Three Proven Ways to Fund Your Travels in 2007 and Beyond…

Have you thought about what you’ll resolve to do in 2007? Perhaps you’ll pledge to travel more…or land more by-lines…or sell more photos…or make more money…
I know those resolutions creep onto my list every year. Maybe they’re on yours, too…
If so, I have some exciting news to share…
After much emailing and international phone-tag, I’ve managed to find a time — just a handful of days from now — when five savvy and busy travelers I know (all folks who have turned their passion for travel into profits) can meet.
December 12, 2006 they’ll be getting together on the phone to share with each other — and you — the three tools they use to consistently fund and profit from their travels.
I’d like to invite you to listen in.
Combine the secrets each of them employs, and you’ll not only know how to make your vacations pay for themselves…but how you can make $100,000 or more a year as you explore the world like a VIP.
You could pay a thousand dollars for this privileged information… and you’d still be money ahead on your next trip. But on December 12th, you can get your hands on these secret strategies for less than $20.
You’ll learn…
** How to make a six-figure income as a traveler: Learn how our “triple barrel approach” can help you turn a simple point-and-shoot camera, a good eye for bargains, and a pen and paper into a handsome income…as well as give you a lifetime of funded vacations.
** How to get pampered in paradise. Then profit from it: Let the locals wine and dine you overseas…get all your expenses paid, even airfare and meals…lounge around on the beach…gallivant across Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and anywhere else you desire. Then get paid to write about the experience. (This isn’t as hard as you might think. Past attendees at our live travel writing workshops have turned these secrets into free trips within as little as two months after our program.)
** How to make a handsome profit on even a quick trip: Learn how to put together a powerful article-photo package that you can re-sell to dozens of publications, turning a single vacation into thousands of dollars.
** Enjoy the opportunity to travel to your favorite country 5…10…15…or as many times as you want! And then write it off as a business expense every time! You know those souvenirs you brought back home on your last vacation? Now you can learn how to turn “shopping for souvenirs” into your own import-export business. (That’s what Reece Guth did. He brought home pottery from Nicaragua as a souvenir. But people loved it so much, that an import-export business was born…and he’ll gladly show you how to get yours started too.)
** Why your hometown is a $700/day goldmine: Discover the opportunities that exist right in your own community—fine dining, compliments of the owners…free concert tickets…exclusive coverage on sporting events…$150 for a simple photo of a monument in your hometown that you can sell and resell…and more!
I’ll be frank, I think we’re on to something huge here. Never before has the travel experience been so lucrative. I expect a very high level of interest in the tele-seminar on December 12th, and chances are I’ll be turning people away.
So, to reserve your spot, I urge you to go immediately to:
The call will be hosted by Barbara Winter, author of the best-selling Making a Living Without a Job and a new book, Jumpstart Your Entrepreneurial Spirit. A much sought-after speaker and self-employment advocate, Barbara teaches seminars throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom and has helped thousands of folks create for themselves what she calls “joyfully jobless lives”. On this call, she’ll set the stage for the three lucrative, get-paid-to-travel opportunities you’ll learn about.
You’ll hear from freelance travel writer and editor, Jennifer Stevens, author of AWAI’s Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program. Jen will explain what it really takes to succeed as a travel writer…how you can get started right from home… and how easy it really can be to turn notes about what you see and do on a trip into income that can more than cover your travel costs.
Rich Wagner, a master of photography, will be on the call, too. He started out taking photographs of the New England community where he lives. Then he turned those into fine art prints that sell for $50 to $500. With those sales, he’s funded travels to Death Valley…Paris…New York City…Miami…the Navajo reservation in Arizona…the waterfalls and swamps of Georgia…and well beyond.
He’ll tell you his tricks for turning your local landmarks (and everyday sights) into photos that sell. He’ll even reveal how he turned a shot of one ordinary place close to his town into more than $10,000 in sales! (And show you exactly how you can do it, too.) And by the way, you don’t need to have an “artist’s eye” to make a success of this, either…
You’ll hear from Stan Sinberg on this call as well. Stan, an award-winning humor and travel writer, has traveled the world reporting on his adventures (and misadventures), often selling his stories with photos. He’s been a freelancer for nearly two decades now, and he has seen much of the globe on someone else’s dime…this December 12th, he’ll tell you how you can do the same. (In fact, Stan will be dialing in from Argentina where he’s on the road, getting paid to travel!)
Reece Guth is a master of the third tool we’ll tell you about — import/export (or better known to us travelers as finding great bargains overseas and selling them for big profits here!).
His story is impressive. Like you, Reece was a traveler who enjoyed venturing off to distant lands, from which he could return home nicely tanned. So, in the year 2000, when Reece was offered a short-term freelance job photographing the progress of a multi-faceted project on Nicaragua’s Pacific coast, he took it.
However, when his liaison in Nicaragua found out he had an interest in ceramics (he used to be a professional potter!) she immediately insisted on driving him two hours inland to a quiet little village nestled in the hills between two sleeping volcanoes — a spot that, literally, wasn’t on the map.
Here he discovered the natives of San Juan de Oriente, who made beautiful pottery, a ceramic tradition that dates back to 1,000 BC. Fascinated, he brought some of the pottery back home with him to display in his house. That was his original intention, nothing more. But people loved the pottery so much, a business was born.
Now Reece travels to Nicaragua anytime he wants (he’s traveled there more than 15 times — and always as a business expense, helping him to save on taxes!). He can buy the pottery from Nicaragua for between $5 and $20 on average and he sells the pieces for anywhere from $10 to $100 over here.
The result? He now runs a $100,000-a-year business with plenty of potential for growth. What’s more, when he’s in Nicaragua, the potters and their families often invite him into their homes to talk about bringing their art to a wider audience. He says, “I am proud to present this work as a bridge, not only between cultures, but also in time.”
These guys — Barbara, Jen, Rich, Stan, and Reece — have never gotten together like this before. Yet on December 12th, they’ll all be present as part of an extraordinary round-table, each discussing what it takes to be successful in his or her field.
This is a unique “coming together of the minds.” And I hope you’ll take me up on this offer to sit down with them.
You can listen in and discover everything you need to know about the three important travel tools they use…the tools that can turn your life into a wonderland of unlimited, lucrative vacations.
To get in on this opportunity for less than $20, visit here TODAY!
Lori Appling,
Director, AWAI’s Travel Division
PS: The secrets that we’ll be revealing on this call could mean a new way for you to build wealth…a new life…a romantic future. They provide a way for you to escape the drudgery of 9-5 and trade it in for a life where your friends will think you li
ve on permanent vacation. This is an extraordinary opportunity to learn the secrets to funding your travels…and earning a six-figure income as you explore the globe like a VIP.
Don’t believe me? Join this call and you’ll receive a $500 coupon good toward our next live Lucrative Traveler Conference…just for listening in.
To reserve your place on this call today, click here
To read more, click the links below.