A Year in Provence
Volume IV, Issue 7

This is the Year of Cézanne because 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of his death. A resident of Aix-en-Provence, Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) and his work is synonymous with Provence.
Provence has been on my mind quite a bit lately, as you see as you read about what Provence has in store for all of during 2006, but also because of the apartment I am in the process of purchasing and the dreams I have to renovate/decorate it Provençal style. Read about Provence, the Year of Cézanne, my Petite Provençale and how to decorate it. If you’d like to read a travelogue from a glorious trip to Provence I took several years ago on $50 a day, click on http://www.adrianleeds.com/provence-corsica.html.
In addition, today’s issue brings you the final article in a series from France Notaires about buying and selling property in France, how Paris intends to spend its hard-earned money, how the Eiffel Tower has had record visitors and about the upcoming real estate trade show here in Paris. And just to keep you in the loop, we’ve included an article (in French) that appeared TODAY in the monthly magazine for the 3rd arrondissement about Pascal Fonquernie of Parismarais.com and myself highlighted as citizens of the Marais!
Don’t forget, now’s your chance to register for the Living and Investing in France Conference here in Paris March 17 – 19, 2006 where your $1 will equal 1 Euro, a savings of almost 20%!
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Volume IV, Issue 7, February 16, 2006
In this issue:
* Tips on Buying and Selling Property in France
* Celebrating Cézanne in 2006
* Buying an Apartment and the “Promesse de Vente”
* A Touch of Provence in a Paris Pied-à-Terre
* How the Public Euros are Spent in Paris
* National Real Estate Trade Show, Paris, March 23 – 26, 2006
* Visits to Eiffel Tower Reach Record High
* Adrian Leeds’ Update on Post-Katrina New Orleans
* Parismarais.com…Art of Living in Le Marais
* Upcoming Conferences: Special Paris Offer – For a Limited Time Only!
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: March 14
* Hot Property Picks: In the Land of Cézanne…Aix en Provence
* Leasebacks: Paris Montrouge
* On the Auction Block: March 7 and 14, 2006
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Marais Apartment Available May 19-30, 2006, Apartment Near Bastille, Last-minute Deals at Parismaris.com, Coming Soon…Parler Paris Apartments
Buying or Selling a Home
The fifth and final instalment in a series of articles from France Notaires
Acquisition Costs
The most significant part of the acquisition costs are for taxes and stamp duties to be paid to the French State. Transfer taxes amount to 4.80% of the purchase price for real property, regardless
of its use. An additional withholding tax of 2.50% of the country tax is paid to the State for collection costs. The sale is subject to value added tax (VAT) if the property subject to sale is new or it is the first sale of the property within five years of completion. VAT is paid at a rate of 19.6%. When VAT is due, no transfer tax is due. A stamp duty is paid to the State in the amount of 3 euros per page of the deed of sale and the notarized copy of same. The fees of the mortgage registry
must also be paid.
* The Notary’s Fees
The notary’s fees include various fixed costs for formalities for performing certain acts and formalities, entitled “emoluments,” which are calculated in proportion to the purchase price (see table below). When the purchaser takes out a loan, the notary receives fees on the amount borrowed, at a rate of approximately 0.55% of the amount borrowed. State-subsidized loans give rise to reduced rates: 0.2% to 0.5% depending on the type of loan. Fixed emoluments in small sums are paid to the notary for each formality required in the deed of sale, such as requests for personal identification documents, the cadastral map, zoning and urban planning information, real estate filing, requests to the custody judge. VAT is due on notaries’s emoluments at the rate of 19.60%.
* Negotiation
When the notary negotiated the sale, that is to say when he brought the buyer and seller together, he is paid negotiation emoluments. These fees are paid by the seller or purchaser, depending upon the agreement of the parties. The amount of the negotiation emoluments is equal to 5%, up to 46,000 euros, and 2.5% after that. VAT is added at a rate of 19.6%, which brings the total rate to 5.98% and 2.99%.
