Magical Montmartre and a Half-Timbered Normandy
Volume II, Issue 41

With the celebration of the Fête Vendanges de Montmartre starting tomorrow, I was reminded of what a magical spot in Paris Montmartre has always been and continues to be, characterized not all that long ago (2001) by an innocent and naive girl with her own sense of justice, Amelie Poulain.
By chance, I happened to have occasion to lunch on the hill this past week with apartment rental agent Erica Berman who has lived there many years and who began to buy properties of her own for short-term rental rewards (about the same time as Amelie Poulain was changing people’s lives in Montmartre) while managing other owners’ properties in all parts of Paris.
Montmartre was never before a desirable location for a high short-term rental return (most American tourists ask for Saint-Germain-des-Prés or Ile Saint-Louis), until she (along with partners in another agency) started the trend to renovate tastefully and luxuriously apartments with charm and great views of the majestic Sacré Coeur.
Scroll down to read Erica’s personal story and how she has come to love living in the village of Montmartre with it’s breathtaking views of Paris and cleaner air. Also, don’t miss the apartments for sale with balconies and drop-dead gorgeous views.
Also this week, I was struck by the notion of settling in the countryside of Normandy by past conference attendees who have set their sights on opening a B and B in the wet, green forested and diverse region well known-for its fine dairy products and excellent apple brandy — the department of Calvados.
Normandy is well-infiltrated by the British who have historical roots in the region, feel at home in the wet climate and can get there quickly and cheaply from the U.K. Americans have ties that bind due to World War II events and traveling to Normandy from Paris is fast and easy.
The half-timbered (colombage) homes are particular to the region, of which there are many and offered at very inexpensive prices. As you will see by the properties we provide today as samples, spacious homes with four bedrooms can be less expensive than 250,000 Euros.
Scroll down for legal advisor Jean Taquet’s monthly Q’s and A’s — answers to questions about earning a living in France and some interesting statistics about property values in the U.K. with the latest mortgage rates provided by Abbey National France (to inquire about getting a mortgage, visit — remember we can help you through the process)…and don’t go too fast to miss the one small shocking story from a reader — now you see the diamond, now you don’t!
A bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. This is a great time of year to take the plunge and search for your pied-à-terre in Paris. Write us to learn more about our property search services or visit for more information.
P.P.S. Hope to see you Tuesday at Parler Paris Après Midi —
Volume II, Issue 41, October 7, 2004
In this issue:
* How to Set Yourself Up to Do Business in France (Jean Taquet’s Q’s and A’s)
* Diamond in the Rough Hand of a Pickpockets
* Montmartre Living High in the Sky
* Harvesting the Grapes in Celebration
* Prices are Down in the U.K., Up in France
* Drunk on Normandy Brandy
* What’s So Special About Calvados?
* Half-Timbered Construction Charm of Normandy
* Currency Exchange Update
* Hot Property: Views of Sacré Coeur and Half-Timbered Cottages
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Apartment Available 11/21-30, 2004
To read the issue in its entirety click here:
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A Survival Kit for Paris
To read Jean Taquet’s October column in its en
tirety, click here:
I currently have a working-holiday visa, which is valid for one year and non-renewable for young people between the ages of 21 and 30. I have a CDD contract with my employer that expires Sep.30, which is also when my visa expires. I do not want to continue working with this institution. I have been in negotiation with an insurance company since last March for an Accounting/Financial Reporting type position there. At our last meeting they asked if I could get working papers before I get hired. I went to the DDTE (Direction Départemental du Travail et de l’Equipement) office to find out about the three-month long process of becoming a ‘salarié’ ’employee’. If my gross monthly salary is over 3,800 euros, am I sure to get papers? In what category? How long is the process?
Can the ‘travailleur independent’ ‘self-employed’ option be applied to my situation?
* Can an accountant’s contract be worded in such a way as to qualify as a consultant for URSSAFF purposes?
* How long is this type of visa/work permit valid?
* Can the ‘travailleur independent’ status be obtained without having a prior employer? Are companies generally willing to hire people in this way and are there any inconveniences/costs/disadvantages to the employer who does this?
* I believe that I would pay social charges directly to URSAFF – does that mean that the company pays the consultant the gross amount, so that it doesn’t cost the self-employed person anything extra over what they would pay an employee?
