Royally Taxed…C'est Versailles!
Volume IV, Issue 49

As we wind down to a holiday weekend filled with good cheer, travel excursions to visit family, friends or interesting places, we set our property-minded sights today on the French aristocracy who were replaced by the revolutionary socialists who created ways to tax the wealthy to provide for the masses.
It all starts in Versailles, the original capital of France and the Sun King. Today Versailles is not only a château to visit but a vibrant place to live just a few miles from the center of Paris surrounded by woods, once the hunting grounds of the kings. Easy access to Paris by public transportation provides suburbanites with the best of both worlds and property is a bigger bargain affording more space (plus green space!) for the average euro.
In today’s issue, we explore Versailles, both yesterday and today, as well as some of the taxes now imposed on wealthy property owners. If you intend to be or are one of those, then buyer beware of the two types of property tax and the dreaded wealth tax. The good news is that property tax in France is considerably lower than in most parts of the U.S. (by 1/10) and that the laws governing wealth tax are under quite a lot of debate to be amended.
Here’s wishing you a very happy holiday and until our last issue for the year on December 28th…
A Bientôt et Bonnes Fêtes!
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. One week left to register for the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Seminar. Don’t delay. For more information, visit
Volume IV, Issue 49, December 21, 2006
In this issue:
* The Former Kingdom of France: Versailles
* Rule of the Sun King
* French Real Estate in the Movies
* Wealth Tax Drives Wealthy from France
* Understanding French Property Tax
* Coming to Terms with Wealth Tax
* French Tax Assessment
* Living and Investing in France Real Estate Seminar December 29, 2006
* Vive la France Property Show, London, January 17-21, 2007
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: January 9, 2007
* Hot Property Picks: Royal Living in Versailles
* Leasebacks: Residence les Greens de Benodet, France, Brittany / Normandy, Benodet
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments, Attic Lumière, Le Panthéon, La Cellette
The City of Versailles Yesterday and Today
Versailles, formerly the de facto capital of the kingdom of France, is now a wealthy suburb of Paris and is still an important administrative and judicial center. The city (commune) of Versailles, located in the western suburbs of Paris, 17.1 km. (10.6 miles) from the center of Paris, is the préfecture (capital) of the Yvelines département.
The population of the city according to 2004 estimates was 85,900 inhabitants, down from a peak of 94,145 inhabitants in 1975. Versailles is made world-famous by the Château de Versailles, from the forecourt of which the city has grown.
The city sits on an elevated plateau, 130 to 140 meters (425 to 460 ft) above sea-level (whereas the altitude of the center of Paris is only 33 m (108 ft) above sea level), surrounded by wooded hills: in the north the woods of Marly and Fausses-Reposes, and in the south the forests of Satory and Meudon.
The city of Versailles (commune) has an area of 26.18 km² (10.11 mile², or 6,469 acres), which is a quarter of the area of the city of Paris. In 1999, the city of Versailles had a population density of 3,275/km² (8,481/mile²), whereas the city of Paris had a density of 20,164/km² (52,225/mile²).
out of the will of a king, the city has a rational and symmetrical grid of streets. For the standards of the 18th century, Versailles was a very modern European city. Versailles was used as a model for the building of Washington DC.
For a detailed history of Versailles, visit or read on…
The center of the town has kept its very bourgeois atmosphere, while more middle-class neighborhoods have developed around the train stations and in the outskirts of the city. Versailles is a chic suburb of Paris well linked with the center of Paris by several train lines. However, the city is extremely compartmented, divided by large avenues inherited from the monarchy which create the impression of several small cities ignoring each other. Versailles was never an industrial city, even though there are a few chemical and food processing plants. Essentially, Versailles is a place of services, such as public administration, tourism, business congresses, and festivals.
Versailles is served by Versailles – Chantiers station, which is an interchange station on Paris RER line C, on the Transilien La Défense suburban rail line, on the Transilien Paris – Montparnasse suburban rail line, and on several national rail lines.
