able to function independently. The second building will be designed specifically for those residents who are patients requiring medical living assistance. This residence will be in complete code with the E.H.P.A.D. (Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes). Rooms will be designed to meet the needs of those patients requiring hospice type assistance including large private baths with built in shower seats. Assistance with bathing, dressing, and grooming will be available as needed. Residents will receive medication administration and monitoring when needed. Professional services by a physician, registered nurse, and dietician are also available.
Investment Type: LMP/ LMNP / Micro BIC – E.H.P.A.D. (Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes)
Status LMP with purchase of 3 Lots
Program Name: Residence Château de Louche
Location description: Situated 24 miles (40km) outside of Paris, 9 miles (15km) from Meaux, 29 miles (47km) from Orly Aéroport and 9 miles (15km) from Marne-la-Vallée TGV train station. Easily accessible to Paris and its northern, eastern and southern suburbs by the auto routes A1, A3, A4 and the A104. Located, 20 minutes from the Roissy Airport. By motorway take A 10: exit Saintes, gate (porte) 35, Mirabeau, gate 37 or Saint-Jean d’Angely gate Station of Saintes, Rochefort, Surgères and La Rochelle ( coach-links to Ile d’Oléron).
Price and size range: Rooms 21.6m² – 24.5m² at 139 500 HT
Completion Date: 4th Quarter 2006
New/Old property: Old Property- Full Renovation
Renovation of existing Château and construction of new residence
VAT Advance: By the Purchaser
VAT Refund: Full Vat Refund
Package Options: Yes
Number of Units: 71 rooms
Extras: Existing Château will be renovated and will include a restaurant, lounge area, formal reception for visiting family members, rooms for personnel to insure 24-hour care and rooms for family members visiting patients. Château de Louche rests on over 15 000m² of land including a beautiful park of 700m². The park has designated areas for disoriented patients enabling outdoor activity and freedom to explore under complete security. 24-hour complete surveillance and medical care over patients. Daily activities and recreation room. On site Medical Coordinator, handicap facilities, physical therapy, infirmary and center of well-being. Climate control as needed, fully equipped, serviced and secured residence meeting E.H.P.A.D. standards. The two new residence buildings will differ in that one building will meet standards for retired individuals while the other will meet standards concerning individuals who are dependent due to illness or handicap.
Rental Income: 5.23% based on Net HT price
Occupation Option: No
Exchange Possibilities: No
Lease Duration: 11 years
Payment of the rent: Quarterly
Rental Base: Retired Persons and Elderly Dependants
France, Atlantic Coast, Saint Georges d’Oléron
Studio 24m² to 42m² 76,000 Euros to 130,000 Euros
One Bedroom 33m² to 59m² 102,000 Euros to 181,000 Euros
Splendid sun-drenched beaches, mysterious wetlands filled with wildlife and glorious seafood. The Island of Oléron is the most Southern of the islands of the French Atlantic coast. He
re we find situated only 200 meters from the beach the lovely Residence “Les Sables d’Oléron,” perfectly settled on the largest commune of the island, Saint Georges. Nestled within a private estate, this residence offers high quality accommodation and leisure facilities. Not to be missed are the fantastically fully furnished and equipped apartments complete with air conditioning and modern kitchen appliances. Ranging from studios to one-bedroom mezzanines, each apartment has a parking place and a delightfully generous terrace. Take advantage of the indoor and outdoor swimming pool and the reception area where all concerns may be addressed.
Influenced by the Gulf Stream
Island Oléron offers a gentle climate shown by the presence of the mimosas; it is sometimes called the Island of Mimosas. It is always worth spending some time in what is arguably one of France’s most intriguing and alluring towns. The bridge, which connects the island with the mainland, has existed since 1966 and has made the area easily accessible. Crossing the bridge, there are excellent views of the coast where during low tide many people gather to see the oyster beds. After crossing the three kilometers of bridge, you have three options: either take the westward direction to Saint-Trojan-les-Bains to find stunning beaches where the cove, with its promenade, offers a magnificent circular view and at low tide, the sea goes out a very long way and uncovers a vast stretch of seashore. Take also the eastward direction towards Le Château d’Oléron. The unforgettable Château d’Oléron, situated three kilometers east of the bridge, is located within a historic fortified town with its citadel standing strong. Or take the central D734 road and follow this for 30 kilometers to the lighthouse of Chassiron at the extreme northern point of the island. The lighthouse of Chassiron, 46 meters in height, is open to the public. The reward for climbing to the top of this lighthouse is a magnificent panoramic view over the island of Oléron, the island of Aix, and the island of Ré, La Rochelle.