* Detailed Statement of Costs
When the formalities are completed, the notary will send you, with your deed of title, a statement of costs, which will show individually the taxes paid to the French State (transfer taxes, stamp duties), the other amounts incurred and the emoluments received by the notary’s office. If your account shows a credit balance, a check to that amount will be sent with your deed of title. Otherwise, you are required to pay the remaining sums owing.
Sale of Real Property
Notaries’ Fees
VAT at 19.60% included
From To Percentage Add (Euros)
0 3050 5,98
3050 6100 3,9468 62,013
6100 16770 1,9734 182,390
Above 0,9867 347,860
Capital Gains
The seller may owe taxes on the capital gain realized on the sale. The sale of the principal residence is exempt from such tax, as are other properties under certain conditions. The capital gain is equal to the difference between the sales price and the purchase price, or the declared value upon receipt of the property by gift or will. The purchase price or original value, increased by acquisition fees
(except for estate or gift taxes) and expenses for work completed (under certain cases), is revalued according to a monetary erosion coefficient published by the French State. The gross capital gain is reduced by a percentage of 5% per year after the second year since acquisition. Therefore, there is
complete exoneration of the tax after 22 years.
* Taxed as Income
The amount of the capital gain is added to the income of the taxpayer, after a reduction of 915 euros. When the sale is the first sale of a secondary residence held for at least five years, another reduction is added. Its amount will vary depending upon the family situation of the taxpayer (6,100 euros for two spouses and 1,525 euros per child).
* The Quotient
To limit the amount of additional tax, the calculation of tax owing is done according to a quotient system. The capital gain is divided by five, and then added to the other revenues of the taxpayer. The amount of additional tax is then multiplied by five. The tax is therefore less significant. You Should Stay Informed
From the beginning of the transaction until the end, the seller and the purchaser should stay informed. Both must know the prices on the market and the notary may assist them in this regard, for example by using the real estate file (fichier immobilier). Each step in the process should be made with your eyes open: the reservation agreement, whose provisions are vital, the formalities required to perform the transaction, the signature of the deed of sale, which is a time to obtain additional explanations, and finally, the delivery of the title deed. The acquisition of real property is also a time when one should reflect upon the family situation. One should ask whether the spouse’s interests are protected and whether the marital regime is best adapted to the situation of the married couple.
The Year of Cézanne in 2006
From Maison de la France
Provence, the land of beaming sunrays, cicada songs and vibrant-colored lavender fields has also been a source of inspiration to some of the greatest artists in history, such as Paul Cézanne. This year is the 100th anniversary of Cézanne’s death and his homeland is preparing celebrations all year long to present the life and work of this great legend.
The year 2006 marks the centennial of the death of the most famous Aix-en-Provence artist, Paul Cézanne (1839-1906). The city of Aix-en-Provence and Aix’s Regional Community are organizing a series of events, highlighting Aix’s rich art history. A multitude of events paint the city in Cézanne’s colors and commemorate his intimate relationship with the landscapes and light of Provence: improved display at Cézanne sites, exhibitions, presentations by contemporary artists, illuminations, open-air projections, and street art shows.
Visitors to Cézanne’s native Aix can follow in his footsteps, literally, thanks to a marked out route through the town. Metal plates engraved with the initial “C” highlight the route from the house where Cézanne was born to the painter’s final address with interesting sites along the way — http://www.aixenprovencetourism.com.
Among the top Cézanne sites to visit are his studio and property, the “Jas de Bouffan.” Located in the upper reaches of the city of Aix-en-Provence, Cézanne’s studio has preserved the memory of the painter with a display of original objects reappearing in many of Cézanne’s still-life paintings, watercolors and original drawings — http://www.atelier-Cezanne.com. Cézanne’s family home at “Jas de Bouffan” is open to the public for the first time. Visitors can experience first-hand where Cézanne spent 40 years of his life and admire the lush grounds and beautiful 17th-century Provence-style country home.
