Learning About Limousin and Living in France
Volume IV, Issue 22

I just returned yesterday from New Orleans where we held the Living and Investing in France Round Table. It was a huge success, with almost 30 participants and a team of five presenters. In today’s issue, there is an account of the event along with photos, all taken by my daughter, Erica. She just graduated college and will be working with me this Summer to get Parler Paris Apartments, our new rental agency, up and running!
New Orleans is a sad, but hopeful city. It cannot help but remind one of France — with street names like “Chartres” and “Paris Avenue” and “Elysian Fields,” donuts they call “beignets,” a neighborhood called the “Faubourg Marigny” and of course, the “Vieux Carré.” Even though most of the residential areas of the city are now destroyed and uninhabitable, those who have come back after the storm are committed to bringing it back and have started to rebuild, but not all. Several of our seminar attendees who were victims of Katrina see this as an opportunity to take their insurance rewards and invest them elsewhere — namely France.
Either way, New Orleans was a perfect venue for the event, and it was a pleasure to see so many attend from all over the U.S. and bring life and tourist dollars into this starving economy.
Our next venue may be San Diego in September — we’re trying to organize a two-day conference in the city with beautiful sandy beaches and perfect weather! We’ll be able to offer a whole lot more in two days — not to mention a great place to vacation.
In today’s issue, we will also look at how age affects your ability to get a mortgage in France, and how buyers are getting younger and wealthier in today’s market. Jean Taquet tackles the issue of inheritance tax in his June 2006 column (you may read it in its entirety at https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/parlerparis/practicalanswers.html ) and we’re giving you a chance to learn a little about the region of Limousin. Be sure to check out the properties there, and don’t miss the Leaseback opportunity on the Mediterranean.
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. For more information about the Living and Investing in France Conference in San Diego in September, email Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]
Volume IV, Issue 22, June 1, 2006
In this issue:
* Your Age and Your French Mortgage
* The Internet and Property Purchase
* Living and Investing in France Round Table Wrap Up
* Jean Taquet Tackles French Estate Law
* Limousin a Hidden Gem
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: June 13, 2006
* Hot Property Picks: Limousin
* Leasebacks: Green Bastide, France, Mediterranean Coast, Roquebrune-sur-Argens
* On the Auction Block: June 20, 2006
* Classified Advertising: Parler Paris Apartments
Are You Too Old to Get a Mortgage?
By Yolanda Robins
At French Property Consultation, we have relationships with several lenders that specialize in providing financing to non-residents of France who are interested in purchasing property in France. There are various mortgage options, including variable, fixed, interest only and blended rate programs that allow foreigners to take advantage of attractive financing. Each loan is collateralized by a mandatory insurance policy that secures your payments in the event of death or total disability.
Lending institutions in France evaluate your loan based on your income not your net worth, for the most part. Income is determined to be revenue from salary, pensions, investments, rental, alimony and other sources. You should also be aware that banks will not lend beyond a debt ratio of 33%, which means your overall debts, worldwide, cannot exceed 33% of your income.
As a general rule, you will be able to finance up to 80% of the purchase price and renovations for a period of up to 25 years, depending upon your age. However, because of the rise in foreign buyers in Paris, lenders are beginning to develop ways to provide more attractive financing options, including increasing the amount they will lend, extending the term, increasing the
age limit and providing faster tu
rnarounds on approvals.
If you are an older borrower, you might be subject to higher premiums on the insurance policy that collateralizes the loan than someone who is 40 years old, for example. The average monthly insurance premium is around 100 euros per month; however for someone who is 60 years old and is taking out a loan for 20 years, the premiums would be approximately 400 euros per month.
