“Above, Beyond And Underground Paris”

I stepped off the plane from Washington, DC directly into this month’s Parler Paris Après Midi and an impromptu hair cut! No joke!
We had a large turnout of both regulars and newcomers. Newcomer and Danish native Hans Henrick, a master coiffeur, whose clients include Vogue, Marie Claire, Elle, Yves Saint Laurent, Yohji Yammamoto and Louis Vuitton, spontaneously gave us all a demonstration of his extraordinary talents with me as “Guinea pig!” He turned a frumpy mess of locks into wild sensation! — a real first for our monthly gathering and a special treat for me.
Hans has just launched a new 24-hour VIP service to give you a new style and re-look at your hotel, apartment or wherever you’re staying, any time of day! How cool is that? The complete story of yesterday’s Après Midi complete with photos can be found at /parlerparis/apresmidi.html To contact Hans Henrick for your new do, visit http://www.hanshenrick.com, or email him at [email protected]
Tonight is the opening night for cocktails at Paris Network, Patricia Laplante-Collins newest networking idea — a place to make business contacts, seek career opportunities and explore self-development outlets. Madeleine Barchevska, an award-winning International Coach and Trainer, is tonight’s guest speaker. Be there at 6:30 p.m., 14 rue Saint-Louis en l’Ile, but be sure to reserve first by contacting Patricia at 01 43 26 12 88 or email [email protected]
Saturday, Parler Parlor is celebrating La Rentrée with a “Quiche Feast” for just 7 Euros per Person. Come for conversation at 11 a.m. (at Eurocentres, 13 passage Dauphine), then stay for lunch and sign up that day with a big discount. Scroll down for more information or visit the site at http://www.parlerparlor.com
For music maniacs, Saturday is also the annual Techno Parade starting 12 noon at Montparnasse slowly working through the city to arrive at place de la Bastille at 8 p.m. Then the real fun begins and expect festivities to last until 2 a.m. Visit http://www.technopol.net or http://www.paris.fr/fr/culture/actualites/Technopoles/default.asp for more information.
This weekend also marks the annual Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, each year more successful than the last. The city invites the public to visit spaces not normally open to such scrutiny!…l’Hôtel de Ville, private mansions, museums and churches, and also swimming pools, aqueducts, and strolls along the canals. A guided visit of the Ecluses (locks) along Canal Saint Denis is offered on Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 12 noon an 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Visit http://www.paris.fr/fr/culture/actualites/Journees_patrimoine_2004/default.asp for more information and pick up a free special supplement to Le Parisien available throughout Paris and at the welcome desk at the Hôtel de Ville, access at 5, rue Lobau. Watch Friday’s newsletter for more information, too.
For serious move-goers and fans of the underground, “Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously uncharted cavern underneath the capital’s chic 16th arrondissement,” wrote The Guardian (London) journalist Jon Henley last week. “Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris’s most intriguing recent discoveries.”
“There the police found a full-sized cinema screen, projection equipment, and tapes of a wide variety of films, including 1950s film noir classics and more recent thrillers. None of the films were banned or even offensive, the spokesman said. A smaller cave next door had been turned into an informal restaurant and bar. There were bottles of whisky and other spirits behind a bar, tables and chairs, a pressure-cooker for making couscous.”
To read the entire amazing story from September 8th, visit http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1299444,00.html
It’s not unusual for the average Parisian or tourist to spend time in Paris underground — in the Métro, winding the tunnels of the Catacombs, visiting “Les Egouts” or shopping at Les Halles, but…”You guys have no idea what’s down there.”
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. A technical glitch prevented Monday’s photo of Ruth Mastron and Mascot Peppy Le Pew to come through. To see the photo and read the newsletter, visit /parlerparis/issues/pparis13-9-04.html
P.P.S. On another technical note — a virus struck my email yesterday, so for any of you who may have emailed me betw
een Monday and Tuesday, September 13 and 14, please resend it if it was important.