Lying north of the fortified city of Les Baux de Provence, which sits on the spur of the Alpilles or “little alps,” is the Cathédrale d’Images, an old cavernous quarry site where the images of the Aix artist and his work are projected onto the quarry’s walls, ceiling and floors. This is a unique way to appreciate Cézanne’s work as the only light inside this 13,000-square-foot cavernous space will come from the projected images — http://www.cathedrale-images.com.
From June 9 to September 19, 2006, the renovated Granet Museum in Aix-en-Provence hosts the exceptional exhibition, Cézanne in Provence, bringing together virtually all of the Provence works of the master from Aix. Nearly 120 pieces, canvasses and watercolors, from the most prestigious international museums, make this an exceptional opportunity to discover Cézanne’s Provence-inspired works. It makes its debut at the National Gallery of Art in Washington from January 29 to May 7, 2006.
Visitors can participate in the celebration of Paul Cézanne’s life through guided tours, independent itineraries, and stays at hotels located near subjects often painted by Cézanne, such as l’Estaque or the Saint-Victoire Mountain. Cézanne enthusiasts may also wish to participate in painting classes near these sites in Provence.
For further information, please visit:
Aix-en-Provence Tourist center
2 place du Général de Gaulle
13100 Aix-en-Provence
[email protected]
To learn more about Provence, visit the official tourist office website at http://www.crt-paca.fr.
Paris Promises
By Adrian Leeds
Reprinted from Parler Paris
February 15, 2006
Today I am taking my own advice. This afternoon, I will be in our Notaire’s office, in the same shoes as our clients, sitting opposite the seller of a studio apartment on rue Charlot, to sign what is called a “Promesse de Vente” or “Promise to Sell” contract. This is the first formal procedure of purchasing a property in France, also at times referred to as the “Compromis de Vente.” The second and final formal procedure is known as the “Acte de Vente.”
I know the building well — several of my close colleagues live there and own rental apartments they keep happily filled with vacationers. This little apartment is a mere 18 square meters (about 200 square feet), but has three windows along the length of the apartment and southeast facing affording a lot of light, overlooking the courtyard making it quiet and tranquil. Like most Marais apartments, there is no lift, but it’s only on the third floor and the stairwell is very pleasant. An apartment of this size equates to a good-sized hotel room, but unlike a hotel, for the same price per night or more, will be equipped with a full kitchen, washer/dryer and luxurious bath, not to mention all the amenities such as Cable TV, high-speed Internet and international telephone.
Once again, I’ve lucked out to have found this through “inside sources,” and although I pay my source a finder’s fee, the price is less than the average per square meter in this district. On top of that, the mortgage offering is very advantageous, as I’ve been able to qualify for a particular type of loan that pays 110% of the purchase price, meaning that even the taxes and Notaire fees will be covered, so I’ll have no out-of-pocket expense. The idea is that if I only cover the mortgage and expenses, which will amount to about 1000 euros a month (very rough guesstimate), the property will appreciate (the current rate is 15.9%, as reported by the Chambre de Notaires for 3rd quarter 2004 to 3rd quarter 2005) allowing it to grow in value all by itself.
Yolanda Robins, Property Search Consultant, will attend the signing with me, treating me like the client and watching out for the pitfalls. You’d think I could manage this on my own, given how many signings I’ve attended and performed the same function…but it’s always valuable to have another pair of eyes and ears, particularly her keen ones and during such important transactions where there are many pitfalls we can’t always foresee.
Lots of folks believe that purchasing property in France is something they can do themselves without the help of professionals…and they can, of course…but mistakes can be costly. Recently, we’ve had several requests to evaluate or appraise a property that someone is considering purchasing or will soon sign the Promesse de Vente. If a buyer isn’t well versed on the current market valuations, it would be normal to question the true value of the property they’ve agreed to purchase. Thanks to the French government protecting consumers by allowing for a 7-day buyer’s remorse period, a buyer can cancel the purchase with no repercussions within 7 days of signing. This is also when we might get called in to make an evaluation on the last minute.