We have worked with lenders that have come up with creative solutions to minimize the cost of the insurance premiums for older borrowers. The following is a chart of your monthly repayment, less insurance costs:
Term | 10 | 15 | 20 |
Purchase Price | 350,000 euros | 350,000 euros | 350,000 euros |
Loan Amount | 280,000 euros | 280,000 euros | 280,000 euros |
Interest Rate (Variable) | 3.10% | 3.20% | 3.30% |
Monthly Repayment | 2,717 euros | 1,961 euros | 1,595 euros |
Internet Property Buyers Younger and Wealthier
From Fly2Let
Photo by Erica Simone
“Since 2001, the share of home buyers using the Internet as an integral part of the home buying process has nearly doubled to 70 per cent,” said CAR.
But while the characteristics of Internet buyers and their traditional counterparts have started to converge, the estate agents have noticed “important distinctions” between the two groups. “Internet buyers were younger, wealthier, better educated and more likely to be married than traditional buyers,” said CAR. “Internet buyers also reported greater satisfaction with the home buying process compared with traditional buyers.”
The comments come in a 2006 Internet versus traditional buyer survey. “The Internet is changing the dynamics between buyers and their agents, as well as the way business is conducted throughout the real estate industry.” said CAR president Vince Malta.
“More and more consumers have high speed Internet access at home, enabling them to gather information on all types of products and services both quickly and easily. This trend has carried over to the process of buying a home. As a result, home buyers are more informed, have a greater sense of control over the process, and hold high expectations concerning how quickly they receive information.”
Overseas property investors should research the area in which they are thinking of buying well before visiting the country, according to the organizers of Property Investor and Homebuyer Show North.
Their “top tips” on reducing the risk involved in overseas investment include:
The Property Investor and Homebuyer Show North is on from June 2 to 4, at the G-Mex Centre in Manchester.
Reporting on the Living and Investing in France Round Table New Orleans, May 27, 2006
By Adrian Leeds
Photos by Erica Simone
We expected just a few New Orleanians to join us for an afternoon of conversation about Living and Investing in France…so we called it “The Round Table”– but it turned into two long tables with about 30 participants!
No one was more surprised and pleased than I was. When we saw by mid March that we had only a few registrations, all of which were New Orleanians, we realized we couldn’t fulfill our contract with the Sheraton Hotel and canceled the event. Then it seemed logical to at least provide an afternoon of information for the few registrants we had, since I had already planned on being in New Orleans at that time.
That’s when we changed the venue, the timing and the price: Tujague’s Restaurant, four hours, $197 each. It was a BIG bargain, including a five-course dinner at Tujague’s with wine and coffee…but it was planned to be just an afternoon and dinner with me alone — not the rest of the conference team who bring so much more expertise.
Then things started to change. That’s when John Howell, Schuyler Hoffman, Ruth Mastron, Philippe Vasseur and Meadda Ang decided to come and join me anyway! That’s when the registrations started flowing in and before we knew it, we had filled the upper level grand dining room at Tujague’s!
With all eyes on the screen (cleverly, a table cloth tacked on the wall), and the New Orleans Summer sun (and he
at) filtering throug
h the tall doors that lead onto the 18th-century veranda, we had an eager audience.
John Howell and I had the job of cramming three days of presentations into 5 hours which we quickly realized was no easy task. There is simply too much to learn and 5 hours is simply too little time. Schuyler Hoffman ran the show while Erica Leeds photographed it.
With one coffee break (New Orleans coffee and chicory served with hot “beignets” from Café du Monde) to give our legs a stretch and a chance to talk with one another, we discussed all the most important topics:
Cultural Differences, Learning French, Obtaining the Right to Be in France, Why Invest in France, Buying and Owning Property in France and Other Investment Property Programs, Minimizing Your Tax Liability While Maximizing Your Investment Potential, Obtaining a Mortgage, Finding Your Dream Apartment in Paris or Home in the Countryside, Insuring Your Property, Renting Your Property for Profit and Renovating Your French Property, Reducing the Risk of Currency Exchange.
John and I shared most of the responsibility, but Ruth Mastron, co-author of “Au Contraire: Figuring Out the French” did a quick introduction to crossing the cultural divide in preparation for her presentation over dinner. Philippe Vasseur and Meadda Ang from GE MoneyBank described the ins and outs of getting a mortgage in France.
