Château Comforts

Château Comforts
Château la Cellette in the heart of the Dordogne |
July 14 , 2005, Paris, France
Bonjour French Property Insider Subscriber,
Bastille Day in Paris is bright, sunny and very, very quiet. This is France’s most important national holiday, but a Frenchman told me today, that it’s not a "personal" holiday, like Christmas or New Year’s.
We missed the parade along the Champs-Elysées and the jets flying in formation this morning in lieu of French Property Insider’s deadline to bring you important information about property in France — but have no guilt…we weren’t planning on being among the crowd, anyway.
Instead, we’ve opted to picnic tonight at the Champ de Mars to await the fireworks at sundown — the Eiffel Tower silhouetted in the foreground. Everyear I’m there with whoever wants to join me, spread on a blanket with bottles of wine and finger foods, surrounded by thousands of fellow picnickers. It’s one of my favorite things to do in Paris, in spite of the one time I was stranded at 1 a.m. with no transportation home and a three-hour walk to the Marais. (Now I insure my ride home before starting out!)
Today’s issue deals with the important topic of Wealth Tax. You will learn that soaring real estate prices have put many in a tax bracket they don’t necessarily belong, just because their home in France has increased in value whilst they live in it. There has been so much controversy over this issue of late that authorities are being forced to sit back and take notice…and we hope, will issue reforms.
Meanwhile, the Wealth Tax law provides another reason to consider taking a mortgage, as you will be taxed only on the remaining outstanding balance of your mortgage. Be sure to read the parameters of the Wealth Tax carefully and as always, we advise that you have good tax advice before proceeding.
On a much lighter note, today’s issue takes you into the land of château living — a very real possibility for those who aspire to it. Buying a château can be about the same cost as an apartment in Paris, but be prepared to spend quite a lot to renovate it to your standards. The Dordogne is France’s haven for Anglophones, among them, mostly British and a few Americans, in particular a personal friend who has realized her dream at Château la Cellette. Read all about her magnificent castle and more about the beautiful part of France that has attracted so many foreigners.
To whet your appetite, a few special properties in the Dordogne are brought to your attention. Also, three new French leaseback investment properties to consider.
Don’t forget, there’s no FPI on July 28th while I’m vacationing in Croatia…
A bientôt and Happy Bastille Day…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. ONE HOUR FREE CONSULTATION. Register now for the Invest in France Seminar August 10th — and get a one-hour one-on-one consultation with me absolutely free (by phone or in person)! This offer is open only to our readers…a value of $145!!! You will receive a special voucher to redeem your free hour any time prior to December 31, 2005. To register today while the seats last, click here or contact Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]/parlerparis
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Volume III, Issue 28, July 14, 2005
In this issue:
* France — a Lousy Landlord?
* Take just ONE Day to Make Your France Dream Come True
* Get Free Tickets to the "Welcome to Fra
nce Fair"
* Parisians Hit Hard by Wealth Tax
Wealth Tax Information
: Who Has to Pay?
* French Château Charms Tourists
* Behind the 15th-Century Dordogne Walls
* The Historic Dordogne
* Long-Term Apartment Rentals
* Leaseback News: From Mountains to Sea
* Expanded Property Consultation and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Rates of Exchange by Moneycorp Currency Brokers
* Next Parler Paris Après Midi: September 13th
* Hot Property Picks: Dordogne Château Life
* Getting a Mortgage in France is Easier Than You Think
* Save on Insider Paris Guides
* FPI Subscribers: Things You Need to Know
* Helpful Real Estate Conversions
* Classified Advertising: Holiday in Honduras
France — a Lousy Landlord?
July 08, 2005
United Press International
France is a lousy landlord, mismanaging the $44.5 billion in property it owns, a parliamentary report says.
The French state earmarks some $2.4 billion each year for managing 28,000 pieces of real estate it owns. But, according to a new study by the French National Assembly, many pieces of property are underused.
Moreover, the study headed by deputy George Tron faults the state for moving too slowly in selling off some of the property.
Tron is a member of the ruling center-right Union for a Popular Majority Party of French President Jacques Chirac.
