Housing the Rich and Famous
Volume IV, Issue 36

Sadly I am missing the annual weekend of Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, this coming Saturday and Sunday when the public is invited to visit historical buildings all over France not normally open for public viewing. Top of my list would be the Paris Hôtel de Ville, which I think is one of the city’s most elaborate and most beautiful buildings, as well as one of the largest. Be sure to follow the link in today’s first article to make your plans to visit those that interest you.
While Los Angeles, where I am at present, certainly doesn’t look one iota like Paris, it is a city teeming with the American version of large opulent residences one might terms “manoirs” or “châteaux.” I have had an opportunity this past week to visit old friends, some of whom are living in such spacious quarters, of an eclectic assortment of architectural styles, equipped with the latest, most convenient and richest appointments. Los Angeles is well known for its variety of architecture, even among the most opulent of abodes. Frommer’s guidebook calls it “a veritable Disneyland of architecture” because it’s more receptive to experimentation that most other major cities in the country….from Art Deco to Spanish revival, to coffee-shop kitsch, to suburban ranch, to postmodern — and much more.
Here lies much of American “aristocracy,” although not by regal birth, but by accumulation of wealth (how America determines its class structure — by the bottom line of a tax return). In today’s FPI, we explore France’s most opulent, most spacious, most eclectic, richest abodes, in Paris and in the provinces…sure to make you drool and dream.
You will also find in today’s issue, some very important information about a new deferred payment mortgage plan, how Paris will soon become WiFi free for everyone, details on what you can expect to encounter from the purchase/sales contracts and more.
A bientôt from “La La Land”…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Next week, we will be reporting on the outcome of the Living and Investing in France Conference, which takes place this weekend in San Diego at the Sheraton Suites San Diego. Last minute registrations for the conference or the Celebration Dinner Saturday night are welcome. Contact Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]/parlerparis if you are interested or go online and register directly: http://www.adrianleeds.com/liveinfrance/LIF_SD_2006/index.html
Volume IV, Issue 36, September 14, 2006
In this issue:
* French Culture Celebrated on European Heritage Days
* Borrow for Property or Projects with Greater Peace of Mind
* Free Internet in Paris
* The Dream of a French Gite
* Property Paperwork: Preliminary Contracts
* What You Need to Know Before You Sign
* On the Auction Block: October 3, 2006
* This Weekend! Living and Investing in France Conference, September 16 & 17, 2006, San Diego
* Join Us for the Conference Celebration Dinner Open to All!
* Free Tickets to Expatica’s Welcome to France Fair, October 15, 2006
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* New! French Property Consultation Concierge Services
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: October 10, 2006
* Hot Property Picks: Fabulous French Finds
* Leasebacks: L’Oustau de Sorgue Resort & Spa, France, Mediterranean Coast, L’Isle sur la Sorgue
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments
Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine
23rd Edition, September 16 and 17, 2006
Created in 1984 by the Minister for Culture, the European Heritage Days take place every year, the third weekend in September. Over 11 million visitors take part in the weekend visits every year. The event’s success is the result of the enormous range of cultural and artistic sites open to visitors. The Ile-de-France uses the opportunity to show that it
has long been and is still a
major center of innovation and cultural activity. Find other events taking place in France for the European Heritage Days.
Designed so You Can Adapt the Repayment Arrangements to the Timing of Your Project
From UCB, a BNP Paribas Company
If you wish to buy a new property or undertake major building works, UCB can arrange the means to do so with complete peace of mind. In fact, UCB provides solutions that can be adapted to suit any project and to optimize financial flows, enabling you to match mortgage repayment and rental income. Deferred amortization or total deferred repayment is a flexible, modular solution.
Total Deferred Repayment
* Monthly repayments are limited to the amount of the insurance premium. You have hardly anything to pay until your property is ready for occupation. You can thus avoid having to deal with a pile up of monthly payments while building works are going on and can pay back the first installment on the loan when you take possession of your property, and receive the first rent for “buy-to-lets” investors.