The fantastic beach of Saint-Trojan
Facing the sea on the West and accessible through the forest and by a tourist railway. The national forest of Saint-Trojan, with its pines and impressive oaks, is the biggest forest on the island, and stretches for eight kilometers, up to the breathtaking beaches of Vert-Bois and then La Rémigeasse and La Perroche. Enjoy also the fishing phenomenon with fishermen concentrating on the principal fish, sole, sea dace and langoustine. Oléron is also situated in direct proximity to Biarritz, an elegant Victorian resort with a fine array of restaurants and shops, even a casino if you’re feeling fortunate! La Rochelle, also near by is a very attractive harbor town with two medieval towers that stand guard over the sea. Or if you prefer visit Saintes, renowned for its Roman remains, churches and shops, situated a few kilometers north. Oléron lives not only from the sea but also from the soil and in particular, the vineyard is important for the local economy. The main production is the regions reputed dry white wine, which is the perfect accompaniment for the delicious oysters of the island.
Investment Type: LMNP – Residence de Tourisme
Program Name: Les Sables Vignier
Location description: Island « Ile d’Oléron » is situated on the West Atlantic coast of France between La Rochelle and Bordeaux. Extending 10 miles (17km) in length with Saint George being the largest commune of the island. Only 200 yards (200 meters) from the beach and center of town. Situated 330 miles (530 km) from Paris, 50 miles (80 km) from La Rochelle, 27 miles (45km) from Saintes and 110 miles (180km) from Bordeaux. The closest train station is SNCF station Rochefort and Saintes or Surgères and La Rochelle ( coach-links to ile d’Oléron).Car service is available all year round making access to and from the island quite easy. Enjoy 9 miles (15km) of beach extending from Boyardville to Plaisance and Les Sables Vignier of Caucre. Several boat companies organize links from La Rochelle to Boyardville and Saint Denis. Direct airport access from Dublin- Bordeaux, Biarritz and Toulouse. From the UK- La Rochelle, Poiters, Bergerac, Limoges and Pau. Use the Airport of La Rochelle Laleu.
By motorway take A 10: exit Saintes, gate (porte) 35, Mirabeau, gate 37 or Saint-Jean d’Angely gate Station of Saintes, Rochefort, Surgères and La Rochelle ( coach-links to ile d’Oléron).
Price and size range: Studio 24m2 – 42m2 at 76,000 HT to 130,000 HT
One bedroom 33m2-59m2 at 102,000 to 181,000 HT
Completion Date: End of June 2006
New/Old property: Existing Property / Full Renovation Project
VAT Advance: By the Purchaser
VAT Refund: Full Vat Refund
Package Options: No
Rating: 3 stars
Number of Units: 68 apartments
Extras: reception, bar / restaurant, swimming pools (outdoor and indoor), sports ground, children playground, solarium,
A quA qualified staff will provide maintenance and hotel services to either owners or tenants, air conditioning, fully-equipped kitchen: hotplate (2/4 burners), cooker, refrigerator, microwave, dish washer and large terraces.
Rental Income: Up to 5%
Occupation Option: No instead 20% reduction on public rate for use.
Exchange Possibilities: No instead 20% reduction on the public rate in any residence serviced by the same management company.
Lease Duration: 11 years
Payment of the rent: Quarterly
Rental Base: Tourists
Paris Auctions
Next sessions: June 21 and 28, 1:30 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
![]() 1 square Racan 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 468,960 Euros Deposit: 93,792 Euros |
![]() 118 boulevard Suchet 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 333,120 Euros Deposit: 66,624 Euros |
2 Rooms 54,90 m² + terrasse 58,80 m² environ 47 avenue du Maréchal Lyautey 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 382,310 Euros Deposit: 76,462 Euros |
3 Rooms 73,80 m² + terrasse 166 m² 92 boulevard Suchet 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 450,600 Euros Deposit: 90,120 Euros |
![]() 2 squares des Aliscamps 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 465,290 Euros Deposit: 93,058 Euros |
![]() 1 square Rocamadour 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 98,550 Euros Deposit: 19,710 Euros |
![]() 4 rue de Turin 75008 PARIS 8th Opening Bid: 250,000 Euros Deposit: 50,000 Euros |
![]() 210, rue de Vaugirard 75015 PARIS 15th Opening Bid: 404,000 Euros Deposit: 80,800 Euros |
![]() 6 place Félix Eboué 75012 PARIS 12th Vente avec prix de réserve Deposit: 1,000,000 Euros |
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Leeds Marais Apartment Available July 22 – August 1, 2005
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