Just this past month, a couple opted out of purchasing an apartment in Paris based on the evaluation, once they saw that while the apartment itself seemed fine, the homeowner’s association and standard of the building was way under par. If they had purchased this apartment, they would likely have found themselves with years of problems, potentially added expense and low appreciation.
Within three months, I’ll be reporting on the signing of the “Acte de Vente” when I can take possession and start the renovation process. Meanwhile, I dream of decorating it in “Provençal” style — bright sunny colors, fancy mosaic tile work, and I hope to expose some of the 18th-century stone now hidden by plaster and the ancient wood beams under the current ceiling. The goal — to make it so delightful to stay in that it stays booked with happy vacationers 80% of the year!
Editor’s Note: The signing didn’t take place as planned for February 15th, due to one small snag…the power of attorney given by one of the owners came in as a fax, but the Notaire insisted on having the original. With luck, the signing will take place by the time you receive this
Decorating Provençal Style
By Adrian Leeds
I’ve the notion to decorate my “baby” 18 square-meter studio in Provençal style…whatever that means! Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is COLOR…yellows, oranges, blues, greens — bright pastels that mirror the Provençal landscape. Think of Cézanne’s paintings, or of Matisse and Van Gogh. They used a vibrant palette that exudes happiness, sunshine, warmth and all the wonderful things associated with the beautiful region of Provence.
So imagine this…
First, I’m going to remove one wall to expose the ancient stone and add character as well as a few centimeters to the small space. The rest of the walls will be painted a medium-toned yellow, not too pale, not too glaring…something soft like sunlight.
The ceiling now hides the original wood beams. When it comes down, I may find the beams in poor condition, but painting them white or yellow or other color will add height and light.
Next, I’m going to hire a mosaic tile specialist. I happen to know one who lives right here in the Marais, whose work is stunningly intricate (Veronique Husson, 33 (0) The large face of a happy sun may make for an exotic floor in a luxurious shower you won’t want to leave. And the kitchen will be tiled, too — the back splash and other details to add color to a simple kitchen, likely IKEA cabinetry that is durable and inexpensive.
For a successful rental apartment, the kitchen must be equipped with at least two burners, refrigerator, microwave, oven and washer/dryer. A dishwasher isn’t as important as the washer/dryer. The bath, even if small, must be contemporary, convenient and pampering. Darty is the ONLY place to confidently buy appliances because of their excellent service and standard guarantees. There is one just a few blocks from the apartment, but to find the store nearest you, visit their site, http://www.darty.com.
On the three windows, to afford as much light as possible, I’ll drape them with sheers or translucent shades, then dress the windows in Provençal fabrics, add a Provençal cloth to a small dining table and cover the beds, as well. A trip to Provence may be in order, but not necessary. Souleiado products are available online and in shops. These block-printed cottons imported from India became highly popular in France during the seventeenth century, featuring abstractions of small flowers repeated in high-contrast colors. It’s a fascinating story, actually, as the fabrics became so popular, that they were banned by the Monarchy, which sponsored its own textile manufacture. The cotton-print production was based in the town of Tarascon and since Provence traditionally resisted the authority of the Monarchy, the people of Tarascon secretly continued to produce their copies of the Indian fabrics. The manufacturing of these textiles remains in Tarascon, under the name Souleiado (which means “a ray of sun shinning through the clouds after a rain” in the Provencal dialect).
I’ll add multi-colored dinnerware (remember Fiestaware?), multi-colored glassware and bright linens. The furnishings will be stained and “antiqued” in pastel colors. There will be flowers in handmade pottery.
And can you guess what I will name this little ray of sunshine?…Why La Petite Provençale, of course!
The Budget of the City of Paris
By Adrian Leeds
Where do our taxes go? In a vote that will take place before March 31st, the city hopes to create 850 new child care centers, 9 more hectares of parks and green space, two public swimming pools, seven elementary schools, a junior high-school and nine public housings.