Deferred Amortization
* Monthly installments include interest and insurance premiums. They will be increased as and when funds are released. You thus avoid premature amortization, a particularly attractive solution for investors.
* Deferred repayment loans can now be taken out for a maximum period of 36 months, instead of 24 previously, a major advantage for customers undertaking building works. In fact, the loan period can vary according to the length of time scheduled for work to be completed, thus avoiding the need to pay rent and monthly installments at the same time.
* Option to reduce deferred period in light of progress on building works and without incurring penalties. A flexible solution that can be adapted to suit any budget.
UCB helps you achieve your property plans without worry and without having to sacrifice your personal comfort. For further information please contact:
Alessandro Cavallari
Métier Crédit Immobilier Spécialisé International Buyers [email protected]
* Interest Rate Indexes (on 01/09/2006)
3 month Euribor: 3.24%
12 month Euribor: 3.62%
TEC 10: 3.81%
Source: UCB
* Exchange Rates (on 31/06/2006)
Euro 1 = £0.6725
£1 = Euro 1.4870
Euro 1 = $1.2792
Source: Boursorama
* Rented Dwellings Reference Index (on 11/07/2006)
2006 1st quarter annual variation: 2.46%
Source: INSEE
Free Launches FTTH Rollout in Paris, Pledges Free Television, Telephone, and Low-speed Internet Access
SEPTEMBER 11, 2006
Lightwave Europe
French alternative broadband provider Free, subsidiary of the Illiad Group, today announced a fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) rollout that will provide each household within a specific geographic area with a dedicated optical fiber link for multimedia applications.
This optical fiber project is Free’s contribution to achieving the public authorities’ declared aim of positioning France at the leading edge of information technology, say company representatives. Moreover, it is fully in line with the Paris city council’s goal of fostering the development of very high speed Internet access in the French capital. The decision by the Paris Municipal Council on July 10, 2006 to authorize the deployment of several thousand kilometers of optical fiber cables under a public property occupation agreement has enabled Free to sign up to the “Paris – Digital City” project.
As of the first half 2007, the group plans to offer its Parisian subscriber base access to its optical fiber network before progressively rolling the service out to certain towns in the suburbs and selected neighborhoods in provincial cities.
This deployment will require an investment of € 1 billion through 2012. Project funding will be covered by the group’s cash position and free cash flows generated by existing business.
Over 10 million French customers, representing more than 4 million connection points, will be eligible by 2012.
Free plans to target those areas where the density of existing Freebox users is the highest: over 15% penetration on the fixed line market in these areas (and not on the broadband market). Free will automatically migrate Freebox subscribers to its Freebox Optical offering as a priority and at no extra cost. Freebox HD’s ADSL 2+ terminal will be replaced by a Freebox Optical box. The Freebox HD TV terminal will remain compatible with this offering.
For € 29.99/month, subscribers will have access to optical fiber links via a fixed subscription including:
* 50-Mbit/sec high-speed Internet access;
* Unlimited phone calls to fixed lines in France and to some international destinations;
* An HD TV offering; and
* Provision of the Freebox Optical terminal.
In a bid to serve the interest of consumers, Free says it will also open up its FTTH network to other operators. Once the network is up and running, Free will hold talks with all interested operators with a view to offering them FTTH leasing agreements. The l
easing price will enable operators to replic
ate Free’s commercial offerings.
In a related announcement, Free has announced that it is offering free access to as many people as possible via the Free Foundation. On receipt of a deposit, the Free Foundation will provide an optical terminal providing free access to:
* A telephone line without telephone subscription, emergency calls, and calls to social services;
* Low-speed Internet access (e-mail + web access); and
* Antenna service with access to free TNT channels in digital quality.
This means that in areas where Free has deployed its optical fiber network in France, (beginning in Paris), customers will be able to enjoy free access to television in digital quality, low-speed Internet, and a telephone line.
Households will no longer have to take out a telephone subscription, nor will apartment buildings have to pay for an antenna service.
With this no-charge offering, Free says it is taking a major step forward in developing the information society with the support of the Free Foundation.