The last half-hour was designed as a Q and A Panel with all the presenters available for final questions before breaking for cocktails and dinner.
Everyone complained about the uncomfortability of the classic old bentwood chairs for sitting so many hours, but there were no complaints about the content! The comments we received were:
“A lot of information and entertaining, too!”
“Not just invaluable information. A lot of fun with delightful presenters.”
“All excellent and interesting — huge amount to assimilate so quickly.”
“Very good. I feel it was well worth the afternoon.”
“The dinner was great fun and a bargain, too, and the entertainment was a genuine ‘lagniappe!'”
And the score came in at 4.5 points out of a possible 5!
From my perspective, the group dinner was the highlight of the whole day! Several more friends and family came to join us for the five-course meal and Ruth’s presentation. In an impromptu gesture, my niece, Allison Gorlin, got up and played New Orleans tunes on her 100-year-old ukulele. We all sang and clapped along, while drinking wine and tasting authentic Creole cuisine from the city’s second oldest restaurant.
Many of the participants are very serious about spending more time in France, or making an investment in a property they can use, enjoy and profit from.
The number one question at the tables: “Do we need to be legal residents of France to own property?”
The answer is NO. This is a subject we will be writing about in next week’s FPI, so stay tuned and for advice on immigration issues, we recommend you seek advice BEFORE applying for a long stay visa — with us, or with an attorney equipped to advise you properly.
Practical Answers for Living in France
By Jean Taquet
June 2006 Column
Making Sense of French Estate Law
My wife and I are both Americans and we bought our apartment in Paris decades ago. Our youngest child is about to finish college and both of our parents are aging very rapidly in the USA. I have heard consistently from numerous sources that should our parents die, we would be taxed in France on the assets we would receive since we are French residents. Also, should either or both of us die, our children would be taxed at a very high rate on our estate. When we spoke to a notaire about making gifts to our children while we are alive, his quotes of the related fees were astronomical. Is the only viable solution to sell everything and transfer the money to the USA so that American estate law can be applied to our assets?
My initial answer is to state that no matter where your liquid assets are in the world, as French residents, French law would apply. Therefore, investing your money in the USA cannot be a solution to your situation.
Considering the various inaccuracies in your question, I would like to address these issues one by one.
The estate of a deceased American citizen resident in the USA will be handled and taxed according to American law at the federal and state level. This is true no matter who the beneficiaries of the estate are and in which country they reside. Therefore, should any of your parents or your spouse’s parents die, their estate will never be taxed in France as such. Should you inherit even large sums of money, it will not be taxed in France. Indeed, in this specific situation, only real estate owned in France would be subject to French law. Furthermore, you should encounter no problem receiving your inheritance in France, even if the amount wired is quite a large sum. As long as the origin of the funds is clearly documented, and this is clearly the case, bringing money
to France is safe
. What will be taxed in France is the income that comes from these assets. You will also be taxed on the value of the said assets if they exceed 732,000 euros (French wealth tax), but only once this money has been yours for about a year or so.
Now should one or both of you die as French residents, your estate will be governed by French law and your children will be your primary heirs (héritiers réservataires). Each child will receive up to 47,000 euros tax free. Above this amount there are taxes to be paid. The tax rates go from 5% to 40%. This said, the rate of 20% is applied for the fraction between 15,000 euros and 520,000 euros for each child. Therefore, should you have two children, your estate must exceed one million euros to be taxed at the marginal rate of 20%. I understand that paying taxes, regardless of the amount or the ratio, is never a pleasurable thing to do. This said, I do not consider that the above-mentioned figures can be qualified as “a very high rate.” Very high ratios of 40% and more exist when the heir is a sibling, a cousin, an uncle. Indeed, an heir who is not related by blood and is neither a spouse nor a PACSed partner will be taxed at 60% starting with the first euro. French law currently favors the surviving spouse and immediate ancestors and descendents, which means that children and parents (who are also heirs) cannot be disinherited (les héritiers réservataires). French estate laws can be criticized on many grounds and can be considered to be outdated in many ways because they give more rights to blood relatives than to romantic partners. On the other hand, saying that France always applies a very high rate of estate tax is inaccurate; high tax rates are not applied to surviving spouses, children or parents. Some countries have chosen to stop taxing estates or to waive almost all taxes between spouses or when the children are the heirs, but this becomes a different topic.
