SPECIAL EDITION: A Dual Free Forum – Moving to France the Smart Way — Financially and Rightfully

Anyone can purchase property in France. You need no visa or special approval to invest in France.
But, what happens once you do own property in France? Naturally, you will spend more and more time here. Perhaps so much time, that you begin to imagine making France your home. That’s when how to best make the move becomes the biggest quandary. There are the issues of both immigration and taxation to consider.
You may enter and stay in France up to 90 days on the “visa waiver program” — meaning that you don’t need a special visa to enter and stay. On the 90th day, no one will be the wiser (you will not be taken from your place of residence and deported!) and your stay could be illegally indefinite…unless and until you get caught. People certainly do it and calculate their risks, but if you seriously intend to live in France, then it is wise and prudent to investigate the immigration rules and how best to maneuver and manage them. Good advice is key to applying for the right to live in France and successfully obtaining it. In addition, work authorization in France can be a challenge for the self-employed, making it all the more important to ensure that you are doing everything the right way if you want to work while living in France. Let us take a look at the key immigration questions to ask before setting off on your French adventure.
At the same time, how you set yourself up financially could be instrumental to a happy and prosperous life in France. Everyone knows France is a high taxation society, but that offers many benefits to its residents and citizens. Your participation in that high cost can be managed and minimized, also with good advice.
On Thursday, July 2nd, the Adrian Leeds Group is bringing you another free forum — this time featuring both important topics: finances and immigration.
Brian Dunhill of Dunhill Financial has paired up with immigration attorney Erin Clor to provide an in-depth look at how American citizens deal with the ever changing regulatory environment and financial challenges…as well as taking a look at the future of the economy and how that affects your future.
Dunhill Financial specializes in working with English-Speaking Expatriates residing in Europe. Through aggregated planning and collaboration with your other advisors, Dunhill will help with every aspect of your financial planning.
Erin Clor is based in Fragomen Worldwide’s Brussels office, where she leads Fragomen’s France division and is a member of the firm’s Benelux Immigration Practice. She is responsible for managing a service for multinational clients and private clients with a concentration on immigration for employment purposes. Prior to joining the Benelux Immigration Practice, Erin spent several years as an immigration consultant in Fragomen’s U.S. practice.
The forum is free and the drinks are ‘on the house’ (complimentary wine, coffee, water, sodas)!
Here’s how it works:
From 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. you’ll learn how American citizens can deal with the ever changing regulatory environment and financial challenges. Brian Dunhill will explain these changes and offer the best solutions to tackle these new regulations. He will give you a Quarterly Economic Update to chart how he sees the overall economy. At the end of the talk, Brian will be open to your questions.
After a bit of a break, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Erin will address “Immigration 101” as well as discuss the new regulations that open up greater possibilities for having the right to work in France! All potential immigrants need to know more about them, and Erin will give you the necessary insight. She’ll also happily answer your questions.
So, mark your calendar and sign up now for the dual forum! It takes place upstairs at Le Café de la Marie, on the corner of rue des Archives and rue de Bretagne in the 3rd (Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers) and you can register in advance by visiting: dunhillfinancial.be/events.html.
See you there!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
P.S. For those of you in the New York City area, who would like to know more about investing in France, I will be available for private consultations on July 8th and 9th. Consultations are typically two hours, and I will be offering my usual euro fee at the same rate, but in U.S. dollars. Email me personally to make your appointment: [email protected]
To read more, click the links below.