Regarding the expat status, can I be hired by a head office outside of France and have the head office ‘send’ me to France on mission? How long is the visa valid in this case?
With the options available to me, can I switch jobs? Will any visa I receive be specific to and dependent on my keeping the job/employer that originally did the paperwork?
One comment before getting into the various kinds of work classifications that you mentioned – because your visa cannot be renewed, you must go back to your own country to acquire a new immigration status through requesting a new visa. That said, you have three different options, which are very different by nature. First, as an employee, should your gross salary be above the limit of 3,800, then the Main d’Oeuvre Etrangère, called the MOE, a department of the DDTE loses its right to veto your request and therefore this request becomes almost a sure shot. It takes about three to four months from the time you submit the visa request to the consulate to the time you get the new visa and then you should expect about the same timeframe to get the actual carte de séjour. If the salary is less than that limit, expect the MOE to veto any request systematically. Considering the definition of a self-employed person who services clients, it is about 99% impossible for you to acquire the status of self-employed accountant/financial reporter. Indeed, this is a very serious legal issue. An accountant is either an employee or holds the status of a licensed CPA, called in France ‘un expert comptable’. If you try to do accounting as a self-employed person without having the CPA license, this would be considered a criminal deed, which can have major repercussions. Of course, as a consultant working within very narrowly defined limits, you could offer a service that would not be considered as doing accounting for clients. Indeed the status that you would be granted is a yearly carte de sejour renewable for life as long as the business is profitable. This status can be obtained if you submit a visa request that includes proof that clients are waiting for you to start working with them as well as other documents that prove that you indeed qualify to register with URSSAF. Your fees and the way you invoice your clients is up to you and therefore you must make sure that you cover all your costs in order to make a profit that allows you to survive financially. Therefore, you must identify all your expenses, which include all the payments to mandatory specific social programs such as health coverage, retirement and family subsidies. So it is your responsibility to make sure that the fee companies pay you corresponds more or less to what they would pay an employee so that you stay competitive.
Having an expat status requires that you be hired by the Canadian corporation and be sent to France for a specific mission; you cannot stay more than five years in France with that status. The consequence of this status is that you maintain all your legal ties with Canada while working in France. Also, you would not be covered by the French social system.
Now I would like to stress very clearly a crucial issue. Being self-employed means that you have clients, not employers. Therefore, you can be registered provided that your business is legal – of course you are not allowed to have clients before you have your tax ID number. It is extremely important that you understand that having an employer and being self-employed are two completely contradictory ways of earning your living by French standards.
Once you have a bona fide French residency, it is always possible to change provided that you qualify for the new status. Changes are often made when a carte de séjour is up for renewal, but this is not a must.
Editor’s Notes:
Jean Taquet is a French jurist and associate member of the Delaware Bar Association, specializes in civil, criminal and commercial law. He frequently gives courses about the legal system in France and regularly speaks at the Working and Living in France Conferences in Paris. He is also well known for his informative Q and A columns in past Paris Voice magazines, which can now be purchased in one document as “The Insider Guide to Practical Answers for Living in France”(
To subscribe to his monthly newsletter, email Jean Taquet at mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=FPI_Reader_Subscribe_Taquet
To make an appointment with Jean Taquet for his consultation services:
Phone: Cell: or email mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=FPI_Reader_Appointment
Diamonds Are a Pickpocket’s Best Friends
“On the TGV to Geneva my wife, I realized that the diamond was no longer in her ring. The prongs in the setting were bent outward and back and the diamond was gone! Oh well, it is insured, but that was the diamond I gave her 33 years ago. I have thought through how they pulled this off. They did it in 5 to 7 seconds, in my opinion. Since we were going to the train station, we had all our bags. I had a bag in each hand and a back pack. She had her hand on the roll-on bag and that was the hand the ring was on.”
“One suggested technique to foil an attempt: on the escalator, stand side ways, with back to the wall. No one can be behind you and you can see the perso
n on the step above you and the person on the step below you. It makes it hard for anyone to fool with a back pack or back pockets, plus you can see everyone around you.”