P.P.P.S. More technologically speaking — I just installed a special phone line that enables me to make calls at 3 cents a minute anywhere in the world using my broadband Internet connection (and less depending on the call plan)! Now you can call from the U.S. or Canada to a U.S. number and reach me here in Paris! This is even cheaper than dialing within Paris using France Telecom. With a referral from me, you’ll get a credit for one free month of service! All you have to do is email me at [email protected] for more information.
Further resources:
* Great meals in Paris don’t have to be expensive. Parisians do it every day and Adrian Leeds tells how to pay less, eat better, enjoy Paris more. Learn how.
* The best and fastest way to find the pied-à-terre of your dreams…
* Let us help you put a move to France in perspective — we can make it work for you. Take us up on a one-on-one consultation that could be the start of your new life.
If you wish your community announcement to be listed in the Parler Paris Previews, please provide the text in ENGLISH just as you’d like it to appear and send it to [email protected] We reserve the right to edit as necessary.
Thank you, Adrian
Strictly Entertainment:
Comedy, Plays, Movies
104 quai de Jemmapes
Paris 75010
Phil Kay September 19, 20 and 21
Tickets on the night 20 euros, advance payment 17 euros
send checks to Beer Necessities (tickets), 104 quai de Jemmapes, Paris 75010 + stamped addressed envelope at least ten days before date of show. Book all shows by calling or by email
[email protected] or http://www.anythingmatters.com
English/French & World Theatre Season
From September 15th, 7 p.m. and every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Les Caprices de Marianne d’Alfred de Musset en français
AU BEC FIN Theatre
6 rue Therese
75001 Paris
Métro: Palais Royal / Pyramides
Bar et restaurant
Reservations: 01 42 96 29 35 /06 26 10 48 48
From September 21st, 7 p.m. and every Tuesday
Les Caprices de Marianne d’Alfred de Musset en français
From October 19th, 9 p.m. and every Tuesday
TWO by Jim Cartwright, British Comedy in English
THEATRE Darius Milhaud
80 allée Darius Milhaud
75019 Paris
Métro: Porte de Pantin, Sortie 4 “rue Eugène Jumin”
Bus: PC2, PC3 arrêt Porte de Chaumont & bus n°75
Parking: Cité de La Musique
Reservations: 01 42 01 92 26
E-mail: [email protected]
06 26 10 48 48
Carr’s Pub & Restaurant
1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris
Métro: Tuileries
Sundays 7:30 p.m.
3rd October Lance Tait (TBA)
7th November Linda Healey “Masks”
21st November Jon Allen Russo “Farce Noir”
5th December Shena Wilson (TBA)
To receive the monthly mailings email [email protected]
For further information contact: http://www.scamparis.com or call Stephanie Campion on:
Literary Events
Sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation
Wednesday, September 15, 2004, 8:00 p.m.
Vernissage and Discussion with Vincent Chenille, with Pierre Rodiac
To commemorate the anniversary of Ian Fleming’s death in 1964, Vincent Chenille, for nearly 20 years a collector of print materials on Bond and Fleming, will present an evening devoted to the discovery of the rather flamboyant creator of Bond, his years in the British Secret Service and in journalism, and how Fleming’s real-life background influenced British spy 007’s universe.
This presentation is free and open to the public.
American Library in Paris, 10 Rue du Général Camou,
75007 Paris
Métro: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d’Alma
For more information, please call 01 53 59 12 60 or e-mail [email protected]
We invite those of you in the Paris area to mark your calendars now for the Grand Launch of:
Sheets for Men Only
An international anthology of poetry and prose
Tuesday September 28, 2004
American University of Paris
31, avenue Bosquet
75007 Paris
Grand Salon
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Twelve of the 25 contributors live in the Paris region. Many will be reading from their work and autographing books that will be available for purchase. Refreshments will be served.
RSVP is necessary for entry
Please notify [email protected] or phone/fax: 1 202 543 5220
Those of you in the Washington, DC area, we have a reading/reception scheduled for Thursday, October the 7th, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
McLendon Room
National Press Club
529 14th Street NW, 13th floor
Washington, DC
Sheets for Men Only will be available for purchase at the press club.