Sales amounted to less than $200 million in 2004, compared to the more than $600 million expected.
The total value of the state’s real estate amounts to roughly $44.5 billion, the report said.
There is no reason you can’t own a "pied-à-terre" in Paris you can call your own.
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Now’s your opportunity to take a holiday vacation in the most romantic and beautiful city in the world and set aside JUST ONE DAY of your busy schedule visiting museums and dining on foie gras to learn how to make your money double (and even triple — like mine has since I bought my Marais apartment just four short years ago).
August 10th, the first 100 individuals to register will learn from some of the finest experts in French real estate…how to make the most of the rest of their lives while building a portfolio of some of the most desirable real estate in the world.
Space is limited, so don’t delay. Take just one full power-packed day, this coming August 10th — in Paris, France.
Invest in France Seminar
August 10, 2005
Paris, France
Click here to learn how…
Get your tickets to the "Welcome to France Fair" today!
At the Expatica Welcome to France fair you will get the information you need from companies and agencies specialised in expatriate services.
You’ll find information on house hunting, finding a job, immigration and permits, staying long-term, and much more.
Meet the people who make expat life great, including the top clubs and associations, travel agents and sports teams.
Welcome to France
October 16, 2005
Carrousel de Louvre
Paris, France
Tickets are FREE before September 16 if you sign-up online. Click here
Editor’s Note: Adrian Leeds of French Property Insider and John Howell of will be at booth #19 during the fair. Be sure to stop by and say hello!
Wealth Tax Hits Poor Pensioners of Paris
Jon Henley in Paris, The Guardian
June 17, 2005
Bernadette thinks it is shameful. Never did the 76-year-old retired primary school teacher, who lives on a pension of 800 euros a month, think she would find herself classed among France’s super-rich.
"I worked hard all my life, I saved for my retirement, and this is what I get," she said, waving the form from the tax authorities. "It’s just terribly unfair. I’m not rich, just look at how I live. All I have is this apartment."
Bernadette’s apartment, however, is her problem. She inherited the faded, three-bedroom flat in a fine Haussman block in Paris’s chic sixth arrondissement more than 30 years ago, and it is now valued at 1.2 million euros.
This means Bernadette is subject to l’impôt sur la fortune, or ISF, the wealth tax levied on all French residents with belongings worth more than 730,000 euros. But, like growing numbers of pensioners in a similar situation, she cannot pay it.
"I don’t know where I’m expected to find it. Surely they can’t expect me to move?" Her annual tax bill, nearly 2,000 euros, represents almost three months’ pension.
Soaring property prices are creating tens of thousands of nominal super-rich each year. According to the finance ministry, more than 335,0
00 people paid the ISF last year, nearly 90
% more than in 1997. Some of those being asked to pay exist on so little they are exempt from paying income tax.
"The problem is particularly bad in Paris," said Marcel Ricard, of the National Estate Agents Federation. "Over the past five or six years, property prices here have been climbing by 15% a year. In some fast improving areas, they’ve almost doubled since 1999 or 2000."
The north and east of Paris have seen prices surge at unprecedented rates as even comfortably-off families find they can no longer afford to live in the sought-after arrondissements.
Paris is not the only part of France suffering from the ISF, which raises 2.7 billion euros a year. Property prices in Marseille have risen by 80% in four years thanks to a new, high-speed TGV line linking the city with Paris. And on the Ile de Ré, an unspoiled haven off La Rochelle which has become a favored summer retreat of the chattering classes, dozens of local smallholders are having to sell off their land piecemeal.
Pensioners are plainly in trouble, but with economists estimating that disposable incomes in France have fallen by as much as 20% over the past few years, professional couples are also in difficulty.
Thierry Plantade, who in 1998 and for 345,000 euros bought a big four-bedroom Paris flat, now finds it is worth 800,000 euros. "I find it outrageous, maddening, that just like that, someone decides we’re rich," he said. "This is my home, it earns me zero income."
A government spokesman said reform of the ISF was being discussed. "But it’s a very sensitive issue, particularly on the left," he said. "And you know, these things can take a very long time."