The Free Foundation will be headed up by Jean Claude Michot, who, after starting out in research at Matracom, went on to found and manage France Teaser from 1989 to 2000, before joining Firstream and then the web hosting company Gandi. Xavier Niel has undertaken to finance the Foundation from his own funds.
Living the French Dream
Property Mail on Sunday
This is Money
http://www.thisismoney.co.uk September 12, 2006
Journalist Lauren Booth meets a couple who, unlike her, have made their French gite business a success…
When I met John and Joanne Witham, they cheerfully told me they were making a mint letting their barn in the Perigord. Their casual references to a “busy season” and “change-over days” made me green with envy, because once upon a time I, too, thought the terraces of the Dordogne were paved with gold…
To read the entire article, visit: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/small-business/article.html?in_article_id=412551
Preliminary Contracts:
Commitment of Sale
Purchase Offer
Agreement of Sale
The sale of property is almost always preceded by a preliminary contract under the terms of which the future buyer and seller express their interest in the transaction whilst providing themselves with time to verify feasibility (obtain financing or preliminary documents or information, etc..).
There are three main types of preliminary contract: the unilateral commitment of sale, the purchase offer and the provisional agreement of sale. Each of these instruments has important and different consequences to which your notaire, if contacted before you commit yourself, will draw your attention and will provide practical advice.
You should never rely on the title of the instrument: these are binding “commitments” and “offers” (respectively in French, “promesses” and “offres”). Only by carefully reading the contents of the instrument can you understand to what you are committed.
Do not forget that the terms and conditions of the sale are set from the preliminary contracts onwards.It will be very difficult to amend these terms thereafter.
For a complete brochure in English (pdf), click here:
The Deed of Sale
Any property sale must be recorded by a notarized deed. After the preliminary contract has been signed, the notaire undertakes the formalities, obtains the authorisations and assembles the requisite documents to ensure that the deed of sale is fully effective and cannot be disputed or annulled. Some formalities are undertaken before the sale ; others after the deed has been signed.
For a complete brochure in English (pdf), click here:
The Traps to Avoid with the Preliminary Contract
What you must know before the signature of a mutual agreement…
According to article 1589 of Civil code: “A promise of sale is equivalent to a sale, when there is mutual consent of both parties on the matter of the thing and the price.”
The mutual agreement generates rights and obligations that the purchaser must know before he’s signing this deed, even if the transfer of property of the asset is postponed to the day of the signature of the authentic deed.
Right to retract or cooling-off period
Since 1st June 2001 the non professional purchaser of a dwelling house, benefits of an option of retraction if the preliminary contract is conc
luded under private signature,
or of a cooling-off period if the preliminary contract is concluded by an authentic instrument. During this period, any down payment is forbidden.
Right of retraction
The non professional purchaser can retract within seven days from the following day of the first presentation of the letter signifying the contract. This rule provision applies to the instruments under private signature which the matter is the construction or purchase of a building used for accommodation.
The contract is signified by a recorded-delivery letter or by any other kind of method with the same guarantees for the determination of the date of receipt or delivery.
Cooling-off period
A cooling-off period is allowed when the preliminary contract must be established as the authentic deed. The contract must not be immediately signed by the parties. The notary must send the deed to the purchaser which has seven days period to think and indicate if he gives up the purchase.
Remittance of funds to the vendor
In principle, the selling price of an immoveable property should never be paid to the seller before the registration of the deed of sale in the Mortgage Registry and the delivery of a certificate attesting that there is no registration of mortgage superior to the amount of the price. In fact, before this publication, if the purchaser has delivered the price to the vendor, he risks to pay a second time or to abandon the asset if the mortgages exercise their indefeasible right pertaining to the mortgaged estate. In practice, to avoid these risks to the purchaser, he doesn’t pay the selling price directly to the vendor. But he deposits the amount to the notary. Then, the notary can pay the vendor if the certificate doesn’t reveal any registration of mortgage superior to the amount of the price.