Versailles is also served by two other stations on Paris RER line C: Versailles – Rive Gauche (the closest station to the Palace of Versailles) and Porchefontaine.
Finally, Versailles is also served by two stations on the Transilien Paris – Saint-Lazare suburban rail line: Versailles – Rive Droite and Montreuil.
Louis XIV The Sun King
Taking Revenge
Louis XIV was born at the Royal chateau in Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1638. He was only five when he became king on the death of his father, Louis XIII. The regency, confided to his mother, Anne of Austria, was marked by a period of rebellion known as the Fronde (1648-1653), led first by the nobility and later by the urban commoners. The boy felt both humiliated by arrogant nobles and threatened by the people of Paris and would never forget it.
The King Governs Alone
In 1660, Louis XIV married Maria Theresa, Infanta of Spain. The following year, on the death of his godfather and prime minister, Cardinal Mazarin, the 23-year-old monarch announced that he himself would govern. No one believed him. Yet he insisted on convening a council on a daily basis, from which he excluded grand nobles, surrounding himself instead with ministers who owed him all.
‘The Century of Louis XIV’
The first twenty years of the king’s personal reign were the most brilliant. With his minister Colbert, he carried out the administrative and financial reorganization of the kingdom, as well as the development of trade and manufacturing. With the Marquis de Louvois, he reformed the army and racked up military victories. Finally, Louis encouraged an extraordinary blossoming of culture: theatre (Molière and Racine), music (Lully), architecture, painting, sculpture, and all the sciences (founding of the royal academies). These accomplishments would be depicted on the ceiling of the Hall of Mirrors.
The Sun Myth
Louis XIV chose the sun as his emblem. The sun was associated with Apollo, god of peace and arts, and was also the heavenly body which gave life to all things, regulating everything as it rose and set. Like Apollo, the warrior-king Louis XIV brought peace, was a patron of the arts, and dispensed his bounty. The regularity of his work habits and his ritual risings and retirings (levee and couchee) were another point of solar comparison. Throughout Versailles, decoration combines images and attributes of Apollo (laurel, lyre, tripod) with the king’s portraits and emblems (the double LL, the royal crown, the sceptre and hand of justice). The Apollo Salon is the main room of the Grand Apartment because it was originally the monarch’s state chamber. The path of the sun is also traced in the layout of the gardens.
The Fires of Love
Marie Mancini, Louise de la Vallière, Madame de Montespan and several other beauties at court won the king’s heart. In order to dazzle them, he organized extraordinary festivities that wonderfully bedecked the original (if slightly enlarged) Louis XIII château. These royal love affairs yielded many offspring, whom Louis XIV later legitimized or betrothed to other members of the royal family.
French Cinema Real Estate: Versailles or Paris?
Both Anne Fontaine’s « Comment j’ai tué mon père » (2001) and « Nathalie » (2003) start with house parties.
« Comment j’ai tué mon père »’s is a success until Jean-Luc’s father, Maurice (Michel Bouquet), unexpectedly shows up.
« Nathalie »’s is a success until its guest of honor, Bernard (Gérard Depardieu), Catherine’s (Fanny Ardant) husband, fails to show up: he calls to tell he missed his plane. Too bad, the party was a surprise for hi
s birthday.
You will enjoy both openings if you are fond of cocktail chatter, champagne, stale wit and elegant shallow crowds. Also if you have a thick wallet and consider an investment in French real estate….
To read the entire article, visit:
Expats See Red Over French Wealth Tax
By Susan Bell
From The First Post
Many British expats have come to know the horrors of the crippling wealth tax that has sent French rock icon Johnny Hallyday fleeing for Switzerland.
Little known outside France, the ISF (Impot de Solidarite sur la Fortune) applies to global assets, including the estimated current value of your home and possessions. Thus people living on a meagre pension may be deemed to be wealthy and subject to the tax if their property is over a certain value.
With the ISF threshold set at only €750,000 (£500,000), it is easy to see that for Brits with a house in the Dordogne or Provence, it does not take much in the way of savings to drive people with ordinary incomes into the wealth tax band.