Provided by the U.S. Embassy, France
Wealth tax (impôt de solidarité sur la fortune, ISF) is an annual tax chargeable to individuals based on the value of their property when the net value exceeds a certain amount.
Individuals living in France or who own property in France, and whose property’s net value exceeds 732,000 euros (the limit applicable in 2005) on January 1st of the year of taxation are subject to wealth tax.
Persons domiciled in France are taxable on property owned in and outside France.
Persons domiciled outside France within the meaning of French domestic law are only taxed on property owned in France.
The tax is assessed by household which consists of spouses or persons living under a common-law marriage and any minors for which they have custody.
The assessment basis includes all property, rights and securities forming the property of taxable persons on 1st January of the year of taxation including developed or undeveloped land (immeubles bâtis ou non bâtis), sole proprietorships, farming businesses, furniture, financial investments, cars, aircraft, yachts, etc.
However, certain assets are fully or partly exempt, i.e. mainly business assets, sole proprietorships effectively managed by the taxpayer and interest equal to, or higher than, 25% held by the managers, literary and artistic copyrights, certain rural assets, antiques, artworks and collection items.
Moreover, the financial investments of persons not domiciled in France for tax purposes are expressly tax exempt.
The following categories are not considered as financial investments (and are therefore taxable):
– stocks in companies whose assets consist substantially of real property, i.e. shares in a company or legal entity the assets of which consist primarily of real property or real property rights located within France, in proportion to the value of such assets compared with the company’s total assets;
– holding interests representing at least 10% of the capital of a company.
As a general rule, taxable assets are valued according to the rules applicable to inheritance (normally, at market value).
732,000 euros to 1,180,000 euros: .55%
1,180,000 euros to 2,339,000 euros: .75%
2,239,000 euros to 3,661,000 euros: 1%
3,661,000 euros to 7,017,000 euros: 1.3%
7,017,000 euros to 15,255,000 euros: 1.65%
15,255,000 +: 1.8%
Note: 20% dedcuted is from the fair market value of a principal residence that is subject to the Wealth Tax and you get a full deduction for the remaining outstanding balance of the mortgage as of January 1st.
To correctly calculate the amount of your ISF including the principal amounts, exonerated goods, evaluations and deductions, we recommend you contact a tax advisor who is well versed in the complexities of the Wealth Tax.
Editor’s Note: To locate a tax and/or property advisor who can answer your specific questions on the Wealth Tax, visit The tax rate information was provided by Sam Okoskken
Charm of the French Château Lures Tourists
By Sophie Pons
Bordeaux – "For rent: medieval fortress, 15-20 people, 10 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, private park, pool, 4,500 Euro (per week."
Looking for a little taste of luxury? Flip through the classified
ads on the Inter
net and you too can live like royalty – at least for a week or two – in your very own château.
There are a thousand-and-one of these imposing edifices scattered throughout the French countryside, and many are up for rent during holiday seasons, for a night, a week or longer.
Exhibit A: Puy-Chenin is a charming medieval castle near the town of Xaintray in east-central France near the Atlantic. (All châteaux have their own personalities, and thus their own names.) Puy-Chenin was rebuilt in the 17th-century but had gone to seed in the past centuries, meaning current owners Christiane and Henry Lewis spent five back-breaking years restoring it to its former glory.
If the roof and the structural walls were in "good condition," they still had to entirely redo all of those 10 bedrooms – including the floorboards below and the beams overhead – not to mention the bathrooms and the kitchen, as large all by itself as most family-size apartments.
Rebuilding a château is a labor of love, and it helps to have a love of labor too.
"We found it by Internet," explained Henry, an uprooted Australian who lived in San Francisco and then southern France before "falling under the charm of this magic place."
His French wife Christiane had dreamed for ages of "making a garden," so the climate of this luxuriously verdant region seduced her as well.
The would-be guest gets to live like a seigneur amid canopied beds, cavernous fireplaces, and five-abreast staircases classified as historical monuments.
The inaugural holiday renters, a British family, settled in for a stay among this historic decor in June.