SWIFT transfer
Checks made out in euros and drawn in foreign countries or made out in foreign currency take on important risks: long and uncertain cashing periods, very long refusal periods in some countries, non guarantee of payment (risks of non cashing). In some countries, the legislation in force doesn’t protect very well the payee of a check. It’s the address of the cleared bank which determines the legislation applicable for the payment of the check. To avoid these risks, French notaries use SWITF transfers to receive funds from foreign countries. SWIFT system uses a bank telecommunications network on a world scale. To receive a SWIFT transfer, the French notary will beforehand communicate to his correspondent:
• his name, capacity, name of his office (and, if it’s necessary, the reference of the operation)
• the SWIFT references of the bank in which the funds will
be transferred and his IBAN (International Banking Account Number).
With these informations the bank of the purchaser will be able to transfer the funds.
Who pays the costs ?
According to article 1593 of Civil code “the costs of instruments and other accessory to a sale shall be charged to the purchaser.”
The costs of article 1593 of Civil code are the necessary costs for the deed of sale.
Essentially, they include the costs for the drawing up of the deed, the remuneration of the Mortgage Registrar etc…
On the other hand, the expenses that the purchaser advances for the redemption of a mortgage are payable by the vendor.
If the seller advances the costs, he has a right to ask the reimbursement to the purchaser.
According to article 1715 of General Tax Code, the taxpayer of the property tax is the one who is the owner on the 1st January. On January the first, the owner is the debtor of the entire tax. This principle is also applicable to residence tax (“taxe d’habitation”). However, regarding of property tax, the parties can agree on a different dispatching of this tax. But these agreements will just have effect between the purchaser and the seller. These agreements are not opposable to the tax authorities, which, in all cases, will collect the tax from the person who is the owner on January the first.
An easement is a burden imposed upon a property, build or not (servient tenement), for the benefit of another property belonging to another owner (dominant tenement).
In the deed of sale, it’s often stipulated that the purchaser will benefit of the easements if the asset is a dominant tenement and he will bear the open or hidden easements if the asset is a servient tenement.
The purchaser will not have action against the vendor. The vendor must declare the easements created by him or the easements that he let create on the assets.
The town planning information document will reveal if easements exist which are the result of town planning rules. The preliminary contract is generally concluded subject to a suspensive condition that the town planning information document will not reveal easements which can affect the substance or the value of the asset.
Warranty against obvious defects
When the object of the sale is a building to be erected, the purchaser can be protected by the warranty against obvious (or visible) defects.
The concept of visible construction defects applies to any failure in workmanship, whatsoever, discernible by an uninitiated observer.
According to article 1642-1 of Civil code “the seller of a building to be erected may not be discharge, either before approval of the works, or before the expiry of a period of one month after the vesting of the purchaser into possession, for defects of construction then patent.”
During one month after the purchaser has taken possession, he must use the period made available to draw attention to all visible defects that may have come to his notice, under the terms of contract, and which he may not have been aware of at the time of the handing over of the keys. After the one mon
th period, the
vendor is no longer liable for obvious defects.
If obvious defects exist, the purchaser has a choice: he can give back the asset and ask the repayment of the price or keep the asset and ask the repayment of a part of the price.
If the vendor repairs the defect, there is no need to invalidate the contract or reduce the price.
Warranty against hidden defects
The articles 1641 at 1649 of Civil code prescribe the warranty against hidden defects.
The vendor must warrant against hidden defects in the thing sold which makes it unfit for the use of which it is intended, or which so impair this use that the purchaser would not have acquired it, or would only have paid a lower price, if he had known them.
This warranty is applicable to all kind of sale and notably to the sale of real estates.
If the legal requirements of articles 1641 and following of Civil code are fulfilled, the purchaser has a specific action which object is to warrant him against hidden defects.
However, the purchaser must act rapidly and according to a particular proceeding. If all the conditions of the action for hidden defects are fulfilled, the purchaser can obtain, according to his choice, whether the annihilation of the contract or a reduction of the selling price. The vendor is liable to these penalties even if he’s in good faith. The purchaser can also ask the restoration of the building or its replacement.
