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May Day is Play Day and Pay Day

May day, May day, May Day! Today is May Day in France. May Day is Labor Day. All of France is taking a break from the usual work day, enjoying the beautiful spring weather and bright color of fresh blossoming flowers. “Mayday” is also a form of the French word “m’aider” (help me), the emergency code word used worldwide.

So, in honor of May day, we’re going to lighten your work load and help you make the most of the entire month of May plus all the rest of the year following.

How? Glad you asked.

Every Thursday, hundreds of hard-working folks receive an electronic magazine (“E-Zine”) called “French Property Insider.” For those who are even remotely interested in having their own “pied-à-terre” in Paris or stone cottage in the countryside of France, it’s a big help.

Every week, “FPI” effortlessly comes directly into their email in-box with oodles of information about finding, buying, owning, renting, renovating, managing and you-name-it-ing property in France.

As a subscriber member, not only do you get each power-packed issue to file away in your reserves for future reference, but you have access to all the past issues (years worth!), lots of reports, up-to-date property prices and market information and more importantly, access to our team of professionals and our ‘database’ of knowledge and experience.

This takes the workload off you to research all the information and knowledge you need to make a smart property investment in France. It’s the help you will need to make important decisions that could change your future for the better.

For a yearly subscription rate of $57.50, it’s a huge bargain for 50 issues. But we’re going to be help you make it even easier to subscribe.

Subscribe now and receive the next 50 issues at only $1 per day in the Month of May…$31…yet the subscription will last all year long! That’s almost a half-price deal for a whole lot of help….more good advice on how to make the most of your investment dollar (or euro) than you ever bargained for. This little $31 investment is going to make you happy and a whole lot richer…in every way.

Just imagine how amazing it would be to own your own apartment in Paris or summer home in Provence!? How many people actually do that in their lifetime? They just dream about it. Now’s your chance to really do it.

And it all starts with French Property Insider…at $31 for 50 issues of everything you need to know to make your dream to live and invest in France come true. Every issue is packed with information…

* How to find great properties in Paris and France…
* How to structure the ownership of your real estate purchase…
* What pitfalls to look out for and how to avoid them…
* How to choose a “Notaire” (property attorney) and what you can expect from them…
* How to minimize or eliminate your capital gains and property tax obligations…
* How to earn appreciation and create a profit from renting your French properties…
* How to get a French mortgage…
* How to reduce your currency exchange risk…
* How to renovate and renovate your new French home or rental apartment…

* Plus, how to build a rich and fulfilling life in France.

And when you subscribe to French Property Insider, you will be entitled to participate FREE in our periodic Conference Calls.

French Property Insider also contains listings of apartments and homes for sale as of each writing — that provide a sampling of what’s on the market at the time. Property prices are reported regularly — as often as the Chambre de Notaires updates them. New laws and changes to existing laws are brought to light. The ins and outs of purchasing a “viager” apartment or ones still adhering to the 1948 rent control laws is regularly on the roster.

You’ll also find articles on culture and lifestyle to help you learn those important things necessary to “fitting in,” wherever you choose to rent or buy.

It’s all at your fingertips…every single week!

Plus…with your subscription, you receive FREE r

eports to help you make your dreams of living or retiring in France a reality…

“The Paris Property Report”: Designed to answer all your questions about buying in Paris…

And…”The French Leaseback Program: Are Leasebacks for You?” This report gives you the background and history of the program, the ins and outs, ups and downs, pros and cons — the truth about the French Leaseback “scheme.

But, best of all, you have instant access to the FPI team. We offer a whole range of consultation services to help make your move to France much easier. We can be your guide through all the entire maze of bureaucracy.

For the lover of France…the would-be French property owner… the dreamer of a new life in this glorious country…it doesn’t get much better than this. This is all the help you need with no work or effort to speak of.

Right now, this month only, May Day is Pay Day. It pays to subscribe for a mere $1 per day during the month of May to have FPI in your in-box 50 weeks out of the entire year.

Don’t delay. Say “May day, May day, May Day” and let May Day pay for you!

Click here to read a sample edition!

Or click here to subscribe!

No work, all play…on May Day. Become a subscriber today.

A la prochaine…

Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris



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P.S. As of Midnight, May 31st, the $31 offer will no longer be available. Make the month of May pay for you. Subscribe now


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