"Like us, those whose come here appreciate the country life, a bit of peace and quiet," said a smiling Christiane, in her 50s. "It’s not just about the money."
The British are particularly enamored of château tourism, and the Lewis’ website is careful to point out that the nearby towns of La Rochelle and Poitiers are served by direct flights from London.
Exhibit B: In the department of Ariege, nestled in the Pyrenees mountains, Thibault de Bardie uses an English agency to advertise his château de Seignan to "wealthy clients," generally on the hunt for "a large property to organize a family reunion with uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents."
De Thibault invested Euro 2-million in renovations before starting to rent his château in the early 1990s.
Sometimes letting is a matter of necessity. Even aristocrats, after all, have to pay the bills.
"There are more and more châteaux for rent, because when one inherits a property such as this there is no other way to go, it is simply too expensive," explained Isabelle Grasse, owner of the château de Rouffillac in the Dordogne valley.
But it doesn’t need to cost a fortune for the holiday maker. "In the end, if one splits the rent 16 ways, renting my château is cheaper than a four-star camping site," she said.
Her customers, she added, can also ask for a personal chef and an English-speaking guide, for an additional charge, of course.
An authentic aura of history, a babbling brook, a golf course or horse-riding nearby – all of these things are a plus, château owners say. But a swimming pool is "an absolute necessity," they insist, if vacationers are to be seduced into staying.
In the Bordeaux region, wine lovers can find accommodation surrounded by vineyards, such as the château de Grava, which produces first-growth Bordeaux, or the château Mauras, a few kilometres from the town of Sauternes, famous for its naturally sweet white wines.
And for those looking for a taste of the real thing without paying full fare, there are legions of châteaux where one can stay as a bed-and-breakfast guest.
Behind the 15th-Century Dordogne Walls
By Adrian Leeds
Six years ago, Audrey Friedman bought a shell of a château named Château la Cellette in the heart of the Dordogne (postal code 24600) — centered in "un petit village" (population 597) called Celles next to the church whose bells toll on the hour. The cost of the house in ruins, the grounds and the outer buildings was, at the time, about the same price as my 70 square-meter apartment in the Marais in Paris. I was shocked at the stark comparison — even knowing how much time, effort, care and expense it would take to restore the ruin to proper habitation.
The family who built the château was Dulau d’Allemans, whose name is identified in the letterpress edition of the papers of George Washington. With a master architect from the region who fully understood the character of the house and whose investigative powers led him to find the hidden massive stone fireplaces and secret stairwells, he and Audrey who invested five times the price she paid, restored the 15th-century manor into a 21st-century splendor.
It took a mere year to complete, an amazing pace considering the breadth of the project and the perfection to which each detail was paid attention. Audrey is clear in her conclusion that if she had attempted to renovate the house on her own, as many new Expat landowners do, it would have taken her eons more time and wouldn’t have been so true to form and style. She values her architect as one would any great artist.
The entra
nce to the château was originally next to the church on the main st
reet t
hrough a small garden, but Audrey reverted the entrance to the back side of the house and added a circular pebble driveway you enter through electronic iron gates from a small road. The full length of the house is visible from this vantage point along with a detached "orangerie" and a tool shed at a right angle on the left, a large pool and grassy plane on the right several steps lower.
Behind the ecru gauze drapes added to the orangerie arches lies a long dining table and cane chairs for cool repasts sheltered from summer showers. The tool shed was transformed into a detached cottage and now comprises a living room, kitchenette, bath and three bedrooms on two levels. Between the main house and these two structures is a small courtyard grounded by round stone table and curved stone benches, protected by an ivy-covered wall and the towers of the château — a perfect corner for reflection, meals or casual conversation.
While the main entrance is on the same level as the driveway on the left side of the house, most visitors seem to want to climb the few steps to the inviting and spacious kitchen behind the glass French doors. This is the room where everyone gathers. A square table for eight is the center of activity, and along with the warm golden cabinetry ("antiqued" with a touch of burnt sienna) makes you feel right at home. The black iron six-burner French stove/oven just begs to be lit and utilized and the black "Subzero" refrigerator with ice maker begs to be filled with fresh produce from a local market.