Without knowing the details of the scenario addressed by the notaire, I can only guess that you tried to give a fraction of complete ownership of the apartment to your children. Considering the taxes and the costs associated with changing the ownership of real estate, even partially, I can see how the costs can quickly become quite prohibitive. Due to the continuing increase in the price of real estate in Paris, it is more and more common to see apartments worth one million euros or more, generally when the size exceeds 100 square meters (1,100 square feet). There is a possible solution that would make a generation-skipping gift easier to set up, which is to create an SCI (Société Civile Immobilière) and give shares to your children over a long period of time. This is probably cheaper in the long run than giving away ownership of an apartment. I admit that this is a rather complex matter and I do not have the space here to explain all the details of this procedure. Furthermore, experts such as notaires are required to handle the transfer of ownership from the two of you (as the two spouses and current co-owners of the apartment) to the newly created corporation called an SCI. This often means that you could be facing other problems that can be highly annoying.
Notaires are very high-ranking French professionals; sometimes they believe that they know what is in the best interests of their clients better than the clients themselves and can be quite condescending. Several years ago, one of my clients called me after having met with his notaire in a small town in the southwest of France. After having talked with this couple for a few minutes, the notaire had stated that he would veto the creation of an SCI and that my clients would have to find another notaire willing to create such a corporation. This prominent international professional making a six-figure annual income in USD$ was quite outraged by the way he had been treated and made me accountable for advising a course of action that had been nixed in such a definitive way. After his notaire and I had a fruitful phone conversation, he finally understood the reasons my clients had made this choice and saw that the benefits vastly outweighed the negative consequences considering their situation. These professionals can be quite conservative in their way of thinking. Plus, they tend to consider the SCI as a good solution for a limited number of situations and do not always think that foreigners and especially non-residents will gain a lot by setting one up.
In spite of the complexities, I still believe that creating an SCI and giving your children shares of the corporation on a regular basis could be a very good solution. First of all, you will have no capital-gain taxes on the transfer of ownership since you have exceeded the fifteen years of ownership necessary to qualify for this exemption. The taxes and the related costs for the creation and the transfer should be about 3% of the current value of the apartment. All this makes me think that this is a solution worth looking into in your situation. It is also pretty obvious that you should think of changing notaires or hiring professionals who can help you design potential solutions your current notaire can understand.
Editor’s Notes:
Jean Taquet is a French jurist and associate member of the Delaware Bar Association, specializing in civil, criminal and commercial law. He frequently gives courses about the legal system in France and regularly speaks at the Living in France Conferences in the U.S. and Paris.
He is also well known for his informative Q and A columns in past Paris Voice magazines, which can be purchased in one document as “The Insider Guide to Practical Answers for Living in France,” available at http://www.insiderparisguides.com/answers/index.html (Don’t forget, you get a discount as a subscriber!)
To subscribe to his monthly newsletter, email Jean Taquet at [email protected]
To make an appointment with Jean Taquet for his consultation services:
Phone: Cell: or email [email protected]
To read this month’s column in it’s entirety, click here:
Learning About Limousin
From http://50connect.co.uk
Immerse yourself in the culture and rustic charm of Limousin, a gem buried in the middle of France.
The Limousin region in the centre of France is a largely undiscovered area of stunning natural beauty, rich in history and tradition, charming chateaux and ancient churches. It gets its name from the ‘Lemorices’, the large tribe of people who lived here at the time of the Gauls.
Limousin has only recently become popular with tourists looking for off-the-beaten track holidays where the quintessential old fashioned image of rural France still exists.