The largest portion of the city budget, 31% and 1,464,000,000 euros, will go to health, social justice and politics. Almost as important with 30% of the budget and 1,433,000,000 euros will be distributed for urban issues — environment, security and the general infrastructure. Following are the categories that affect the quality of life in Paris — housing, education and the future of our young with 18% of the budget or 862,000,000 euros. Culture, sports and employement opportunities will have 13% or 514,000,000 euros and finally, general services will receive 8% or 392,000,000 euros.
Salon National de l’Immobilier – National Real Estate Trade Show
Paris, Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot
March 23 – 26,2006
Daily 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday until 9 p.m.
This show is part of the large, national real estate show which attracts a highly motivated audience. There are some 200 exhibitors currently registered including real estate agents, promoters and developers, financial organizations,
insurance companies, notaires and trade associations. The 40,000 anticipated visitors will be able to meet these professionals and obtain information, whether they want to purchase a home, are looking for investment opportunities, or are interested in other projects. Promotion Expo Conseil, the show’s creator and organizer, also organizes shows in Lyon and Toulouse.
Métro: Porte Maillot
Parking: Porte Maillot, Hôtel Méridien, Avenue des Ternes, Avenue Foch
Entry: 5 Euros or free entry with an invitation for 2 people, available from site at http://www.salonimmobilier.com
Eiffel Tower Annual Visitor Total Reaches All-Time Record
From Maison de la France
More than 6.4 million people visited La Tour Eiffel in 2005
The Eiffel Tower counted a total of 6,428,441 visitors to the monument in 2005 as compared to 6,230,050 in 2004, representing an increase by 3.18%. The last visitation record dated back to 1999, when the total reached 6,368,534 visitors.
Throughout the years, interest in the Tower has only grown stronger as 100 million visitors were accounted for during the past 20 years. As a symbol of both Paris and France, the Eiffel Tower’s success is undoubtedly linked to its fascinating history, its aesthetics and architectural feat as well as its relationship to industrial development and technological advancements of the 20th century. Whether the Tower reigns over certain events or is the theater for others, it remains one of the world’s most visible landmarks.
Entrance fees to the Tower vary depending on how far up one wants to go.
* Elevator to 1st floor – 4,20 Euros (2,30 Euros for children 3-11)
* Elevator to 2nd floor – 7,70 Euros (4,20 Euros for children 3-11)
* Elevator to Top – 11 Euros (6 Euros for children 3-11)
* Stairs to 1st and 2nd floors – 3,80 Euros (3 Euros for visitors under 25)
Children under 3 are free guests at the Eiffel Tower. All accompanying persons pay the full adult fee. A 5.5% tax is included. Payment accepted by check, cash or credit card. All tickets are for immediate entrance. Group rates are also available. Handicapped persons and those accompanying them are offered a reduced entrance fee upon presentation of their handicapped card. However, for security reasons, the top of the Eiffel Tower is not accessible to persons in wheelchairs, nor physically disabled.
From January 15-June 15 and from September 3-December 31, the Tower is open 9:30 a.m.-11:45 p.m. From June 16-September 2, the hours are 9:00 a.m.-12:45 a.m. For more information, visit http://www.tour-eiffel.fr
Adrian Leeds Speaks Out on Hurricane Katrina
American Women’s Group (AWG)
February Coffee: New Orleans Post-Katrina Update
(and a little Mardi Gras fun!)
Monday, February 20, 2006
10:00 am
Chez Joanne Blakemore
Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, but it struck the hearts of the French as well. Discover what France is doing to help its North American sister city, notably in the field of education.
Adrian Leeds author and editor of the Parler Paris newsletter and numerous other guides useful to expats, New Orleans native and long time Paris resident, will present a first hand account of conditions in New Orleans. Recently returned from a trip home, she will be sharing her observations and discussing future possibilities for the city, including the French commitment to its recovery.
In the true New Orleans spirit, Mardi Gras will be our theme as we “laissez les bon temps rouler!”
Mardi Gras (literally,”fat Tuesday”) is the last chance to party before the Catholic penitential season of Lent begins the next day. Carnival (from the Latin for “raising flesh,” which means to abstain from eating meat) is associated with the last minute partying of Mardi Gras.