Charleston, SC
Ma Maison in Magical Montmartre
By Erica Berman
When I first arrived in Paris, 12 years ago, I believed quite strongly that I wanted to live on the Left Bank by St. Germain and St. Michel. I had read all the novels and guidebooks, seen all the movies and “knew” that this was where I wanted to be. I rented a miniscule flat in the 6th by Métro Odéon and basked in my good fortune (and lots of blaring horns from the traffic out my window which overlooked Pont Neuf.
Soon after moving into my studio I was invited to dinner in Montmartre by an American man who does business with my Dad and his French wife. They walked me around their “quartier” and praised it for its neighborhood feel, village ambiance and the fact that it was still a bit off the beaten track (great advantage to high quality of living).
Although I agreed that Montmartre was extremely cute and quaint, I remained nonplussed and happily traipsed on back to my mini-studio in the 6th. Shortly thereafter, a strange twist of circumstances led to me living with this lovely couple in their 5th floor walk-up with a view of the Eiffel tower and Sacré Coeur for three weeks. The long and short of it is that I was ill and Evelyne and Peter proposed to take me in and proceeded to pamper me during my convalescence. I spent my recovery exploring this neighborhood, Montmartre, that I knew absolutely nothing about, besides the fact that the Moulin Rouge and Sacré Coeur where around the corner.
As soon as I was physically able, I set out on a search for a flat “aux Abbesses.” It hadn’t taken long for me to realize the many advantages this “quartier” had to offer. After much pavement pounding I found and settled into my new place (it took a while to find the right one) and now, over 12 years later, I have never regretted the move one minute. In fact, there are few other places in Paris that I would want to call my home.
In Montmartre one is living in the heart of the big city, but part of a REAL neighborhood with a village ambiance and numerous fresh food and produce markets, great shopping, hip restaurants and cafés and those unexpected glimpses of the Parisian skyline with the Eiffel Tower, Invalides, and the Arc de Triumph in the background or a larger than life Sacré Coeur at your feet. Many of the streets are cobblestone and I never tire walking around the neighborhood and exploring.
Needless to say, as soon as I had enough money saved, I invested in a rental property (to rent to tourists by the week) in the neighborhood. As soon thereafter as possible (4 years) I proceeded to invest in my own home in Montmartre with a balcony and a fabulous view ( property #34171). In the 6 years since I bought my vacation rental ( the value of it has tripled. In the two years since I bought my personal home the price has gone up significantly, and apparently there is no end in sight for rising real estate prices in the neighborhood.
It is one of the places in Paris with the highest quality of living and the news is out (the release of the film “Amelie in Montmartre” certainly gave the real estate market a boost). The air is cleaner (as we are up on a hill), you are minutes from all of central Paris, there are many little parks & gardens to relax in, tons of ethnic and French restaurants, an organic market on Saturday, rue Lepic and rue Des Abbesses and their market shops, funky clothing and furniture, numerous galleries, quaint ambiance, two independent movie houses and a large movie complex, many great theatres, and now Sunday all day the whole neighborhood is pedestrian.
Need I go further?
Here are some recent quotes from some of the guests in my Montmartre studio. I think most people who take the time to explore it, will agree that Montmartre is a truly great place to be.
9/21/04 “Utrillo and Callebotte painted the streets and rooftops of Montmartre, but we lived here for 11 wonderful days. Paris is magnificent and coming home to a warm, meticulous apartment to cocoon in after a stimulating day of museums, sights and walking made it a calming end to a great day” Dinah and Jim, Seattle, Washington
9/18/04 “We had a fabulous time here. Just loved this apartment, Montmartre, Sacré Coeur, and all of Paris is a dream. Thank you so much.” Ivonne Chapel Hill, North Carolina
9/11/04 “We had a wonderful stay in Paris. After long days of sightseeing, museums and walking, it was an absolute pleasure to come home to rue Livingstone. It was wonderful to have all the convenience of home. The view was amazing from the apartment and Montmartre was our favorite part of the city. It’s great for strolling around…”
And one more . . .