Regulation relating to health
Lead poisoning preventing measures
According to article L. 1334-5 of Public Health Code (“Code de la santé publique”), a certificate relating to the risks of accessibility to lead is appended to the unilateral undertaking to sell or purchase, to the deed realising the sale of a building used even in part to accommodation, build before 1948 and situated within a zone subject to lead poisoning hazards. This certificate must be established since less than one year before the date of the unilateral undertaking to sell or to purchase or of the deed of sale.
If the certificate is not appended to these deeds, no exoneration clause of warranty against hidden defects can be stipulated for defects relating to the accessibility to lead.
Asbestos regulations
According to a decree of 7th February 1996, the owners of buildings (except for the detached houses) build before 1st July 1997 must, subject to penalty in case of default, search the presence of asbestos in products or materials and carry out, possibly, to a periodic control, to a supervision by a registered professional or to appropriate works. The deadline to make these controls expired the 31st December 1999. If, at the time of signature of the preliminary contract, this control hasn’t been made, a suspensive condition specifying that the control doesn’t reveal the presence of asbestos must be inserted.
A certificate revealing the presence or, possibly, the absence of asbestos in materials or products in the building must be appended to the unilateral undertaking to sell or to purchase and to any contract concluding the sale of some kinds of buildings. Without this appended certificate, no exoneration clause of warranty against hidden defects can be stipulated for the defects relating to the presence of asbestos in these elements of the building.
A Law of 8th June 1999 lays down to the owners of buildings located in an area contaminated, or open to be contaminated, particular obligations. The owners must provide a parasitical certificate established before less than three months, or warrant the purchaser for the hidden defects of presence of termites, without possibility for them to insert an exoneration clause. This parasitical certificate, established by an expert, identifies the building and indicates the places checked in the building and the ones not checked, the infested elements by termites or which have been in the past and the ones which are not, the date and the place of its drawing up.
Information about sewerage
A Law of 3rd January 1992 enacts that the cities must create technical control services for the non collective sewer system before the 31st December 2005. According to the Board of Works, it’s in the interest of the vendor to provide the reports delivered by the technical control services for non collective sewer system (“Services Publics d’Assainissement Non Collectif”).
The vendor has no obligation to inform the purchaser, but if he does, the non warranty clause will be effective.
For the collective sewer systems, no obligation forces the vendor to inform the purchaser. However, the non warranty clause has been turned down without information about the connecting to the sanitary sewer or about the drinking water system.
In other respects, the vendor is under a general obligation to inform the purchaser if the latter can’t get information by his own.
Finally, it’s in the interest of the vendor of a building located in a city which created a technical control service for the non collective sewer system, to inform the purchaser of the possibly failure of his connecting pipe to the sanitary sewer if the city informed him of the existence of such a problem.
Expenses of condominium (or co-ownership: “charges de copropriété”
Since 1st January 2002, the “charges de copropriété” are based on the obligatory distinction between the current expenses and the expenses for works done.
Article 14-1 of Law of 10 July 1965 defines the current expenses: they are expenses “of maintenance, operation and administration of the common parts and of the common equipments of the building.”
These expenses are the occasion to establish a provisional budget submitted annually to the vote of the co-owners which the general meeting must take place six months after the last day of the previous accounting period. According to
the new
article 14-2 of Law of 10 July 1965, work expenses are not included in the provisional budget.” These expenses must be examined on an ad hoc basis. For each expense the general meeting will define and fix the execution and financing methods.
Paris Auctions
Next session: October 3, 2006, 2 p.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at http://www.encheres-Paris.com/ Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
House, 183,91m² + garden approx. 162m²
8 rue des Boulangers, 75005 Paris
Opening Bid: 1,900,000 €
Deposit: 380,000 €
Hotel Particulier, 645m² with land 332m²
15 rue Legendre, 75017 Paris
Opening Bid: 3,250,000 €
Deposit: 650,000 €
Adrian Leeds, Parler Paris, French Property Insider and John Howell & Co. Present the…
Living and Investing in France Conference
September 16 & 17, 2006
Sheraton Suites San Diego
San Diego, California
If you’ve always dreamed of moving to France, starting a new life in Paris, enjoying a “pied-à-terre” of your own part of the year or perhaps investing in property in France, this power-packed conference is a MUST. Hosted by Adrian Leeds, Editor of the Parler Paris Nouvellettre® and French Property Insider weekly e-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for John Howell & Co., Law Overseas, London, these two days in San Diego will arm you with all the information you need to make it happen!