An adjacent formal dining room is absolutely elegant and fitting for the finest of parties. Further on across the entry foyer and down a few steps is a cozy living room filled with overstuffed sofas and chairs. The focal point is a massive stone fireplace fit for a king and several roasting pigs. In the corner sits a large armoire that a "trompe l’oeil" artist created for the room using objects symbolic for Audrey and names of her friends are in the hand painted motif.
On that side of the house, a stone spiral staircase leads to three suites. One is Audrey’s master suite consisting of bedroom with large stone fireplace, bathroom with footed tub next to a table of bath oils and scents, a separate shower room with toilet and bidet and a closet/dressing room. In the corner of the room within the round tower sits a small reading nook furnished by two silk brocade arm chairs and table. It speaks of an era long ago.
The highest bedroom was introduced to us as "la chambre la plus belle dans le château" by Audrey’s caretaker — under the eaves of the house, with high ceilings, wood beams fully exposed — the room is masculine, spacious and charming. In one corner, there is the round tower with a gaming table and two chairs. A full bath and dressing room is hidden by a wall with no doors, only entrances at both the right and the left.
There are another three bedrooms on the opposite side of the house, each stacked over the other, off a wooden staircase, each with its own private bath. Fitted with either a double bed or twin beds, each is decorated sweetly in traditional decor, each with a fireplace. The baths are all contemporary and tastefully appointed.
Throughout the house, the furniture style is harmonious and in perfect keeping with the rustic period of the château. Every corner has some beautiful "objet d’art" and the walls have interesting original paintings. I was certain, just from the pristine appearance, that Audrey had decorating help to have so skillfully found the perfect pieces, but she claims to be the "author" of the work and we commended her on her good taste and sharp eye to have created such a sumptuous environment for herself, her friends and family.
When Audrey is Stateside, the house is left to the care of the "gardienne" who lives just opposite the château and a rental agent who rents it to small families in its entirety. If you’re seriously interested in having La Cellette for yourself, write me at [email protected]
The Dordogne
(A compilation of information from various guides to the Dordogne.)
The Dordogne is where Sir Lancelot was exiled from the court of King Arthur, where the Hundred Years’ War was fought, and where human pre-history seems more present than past in the stunning cave galleries of Lascaux (dating back 400,000 years). A visitor can peel back the layers of history, walk forested paths and country lanes and discover that every path reveals a fantastic scene from traditional France — timeless villages of golden stone, hilltop castles shining like visions from a medieval tale, towering oak forests where a knight on a white horse might not look out of place.
There are 557 communes in the department of the Dordogne and the region is divided geographically in four parts:
* Black Périgord: Earth of oaks and forest, a town develops
around the Grande Abbey Benedictine in the 9th century
Actually it is not named for its truffles. In fact, black is the
color of t
he abundant live oaks which cover the high hills around Sarlat and whose dark silhouettes can be seen from miles away. It is the best-known part of the Périgords thanks to its prehistoric and historic remains such as its painted or sculpted caves (Lascaux, Font-de-Gaume…), its medieval castles (Beynac, Castelnaud, Montfort…) and its picturesque towns (Sarlat, Domme, Les Eyzies…).
* White Périgord: Earth of the chalky stone, capital of the Gallic Pretocores, seat of the Roman city and after of the Means Age.
It cuts the Dordogne in two from East to West following the course of the river Isle. Centrally situated, it is a region of limestone plateaux rich in quarries which produced the noble white stonework of which the ancient buildings of Périgueux are made. We can also find wide valleys, rolling meadows and forests. From Hautefort to Montpon including Périgueux, the region also features towns of interest such as Savignac-les-Eglises, Sorges (with its truffles), Saint-Astier, Neuvic and Mussidan.
* Green Périgord: Earth of agriculture…
To the north, this area is aptly named. Indeed included in the Natural Park Regional Périgord-Limousin, the Nontron region and the Dronne valley offer a landscape of trees and meadows crossed by a myriad of rivers and streams. It is also the least known to tourists. Yet, interesting places are worth visiting such as Brantôme, the "Venice of the Périgord" or Bourdeilles and Mareuil castles, two of the ancient Périgord’s four baronies.