“I will never return to Paris and stay in a hotel. This trip was fabulous!” Many of the mornings were spent here drinking café au lait and dipping the fresh buttery croissants, while gazing up at the amazing view of the Sacré Coeur. But this neighborhood is really so much more. In fact, I’ve always loved it in Montmartre…there is something magical and charming about the Butte. Living in this neighborhood for a week was a dream come true. In fact, this apartment was perfect for two people. We had just enough space to have to ourselves. Cooking in was very economical as well. Overall, we were very impressed. Everything about rue Livingstone was exactly as it was depicted on the website. In many ways it surpassed out expectations. We will definitely recommend staying in this apartment to all of our friends. It was an entirely new way to vacation. A most memorable way to celebrate my 30th birthday. Thanks for making a dream come true! Tracy and Christina, San Francisco, California
Editor’s Note: Erica Berman has just started her own rental management firm under the name of “Haven in Paris” after working many years with another agency specializing in Paris vacation apartments, many of which were located in Montmartre. Several of the apartments now represented by Erica are listed at For more information, contact Erica Berman at eb
[email protected], Tel: 33-1-44-92-06-55, Cell: 33-6-10-28-26-06.
The Grape Harvest of Montmartre
By Adrian Leeds
In 1932, the city of Paris planted a field of 2000 vines in Montmartre where vines once existed from the 16th-century. The inhabitants of the village at that time were mainly ploughman and “vignerons” (wine growers).Sadly, it disappeared during the 18th-century. Today, Francis Gourdin, a wine-maker of Montmartre and vice-president of the “oenologues franciliens,” has overseen its heritage since 1994. The vineyard is comprised of 27 types of vines, the majority of which include: Gamay, a type of Beaujolais (75%); Pinot Noir (20%), a large vine of Burgundy and a few plants of Sauvignon blanc — a total of more than 1000 kg of harvested grapes. The old vines are gradually being replaced by new the more productive ones. Francis Gourdin selects them in nurseries in Burgundy and in Beaujolais.
Last year I was lucky to catch a special moment when this little girl turned to look at me with her angelic smile, dressed in traditional costume and in good spirit, as part of the parade of the annual “vendanges” (grape harvest) festival in Montmartre. The 71st edition is taking place again this year this coming weekend, October 8, 9 and 10 and I don’t plan on missing it.
Here’s your opportunity to help celebrate the arrival of the 2003 vintage from the Montmartre vineyards — mostly centered around Sacré Coeur, place du Tertre and the hilltop village streets of central Montmartre with a variety of events…wine tastings, regional food specialties, traditional folkloric parade (the highlight for me! — on Saturday beginning at 3 p.m.), music, spectacles and street performers. City officials will be present, including Bertrand Delanoë, the Mayor of Paris and Daniel Vaillant, the appointed Mayor of the 18th arrondissement.
Mark your calendar to take part. for more information, visit
Abbey National France Reports on the How the U.K. Housing Market Affects Buying in France
Reprinted from Abbey National France October Issue – N°7
According to HBOS indices (, house prices fell by 0.6% in August. This was the tenth monthly fall in the last five years, a period when prices in the U.K. have more than doubled.
U.K. property price figures…
* Index 519.7 (1983=100)
* Monthly Change -0.6% (08/2004 – 07/2004)
* Annual Change 21.3% (08/2004 – 08/2003)
* Standardized Average Price £160,565 (08/2004)
HBOS experts continue to expect house price inflation to slow gradually over the remainder of 2004 and into next year, as higher interest rates and the increasing difficulties faced by potential first-time buyers in entering the market curb housing demand.
Key indicator on French property finance…
The weighted mortgage variable interest rate in the U.K. reached an average 6.44% in July 2004, increasing the advantage of raising finance with a euro mortgage for French property purchase: now 2.5% lower (comparison with Abbey National France repayment mortgages).
Meanwhile purchasing power in the U.K. has risen by 5% since January largely due to the rise of sterling against the euro. This trend is expected to stabiliZe over the remainder of 2004.
* Interest Rate Indexes (on 01/10/2004)
3 month Euribor : 2.12%
12 month Euribor: 2.38%
TEC 10 : 4.10%
Source: Abbey National France Treasury Department
* Exchange Rates (on 01/10/2004)
1 Euro = £ 0.685
£ 1 = 1.457 Euro
1 Euro = $ 1.232
Sources: ECB & BoE
* Construction Cost Index (applicable on 01/10/2004)
2004 1st quarter annual variation: 3.33%
Editor’s Note: For more information on obtaining a mortgage for your French Property, visit
Normandy’s Calvados Brandy
Calvados is a very special part of Normandy where the green pastures remain a feature of the region’s world famous cheese industry.
