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Your taste of life in Paris!

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The Imaginative Storm Whispered Desire

Reading Our Imaginatively Written Words at

The Imaginative Storm Whispered Desire

Parler Paris…
Your taste of life in Paris and France

Monday, April 10, 2006
Paris, France

Special Sponsored Message

Spend an Afternoon with Adrian Leeds in home town, New Orleans, learning how to make your dream to live and invest in France come true!

Living and Investing in France Round Table Seminar
May 27, 2006, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Plus Cocktails and Dinner at Historic Tujague’s Restaurant
New Orleans

If you’ve ever dreamed of moving to France, creating a new life in Paris, purchasing a “pied-à-terre” of your own or perhaps investing in other property in France, this amazing afternoon is a very small investment to make that dream come true, sooner than you might have imagined. These few hours will provide enough information to get you on the right road in the right direction for a successful investment and life in France!

Plus, invite your friends and relatives to join you for a celebration cocktails and dinner at historic Tujague’s Restaurant, the second oldest restaurant in New Orleans. Everyone is welcome!

For more information or to register, click here or contact Project Manager Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]


Dear Parler Paris Reader,

If I tell you HOW poet James Navé managed to get the entire group of writers and would-be writers to let down their intellectual guards and free associate to a height of creative and imaginative thinking, I’d spoil it for everyone. So, I won’t. But I will tell you this…

Saturday afternoon we sat at tables on the first floor of La Pierre du Marais, the same café where we meet for Parler Paris Après Midi. The waiter took our orders and created havoc until everyone was served their coffee, wine and whatever. It started out slowly because Jim, who is a fixture on the poetry slam circuit and for ten years taught creativity workshops with Julia Cameron, author of “The Artist’s Way,” warmed up the crowd with his own poetry-reciting talents. I could see the troupes getting anxious to wield their own pens on the pads of paper they were instructed to bring.

Then he made one final demonstration before asking all to participate in the creative process. Through free association, based on arbitrary thoughts and words we had provided as a group, Jim wrote as many words as quickly as he could on a pad of paper — so quickly that when done, we (or he) couldn’t read or decipher many of them. As he squiggled with his marker, his total body was moving and swaying — not just his writing arm — so his whole body and soul were involved in the process. The pen barely left the surface of the paper for a breath.

It was then our turn to learn how to let go of our constructed intellects to allow for the threads of thought to take us in new directions, on different paths. It’s no easy task. We are so used to fitting our thoughts and lives into boxes, time-frames, stopping at what we perceive as the limits, never going “outside of the box” to more imaginative places.

But, that’s when the “storm” happened. I’d say “storm” is an appropriate word for it, too. Within the next hour, with his guidance to freely associate in the same way he had demonstrated, the group of 25 suddenly became more intimate with one another, feeling unencumbered, uninhibited, to express themselves without concern of the others’ opinions. They came not knowing who would be there, and perhaps knowing just a few or none at all, but the energy glowing from the group was in bright unison until the very end.

For the last half-hour, each person stood and read their words written within a five minute time limit, using the words we had freely associated both together and alone. Each created a unique image, yet we found that many had taken some of the same threads, the same paths. I was surprised how many ended their prose with “death.”

I ended mine with “desire”:

The murmured expression on their pulling faces told tales of torture and indiscretion. We were hushed by the killing, by the anger, by the love of our wishes, but swelled with pride and passion.

The winds swept oceans of caring, tides of torment and the universe parted allowing us a slow suicide. I was a goddess; pretty…ugly…cast aside in a coffin lying on feathers, floating on rivers.

Once there were sorrows. Now only happiness. A force whispered desire.

A la prochaine…







Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
[email protected]

P.S. Hope to see you tomorrow afternoon at Parler Paris Après Midi, 3 to 5 p.m. at La Pierre du Marais. Visit /parlerparis/apresmidi.html for more information. And special note…Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group IS OPEN Saturday, April 15th as usual, in spite of the Easter Weekend. Bring your friends and your French-speakers who wish to practice English! Visit for more information.

French Property Insider

Opening Doors to House Hunters
By Adrian Leeds

The 100-square meter four-room apartment at the corner of rue Roi Doré and rue de Turenne is a story of doors and locks. What makes rue Roi Doré famous, is unfortunate — this apartment is just two doors down from where a house fire shook the city of Paris this past summer in which seven African immigrants, including four children, died. This part of the Marais is one of the most sought-after and expensive parts of the French capital.

This is one of the reasons House Hunters International, a syndicated television program produced by HGTV ( chose to feature the search, find and purchase of this special property…FPI Subscribers Read On…

Learn how to buy property in France. French Property Insider is an e-mail newsletter from the editors of Parler Paris. If you’d like to learn about the insights, recommendations, and discoveries about buying and investing in real estate in Paris and France that French Property Insiderreaders get every week, now’s a special opportunity.

To learn more, visit /frenchproperty/insider or go directly to subscribe at /frenchproperty/insider/subscribetofpi.html

Insider Paris Guides

* Excerpt from the Writers Insider Guide to Paris…


As stated, I find it absolutely necessary to have Internet hooked up in your home, not only as a freelance writer ever in pursuit of work which is most often found on the web, but also for basic communications, for researching purposes, and for the benefits of reading newspapers for free online. (Personally, my life would be lacking a certain richness if I couldn’t access the New York Times every morning.)

There are two ways to hook-up to the Internet from your home: directly through the phone lines and through a cable that does not interfere with the telephone line. If you hook-up through the phone line you will have the choice of staying with international services such as AOL and AT&T or hooking-up with Internet providers in France…For complete information, see the guide….

Novelists, journalists, poets, dreamers and doers…discover the writing life in Paris. It is possible, click here to find out how…

Further Resources

* French Property Insider Consultation…your complete solution to finding, buying, renovating or renting your new dream home or apartment in France. /frenchproperty/consultation

* Learn the Tango in Argentina! Spend 9 days exploring gracious Buenos Aires while you learn to tango, and discover for yourself one of the most exciting cities on earth.

* At the Taos Writing Salon, you will discover wells of imagination you never knew you had. or email [email protected]

Classified Advertising

APARTMENT RENTAL Coming soon…Parler Paris Apartments rental representation at If you have a property ín Paris you’d like to keep booked and represented properly, please email Parler Paris Apartments at [email protected] for more information.

For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at /parlerparis/apartments or
/frenchproperty/insider/longterm.html for long term apartments.


Parler Paris Après Midi

Come for a drink and to meet and chat with other readers in Paris:

The next g

athering is April 11, 2006

Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group

Practice speaking French and English. Make friends, discuss interesting topics, learn about other cultures, progress in understanding and speaking, naturally and easily. Meets three times a week — come as often as you like.


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The Art of Living Guide to Le Marais.




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Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds®, Adrian Leeds Group, LLC
Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC, /



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