Limousin cattle graze on the pasturelands, sheep roam over the lower slopes of the Cévennes and the rivers and lakes teem with fish. Increasingly they teem with practically every form of outdoor water activity imaginable, from fishing to kayaking.
Just as the pasturelands support the famous Limousin cattle, the clear waters of the river Creuse support the dye making for the centuries’ old tradition of tapestry making.
The region is fairly remote and refreshingly underpopulated, with clutches of villages and medieval towns that seem to have changed little in hundreds of years. There has been a revival of traditional crafts such as tapestry and weaving, due largely to the renaissance of modern innovations and enamelled cloisonné jewellery.
Known as the French Lake District, the verdant countryside, filled with valleys, ravines and forests provides everything for the nature enthusiast. The lakes and rivers provide beauty as well activities for those who enjoy walking, riding and water sports.
For a great city life, there is Limoges, a bustling town with lots to see and do. There are many picturesque villages and towns to explore, including some of the most beautiful in France.
There is a strong agricultural tradition and a real feeling of community, which extends to the warm welcome visitors receive. The entire region has experienced much conflict throughout the ages, and has always had a tradition of resistance, from Roman times right up until the area excelled as a Resistance stronghold during World War II.
The local mythology includes saints, sorcerers, alchemists and werewolves, there is even a witchcraft museum. In truth, there is something magical about the area, and visitors will experience a freedom in the countryside that is exhilarating.
People in Limousin are proud of the fantastic food produced here, especially the beef, pork and lamb, and believe in good farming methods. There are also excellent river fish to enjoy (especially if you’ve caught them yourself). Many regional specialities use the wide variety of mushrooms available here, as well as chestnuts, walnuts and fruit.
The liqueurs made from pears, prunes, chestnuts and walnuts are strong and delicious. Puddings are mouth-watering, and clafoutis, with its creaminess and contrasting tartness of the cherries really is very good. Treipaïs is the pudding for the chocolate lover, made with chocolate and chestnuts, on a biscuity sort of base, traditionally made in a triangular shape.
Village Guide
Aubusson is a stone town on the river Creuse. Known as the world capital of tapestry, the town is dominated by a ruined hilltop castle. Tapestry museums proudly display the once noble industry and the Millevaches plateau is a forgotten rural idyll.
Corrèze, dubbed one of the most beautiful regions in France, Corrèze lies on the south-western slopes of the Massif Central. The slopes are in fact more of a podium, the bottom step of which is occupied by the Bas Pays, the second by the plateau of Haute Corrèze and the top level is known simply as La Montagne, the mountains.
With its many rivers, lakes, gorges and waterfalls, Corrèze is ideal for those who enjoy active breaks; from canoeing along the Esperance River to hiking to the summit of the Puy d’Arnac to catch sight of the breathtaking views, Corrèze has it all.
Brive is a traditional, bustling market town and Mortemart is a village famous for its flowers, impressive architecture and historic past.
Oradour-sur-Glane is infamous for the massacre of its entire population by the Nazis, there is a ‘Memory Centre’ to visit and visitors can see the remains of the village, untouched since the tragedy.
Collonges-la-Rouge is celebrated for the reddish hue of its beautiful buildings, while Segur-le-Chateau is the birthplace of the Viscounts of Limousin and is lit up at night, with the castle reflected in the waters of the Auvezere River
Montrol-Senard is a small, quaint, rural village and La Celle Dunoise is an unusual village, hidden in the depths of a valley.
Le Masgot was once home to sculptor Paul Michaud, and now an open-air museum with a great number of the artist’s works on display throughout the village.
For further information about the Limousin region visit http://www.limousinguide.com
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Parler Paris Après-Midi
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/consultation
*** Corrèze, Limousin South, Country Cottage, 5 rooms
Large open plan living room / kitchen / study, with exposed stone walls, beams, tiled floor and large feature fireplace with wood burning stove and range cooker. Two double bedrooms on the first floor, each with en-suite facilities. Outside there is an enclosed terrace to the front and an enclosed private garden to the rear.