The tax, imposed annually at between 0.55 and 1.5 per cent of assets above the threshold, is particularly unfair to ordinary French people who have bought or inherited a house for a modest sum in an area which has since become fashionable.
This injustice was highlighted recently by the plight of humble paysans on the Ile de Re off western France, where an influx of celebrities such as Emmanuelle Beart (pictured) has driven up land prices. Many locals who scrape by on modest pensions or incomes have been forced to sell land – often in their families for generations – to pay the tax.
In Provence, British expats who bought their old farmhouses for a song, and then made the mistake of becoming French residents, are also being forced to sell up as property prices soar.
Expats tempted to hide assets off-shore should be warned: “le fisc” – the French tax authorities – have a loathing for off-shore accounts.
Two Types of Property Tax
Information, Descriptives and Excerpts Provided by and Gordon S. Blair Law Offices, Monaco
Two principal residential property taxes are collected by the State for the benefit of the “collectivités territoriales,” namely the local authorities of the “Région,” “Département” and “Commune”: 1) “taxe foncière” and 2) taxe d’habitation.”
These taxes are each assessed at an individual rate voted by each “collectivité territoriale.” They vary in substantial proportions from one location to another. The commune rate of tax is often higher in main towns than in suburbs or small villages.
Before renting or buying a property , it is therefore wise to request copies of past tax bills from the current owner.
1. Taxe foncière is levied from the owner of residential properties situated within France on the first day of January, whomever is responsible for paying the tax for that year.
The tax base is determined by the “valeur locative cadastrale.” It represents the notional annual rent if the property was let on the open market. However the valeur locative is often substantially lower than the market rental value. Every year, the valeur locative is multiplied by a factor to reflect the national variation of prices. For the last five years, the resulting increase has been about 1%t a year. From time to time the tax authorities review the individual values of properties. After relief for various allowances, the net base is multiplied by the current tax rates as voted by the councils of the relevant région, département and commune. A collection fee (“frais de rôle et de recouvrement”) of 2.5% of the resulting tax is added for the State.
Two different rates are applicable for developed and undeveloped land called “bâti” and “non-bâti.” For residential property the developed area is the land on which the house and outbuildings are built plus a defined area of additional land surrounding the house. A single property, if large enough, can therefore be liable to both taxe foncière bâti et non-bâti and either one or two tax bills may issued. There are limited allowances against taxe foncière for new and reconstructed properties and for certain additions to existing properties.
2. Taxe d’habitation is also applicable to all residential properties, but it is levied from the occupant, whether the occupant is the owner, the tenant or a free occupant. The occupant (owner or tenant) of the property on the first day of January is responsible for paying the tax for that year. If the tenant vacates the property during the year and fails to pay, the owner remains jointly liable, unless he notifies the tax collector of the new address of the tenant.
It is also calculated by reference to the notional rental value of the premises as adjusted. The most common discounts applied for taxe d’habitation is for the principal residence and for dependent persons, for example children; also discounts are granted for the disabled, aged and those on a low income.
Those who are liable to pay taxe foncière or taxe d’habitation are not required to file a yearly return. They will be
notified of th
e amount by an “avis d’imposition” which will state the amount due and the time for payment. The tax bills are usually received towards the end of August and September for payment by October 15 and November 15. Penalties will be imposed for late payment. It is possible to elect to pay by monthly installments.
If you think the assessment is too high you can try to challenge it. You can obtain information concerning the imposition of the tax by consulting the “documents cadastraux” at the “centre des impôts fonciers.” You can also seek to obtain a copy of the “fiche de calcul,” the calculation sheet to obtain the detailed calculation of the valeur locative. In most cases obtaining information and checking calculations is not easy! Reimbursements can be obtained if you are successful in justifying your claim.
If the property is sold during the year, the seller and the buyer often agree to share the tax, by a clause inserted in the “Acte de Vente.” This is however a private arrangement which does not change the legal debtor of the tax, being the owner on January 1st. If the occupant changes during the year, any private arrangement to share the tax with the new tenant (although this is not common) does not change the legal debtor of the tax, being the occupant on January 1st.
