Property Pitfalls and Looking at Legal
Volume V, Issue 7

This week we had clients in three signings — two signings on the Acte de Vente (final deed) and one signing of the preliminary contract, the Promesse or Compromis de Vente. In each case, the details of the document are read, virtually line by line, to ensure that all aspects of the contracts are understood by both parties.
In one case, the lead content in the paint on the walls was a big issue. It was so high to be considered dangerous, therefore our Notaire suggested the seller repaint the apartment prior to closing to pass inspection. It was an added expense by the seller, of course, but in the end result, everyone could rest easy.
Lead content is just one of the diagnostics required by law for the seller to provide. In addition, the presence of asbestos and termites must be evaluated and presented to the buyer. Termites are prevalent in some districts of the city, particularly the 17th! In the last few years, other concerns have been added to the documents, including risk of natural disaster, particularly flooding, but also areas built on quarries (such as Montmartre), and energy efficiency.
Today’s issue outlines the diagnostics required by law to be provided by the seller along with other concerns to be dealt with in the preliminary sales contract (Promesse or Compromis de Vente).
We’ve also been doing two very extremely different property searches, strangely discovering both properties within yards of one another. One is for a large space of more than 100 square meters with a budget of close to 1,000,000 euros with 3 bedrooms and the other as small as a studio of 20 square meters with a budget of about 250,000 euros. Both will be enjoyed by the owners and then rented when available.
There is very limited choice on the market in both of these categories at this time, particularly in desirable locations such as Le Marais, in which both of these clients have their hearts set. As a result of our search, today we offer up a smattering of properties under 300,000 euros of about 40 square meters or less — as more budgets are apt to allow. For a property of this price range, cash outlay can be expected to be about 90,000 euros — 20% for the down payment and 10% for closing costs. It is my opinion that both are ideal for rental and will have a greater yield than a mid-sized and priced apartment which might cost double the price of the studio but not yield double the rents. The larger apartment has the possibility of a large and luxury rental yielding very high rents and high occupancy rates as there are so few of its kind on the rental market.
On the subject of furnished rentals, today’s issue unearths a valuable document provided by the Chambre de Notaires in English about the legalities of ownership and rental of furnished property. Be sure to download it, print it and hold it for future reference.
Just a short while ago, Parler Paris issued a special offer to both non-French Property Insider subscribers and you current subscribers!…
Between now and March 11, 2007, when you renew your current subscription for just one more year ($49.50 — 99 cents an issue), we’re going to make it possible for you to get good advice absolutely free! Learn the “Seven Steps to Your Own Pied-à-Terre” from me and the French Property Consultation team live and in person!…
First, anyone from anywhere in the world can participate in our FREE One Hour CONFERENCE CALL on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 7 p.m. Paris Time (1 p.m. Eastern Time, 11 a.m. Pacific Time) and second, if you’re here in Paris, then you will be one of the fortunate few to join us for a one-and-one-half hour GROUP CONSULTATION with me and the French Property Consultation Team on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at La Pierre du Marais, Paris, France.
To read all about it, and to learn how to participate, visit or scroll down for all the details.
A Bientôt,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Please note that February 22, there will be no French Property Insider issue while I am traveling in India as assistant to my daughter who will be photographing two traditional weddings. A full report will ensue upon my return.
P.P.S. Tuesday Parler Paris and French Property Insider readers gathered to get to know one another at La Pierre du Marais at the monthly coffee gathering “Parler Paris Après Midi.” Red Chinese la
nterns shined brightly out the windows while a good time was had by all, including Toulouse, “le chien.” Read all about it and see the photos by clicking here:
Volume V, Issue 7, February 15, 2007
In this issue:
* Avoiding Paris Property Traps
* Responsibilities of the Seller
* Tips on Renting Furnished Apartments
* Property Business Merger
* Paris is Tops for Property Investment
* Learn Seven Tips to Your Own Paris Pied-à-Terre
* FPI Family Grows!