Contributors reading/signing your copy:
Washington poet, Ethelbert Miller and
visiting from Paris, Hall Gardner
RSVP: [email protected]
Reading and discussion with mystery writer Cara Black, author of Murder in the Marais,” “Murder in the Sentier,” “Murder in Belleville” and “Murder in the Bastille.”
September 29, 8-10 p.m.
Alesian Literary Salon
3 ter rue d’AlÉsia
75014 Paris
Reserve and for door code, email Toby, your host, at: [email protected]
September 30, 7:30 p.m.
WH Smith Bookshop
248, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Métro Concorde
Please call to reserve for this event: 01 44 77 8
8 99
October 3, 7:30 p.m.
Paris Soirées
14,rue St Louis en L’Ile
75004 Métro Pont Marie
Contact Patricia Laplante-Collins at [email protected]
Exhibitions and Vernissages
Galerie Food
Email: [email protected]
58 rue Charlot
75003 Paris
Thursday, September 23, 2004
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cecile Maslakian and Isabelle Rozenbaum will sign “Cuisines de Nos Grandes-Mères”
Musical Interludes
7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Concerts
For all details and more information, visit
Jack Tempchin
A peaceful easy evening at The Sound Gallery
104 quai de Jemmapes
Paris 10th
Friday, September 24th, 8:30 p.m.
Cover charge 20 euros including first drink
Email Karel Beer for more information: [email protected]
Jesse Malin
Tuesday, October 6th, 8:30 p.m.
Tickets on night 22 euros advance payment 20 euros
La Java
105 faubourg du Temple
Paris 10th
Rex Foster + Kerry Getz
In Concert in The Sound Gallery
104 quai de Jemmapes
Paris 10th
Saturday, October 9th, 8:30 p.m.
Cover charge 20 euros including first drink
Reservations for all concerts FNAC/VIRGIN etc.
Book all shows by calling or by email
[email protected] or http://www.anythingmatters.com
Bonnes Soirées and Great Gatherings
Parler Paris Après-Midi /parlerparis/apresmidi.html
NEXT MEETING: October 12th, 2004 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais 96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
Patricia Laplante-Collins has international dinner parties on the Ile St-Louis. She hosts a 21st Century Paris Salon where you meet interesting people in Paris and have a lot of fun. There is always a Guest speaker, perhaps a Writer, Actor, Historian — you name it, Patricia hosts them all. For reservations or to be on the mailing list: call 01 43 26 12 88 or write [email protected]
Hosted by Patricia Laplante-Collins…Paris Networking cocktail and speaker beginning September 15th, Wednesdays 6:30pm. Make contacts for business, career opportunities, self-development.
Wednesday 15 September at 18h30
Guest Speaker Madeleine Barchevska
International Executive Coach and Trainer
Often what is holding us back from realizing opportunities, seizing the moment, finding the right path is OURSELVES.
About Madeleine BARCHEVSKA Madeleine Barchevska, M.A., is an award winning international executive coach and trainer. She is a specialist in teaching communication skills and public speaking. Each client learns through the wisdom and skill of her evolved educational methods and practices. Barchevska¹s vision is to create sustainable personal development² for each client.
Visit : http://www.bioarttheatrelabs.com, [email protected]
A Patricia’s apartment on the I’le St. Louis: 14 rue St Louis en l’Ile, 75004 Paris. Métro Sully-Morland (closest) and Pont-Marie.
15 Euros and lots of business cards.
Thanks for reserving via return email — [email protected] or call Patricia: 01 43 26 12 88
Have your portrait painted or photographed by American Portrait Artists, Kathy Burke and Theodore D. Robinson.
For samples of their great work, visit /parlerparis/art/index.html
Knowledge is Power — Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Paint or Draw Portraits and Self Portraits with American Portrait
Artist Kathy Burke in her beautiful Marais atelier…
245 Euros 3-hour private session
490 Euros 3-hour session with 2 to 6 people
Includes all materials.
For more information, [email protected]
Learning la Langue Française
Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group
Celebrating our 7th Year in Paris
La Rentrée Saturday, September 18, 2004, 11 a.m.