The Conference Location
Sheraton Suites San Diego
701 A Street · San Diego, California 92101
Phone: (619) 696-9800
Click here for more details and to reserve your room.
The Conference
There is nothing else you can do in less time and as inexpensively to learn all you need to learn to make your dream to live in France come true than take advantage of this 2-Day power-packed conference with expert speakers from France, Europe and the U.S…
Hosted by Adrian Leeds, Editor of Parler Paris and French Property Insider, director of French Property Consultation, author of the Leeds Good Value Guide to Paris Restaurants and co-coordinator of the Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group!…
You will learn how to…
* Obtain the Right to Be in France!
* Earn a Living in France and Start a Business!
* Buy and Own Property in France!
* Profit from the Leaseback Program, Corporate Housing in Paris (CHIP) and Other Investment Property Programs!
* Find Your Dream Apartment in Paris or Home in the Country!
* Get a Mortgage!
* Minimize Your Tax and Maximize the Benefits!
* Rent Your French Property for Profit!
* Renovate Your French Property!
* Reduce Your Currency Exchange Risk!
* Learn the Language!
* Cross the Cultural Divide!
* Plus, answer all the rest of your questions during a Q and A panel with the presenters.
You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and learn all you’ll need to know to make your dream to live in France come true or how to take part in the profits of owning property there.
The Presenters
• John Howell, Europe Law Solicitors and International Attorneys
• Adrian Leeds, Editor of Parler Paris and French Property Insider
• Ruth Mastron, Co-Author of Au Contraire, Figuring Out the French and Vice-President of SoCoCo Intercultural
• Douglas Johnson, Moneycorp Currency Brokers
More to come…Get to Know the Conference Presenters…Click Here
Also Included:
• Coffee Breaks Mid-Morning and Mid-Afternoon
• Cocktail Reception
• Workbook and Reference Materials
• Parler Paris Canvas Tote Bag with Free Gifts from Paris
Click here for the complete full-day schedule…
Conference Celebration Dinner
8 p.m. Saturday, September 16, 2006
Optional Dinner, Open to Non-Conference Participants!
Invite Your Family and Friends!
Café Cerise
1125 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
At the end of the full conference day, once we’ve had cocktails, chatted a bit and worked up big appetites, we’re going to walk just a few blocks over to Café Cerise for a sumptuous three-course gourmet dinner with our new-found friends and important contacts!
$95 per person, all inclusive three courses with wine and coffee.
Open to non-conference participants.
Click here for more details and to reserve your place!
Earn $100 When You Refer Your Friends!
Refer your friends, as many as you like, to attend the Living and Investing in France Conference. For each one that registers at the full price of $797, you will receive $100 off your registration*!! Refer 8 friends and you will be able to attend virtually free of charge!!
Conference Fees
Yes, sign me up NOW for the Living and Investing in France Conference in San Diego for one person at $997!
Early Bird Registrations and Subscribers of Parler Paris, French Property Insider and Clients of John Howell & Co. — Save $200! First Person Pays Only $797
Yes, add my spouse, partner or friend NOW to attend the Living and Investing in France Conference in San Diego at an additional $847!
Early Bird Registrations and Subscribers of Parler Paris, French Property Insider and Clients of John Howell & Co. — Save $200! Second Person Pays Only $647
Refer your friends, as many as you like, to attend the Living and Investing in France Conference. For each one that registers at the discounted price of $797, you will receive $100 off your registration*!! Sign Up Your Friends and Earn $100!
*A credit will appear on your credit card account from the Adrian Leeds Group, LLC, for each of your friends who regsiters with us at the conference at full price!
Welcome to France Fair
New to France or just looking to make the most of expatriate life?
At the Expatica Welcome to France fair you will get the information you need from companies and agencies specialized in expatriate services.
