Happy New Year: The Year to Wrap Things Up

The countdown to 2016 begins with just one more day left to write “2015” on anything you date. I liked the number “2015” — it was one of those ‘even’ numbers that made calculating the number of years — like someone’s age — a little easier.
In numerology, the year 2015 was an 8 Universal Year — considered the number of money and power and balance. Numerology.com predicted that in 2015 we would “see turmoil arising from — and affecting mostly — the economy and issues of justice and fairness.” It also noted that “Looking back on the last thousand years, from a very wide perspective, we note growing individualism, a need for independence, and devastating acts of aggression (with two world wars during the last century).” With the acts of terrorism we experienced this past year, this doesn’t seem so far from correct.
What I personally didn’t like about 2015 was all the loss in my life that came with it — some for the worse, and some for the better. I lost my mother and soon after three Paris properties, all of which were akin to ‘children’ — having nurtured them all to maturity and ultimately independence. These same losses, however, may ultimately be for the better, allowing for what is predicted for 2016 in numerology — completion. The number 9 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) “signals a time to wrap things up and bring them to a conclusion. The year 2016 is a time to consider what has not been working in your life, and to begin doing things a little differently.”
I’m all for that.
Yesterday the TGV took me down to Nice. The familiar sound of the SNCF ‘bells’ reminded me of Pink Floyd’s “Rattle That Lock” album released earlier this year. David Gilmour was inspired by the SNCF jingle while at the Aix-en-Provence station where he recorded it on his iPhone and sent it as a message to composer Michaël Boumendil. Hmmm…wonder if he had the right to do that!? Here you go for a little new music inspired by the French transportation company!: (https://www.youtube.com/)
Le Matisse was as bright and cheerful as it always is and Henri-le-Cactus is taller than ever, nurturing his three new ‘pups’ as he should. The sun pours in and immediately we know we ‘have arrived!’
The city is awash with Christmas lights and Christmas spirit. Our American friends are all celebrating with dinners out and parties. Thanks to them, we were introduced to a new restaurant near the Old Port named the “Bel-Oeil” (or Beautiful Eye), 12 Rue Emmanuel Philibert, 06300 Nice, Phone:09 80 33 08 38. The choices are few on an ever-changing menu, but we wanted to try them all and we were “umming” all through the meal.
Dining in Nice is a serious treat. I always leave here needing to diet, but not regretting it. The Old Port is one area of the city booming with new restaurants and boutiques…a sign of a district in an important transitional phase, particularly due to the Tramway currently under construction that will connect the airport with the port. Thanks to the success of the T1 line, Mayor Christian Estrosi is creating two other lines, this one (T2) and another one (T3) that will cross the valley of the Var. Line 1 will also be extended to the Pasteur neighborhood.
When considering property, follow the transportation…it’s in these areas serviced by the tramway that Nice property will blossom. It’s all part of the plan for 2016…the year that signals a time to wrap things up and bring them to a conclusion.
Happy New Year!
A la prochaine in 2016,
Adrian Leeds
Editor of Parler Nice
The Adrian Leeds Group
(in Nice)
P.S. Email [email protected] if you are interested in staying in Le Matisse for your next great visit to Nice!
P.P.S. On behalf of myself and my staff, we wish you all a happy conclusion to 2015 and the best for 2016. Thank you for remaining loyal readers and clients!!
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