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: March 13, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Paris Finds For Under 300,000€
* Leasebacks: Roc Belle Face, France, French Alps, Les Arcs 1600
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments
The Traps to Avoid with the Preliminary Contract
According to article 1589 of Civil code: “A promise of sale is equivalent to a sale, when there is mutual consent of both parties on the matter of the thing and the price.”
The mutual agreement generates rights and obligations that the purchaser must know before he’s signing this deed, even if the transfer of property of the asset is postponed to the day of the signature of the authentic deed.
Since 1st June 2001 the non professional purchaser of a dwelling house, benefits of an option of retraction if the preliminary contract is concluded under private signature, or of a cooling-off period if the preliminary contract is concluded by an authentic instrument. During this period, any down payment is forbidden.
The non professional purchaser can retract within seven days from the following day of the first presentation of the letter signifying the contract. This rule provision applies to the instruments under private signature which the matter is the construction or purchase of a building used for accommodation.
The contract is signified by a recorded-delivery letter or by any other kind of method with the same guarantees for the determination of the date of receipt or delivery.
A cooling-off period is allowed when the preliminary contract must be established as the authentic deed. The contract must not be immediately signed by the parties. The notary must send the deed to the purchaser which has seven days period to think and indicate if he gives up the purchase.
In principle, the selling price of an immoveable property should never be paid to the seller before the registration of the deed of sale in the Mortgage Registry and the delivery of a certificate attesting that there is no registration of mortgage superior to the amount of the price. In fact, before this publication, if the purchaser has delivered the price to the vendor, he risks to pay a second time or to abandon the asset if the mortgages exercise their indefeasible right pertaining to the mortgaged estate. In practice, to avoid these risks to the purchaser, he doesn’t pay the selling price directly to the vendor. But he deposits the amount to the notary. Then, the notary can pay the vendor if the certificate doesn’t reveal any registration of mortgage superior to the amount of the price.
Cheques made out in euros and drawn in foreign countries or made out in foreign currency take on important risks: long and uncertain cashing periods, very long refusal periods in some countries, non guarantee of payment (risks of non cashing). In some countries, the legislation in force doesn’t protect very well the payee of a cheque. It’s the address of the cleared bank which determines the legislation applicable for the payment of the cheque. To avoid these risks, French notaries use SWITF transfers to receive funds from foreign countries. SWIFT system uses a bank telecommunications network on a world scale. To receive a SWIFT transfer, the French notary will beforehand communicate to his correspondent:
• his name, capacity, name of his office (and, if it’s necessary, the reference of the operation)
• the SWIFT references of the bank in which the funds will
be transferred and his IBAN (International Banking Account Number).
With these informations the bank of the purchaser will be able to transfer the funds.
According to article 1593 of Civil code “the costs of instruments and other accessory to a sale shall be charged to the purchaser.”
The costs of article 1593 of Civil code are the necessary costs for the deed of sale.
Essentially, they include the costs for the drawing up of the deed, the remuneration of the Mortgage Registrar etc…
On the other hand, the expenses that the purchaser advances for the redemption of a mortgage are payable by the vendor.
If the seller advances the cos
ts, he has a right to ask the reimbursement
to the purchaser.
According to article 1715 of General Tax Code, the taxpayer of the property tax is the one who is the owner on the 1st January. On January the first, the owner is the debtor of the entire tax. This principle is also applicable to residence tax (“taxe d’habitation”). However, regarding of property tax, the parties can agree on a different dispatching of this tax. But these agreements will just have effect between the purchaser and the seller. These agreements are not opposable to the tax authorities, which, in all cases, will collect the tax from the person who is the owner on January the first.
An easement is a burden imposed upon a property, build or not (servient tenement), for the benefit of another property belonging to another owner (dominant tenement).
In the deed of sale, it’s often stipulated that the purchaser will benefit of the easements if the asset is a dominant tenement and he will bear the open or hidden easements if the asset is a servient tenement.
The purchaser will not have action against the vendor. The vendor must declare the easements created by him or the easements that he let create on the assets.
The town planning information document will reveal if easements exist which are the result of town planning rules. The preliminary contract is generally concluded subject to a suspensive condition that the town planning information document will not reveal easements which can affect the substance or the value of the asset.
