The Weekend Before the First Day of the Most Glorious Month in Paris

The new bike paths along the quays have opened up even more routes for the two-wheelers, of which there are more and more on the streets of Paris, along with smaller cars and more elaborate motor bikes. Driving a car is no longer ‘cool’ or pleasurable, and strangely, the bikes are taking over the 17th-century carriageways where horses once were ‘parked.’
A curious cat wouldn’t leave his spot on rue de Turenne whilst eyeing something mighty important on the other side of the door. Along rue des Quatre Fils three kids found themselves in quite a dilemma with no way to retrieve their lost ball except by using a skateboard as a tool…unsuccessfully, by the way (perfectly timed photo by Erica Simone).
This was a prelude to a long and very full day Sunday at Chez Jenny with a congenial and international group of investment property curiosity-seekers at the Living and Investing in France Real Estate Conference. It was our 24th conference of this kind, in collaboration with John Howell of The International Law Partnership in London. Over the course of almost 12 hours, we covered so much information that when asked “Is there anything you feel we have not covered in our seminar and wish to learn about?,” one participant wrote, “No, absolutely nothing. This seminar has been really well thought out.” And another wrote “No, plenty to ‘chew on’ for now!”
The three-course lunch at Chez Jenny was a fun way for everyone to relax and get to know one another. There were lots of laughs during the sessions, but special guest speaker Nathalie Findlay of “Lifestyling” made us giggle over some basic cultural cues of which we should be aware, particularly one we had to practice saying — “Phrhoah” — a typical French expression that if you can pronounce it correctly you can be classified as truly “French.” (She and her partner, Elena Herdieckerhoff, are sponsoring a conference June 28th titled “Expat Excellence: Working and Living in France” for those who want to find work and integrate into society here. Visit frenchpropertyconference for more information.)
Today is yet another holiday — “Pentecôte” — and the sun is shining bright…again. A few attendees of the conference met this morning to tour “Le Palace des Vosges” — our fractional ownership property on the Place des Vosges currently under massive and a dusty renovation. The tiles are being laid, the new ceiling has been installed and the new atelier-style windows and doors are underway at the “fabricant” (manufacturer). Artists and musicians have filled the square hoping for their own brand of curiosity-seekers — the kind with a few coins to spend and the citizens and tourists are out in full force.
(If you can’t see the video of the musicians at the Place des Vosges, click here:Place des Vosges)
Today is the first day of one of the most glorious months in Paris. It seems some of the best times of my life take place in the month of June…and always in the City of Light.
This month, don’t miss the…
Paris Jazz Festival
June 9th — July 31st
Parc Floral
Fête de la Musique
June 21st (Summer Solstice)
Gay Pride Parade
June 27th
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds |
![]() If you like the ‘islands’ as much as I do, then you may want to have your own share of a “petit pied-à-terre” on the Ile de la Cité with a perfect view of Notre Dame just a few steps away. Click here /frenchproperty/fractional/pfo/lenotredame.html for more information on our newest fractional ownership property, “Le Notre Dame” |
To read more, click the links below.