Good Yontif, Pontiff and Other Things to Celebrate

Today is the holiest day of the Jewish year (Yom Kippur). If my mother were still alive, I’d have guilt for not attending synagogue, but then I’d call her and say “Good Yontif,” wish her well, and still admit to being one of those secular Jews who doesn’t observe the holiday…even this holiest of holy days.
In a strange turn of events, Pope Francis managed to time his visit to the U.S. on this very day. Lynn Sweet, writer for Moment Mag, titled her article about it “Good Yontif, Pontiff.”
I love that — she took the words right out of my mouth! My mother should only be here to see this. I imagine all the Jews who are involved in his visit aren’t attending either and have a lot more guilt than I do. Barack Obama has nothing to worry about — he doesn’t have a Jewish mother.
If you’re looking for an progressive bilingual synagogue in Paris, Kehilat Gesher is it with services in Paris and Saint Germain en Laye. Visit for more information.
I haven’t owned a car in 21 years, so No Car Day in Paris presents no problem. I’m one of the 60% of the Parisians who don’t own a car, but it’s sure to be a problem for hundreds of thousands of people who are dependent on their vehicles for their freedom of movement.
This coming Sunday, believe it or not, Paris will be closed to cars — a first in the history of the city. There will be a few exceptions — such as ambulances and fire trucks, but cars, motorbikes and trucks will not be allowed…nothing with a motor can enter certain areas: the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th arrondissements plus the Champs Élysées, Place Stalingrad, Place de la République, the Left Bank, the Place de la Bastille, the area around the Eiffel Tower and the Bois de Vincennes and Boulogne.
The idea is to support the campaign against pollution. I’m all for it. What will it feel like to experience the city without the noise and pollution of motorized vehicles…dodging bikes, skaters, scooters and pedestrians instead of motorcycles, cars, trucks and buses? Sounds heavenly. “On vera.” (We will see.)
For more information, see Journée Sans Voitures, and stay tuned for a report in Monday’s Parler Paris.
Save your appetite for this weekend’s Street Food Temple festival at the Carreau du Temple — the second edition of the festival, that this year honors South Koreawith a “jujeom” (Korean bar), workshops of “kimbab,” “kimchi,” “geon” and “hotteok cupbab.” In addition, there will be performances and artist installations to ‘spice up’ the culinary program.
Get ready for the 14th edition of La Nuit Blanche (Sleepless Night), next Saturday, October 3rd, starting from about 7 p.m. to dawn, when this annual public festival of art, music and theatrical events entertains us all…for free.
I never make it much beyond midnight, but it’s a time to be on the streets taking in an abundance of culture and life. For more information, visit La Nuit Blanche and download the “dossier de presse” (in French), and then be sure to read the report in the following Parler Paris.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
The Adrian Leeds Group
P.S.Come hear me speak Monday, September 28th at the LeWIC Conference (The Women’s International Club of Paris), about why living in France is like Dorothy said, “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!” The Women’s International Club of Paris is a private English-speaking association dedicated to cultural sharing and friendship amongst International women. LeWic members represent more than 40 countries — truly a melting pot of cultures in Paris. This special event will be held at the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel. Petite Déjeuner starts at 10 a.m., the conference starts at 11 a.m. and is only 13€ euros for guests. Or you may choose to stay for entire conference which includes champagne and a three-course luncheon with free flowing wine, water and chocolates. The total coffee, conference and lunch package is 45€. Come to the conference, meet the diverse LeWic membership — you might want to join LeWic too! Registration is required in advance by emailing Chantal Carlin: [email protected]
P.P.S. There’s room for one or two more at Janet Hulstrand’s upcoming Writing from the Heart Workshop…in the Heart of France…Champagne! Reserve now before it’s too late. See for more information or email Janet at [email protected]
To read more, click the links below.