Visit http://www.awgparis.org for more information. Call or write for details if you wish to attend:, [email protected]
From February 2006
Le Journal de la Mairie du 3ème Arrondissement
(In French)
Le site ParisMarais.com est né en 2000 avec la volonté de devenir une référence en matière de promotion touristique en anglais sur le centre historique de Paris.
Ses initiateurs, Pascal Fonquernie et Adrian B. Leeds, ont réuni une équipe de passionnés, qui, tout comme eux, sillonnent les rues du 3e et 4e arrondissements pour sélectionner les meilleurs adresses d’hôtels de charme, d’appartements d’hôtes, de bons restaurants, de galeries, etc… afin de représenter tout l’art de vivre dans le Marais. Journalistes, publicitaires, développeurs web, commerciaux… ils sont une dizaine, véritables têtes de pont entre le monde anglo-saxon et la Ville Lumière.
Car le site est aussi un service marketing à lui tout seul et ces professionnels de la pub ne s’y sont pas trompés : « le Marais est une bonne marque et, il s’agit ici de mettre en avant l’image de tradition et de dynamisme qu’il véhicule ». Si la clientèle anglo-saxone affectionnait plus volontiers le quartier latin dans les années 1980 ou bien Saint-Germain-des-Près un peu plus tôt, le Marais est à ses yeux le quartier tendance du moment. « Il y a de plus en plus d’anglophones qui investissent ici et nombreux sont les seniors qui décident de venir y vivre leur retraite. En plus de l’aspect très pittoresque du bâti, l’activité artistique, notamment les galeries d’art contemporain du Haut Marais et le côté village, renforcent cet attrait » nous expliquent Pascal et Adrian.
Avec 500 000 connexions à l’année, ParisMarais.com a définitivement trouvé ses cibles auprès d’une clientèle de touristes, d’origine américaine pour la plupart, et des 250 000 expatriés anglophones vivant à Paris et en région parisienne. Ils y trouvent par exemple la possibilité de déposer des petites annonces bilingues, surfent sur les pages historiques qui présentent des galeries photos du Paris des années 1960 ou du début du siècle, découvrent l’hôtel de leur rêve ou l’endroit idéal pour se faire prodiguer un massage au chocolat…
Acteur incontournable de la promotion touristique de notre quartier à l’échelle internationale, il est à ce jour le seul site affilié à l’Office du Tourisme de Paris pour le Marais.
[email protected]
Upcoming Conferences
Living and Investing in France Conference
March 17 – 19, 2006
Chez Jenny, Paris
For a limited time only… $1 = 1 Euro!
Right now, when you register for this 3-day power-packed conference, instead of investing the usual conference price at $1.20 per Euro, you can invest in the conference price at only $1.00 per Euro — a savings of 20%! But hurry…this offer ends February 28, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006 Dinner at Historical Chez Jenny, 8 p.m.
with Guest Speakers and presentation by David Downie and Alison Harris, authors of “Paris, Paris: Journey Into the City of Light.”
Take a Private Tour of the City Hall of Paris!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 10 a.m.
A special private tour of the Hôtel de Ville!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Take a Private Tour of Paris Apartments!
Sunday, February 12, 2006, 8 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Participate in a One-Hour Conference Call with FPI Consultants!
Save $50 on a Property Search and Visit Paris Apartments!
Living and Investing in France Conference
May 26 – 28, 2006
Sheraton, New Orleans
Saturday Night at the Second Oldest Restaurant in New Orleans!
May 27, 2006, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, May 29, 2006 at 1 p.m.
