A Tree-Lined Promenade Through the 12th
International Living's
Paris Property Picks
Published by Parler Paris
A Friday Peek at this Week's Best Paris Picks
Portfolio #15
Friday, March 19, 2004
Paris, France
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Dear Parler Paris Reader,
I've walked the walk many times...starting at avenue Ledru-Rollin at
avenue Daumesnil, up the stairs to the Promenade Plantée above the
Viaduc des Arts (sometimes referred to as "La Coulée Verte." Fifty-six
artisan boutiques and art galleries are housed under the archways of
what once was a railway track that stopped being used in 1969.
The best time to enjoy the path is Spring and Summer when it is thick
with roses, cherry-trees, flowers and plants of all sorts. As you walk
east, enjoy the architectural wonders of the 12th -- don't miss the
police station with 14 replicas of Michelangelo's Dying Slave
surrounding the upper level.
Below on avenue Dausmesnil are some larger stores, such as Foire
Surcouf and Go Sport. You can descend from the promenade at varying
intervals along the route,
should you decide to shop or take a rest at
a café or restaurant. At one part of the promenade, you literally will
pass through contemporary apartment buildings and further on you pass
over rue de Charenton to the Jardin de Reuilly, a splendid spread of
lawn surrounding by contemporary residential buildings.
Exiting the garden, you continue to the allée Vivaldi at street level
and soon you will pass under a tunnel. A bicycle path will appear
parallel to the pedestrian path and at this point, the path is seven
meters lower than street level until a new tunnel permits you to
re-enter the street via a staircase.
If you continue on the promenade, you will arrive at the Bois de
Vincennes and the border of the Périférique and the Paris suburb of
Saint-Mandé. In total, the walk is approximately three kilometers and
one of the most delightful of unusual Paris encounters.
The latest reported figures by the Chambre de Notaires shows that the
12th is still very affordable at an average per square meter of 3000
euros (allow 25 to 50% more for realistic prices) with appreciation
during the same period of 14% (third quarter 2002 to third quarter
2003). Some of my favorite restaurants are there, too!...Le Square
Trousseau at 1, rue Antoine Vollon; Les Bombis at 22, rue de Caligny
and Swann et Vincent at 7, rue Saint Nicolas.
As a place to live in Paris, you'll find the 12th to be very Parisian,
void of tourists and "real." Scroll down to see some special
properties for sale now!
A la prochaine,
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: Paris@InternationalLiving.com
P.S. I am writing you from sunny Florida Keys...and look forward to
seeing our friends of International Living in Delray Beach for the
Live Overseas Conference starting Sunday or in San Francisco at the
Living and Investing in France Conference March 19th.
Close to the Opéra Bastille and Gare de Lyon, the loft of 6 rooms in
125 square meters has a beautiful salon with cathedral ceilings, wood
beams, lots of light, charm and calm for the heart of Paris.
Asking Price: 627,300 + 2% Finders Fee
Serious inquiries email: 12-3-04_Loft
3 rooms in a beautiful pierre de taille building with an elevator and
Asking Price: 335,000 + 2% Finders Fee
Serious inquiries email: 12-3-04_Pierre_de_Taille
Near Gare de Lyon, two rooms with parking and, cellar in a new
building from 1990 with a view on a pedestrian steet and a square,
high ceilings.
Asking Price: 230,000 + 2% Finders Fee
Serious inquiries email: 12-3-04_View_Pedestrian_Street
* * *
* Further resources:
* Many people don't have the time nor the resources to look for their own little piece of France, especially if they're located in the States or other foreign country.
* Stay in the heart of the Left Bank your own luxury apartment...
* Getting a mortgage in France is easier than you think.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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