Biting the Wealth Tax Bullet
Let’s say you own a property and hold a bank account and a few investments in France. Are you liable to wealth Tax (ISF)?
Married or cohabiting couples and persons who have contracted a PAC (Civil Solidarity Pact) should file a joint French tax return.
Non-residents are only liable to the ISF on the assets they have in France. Financial investments are expressly excluded from the basis of taxation. In order to promote financial investments made by non-residents in France, article 885L of the French tax code exempts those investments from ISF.
Considered French assets are:
1. Tangible assets physically based in France (car, boat, etc…)
2. Properties or shares in real properties directly or indirectly owned in France and in overseas departments, as well as shares in unlisted foreign companies preponderantly holding French real estate.
3. Debts, when the debtor is established in France and securities issued by the French Government or by any legal entity with a registered office in France, regardless of the composition of its assets.
The threshold of taxation is €750,000. As a result, the ISF is not due when the value of the taxable assets is less than or equal to €750,000 on January 1st 2006.
How is the wealth tax (ISF) computed?
Assets in excess of €750,000 are taxed according to the following schedule:
Fractions of Taxable Aassets Rate
Below €750,000 0%
Between €750,000 and €1,200,000 0.55%
Between €1,200,000 and €2,380,000 .75%
Between €2,380,000 and €3,730,000 1%
Between €3,730,000 and €7,140,000 1.3 %
Between €7,140,000 and €15,530,000 1.65%
Above €15,530,000 1.8 %
Note: Non-residents liable to the ISF, must file a tax return and pay the tax before July 16th if they reside in Europe and before September 1st if they reside elsewhere. Tax returns and checks should be sent to “recette des Impôts des Non-Résidents, 9 rue d’Uzès, 75094 PARIS CEDEX 02.
Assess Your Tax Assessment
By moving to France, you will have quite a lot of administrative procedures to follow. It will take time and very often, you will be confronted with the burden of the heavy French bureaucracy. Soon, you will realize that the levels of French tax is very high, as well: income tax, property tax, capital gains tax, wealth tax, social security tax, etc…
However, French law provides legal possibilities for individuals to reduce these taxes by investing either on the property market or through financial investments.
New firms in France offer services to help you evaluate your tax position. They can also advise you on any areas of financial investment or answer any question about the real estate market (rental investment, in particular).
An advisor will study your financial profile and propose the best solution with regard to your personal situation. As a result, you may save a part of your taxes and capitalize your investment with an assured profitability of between 10% and 20%.
Editor’s Note: We recommend the CABINET JADE CONSEIL for a introductory consultation. For more information, contact Frédéric Fauchereau at +33 (0) or by e-mail: [email protected]
Adrian Leeds, Parler Paris, French Property Insider and John Howell & Co. of International Law Partnership Present the…
Living and Investing in France
Real Estate Seminar
December 29, 2006
Chez Jenny, Paris, France
If you’ve always dreamed of moving to France, starting a new life in Paris, enjoying a “pied-à-terre” of your own part of the year or perhaps investing in property in France, this power-packed seminar is a MUST. Hosted by Adrian Leeds, Editor of the Parler Pari
s Nouvellettre® a
nd French Property Insider weekly e-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for John Howell & Co., International Law Partnership, London, this one day in Paris will put you on the right footing to make it happen!
We are very lucky to have two new presenters added to the roster, both of whom will be expanding on the idea of how to make your hard-earned savings grow, grow, grow, while enjoying every penny during your lifetime…particularly in such a beautiful place as Paris and France.
Let me introduce to you a new partner in John Howell’s International Law Partnership, Graham Platt. Platt is not only a qualified solicitor in England, but is also an admitted “avocat” (lawyer) in France who specializes in French Law and is an acknowledged expert in advising on property transactions in France. He is also completely bi-lingual in French and English.
For the first time, he will be joining John Howell during some of the most vital presentations!:
* Why Invest in Property in France?…
* How to Buy and Own Property in France!…
* and How to Minimize Your Tax and Maximize the Benefits!