The English Channel runs along four hundred kilometers of shoreline and thanks to the ocean’s influence on the weather the rich clay soils hold abundant reserves of water. The perfect conditions for apples of which there is certainly no shortage in the Normandy countryside.
The area of production covers all of lower Normandy with its heartland in the Auge Country. That’s where they make Calvados brandy entitled to the distinction of the controlled origine label: Calvados De Pays D’Auge, Auge Country Calvados.
The Normandy apple harvest is now well underway. In general only apple trees that have already lost half their fruit are picked, a sure sign of ripeness. The rest are recovered by shaking the trees or using poles in a process which stretches back generations.
Once picked they’re stored in hay lofts in the Auge country tradition, and later pulped. The pulp is then laid down in thin layers on cloth covered draining trays. Ten to twenty layers are stacked under the press and soon the nectar of the apple begins to flow.
Once the juice is fully fermented, the cider is ready for distillation. Auge country Calvados must be distilled in batches in a special two part still, a double distillation process is performed.
This produces a flavored colorless fiery brandy with a alcohol content of sixty nine to seventy two percent.
Now begins the process where aging, oak wood and the know-how of the cellar master work together to bring the Calvados to its full potential. No Calvados can be marketed before approval by a tasting committee from the national institute of controlled origin…and two years of aging are required under the supervision of the national bureau of Calvados and apple brandy.
The making of Calvados like the production of its source product cider hasn’t changed in centuries and while the oak barrels and ancient stills are part of the Normandy tradition.
The Department of Calvados (14), Basse-Normandie
The department takes its name from a cluster of offshore rocks, which are geographic feature off the north coast. D-Day landings took place on the beaches of Baie de Seine on June 6, 1944.
Calvados is bounded on the north by the Baie de Seine, on the east by the River Seine, on the south by the département of Orne, and on the west by the département of Manche. It includes the Bessin area, the Pays d’Auge, and the area known a
s the Suisse Normande from the cragginess of its landscape.
Most of Calvados is agricultural. Products include butter, cheese, cider, and the apple-based spirit which shares its name. The Bayeux Tapestry stems from Bayeux and makes the city one of the most-visited tourist destinations in Normandy. Juno Beach Centre at Courseulles-sur-Mer, Calvados, commemorates the D-Day landing of the Canadian liberation forces at Juno Beach during the World War II Battle of Normandy in 1944. The cult of Thérèse de Lisieux brings large numbers of people on pilgrimage to Lisieux.
What is “half-timbered” Construction of Normandy?
A “half-timbered” building (known as “colombages” in French) has exposed wood framing. The spaces between the wooden timbers are filled with plaster, brick, or stone.
Half-timbered houses
Half-timbered houses, their blackened oak beams showing the fissures and cracks of great age, the floors tilting crazily askew, these images are a part of the charm of medieval Europe. Oak is hard and durable, which in part explains why so many medieval half-timbered buildings have survived.
The term “half-timbering” refers to the fact that the logs were halved, or a least cut down to a square inner section. In areas of Europe, such as Romania and Hungary, there was no comparable hard wood available, houses were more frequently constructed using whole logs.
Unlike modern framed buildings where the walls are installed outside and inside the frame, in half-timbered buildings the walls are filled in between the structural timbers. Most commonly this infill was wattle-and-daub (upright branches interwoven by smaller branches and covered by a thick coat of clay mud), laths and plaster, or bricks.
A perimeter footing of an impervious material like stone or brick was built first, then a sill beam laid on the footing. Upright beams were mortised into the sill beam and tenoned at the top into another horizontal member. Timber framed houses are essentially big boxes, with upper “boxes” (stories) set upon lower ones.
By the 15th and 16th century timber framing began to be exploited for its decorative qualities. Timbers which had minimal structural importance were added to the frame, to enhance the decorative effect of dark wood set into whitewashed walls.
The sloping, slanting, floors we see today in half-timbered buildings are not due to sloppy building practices, but a result of the natural warping of the wood as it aged. Also, the blackening of timbers was a natural aging effect. They were not treated or painted when built. It is only a desire of modern builders to provide a romanticized version of half-timbering that has produced imitation or black painted timbers.
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1 U.S. Dollar equals 0.813536 Euros (0.811254 Euros last week)
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Let us help you secure a mortgage in France with interest rates as low as 3.35%.