When the object of the sale is a building to be erected, the purchaser can be protected by the warranty against obvious (or visible) defects.
The concept of visible construction defects applies to any failure in workmanship, whatsoever, discernible by an uninitiated observer.
According to article 1642-1 of Civil code “the seller of a building to be erected may not be discharge, either before approval of the works, or before the expiry of a period of one month after the vesting of the purchaser into possession, for defects of construction then patent.”
During one month after the purchaser has taken possession, he must use the period made available to draw attention to all visible defects that may have come to his notice, under the terms of contract, and which he may not have been aware of at the time of the handing over of the keys. After the one month period, the vendor is no longer liable for obvious defects.
If obvious defects exist, the purchaser has a choice: he can give back the asset and ask the repayment of the price or keep the asset and ask the repayment of a part of the price.
If the vendor repairs the defect, there is no need to invalidate the contract or reduce the price.
The articles 1641 at 1649 of Civil code prescribe the warranty against hidden defects.
The vendor must warrant against hidden defects in the thing sold which makes it unfit for the use of which it is intended, or which so impair this use that the purchaser would not have acquired it, or would only have paid a lower price, if he had known them.
This warranty is applicable to all kind of sale and notably to the sale of real estates.
If the legal requirements of articles 1641 and following of Civil code are fulfilled, the purchaser has a specific action which object is to warrant him against hidden defects.
However, the purchaser must act rapidly and according to a particular proceeding. If all the conditions of the action for hidden defects are fulfilled, the purchaser can obtain, according to his choice, whether the annihilation of the contract or a reduction of the selling price. The vendor is liable to these penalties even if he’s in good faith. The purchaser can also ask the restoration of the building or its replacement.
According to article L. 1334-5 of Public Health Code (“Code de la santé publique”), a certificate relating to the risks of accessibility to lead is appended to the unilateral undertaking to sell or purchase, to the deed realising the sale of a building used even in part to accommodation, build before 1948 and situated within a zone subject to lead poisoning hazards. This certificate must be established since less than one year before the date of the unilateral undertaking to sell or to purchase or of the deed of sale.
If the certificate is not appended to these deeds, no exoneration clause of warranty against hidden defects can be stipulated for defects relating to the accessibility to lead.
According to a decree of 7th February 1996, the owners of buildings (except for the detached houses) build before 1st July 1997 must, subject to penalty in case of default, search the presence of asbestos in products or materials and carry out, possibly, to a periodic control, to a supervision by a registered professional or to appropriate works. The deadline to make these controls expired the 31st December 1999. If, at the time of signature of the preliminary contract, this control hasn’t been made, a suspensive condition specifying that the control doesn’t reveal the presence of asbestos must be inserted.
A certificate revealing the presence or, possibly, the absence of asbestos in materials or products in the building must be appended to the unilateral undertaking to sell or to purchase and to any contract concluding the sale of some kinds of buildings. Without this appended certificate, no exoneration clause of warranty against hidden defects can be stipulated for the defects relating to the presence of asbestos in these elements of the building.
A Law of 8th June 1999 lays down to the owners of buildings located in an area
nated, or open to be contaminated, particular obligations. The owners must provide a parasitical certificate established before less than three months, or warrant the purchaser for the hidden defects of presence of termites, without possibility for them to insert an exoneration clause. This parasitical certificate, established by an expert, identifies the building and indicates the places checked in the building and the ones not checked, the infested elements by termites or which have been in the past and the ones which are not, the date and the place of its drawing up.
A Law of 3rd January 1992 enacts that the cities must create technical control services for the non collective sewer system before the 31st December 2005. According to the Board of Works, it’s in the interest of the vendor to provide the reports delivered by the technical control services for non collective sewer system (“Services Publics d’Assainissement Non Collectif”).
The vendor has no obligation to inform the purchaser, but if he does, the non warranty clause will be effective.
For the collective sewer systems, no obligation forces the vendor to inform the purchaser. However, the non warranty clause has been turned down without information about the connecting to the sanitary sewer or about the drinking water system.