Another surprise to top off an already impressive line-up of experts is Tarek Richey’s participation. A financial advisor for Raymond James Financial Services, he has lived in Expat communities his whole life having spent his younger years in the Middle and Far East, college years in the U.K. where he attended Wellington College continuing to the U.S.A. to study at Washington College, Maryland. Richey was District Manager of SunAmerica Securities before joining Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. where he is now focusing primarily on tax efficient retirement and income solutions — international wealth management with tax minimization and asset protection strategies to U.S. Expat individuals and business owners.
That may seem like a mouthful, but his clear and concise presentation will be the last and appropriately so: “How to Outlive Your Income!” — covering topics such as global tax issues, asset allocation and hedging the dollar/euro so you never outlive your income.
You will learn how to…
* Why Invest in Property in France?
* Find Your Dream Apartment in Paris or Home in the Country!
* Buy and Own Property in France!
* How to Obtain a Mortgage!
* Reduce Your Currency Exchange Risk!
* How to Minimize Your Tax and Maximize the Benefits!
* Rent Your French Property for Profit!
* Plus, answer all the rest of your questions during a Q and A panel with the presenters.
The Seminar Location
Historical Chez Jenny
39 boulevard du Temple
Place de la République
75003 Paris
“An authentic Brasserie with a soul, a style and a history.”
At the colonial exhibition in 1930, Robert Jenny had a kiosk where he sold produce from his region: salt-pickled cabbage choucroute, sausages and beer. Appreciating Parisian life and noting that the fine Alsatian products attracted the Parisians, this native of Strasbourg sought to set up business in the capital. He found just the right place not far from the place de la République, at number 39 boulevard du Temple. This was the hall where the former Victor ball was held. The quarter was lively, even though it no longer deserved the reputation of «Crime Boulevard» that it had had in the 18th century, when the plays billed at the many theatres in the area mainly drew inspiration from the items in the news.
The seminar includes a three-course lunch with Kir, wine and coffee!
Menu (subject to change):
* Kir Vin Blanc à l’Edelzwicker d’Alsace and Bretzels
* Terrine de Canard aux Pistaches, Chutney de Fruits Secs
* Suprême de Volaille à la Moutarde, Nid d’Alsace aux Légumes
* Crème Brûlée Caramélisée à la Cassonade
* Wine or Mineral Water, Coffee
Click here for more information and to register, or contact Project Manager, Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]/parlerparis
French Property Exhibition
Vive La France
January 19-21, 2007
French Property News are once again holding a French property exhibition at “Vive La France” – a celebration of all things French.
Ticket Prices: £8 in advance, £12 on the door
Tickets available from : 0870 013 0730 or visit
Over 175 exhibitors – Estate Agents, Builders, Developers, Architects plus financial and legal advice.
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it so easily on your own. Let us take
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Parler Paris Après-Midi
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Royal Living in Versailles
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Versailles, Apartment, 4 rooms, approx. 112m²
In the Notre Dame quarter, 5 minutes to the palace park, this apartment is unique. Large living room with double exposure and 4m high ceilings. Living room, separate and fully equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms with the possibility for 3, 2 bathrooms, shower room, toilet. On the first floor with elevator. Close to shops and schools.
Asking Price: 940,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Versailles, House/Villa, 6 rooms, approx. 700m²
This house was built in 1780 and has 4 floors with property of 10,000m². Includes 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 toilets and a cellar, plus fireplace.
Asking Price: 950 000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Versailles, Apartment, 7 rooms, approx. 267m²
On the right bank, a very large and beautiful apartment with spacious living room on the first floor and a view on the park. Separate kitchen, bathroom, toilet, 4 bedrooms, cellar.