Tour New Orleans with Grayline Tours
Hurricane Katrina — “America’s Worst Catastrophe”
5th Paris Poetry Workshop
Paris, France
May 14 – 19, 2006
This is your opportunity to spend five days in Paris as a poet among poets. Over the past four years, the Paris Poetry Workshop has become a tradition in the English-speaking Paris poetry community, offering poets from the U.S., Canada and Europe the opportunity to come together for a week of intensive workshops, lectures and readings. Anyone who’s been to Paris already knows about the inspiration and stimulation of the senses the city affords; this is a chance to see and experience a side of Paris not readily accessible to the average tourist. Participants generate new work, hone their craft, share and support one another’s creative endeavors, make new friends and expand their literary horizons. This is your chance to become part of this exciting and vibrant community.
NEW DATES: May 15 – 19, 2006
Chateau de Saint-Loup
The Art of Trompe l’Oeil Workshop originally scheduled for December 29 – January 2, has now been postponed until May 15 – 19, 2006, and will be held at the fabulous Chateau de Saint-Loup. Join a unique community of artists, engaging in hands-on painting and conversation with internationally renowned trompe l’oeil muralist and educator, Yves Lanthier. An award-winning artist, Yves has created large oil paintings and elaborate trompe l’oeil that adorn the ceilings and walls of many East Coast mansions and Palm beach estates, including Celine Dion’s estate in Jupiter, Florida.
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
FPI Offers More Relocation Solutions!
Moving to Paris? Our experienced relocation expert will make your move easy and hassle-free. We offer complete property and relocation services normally only provided by employer hired relocation firms…but at a price much more affordable for individuals.
Visit the FPI Web site and click on the link on the left panel “Click Here for Currency Convertor by Moneycorp Global Money Services” for up to the minute conversions of all major currencies.
Charts http://www.Moneycorp.co.uk/members/charts.asp The charts below are updated every ten seconds.
The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation.
Parler Paris Après-Midi
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you.
* In the Land of Cézanne…Aix en Provence
*** Aix en Provence, Villa, 3 rooms, approx. 130m²
This rustic villa offers a spacious main room with fireplace, separate kitchen, laundry, large mezzanin
e, cellar and garage, on 335m² of land. C
lose to golf course.
Asking Price: 577,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Aix Saint Donat Nord, Villa, 8 rooms, approx. 220m²
Lovely villa with a southern exposure. Features a large living room, separate kitchen, 5 bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, wine cellar, garage, terrace and swimming pool, on 2630m² of land.
Asking Price: 845,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Aix en Provence, Villa, 8 rooms, approx. 240m²
Situated in a quiet environment, this villa has 8 rooms including 5 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room, a separate equipped kitchen, bathroom and a terrace.
Asking Price: 1,100,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
Paris Auctions
Next sessions: March 7 and 14, 2006, 2 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at http://www.encheres-Paris.com/ Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
March 7, 2006 | March 14, 2006 |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 232,520 Euros Deposit: 75,000 Euros |
![]() 15 rue du Louvre 75001 PARIS 1st Starting Bid: 150,000 Euros Deposit: 30,000 Euros |
2 rooms 38,40 m² 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 57,500 Euros Deposit: 15,000 Euros |
![]() 15 rue du Louvre 75001 PARIS 1st Starting Bid: 320,000 Euros Deposit: 64,000 Euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Starting Bid: 72,675 Euros Deposit: 20,000 Euros |
![]() 7 avenue Franco-Russe 75007 PARIS 7th Starting Bid: 690,000 Euros Deposit: 138,000 Euros |
![]() 155 bis boulevard Murat 75016 PARIS 16th Starting Bid: 390,000 Euros Deposit: 78,000 Euros |
![]() 30 rue Monge 75005 PARIS 5th Starting Bid: 244,800 Euros Deposit: 48,960 Euros |
![]() 30 rue Monge 75005 PARIS 5th Starting Bid: 304,300 Euros Deposit: 60,860 Euros |
![]() 30 rue Monge 75005 PARIS 5th Starting Bid: 243,950 Euros Deposit: 48,790 Euros |
![]() 30 rue Monge 75005 PARIS 5th Starting Bid: 307,700 Euros Deposit: 61,540 Euros |
![]() 30 rue Monge 75005 PARIS 5th Starting Bid: 253,300 Euros Deposit: 50,660 Euros |
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