In other respects, the vendor is under a general obligation to inform the purchaser if the latter can’t get information by his own.
Finally, it’s in the interest of the vendor of a building located in a city which created a technical control service for the non collective sewer system, to inform the purchaser of the possibly failure of his connecting pipe to the sanitary sewer if the city informed him of the existence of such a problem.
Since 1st January 2002, the “charges de copropriété” are based on the obligatory distinction between the current expenses and the expenses for works done.
Article 14-1 of Law of 10 July 1965 defines the current expenses: they are expenses “of maintenance, operation and administration of the common parts and of the common equipments of the building.”
These expenses are the occasion to establish a provisional budget submitted annually to the vote of the co-owners which the general meeting must take place six months after the last day of the previous accounting period. According to the new article 14-2 of Law of 10 July 1965, work expenses are not included in the provisional budget.” These expenses must be examined on an ad hoc basis. For each expense the general meeting will define and fix the execution and financing methods.
Obligations of the Seller
Those who sell a property (a flat, a house or a plot of land) are obligated to inform potential buyers. In general, sellers must provide all the information in their possession regarding the property. Indeed, some of this information is required by law. French courts impose heavy fines on sellers who fail to comply with this obligation. If the seller conceals important information, the buyer can obtain a lower price on the property or, in the most serious cases, annul the transaction altogether. The seller is then ordered to refund the purchase price and in some cases pay compensation to buyers who sustained a loss (such as moving expenses or the cost of finding new housing). It is therefore very important to comply with these obligations. And the list of information that the seller must provide to the buyer is constantly growing.
Generally, this information is legal or technical. For example, from a legal standpoint, the seller must inform the buyer of any easements on the property (regarding passage through the property, views, water runoff, etc.), mortgages or liens (issued by the bank as security on a loan) or other expenses (right of first refusal, advertisement contracts). With regard to technical information, the owner of a jointly owned flat is required to provide the exact surface area of the residence (under France’s Carrez law). The future buyer must receive a copy of the maintenance log (carnet d’entretien) that is mandatory for any co-owned buildings. In some cases the seller must also inform the buyer if termites, lead or asbestos have been found on the property. Parties selling land for development must specify whether the plot’s boundaries have been marked and must inform buyers of any applicable zoning regulations and building options. The building’s immediate environment should be considered as well: Is there a foreseeable risk of natural disaster in the region (e.g. floods, earthquakes)? Are there any zoning easements? Does the home’s drainage system comply with regulations? Are there any businesses nearby that generate pollution?
Every seller has a significant obligation to provide this information and is liable for failing to do so. Such information should be provided to the purchaser when the preliminary agreement is signed. So it’s important to obtain the advice of a professional who specialises in property law before putting a property on the market. Don’t hesitate to meet with a notaire and, above all, don’t sign anything before obtaining his or her advice. Your notaire can offer assistance and help you bring your plans to fruition in complete security.
Renting Furnished Accommodations
By Jacques Bernard
Furnished tenancy is governed by different legal and tax regulations from those that apply to unfurnished accommodations. You need to know more before making the investment.
The rental of furnished accommodations is usually described as an attractive tax option. However, this generic term encompasses numerous scenarios with which you should be familiar before making a decision.
To read a complete accounting of French regulations, download this pdf file here:
Nexity, Caisses d’Epargne Aim to Create Listed Property Business – Source
AFX News Limited
French housebuilder Nexity and mutually owned savings bank Caisses d’Epargne will on Monday start the process for creation of a ‘large’ listed property business, a source close to the project said.
“Executives from the Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne and from Nexity will on Monday morning seek authorization from their boards to sign a letter opening exclusive negotiations,” the source told Agence France-Presse.
The aim of the talks will be to reach agreement within two months on a possible merger of Nexity with Caisses d’Epargne mortgage lending unit Credit Foncier to form a ‘large listed property division,’ the source said, confirming a report in Le Figaro today.
The main question is to agree a valuation for Credit Foncier, a second source said.
Under the initial proposal, Caisses d’Epargne would take a 51% stake in the merged business.