You’ll find information on house hunting, finding a job, immigration and permits, staying long-term, and much more.
Meet the people who make expat life great, including the top clubs and associations, travel agents and event organizations.
Welcome to France
October 15, 2006
Carrousel de Louvre
Paris, France
Tickets are FREE if you sign-up online before September 15th. For more information visit http://www/welcometofrance
To sign up for your FREE tickets, click here!
*** See the French Property Insider Consultation and John Howell of International Law Partnership booth number 55/56 next to the entertainment area and stay for our presentation, “Getting ready to find your dream home in France…” with John Howell and Adrian Leeds
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the Notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
FPI Offers More Relocation Solutions!
Moving to Paris? Our experienced relocation expert will make your move easy and hassle-free. We offer complete property and relocation services normally only provided by employer hired relocation firms…but at a price much more affordable for individuals.
Download Complete Brochure
NEW! Concierge Services
French Property Insider Consultation now offers a range of Concierge Services. You can trust our team of professionals to help you take care of your Paris property investment when you’re not in France. https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation/concierge.html
Visit the FPI Web site and click on the link on the left panel or click here for Currency Convertor by Moneycorp: https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/insider/moneycorpconvertor.html
for up to the minute conversions of all major currencies.
Compare currency values easily and quickly by visiting:
The charts below are updated every ten seconds.
The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation.
Parler Paris Après-Midi
NEXT MEETING: October 10, 2006 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Fabulous France Finds
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation
*** Paris, 16th Arrondissement, approx. 430m²
Very elegant and majestic apartment with high ceilings, in an exceptional cut stone building. A vast entrance hall opens to a large living room with columns and access to a balcony. Master bedroom of precious wood with walk-in closet and marble bathroom. 3 other bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Dining room, family kitchen with laundry. Office, wine cellar.
Asking Price: 5,000,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Paris, 7th Arrondissement, 6 rooms, approx. 283m²
On the Champ de mars this apartment on the 3rd floor of a building with elevator has been restored. Large living room, master bedroom with wood floors, fully equipped kitchen.
Asking Price: 6,000,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Seine-et-Marne, Château, 3,800m²
Only 75km from Paris, sitting in a 10 hectare park with a large formal lake, this circa 1900 French château has an incredible 3800m² of habitable space. The ground floor has a large entrance hall and a number of reception rooms. The first floor has 20 bedrooms; the second floor has 21 bedrooms; the third floor has 18 bedrooms. The basement has caves, a boiler room
and offices. En
ormous potential as a hotel, tourism venture, corporate retreat, conference centre.
Asking Price: 4,000,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** South Charente, Château
1.5 hours from Bordeaux, an exceptional château set in 10 hectares of parkland, protected by a forest of 15 hectares, the entire property is enclosed. Superb quality: parquet floors with precious wood insets, numerous beautiful reception rooms, 14 bedrooms most with en suite facilities, private chapel with stained glass windows, garden, pool, tennis, outbuildings.
Asking Price: 11,660,000 € + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Mediterranean Coast, L’Isle sur la Sorgue
One Bedroom 45m² to 45m² €236,000 to €236,000
Two Bedrooms 50m² to 63m² €265,000 to €332,000
Three Bedrooms 62m² to 63m² €330,000 to €334,000
Tucked away in the heart of Provence with only a short drive to the Mediterranean Coast, L’Isle sur la Sorgue boasts all the delights of Provençal life interlaced by the bubbling waters of the River Sorgue. Having gained a reputation as one of the world’s leading antiques centres, L’Isle sur la Sorgue is an ideal spot for anyone seeking antiques or artworks. Festivals, exhibitions, theatre and all types of quality entertainment can be enjoyed all year round in this highly interesting and beautiful area.
This is a private residence set within the confines of seven recreated Provençal bastides, protected by walls and surrounded by cypress and olive trees. Owners have the choice between either two, three or four room houses with small landscaped gardens and furnished patios. Elegant interiors with country-style furniture blend perfectly with the wrought iron and terracotta floors. Discover top quality equipment including: air-conditioning, television with LCD screen, DVD player and wireless Internet access. Enjoy the spa with a heated indoor pool overlooking a garden plus a hamman, sauna, massage and fitness areas. Facilities also include an outdoor aquatics pool with chutes and paddling pool, children’s play areas, a reception office, three meeting rooms, and a large cocktail bar.