Come for Conversation Then Have Lunch with Us!
Quiche Feast (Quiche, Salad, Dessert, Wine and Soft Drinks)
7 Euro per Person
Eurocentres, 13, passage Dauphine, 6th
Plus, Sign-Up That Day and Save! —
Take 10 Euro Off a 10-Session Card and 20 Euro Off a 20-Session Card!
Join us at the Parler Parlor conversation group in Paris France for
free-form conversation with native French and English speakers.
Practice speaking 45 minutes in French, 45 minutes in English. Make
friends, discuss interesting topics, learn about other cultures,
progress in understanding and speaking, naturally and easily, in
groups of six to eight, each in its own acoustically sound private
Tuesdays 6:30 to 8 p.m.
38 Avenue de l’Opéra
2nd arrondissement, Paris
Opéra, RER A Auber
Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
13 passage Dauphine (entrance between rue Dauphine and rue Mazarine),
6th arrondissement
Métro Odéon, Saint-Michel
mail: [email protected]
Elisabeth Crochard, Tel: 01 44 19 76 61
Adrian Leeds, Tel: 01 40 27 97 59
What’s On in The City of Light
September 18 and 19, 2004
The annual Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, each year more successful than the last. The city invites the public to visit spaces not normally open to such scrutiny!…l’Hôtel de Ville, private mansions, museums and churches, and also swimming pools, aquaducts, and strolls along the canals.
A guided visit of the Ecluses (locks) along Canal Saint Denis is offered on Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 12 noon an 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Visit http://www.paris.fr/fr/culture/actualites/Journees_patrimoine_2004/visites_insolites.asp for more information.
Exhibitions, Concerts, Conferences, Debates, Trade Shows
LA NUIT BLANCHE: 3rd edition
OCTOBER 2, 2004
Techno Parade Saturday, September 18th
12 noon from Montparnasse to place de la Bastille (8 p.m. arrival)
Party begins at place de la Bastille at 8 p.m., lasting till 2 a.m.
For more information, visit http://www.technopol.net or http://www.paris.fr/fr/culture/actualites/Technopoles/default.asp
September 25 and 26, 2004
The public is invited to visit with gardeners, landscape designers, lecturers, organizers of City of paris who will share their know-how and creativity. Take part in special activities at all the gardens and parks — many exceptionally opened to the public.
Special Announcements
Tuesday, September 21, 7 PM
Minority Caucus Event: Poor and Homeless in America
Zachary Miller will speak and Iranian photographic artist Malekeh Nayiny (http://www.malekeh.com) will exhibit her work on the homeless.
At Atelier 18, 61 rue de la Goutte d’Or (ground floor -ring Alsterlind), Métro Barbes Rochechouart
10 euros
RSVP Zachary Miller, 01 42 26 10 89 [email protected]
Tuesday, September 28, 8 PM
William Pfaff: We Saw It Coming (dinner filled, no more RSVPs)
Renowned syndicated journalist, Bill Pfaff remained, from the start, strongly critical of the war in Iraq and the consequences it would have on the world.
Fundraising dinner at the home of
Connie Borde, 240 bis bd St-Germain, 75007 Paris
100 euros
RSVP below.
Thursday, September 30, 6:30 PM
Insiders Talk About the 2004 Elections
Jim Bittermann, CNN correspondent and Christian Malard, Senior Foreign Analyst FR3, Consultant for BBC, and FR3 anchorman for the US elections.
Sponsored by the Center for the Study of International Communications
American University of Paris, Grand Salon
31 avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris
10 euros
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
Tuesday, October 5, at 7 PM
Take Back the Congress
DAF’s traditional rally with live call-ins to John Kerry (if possible), and congressional candidates. Lots of food, music and (short) speeches
At Joe Allen Restaurant, 30 rue Pierre Lescot, Paris 75001
40 euros (student price 32 euros)
RSVP send check made to Democrats Abroad to
Connie Borde, 240 bis bd St-Germain, 75007 Paris.