The second source said Credit Foncier was valued at 2.5-2.6 billion euros in negotiations last year for the establishment of Natixis investment bank, while Nexity has a stock market valuation of about 2.1 billion euros.
“What will happen to the 500 million euro difference?” the source said.
At 1.19 p.m., Nexity shares were up 1.85% at 66.00 euros.
Paris Tipped as Top Property Investment City
From Holiday Lettings
Paris has been named as the top investment market in Europe for 2007, beating off competition from London, Stockholm, Munich and Lyon.
Published by the Urban Landscape Institute in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers,the Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe report for 2007 rates the French capital highly for both return prospects and low risk.
The report also pointed to the city’s potential due to its status as a global gateway, the good urban regeneration currently underway as well as its economic stability and sustainability.
The report concluded that “Paris still has good prospects for the next two years.”
Paris also emerged as a favourite destination for investors looking to buy property.
Of those questioned in the study, 54 per cent of respondents recommended buying office space in the city and 57 per cent recommended investing in retail property.
London was rated second to Paris as an investment market, with the report again citing the city’s stability and minimal risk.
While shopping centres were cited as having the greatest return potentials, the report also said it expected hotels and residential properties to continue to produce high total returns in 2007.
Learn the “Seven Steps to Your Own Pied-à-Terre”
A Special Offer from FPI
Between now and March 11, 2007, when you renew your current subscription for just one more year ($49.50 — 99 cents an issue), we’re going to make it possible for you to get good advice absolutely free!
Learn the “Seven Steps to Your Own Pied-à-Terre” from me and the French Property Consultation team live and in person!…
First, anyone from anywhere in the world can participate in our FREE One Hour CONFERENCE CALL on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 7 p.m. Paris Time (1 p.m. Eastern Time, 11 a.m. Pacific Time). You’ll be given a Toll Free U.S. or Direct Dial access number so you won’t be calling long distance to France!…but we’ll all be there with you to give you an introduction to the Seven Steps to Your Own Pied-à-Terre, then you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions about living, investing, or purchasing property in Paris or France. This is your chance from wherever you live to learn more about how to make your dream to own a property of your own in France come true!
Second, if you’re here in Paris, then you will be one of the fortunate few to join us for a one-and-one-half hour GROUP CONSULTATION with me and the French Property Consultation Team on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at La Pierre du Marais, Paris, France. Live and in person, we’ll give you an introduction to the Seven Steps to Your Own Pied-à-Terre then as with the conference call, you’ll have an opportunity to ask our team of experts all your questions about living,
investing or
purchasing property in Paris or France.
Right now, and only until March 11th, the opportunity is yours. Take my advice. Don’t delay.
Click here to add one or more years!
FPI Grows a Family!
Congratulations to French Property Consultant Ellen Jung j2999se and her husband, Philippe, on the birth of their baby boy delivered Monday night, February 12, Leopold.
AND congratulations to French Property Insider Webmaster, Lorin Kalisky of, and Bastille Media, and his partner, Edith, on the birth of their baby girl delivered Monday, February 5, 2007, Tess Olivia.
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the Notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
FPI Offers More Relocation Solutions!
Moving to Paris? Our experienced relocation expert will make your move easy and hassle-free. We offer complete property and relocation services normally only provided by employer hired relocation firms…but at a price much more affordable for individuals.
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Parler Paris Après-Midi
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Paris Finds For Under 300,000€
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not
a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Paris, 10th Arrondissement, 1 room, approx. 18m²
Near Bonne Nouvelle, a studio, completely renovated with a terrace, bathroom and toilet. View on l’Eglise Saint Vincent de Paul. On the 5th floor, with elevator in a cut stone building. Quiet and sun-filled.
Asking Price: 175,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Paris, 11th Arrondissement, 1 room, approx. 28m²
In the heart of the Bastille, on the second and last floor on a court in a building typical of the quarter. Full of charm — exposed beams, bricks and fireplace. Large living room, American style kitchen, bathroom with toilet.