Asking Price: 1,550,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Brittany / Normandy, Benodet
Studio 21m² to 21m² €61,000 to €61,000
One Bedroom 28m² to 32m² €76,000 to €86,000
Two Bedrooms 38m² to 47m² €100,000 to €127,000
Three Bedrooms 63m² to 95m² €156,000 to €256,000
Located in South Finistere only 15km away from Quimper, on the left bank of the Odet, Benodet marks the border between the ‘Fouesnantais’ and ‘Bigouden’ regions. On the ocean side, Benodet has an exceptional heritage shaped by man and the sea. Landscapes which hug the Cornish horizon, fine sandy beaches, a sheltered bay and, only a short distance away, the Glenan Islands. On the river side, the Odet draws its strength and character from its steep banks where old oak trees bask in the sun.
The residence is ideally located approximately 2km from the beach of Mousterlin and not far from the area’s top of the line casino and thalassotherapy centre. This very rare project will comprise spacious apartments renovated to an authentic Norman style with views over the 18 hole Benodet golf course. Residence facilities include pool, tennis courts, sauna, and fitness centre, bar, parking and children’s play area. Renovation will begin early 2007 with an expected completion for the 2nd quarter 2007. Therefore, investors will be earning rental income by early next year!
Top of the line renovation, guaranteed rental income, personal use options and extremely fair prices – this leaseback ticks all the boxes! Prices starting from €61 000 present a very interesting investment opportunity for this highly sought after area of France. In addition, investors will not need to wait to begin collecting rental income as rental stream will begin April of 2007! Excellent facilities make this not only a fantastic investment opportunity, but an excellent vacation solution for owners and their families as well.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit for more information or contact [email protected]
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Welcome to your home in Paris. Home is how you will feel in a private apartment in Paris that has the “seal of approval” from Parler Paris Apartments and me, Adrian Leeds.
Parler Paris Apartments offers high quality accommodations to make your stay in the City of Light as enjoyable and memorable as possible. We at Parler Paris know each and every apartment owner or manager personally, and stand behind the quality of those we represent. We understand your needs and desires, all the small details that make a rental apartment a warm and welcoming home – and a much better alternative to an impersonal hotel!
Parler Paris Apartments is administered and serviced by the same great team as Parler Paris, French Property Insider and French Property Consultation. You can trust that Parler Paris Apartments and all those with whom it is associated will do their best for your 100% guaranteed satisfaction.
This newly renovated one-bedroom suite is located on rue Charlot, one of the most fashionable streets in the Marais district. The apartment style is contemporary, yet very warm and cozy, inspired by Alpine architecture with wonderful natural oak beams and materials such as marble and teak-wood floors. The large attic opens to the sky, thanks to a glass roof, perfect for those who wish to enjoy a bright environment, full of peace and serenity. The en-suite private bathroom with its extra large shower system of power hydro jets, makes the whole space extremely enjoyable and replenishing.
Air conditioned! 5th floor, no elevator. Sleeps 2 adults.
Pictures and more details available here:
*** Le Panthéon
Rue Lanneau, 5th Arrondissement
This very cozy, typically Parisian one-bedroom apartment is situated on a beautiful, cobblestoned, pedestrian street directly across from the famous “Coupe Chou” restaurant in the heart of the Latin Quarter. Located on the 2nd floor (European, no elevator) of a traditional 17th-century building, with secure digicode entry, the apartment overlooks both the quiet tree-lined courtyard and the tiny, charming street. Exposed and preserved wood beams adorn the ceilings throughout the apartment, complimenting the warm decoration and home furnishings.
Sleeps up to 4.
Pictures and more details available here:
*** La Cellette
9-bedroom Château in the Dorgogne with Guest Cottage
Celles, Dorgogne – Gorgeous 15th century château, heart of French countryside, sleeps up to 18, private bathrooms in every room. The restored château, next to the church in the very center of Celles, whose bells toll three times a day, is vintage 15th-century built by the family of Dulau d’Allemans. Their name is identified in the letterpress edition of the papers of George Washington. It was a ruin until the current owner employed a master architect from the region who fully understood the character of the house, and whose investigative powers led him to find the hidden massive stone fireplaces and secret stairwells. Together they restored the 15th-century manor into a 21st-century splendor.
Pictures and more details available here:
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Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds
rian Leeds Group, LLC,
To read more, click the links below.