Questions? [email protected]
Tuesday, October 12, at 8 PM
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Ted Widmer, former speechwriter for President Clinton, takes us behind the scenes in the White House and Chappaqua. We are honored to have the knowledgeable and witty head of American Studies at Washington College with us in Paris for this event.
Fundraising dinner at the home of Susannah Weiss
22 Place du General Catroux, Paris 75017
100 euros
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
Saturday, October 16, at 6 PM
Rally: Letter to America from Democrats Abroad
A rally to send the message home: “Why I’m Voting.”
At Place d’Alma in front of the flame.
Come one, come all. (More information to follow.)
Wednesday, October 20, at 8 PM
Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Renowned French journalist, and author of newly-released book
“Bush, Kerry : le choc des deux Amiriques” ed. Robert Laffont
Ms Ockrent will speak in English
Fundraising dinner at the home of Susan Loder
1 avenue Bertie Albrecht, Paris 75008
100 euros
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
Thursday, October 28, at 8 PM
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Author of Le Divorce, Le Marriage and L’Affaire, among others, will recite her now-famous
lyric poem, “Make the Pie Higher,” based entirely on the words of George W. Bush, with piano accompaniment by Lauranna Mitchelmoore.
Fundraising dinner and recital, some jazz music, and some political talk, at La Main d’Or,
9 Passage de la Main d’Or, 75011 Paris
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
RSVP for dinners
Win Back America
Four pre-election fundraising dinners to put the Democrats back
where they belong, in the White House and Congress
Tuesday, September 28, at 8 PM
(sorry, this dinner is full)
Bill Pfaff: We Saw It Coming
Tuesday, October 12, at 8 PM
Ted Widmer Tells All
Wednesday, October 20, at 8 PM Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Thursday, October 28, at 8 PM
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Contribution 100 Euros per Person or more is welcome!
Send check made payable to Democrats Abroad or credit card information before September 15 to Jane Donaldson, 65, rue d
e la Fontaine, 75016, Paris.
RSVP: 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
On September 18, people in more than 100 cities across the U.S. will be gathering to run, walk and bike against Bush. Come join the Paris group!
Where: meet at the foot of the Eiffel Tower (near the pilier nord)
When: Saturday, September 18, meet at 9:30 a.m. for a 10:00 a.m. departure
What: Come jog, walk, bike, etc. against Bush
We’ll jog down the rive gauche of the Seine, cross in front of Notre Dame and then loop back up the rive droite, passing through the courtyard of the Louvre and the Tuileries gardens to finish at Concorde.
Please be sure to join online in advance so that you receive your “Run Against Bush” t-shirt in time for the jog. Visit http://www.runagainstbush.org!
In conjunction with Studio Arts Open House
Do you have books to donate? Contribute your books to the Fair and we will pick them up!
Please contact John Baxter at
Biggest English-Language Weekend Book Fair in Paris
Thousands of Books — starting at 50 centimes
Signed first editions, paperbacks, rare books, children’s books, DVDs, CDs, including books from the libraries of Diane Johnson, Mavis Gallant, C.K. Williams, E.L. Doctrow, Carolyn Kizer, Robert Harris and many more. Not to be missed!
Saturday, October 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. (auction at 6:00)
Sunday, October 17th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
20 bd du Montparnasse
75015 Paris
Métro Duroc
Classified Ads
For rent by the week or longer
Two lovely 2 or 3-bedroom apartments — 1st arrondissement, same building. Just minutes away: the Louvre, Tuilleries, Place Vendome and more. French style gives you a true taste of Paris. Fully equipped makes your Paris stay effortless, comfortable and memorable.
Complete information at http://www.youlloveparis.com
Rent a luxury apartment in Paris and in other parts of France your next stay and have all the conveniences of home. Visit /parlerparis/apartments for a listing of Parler Paris’ favorite great stays.
French Property Insider is an e-mail newsletter from the editors of Parler Paris. If you’d like to learn about the insights, recommendations, and discoveries about buying and investing in real estate in Paris and France that French Property Insider readers get every week, read more about a subscription here:
http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/FPI/WFPID8PF/ or call 1-800-643-2479.
To read more, click the links below.