Asking Price: 184,900 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Paris, 1st Arrondissement, 1 room, approx. 28m²
This charming studio is in perfect condition. On the 5th floor, with elevator. Corner kitchen, bathroom with toilet. High ceilings, two windows with double glazing, digicode and interphone.
Asking Price: 230,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Paris, 4th Arrondissement, 2 rooms, approx. 40m²
Near Saint Gervais, a unique apartment with beams, high ceilings and engaging view, very bright and quiet.
Asking Price: 299,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, French Alps, Les Arcs 1600
One Bedroom 32m² to 47m² €182,000 to €262,000
Two Bedrooms 59m² to 72m² €323,000 to €405,000
Three Bedrooms 102m² to 102m² €536,000 to €536,000
Guaranteed Buy to Let – Leaseback
Born from the link between Les Arcs, Pelsey-Vallandry and La Plagne on the Vanolse Express, this ski area is one of the largest as well as one of the most diverse in the world. On the ski runs, vary your itineraries: with 3 summits culminating at over 3000 metres high, Paradiski can take you to the clouds with over 2000 metres of varied altitude at your ski tips! Situated in the Tarentaise area of the Savoie department in the Northern Alps region. The ski resorts high speed ski lifts whisk skiers from the international rail terminus at Bourg St. Maurice to the base of the slopes in Arc 1600 in just 7 minutes! The residence is ideally located directly at the terminus of this ski lift. The lift served area extends from 1660 metres to over 3200 metres. Including La Plagne there is a total of 420 km of lift served runs; Les Arcs has over 200km of runs. There are 20 km of cross country trails and the resort features a snow park.
This 4 star residence nestled within the heart of Les Arcs 1600 welcomes guests into an atmosphere that is warm and elegantly decorated. This residential complex, located at the departure point of the ski lifts, offers you direct access on skis to the Paradiski ski area. Residence 4 star facilities include: sauna, hammam, Jacuzzi, indoor swimming pools and fitness centre.
In addition, investors will benefit from attractive holiday use options and flexible investment options. Investors will benefit from an immediate VAT discount and have peace of mind knowing that there is a strong management company behind the project. The management company will be responsible for paying a guaranteed, indexed rental income to apartment owners, supported by a 9-year commercial lease; looking after the owner’s property and taking care of operating charges and rental property consumption. The owner is refunded by the tax
authorities for the tot
al VAT involved in the acquisition of the apartment.
When you make a purchase as important as a piece of real estate in a foreign country, you want to know that you can trust the people you are dealing with. Adrian Leeds has developed a network of professionals that meet only the highest of standards. With the expertise and experience of Adrian and her team, you can depend on getting the best advice and support to feel completely confident that you are making an informed investment decision.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit for more information or contact [email protected]
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Insider Paris Guides Have a New Home
Insider Paris Guides started almost 10 years ago with the idea of creating an online electronic regularly updated listing of my favorite good-value restaurants. I wrote it one summer, listed 50 Paris restaurants and we called it the Leeds Good Value Guide to Paris Restaurants. It sold from the moment it hit cyberspace and over the years, guides were added to the roster. Today there are four guides:
Good Value Restaurants
You don’t need to be rich to dine well in Paris – you just need to know where to go. Enjoy fabulous three-course meals with wine for just $20 to $30, including tax and tip. Explore more than 200 hand-picked great-value restaurants.
Living in France
France may seem familiar, but nearly everything … from paying taxes to having a baby … is done quite differently. Get the practical answers to nearly 300 questions about making a life in France.
Expat Writers
Are you, like so many great writers past and present, drawn to and intoxicated by the City of Light? Discover the ins-and-outs of literary Paris whether you are a novelist, journalist, poet or just a dreamer.
Black Culture
This is the first guide of its kind, devoted to understanding and exploring the rich Black culture and vibrant Black community in Paris. Make the most of Paris’s multicultural sites, sounds and tastes.
Bastille Media took over the publishing responsibilities of the Insider Paris Guides this month and yes(!), we will continue to offer a discount to FPI subscribers.
The discount will be 10% off any guide and up to 25% off the entire
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