* Purple Périgord: Wine Earth, known also for the redoubtable Cyrano.
This new "appellation" strictly "contrôlée" of course is the name given to the area around Bergerac and its bastides or fortified villages. It is the main wine-growing area. The wines of Bergerac, Pécharmant, Montbazillac, Saussignac are kings. The French and English bastides built in the 13th century, all on the same pattern surrounding a central market place, recall an important page of our history: the Hundred Years’s War.
Apartments for Rent: Long-Term
The term "Long term" applies to furnished or unfurnished apartments available 1 month to three years. FPI provides a service to assist you in finding apartments in Paris or the adjacent suburbs based on your preferences, budget and needs. Our rental professional will provide an interview with you, an apartment search and selection, provide photos when possible, arrange up to five visits, assist you to negotiate the lease or on your behalf and do a final walk-through visit with you.
Long Term Apartment Search: $1450 Paid in Advance
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France, Atlantic Coast, Saint Georges d’Oléron
Studio 24m² to 42m² Euros 76,000 to Euros 130,000
One Bedroom 33m² to 59m² Euros 102,000 to Euros 181,000
Historic Towns and Sandy Beaches
Splendid sun-drenched beaches, mysterious wetlands filled with wildlife and glorious seafood. The Island of Oléron is the most Southern of the islands of the French Atlantic coast. Here we find situated only 200 meters from the beach the lovely Residence "Les Sables d’Oléron," perfectly settled in Saint Georges, the largest commune of the island. Nestled within a private estate, this residence offers high quality accommodation and leisure facilities. Not to be missed are the fantastically fully furnished and equipped apartments complete with air conditioning and modern kitchen appliances. Ranging from studios to one bedroom mezzanines, each apartment has a parking place and a delightfully generous terrace. Take advantage of the indoor and outdoor swimming pool and the reception area where all needs may be addressed.
Island Oléron offers a gentle climate shown by the presence of the mimosas; it is sometimes called the Island of Mimosas. The bridge, which connects the island with the mainland, has existed since 1966 and has made the area easily accessible. Crossing the bridge, there are excellent views of th
e coast where during low tide many people gather to see the oyster beds. After crossing the three kilometers of bridge, you have three options: either take the westward direction to Saint-Trojan-les-Bains to find stunning beaches where the cove, with its promenade, offers
a magnificent circular view and at low tide. Or head eastward towards the unforgettable Château d’Oléron, situated three kilometers east of the bridge and located within a historic fortified town with its citadel standing strong. Take the central D734 road and follow this for 30km to the lighthouse of Chassiron at the extreme northern point of the island. The lighthouse is 46m in height and open to the public.
Oléron is also situated in direct proximity to Biarritz, an elegant Victorian resort with a fine array of restaurants and shops, even a casino if you’re feeling lucky! La Rochelle, also near by is a very attractive harbor town with two medieval towers that stand guard over the sea. Or if you prefer visit Saintes, renowned for its Roman remains, churches and shops, situated a few kilometers north.
*** château DE LOUCHE
France, Paris / Ile de France, Annet-sur-Marne
Chambre 21m² to 25m² Euros 139,500 to Euros 139,500
Invest in the Care of Our Elderly
Beautiful château with over 700m² of exquisite gardens creates an ideal atmosphere for our elderly. There is going to be an extensive demand for elder care in the near future as a large portion of the population retires. Residence Château de Louche has prepared for this need by choosing the perfect location to effectively and humanely handle this important demand. Residents can live comfortable, fulfilling lives in a beautiful environment where they can participate in activities and receive a wide range of services to enhance their comfort and promote healthier lifestyles. Residence Château de Louche offers an assisted living community servicing the resident needs based on each person’s individual physical requirements. The residence combines customized services including Alzheimer’s care and a compassionate environment. The beauty of the Château and the surrounding gardens creates an atmosphere that is calming and restful while at the same time providing the necessary facilities to promote activity when possible.
