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Greening Up for a High Quality of Life

The Inauguration of Rue de Bretagne, Sunday May 22nd
Photo by Pascal Fonquernie,

Greening Up for a High Quality of Life

Parler Paris–your taste of life in Paris and France

Monday, May 23, 2005
Paris, France

===== Special Sponsored Message =====

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Dear Parler Paris Reader,

On Sunday afternoon, while Mayor Pierre Aidenbaum of the 3rd arrondissement was inaugurating rue de Bretagne as one of Paris’ newest “Quartier Verts” (Green Districts) along with Jean-Yves Le Drian (the President of the Regional Council of Brittany) and cultural displays and performances indicative of the region, the attendees at the Working and Living in France Conference were busy learning how to get a mortgage in France and reduce their currency exchange risks.

As a supporter of the vast program to create more green spaces in the city, what I call “The Greening of Paris,” and a devoted resident of the “Haut Marais,” I was disappointed to miss the festivities, but that doesn’t preclude me from enjoying the newly renovated rue de Bretagne, now lined with double-wide sidewalks, lovely street lamps and tall, slender young trees. It’s the most animated of the streets of the Temple/Enfants Rouges district, where residents of the quartier informally meet and greet one another with warm reception. This may be one of the few streets in Paris to have such a village-like atmosphere, to which we can thank the arrondissement’s administration and active participation by its residents.

Back at the conference just a few blocks away, we spent the entire weekend discussing the pros and cons of living in France, the advantages of owning property here and how one might go about tackling any aspect of it. Our finest professionals shared their knowledge and insights.

As host, I listen intently to each presenter to insure that the topic is thoroughly covered and that every question is answered. Now that we’ve done nine conferences of this kind, each one takes on some sort of theme, unplanned and very naturally. The presenters, unknowingly, will often offer their philosophies and inadvertently mirror one another. For example, “Passion” was a theme that carried a thread through a past conference.

This time, the theme was overwhelmingly “Qualité of Life.” It was fascinating how many of the speakers spoke first and foremost about the importance of Quality of Life — particularly in comparison to the similar idea of “standard of living.” The message I walked away with was that once one could understand the difference between these two ideas, how one society might offer you a high standard of living, but it doesn’t buy you a high quality of life…then you can understand EVERYTHING FRENCH.

At the end of the intensive three-day event, we toasted with champagne (high quality of life) and vowed to see each other again…here in Paris, of course! The attendees turned in their evaluations and comments on their way out the door. One attendee wrote …”This has been most informative and a must for anyone wanting to move to France.” Another wrote… “The broad range of topics was interesting coupled with the opportunity to meet such market professionals in person was a priceless experience.”

Our next conference is here in Paris this coming August 10th…one day of intensive presentations related to buying, owning, renting property — in short, “Invest in France.” Condensed to just the crux of what you need to know at a one-day price, it’s a perfect opportunity for the would-be investor. We’ll be taking registrations very soon, so to be on our mailing list to learn more, email Schuyler Hoffman

A la prochaine…

Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
Email [email protected]

P.S. Have the itch to come to Paris this summer?! See below for a few last minute apartment rental bargains…



* Dreaming about owning your own pied-à-terre in Paris? Learn how to make a profit without making costly mistakes. Read French Property Insider.

* Insider information form the insiders…Everything you need to know about Paris

and France…Get the Insider Paris Guides

* So you went to French class and learned the “subjonctif?” And now you still can’t speak? All you need is a little practice to get talking! Practice speaking French and English with people from all over the world at Parler Parlor…


* Property E-Zine: French Property Insider

Learn how to buy property in France. French Property Insider is an e-mail newsletter from the editors of Parler Paris. If you’d like to learn about the insights, recommendations, and discoveries about buying and investing in real estate in Paris and France that French Property Insider readers get every week, read more about a subscription here:
/frenchproperty/insider/subscribetofpi.html or call 1-310-427-759 Paris time.


==APARTMENT RENTAL== “Medieval Suite” available May 25 – June 15 at 100 euros per night instead of 140 euros per night.






Leeds Marais Apartment
Available July 22 – August 1, 2005
Special Summer Rate 125 euros/night

Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hotel Particulier, this 70 square
meter two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and
is perfect for up to four people when rented in its entirety or a
single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian
Leeds is there.

Pictures and more details available at


For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at
/parlerparis/apartments or
/frenchproperty/insider/longterm.html for long term


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