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Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency, these properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** 175 m² House 14170 St Pierre sur Dives
Pays d’Auge, half-timbered house from the 16th-century, 6 principal rooms, 175 m², tree-planted property of 1300 m², wells, garage. Very quiet.
Additional Information:
Surface: 175 m²
Year of contruction: 0
Floor: 1
Rooms: 6
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Toilets: 2
Living room: 37 m²
Property: 1300 m²
Asking price 238,370 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 108 m² House 14290 Between Lisieux and Orbec
Normand house of 5 principal rooms comprised of: salon with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, arranged kitchen, bathroom, WC. Heating with gas. Garage. Out buildings. Beautiful property of 5650 m².
Additional Information:
Surface: 108 m²
Rooms: 5
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 1
Toilets: 1
Type de heating: gas
Type de kitchen: separated
Dining room
Living room
Asking price 233,720 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 160 m² Normandy Press 14140 Région Livarot
Superb Normand press with grand entry, salon with fireplace, arranged kitchen, bathroo
m, WC. Level: 4 bedrooms, possibility of bathroom. Heating central gas, pretty garden of 1200 m². Charming.
Additional Information:
Surface: 160 m²
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 1
Toilets: 1
Type de heating: collective fuel
Type de kitchen: separated
Living room
Property: 1200 m²
Asking price 234,800 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 200 m² House 14290 Orbec
10 kms from Orbec – 15 kms from Lisieux – 10 minutes to Autoroute, half-timbered house comprised of: entry, arranged kitchen, grand salon with fireplace, WC, heater. Level: 4 bedrooms, WC. Central gas heat. Basement with cellar and studio. Garage. Property of 1 500 m². Country, calm, unobstructed view.
Additional Information:
Surface: 200 m²
Rooms: 6
Bedrooms: 4
Wash room: 1
Toilets: 1
Type de heating: collective fuel
Type de kitchen: separated
Asking price 232,100 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 2 Rooms 31 m² 75018 Paris 18th Proximity: Simplon View of Sacré Coeur
Beautiful old building, on the last floor with an elevator, beautiful unobstructed view of the rooftops, small balcony southwest facing, view of Sacré Coeur, Sacré Coeur, entry, salon, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with WC. Parquet, cave. Very bright, calm.
Asking price 147,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 4 Rooms 88 m² 75018 Paris 18th Proximity: Jules Joffrin
On the 6th and last floor with an elevator, south facing with a large balcony, view on Sacré Coeur. Beautiful apartment with parquet, moldings, fireplace, salon 33 m², 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, WC, dressing, cave. Heating collective. Needs renovation.
Asking price 460,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** Duplex 4 rooms 91 m² 75018 Paris 18th
At the height of Montmartre, Rue Cortot, Superb Duplex of 91 m², 6/7th floor with an elevator, panoramique view on Paris facing south, grand balcony on a garden, 2 bedrooms and one mezzanine, double salon. Quality materials, perfect condition.
Asking price 920,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** Studio 35 m² 75018 Paris 18th Proximity: Guy Moquet
On the gardens of Belliard, a building of good standing, unobstructed view of Sacré Coeur, 6th floor with elevator, interphone, digicode, large bathroom, equipped kitchen, lots of cabinetry, private garden, cellar and parking.
Asking price 205,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** 2 Rooms 40 m² 75018 Paris 18th Proximity: Château Rouge
On the 7th and last floor with an elevator, 2 charming rooms with terrace and view of Sacré Coeur, beautiful recently renovated building, guardian, collective heating, cellar, salon, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, WC and dressing, parquet.
Asking price 215,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
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Leeds Marais Entire Two-Bedroom Apartment
Available November 21 – 30, 2004
Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hotel Particulier, this 70 square meter apartment two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and is perfect for a single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian Leeds is in or for up to 4 people when she’s traveling.
Pictures and more details available here: Marais Guest Room or Entire Apartment
For all International Living managed apartments in Paris, take a look at or for long term apartments.
For rent by the week or longer
Two lovely 2 or 3-bedroom apartments — 1st arrondissement, same building. Just minutes away: the Louvre, Tuilleries, Place Vendome and more. French style gives you a true taste of Paris. Fully equipped makes your Paris stay effortless, comfortable and memorable.
Complete information at
1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
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