All suites in Residence Château de Louche, are fully equipped with smoke detectors, fire sprinklers and an emergency communication system monitored by a 24-hour registered nursing supervision as well as a visiting house doctor. Residents enjoy activities that are healthy, stimulating, unrestricted and fun. Be it physical exercise, a game of bingo, home or live entertainment, arts and crafts, social outings or excursions in the passenger van, life at the Château is vibrant.
For dependant seniors Residence Château de Louche has designed a freestanding assisted living community. The existing Château will be renovated and two new buildings will be constructed. One building will be designed to meet the needs of those residents who are able to function independently. The second building will be designed specifically for those residents who are patients requiring medical living assistance. This residence will be in complete code with the E.H.P.A.D. (Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes). Residents will receive medication administration and monitoring when needed. Professional services by a physician, registered nurse, and dietician are also available.
France, French Alps, Commune de la Perriere
One Bedroom 35m² to 45m² Euros 149,000 to Euros 199,900
Fantastic Elevation only 25km from Courchevel
Nestled between Méribel and Couchevel, discover the most recently created village of Les 3 Vallées – La Tania. It is undoubtedly one of the most fantastic ski stations of the area. This resort is situated on a breathtaking elevation overlooking one of the most splendid mountain-sites in the world, amongst a dense forest of pine and spruce trees.
You will be enthralled by its typical Savoy architecture, built from stone and wood. The small residences around the pedestrian center are designed for comfort and well-being. Residences Le Saboia are situated only 100m from the center of the village. La Tania offers plenty of activities, both sport and creative. It is ideally situated 20km from Môtiers and 25km from Courchevel, with both the Lyon International Airport and the Geneva International Airport only 120km away.
Enjoy beautiful one and two bedroom apartments with sauna and balcony. Fully equipped kitchens and high quality fixtures create a luxurious living space. Designed with extra sleeping space, these apartments can sleep up to 6 or 8 people.
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Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Château Living in the Dordogne
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Dordogne, 19th Century château, 500 m²
19th century castle on 3 floors. Features a guardians house, stables with 11 horse boxes and large sand paddock built in 1995, a large park, and a 14m x 7m swimming pool. The 35 hectares of land is in outstanding condition, and includes seven hectares of fenced in grass paddocks, the rest is woods.
Asking Price: 3,000,000 euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
Dordogne, 18th Century château, 800 m²
Located close to Bugue, this magnificent charterhouse is comprised of 18th century U shaped buildings with an interior courtyard and terrace made of stone. Offers 7 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms and a shower room. With a swimming pool, plus 12 hectares (29.65 acres) of meadows and woods.
Asking Price: 1,575,000 euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Dordogne, Extraordinary 13th Century château, 600 m²
The château sits on a hillside, commanding a majestic westerly view of the Dordogne River. The sunsets are spectacular. The property dates back to the 13th century and its buildings have gone through generations of reconstruction. Offers six bedrooms, each with private en suite bathroom, kitchen with ancient ceiling beams, custom cabinetry and modern appliances, dining hall, formal living room, separate tower apartment. Four hot water heaters, central hot water heating system, and two fireplaces. With a swimming pool, barn, garden and approximately 10 hectares (26 acres) of tranquil hardwood forest and streams.
Asking Price: 1,450,000 euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
For more conversions, refer to:
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Monte Carlo Seaside — a dream view of Monaco and the sea!
Located at the
french border of the principality of M
onaco in Roquebrune Cap Martin — this big one bedroom flat of 600 square-feet with a terrace can easily accommodate one couple + one extra adult on a convertible sofa. Fully equiped kitchen, marble bathroom, private cark park, security doors, pure silence, fresh sea breeze, direct access to the quiet private beach at 200 meters, 5 minutes to Monte Carlo train station or bus stop, easy access from Nice international airport and Monte Carlo train station.
Visit for lots more beautiful photos and to book your stay contact FPI_Monte-Carlo and ask for the French Property Insider Special Offer.
For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at or for long term apartments.
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