Become the owner of a totally fitted and furnished 4 star property in an excellent location with high tourist and rental activity. Benefit from a 19.6% VAT refund and a guaranteed rental income for a minimum of 11 years, renewable for 3, 6 or 9 years. In addition, as the owner you will have the opportunity to use the property for your holidays! Highly skilled professionals in the hotel and tourism business will take care of a range of services including: booking, meeting and greeting guests, guest services, maintenance of the building and public areas, and security.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France with interest rates as low as 3%. Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/loan for more information.
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
For more conversions, refer to: http://www.onlineconversion.com/
Welcome to your home in Paris. Home is how you will feel in a private apartment in Paris that has the “seal of approval” from Parler Paris Apartments and me, Adrian Leeds.
Parler Paris Apartments are primarily properties in central Paris owned by our own clients and readers (investment-minded individuals) or managed by the agencies we have to come to know and trust over the years who can provide high quality accommodations to make your stay in the City of Light as enjoyable and memorable as possible. These are the kinds of owners and managers you can fully trust and they, in turn, are seeking trustworthy tenants such as yourselves, to welcome to their Paris homes.
We at Parler Paris know each and every apartment owner or manager personally. In many cases, we were instrumental in the purchase of these properties and therefore, stand behind the quality of those we represent. Because we’ve been working with Anglophone clients for many years who want to live and invest in France, we understand your needs and desires that make a rental apartment a warm and welcoming home – and a much better alternative to an impersonal hotel!
Parler Paris Apartments is administered and serviced by the same great team as Parler Paris, French Property Insider and French Property Consultation. You can trust that Parler Paris Apartments and all those with whom it is associated will do their best for your 100% guaranteed satisfaction.
*Le Provençal Studio
Heart of le Marais – Charming, sunny 1 br. sleeps 2, beautifully decorated à la Provençale.
*Leeds Marais Guest Room or Two-Bedroom Apartment
Heart of “le Marais,” “hôtel particulier” building – Modern interior, very sunny 2-bedroom sleeps up to 4.
*Beaubourg Studio
Le Marais/Châtelet – Rue Rambuteau, central Paris, very sunny, charming, studio, sleeps 2, wonderful view of Paris rooftops
*Palais Royal Living
Palais Royal/Louvre – Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, modern interior, very sunny, ancient building, lively neighborhood, 1 bedroom, sleeps up to 4.
*Le Rambuteau
Le Marais/Châtelet – Beautiful and sunny 1-bedroom, sleeps up to 3, wonderful view of Paris rooftops
*Le Mazarine
St Michel/Odéon – Very cozy and sunny art-deco studio, sleeps up to 2, heart of the 6th arrondissement.
*Le Beaubourg
Le Marais/Châtelet – Beautiful, modern 1-bedroom, sleeps up to 4, 1st floor, oak beams.
*Le Montmartre Studio
Montmartre – Spacious and beautifully decorated, sleeps up to 3, located right behind Sacre Coeur.
*Le Florentin Studio
Le Marais – Superbly furnished 1-bedroom, sleeps 2, very sunny, overlooking romantic courtyard
Click here to e-mail us and reserve your stay in Le Florentin
*Medieval Suite
Heart of le Marais – Traditional medieval-style decorated 1-bedroom, sleeps up to 4, located in historic 17th century building
*Livingstone Luxury Penthouse Condo
Montmartre – Charming penthouse 1-bedroom, sleeps up to 4, gorgeous view of Sacre Coeur, true Parisian neighborhood
*Saint-Germain-des-Prés Luxury One-Bedroom
Saint-Germain-des-Prés – Stylish and cozy 1-bedroom, sleeps up to 5, 2 bathrooms, large private garden, heart of the left bank
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Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC, http://www.adrianleeds.com
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