Asking Price: 399,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Limousin, Knight’s Templar House, 4 bedrooms, approx. 220m²
This lovingly renovated knight’s templar house is reputed to date back to 1293. The property is a fine example of medieval architecture and has a tower, stone spiral staircase, 4 impressive fireplaces, vaulted cellar, exposed stone walls and beams. Entrance hall, spacious living room with magnificent open fireplace and doors leading to the terrace, dining room, hand-made solid oak fitted kitchen, cloak-room and laundry room. A spiral stone staircase leads to the 1st floor with 2 spacious bedrooms each with a feature fireplace, bathroom with 2 washbasins, walk-in shower and
bath. The 2nd floo
r has 2 bedrooms and bathroom with walk-in shower.
Asking Price: 788,365 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Limousin South Chateau and Gardens, 6 bedrooms, over 250m²
A superb property constructed around the 18th century, this manor house or small chateau is presented in first class condition. The two towers offer a stunning first impression when you approach the chateau. The ground floor features a tiled entrance hall, double living room, dining room, kitchen and toilet. The first floor has three double bedrooms with high ceilings, feature fireplaces, polished parquet floor, bathroom, shower room and office. On the second floor there are three more double bedrooms with views over the parkland gardens, shower room and office.
Asking Price: 1,570,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Mediterranean Coast, Roquebrune-sur-Argens
Two Bedrooms 76m² to 87m² Euros 569,000 to Euros 668,000
Breathtaking countryside and unforgettable seaside located between the Maures and Esterel Mountains not far from the French Riviera. Roquebrune combines all the advantages of both rural and seaside life. Discover all the charm, history and heritage of a picturesque ancient township with steep alleyways and traditional Provençal markets. The Roquebrune-sur-Argens panoramic golf course is located on a hillside facing the Maures Mountains. The course is bordered by cork oaks and maritime pines. Both the clubhouse and practice course are located within a short walk from the residence.
For golfing enthusiasts and anyone seeking a very special vacation spot, it would be hard to beat the Green Bastides holiday complex with its eighteen Provençal style houses nestled in a private estate. The houses, all with private terraces and gardens, slope gently down towards the eighteenth hole and offer outstanding panoramic views over a large outdoor heated pool. Residents will be welcomed by a friendly reception offering a range of hotel services including golfing reservations, housekeeping facilities and bed linen hire. Enjoy a drink in the cozy lounge bar or be served a snack on the pool side terrace. A state-of-the-art fitness room with sauna complete the complex.
Solid investment opportunity offering a full tax refund of 19.6% of the total sale price. Investors will engage in an 11 year lease minimum which may be renewed for 3, 6 or 9 years. The residence will be secured and maintained and provide hotel services. Owners may use their property for holidays and vacations while earning a guaranteed rental income. Perfect opportunity to earn income while having a fabulous vacation getaway at your fingertips.
Paris Auctions
Next session: June 20, 2006, 10 a.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at http://www.encheres-Paris.com/ Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:
![]() 139 avenue de Versailles 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid:195,000 euros Deposit: 39,000 euros |
![]() 62 bis rue de la Tour 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 1,230,000 euros Deposit: 246,000 euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Opening Bid: 38,472.50 euros Deposit: 14,300 euros |
![]() 10 rue Bisson 75020 PARIS 20th Opening Bid: 36,536.50 euros Deposit: 12,350 euros |
![]() 23 rue des Saints Pères 75006 PARIS 6th Opening Bid: 400,000 euros Deposit: 80,000 euros |
![]() 12 rue Fabre d’Eglantine 75012 PARIS 12th Opening Bid: 405,000 euros Deposit: 65,000 euros |
![]() 84 rue La Fontaine 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 490,000 euros Deposit: 98,000 euros |
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France with interest rates as low as 3%. Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/loan for more information.
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
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Coming soon…Parler Paris Apartments rental representation at adrianleeds.com/parlerparis/apartments. If you have a property in Paris you’d like to keep booked and represented properly, please email [email protected] for more information.
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