Moving Up and Out of the City
Volume IV, Issue 24

Last Sunday I took a trip to the “banlieue” (suburbs) of Paris to discover a very different world, but just a few minutes by regional train or Métro from the city. Living in affords the luxury of larger spaces, more greenery and the advantage of all the city has to offer just nearby.
Today we offer you a look at these parts of the Ile de France, particularly Ville d’Avray and Saint-Cloud, plus the rising prices of the entire region. Parisians are selling out and moving out while moving up and experiencing even more appreciation in their suburban homes.
Meanhwhile, the new trends among British buyers are reported to purchasing more in urban areas rather than the countryside according to The Telegraph. Read all about it in today’s issue.
Both UCB and GE MoneyBank bring us news from the land of lending. Rates are increasing slightly, but getting a bank account in France is getting easier! Competition among lenders is healthy and customers are reaping the benefits.
It was warm as toast at La Pierre du Marais Tuesday afternoon for Parler Paris Après Midi, even with all the windows open and the lights off. We drank more than usual and had even more fun — keeping cool from the gentle breeze of Aussie Judy Schreiber’s battery-operated hand-held fan that sprayed cool mists on anyone who got near her. Read the whole story and see all the photos at then put it on your calendar to join us next month on July 11th.
The last week of July, I will be traveling on vacation, so make a note that French Property Insider will not be published on July 27th. Wile we’re gone July 21 – 30, 2006, my Marais apartment will be available for rent in its entirety and my new studio “Le Provençal” will be ready for rental starting from August! For more information, visit or email [email protected]/parlerparis
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Plans are in the works for a Living and Investing in France Conference September 16th and 17th. If you’re interested in learning more or attending, please write Schuyler Hoffman at [email protected]/parlerparis to be on our special mailing list or for more information.
Volume IV, Issue 24, June 15, 2006
In this issue:
* Steps to Open an Overseas Bank Account
* Mortgage Rate Update
* Visiting the Paris Suburbs
* Outdoor Summer Cinema
* Pricing Property on the Ile de France
* The Allure of the South of France
* Musée du Quai Branly Re-Opens
* FPI Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
* Today’s Currency Update from Moneycorp
* Next Parler Paris Après-Midi: July 11, 2006
* Hot Property Picks: Living La Vie in Ville d’Avray
* Leasebacks: Residence Gold Beach Resort, France, Atlantic Coast, Asnelle-sur-Mer
* On the Auction Block: July 4, 2006
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Marais Apartment, “Le Provençal” Studio: Available as of August 2006, Parler Paris Apartments
Opening an Account from Abroad Has Never Been Easier — With UCB, You Can Invest with Complete Peace of Mind!
From UCB
As you may know, you must open a bank account in France when investing in French property. Indeed, your monthly loan repayments can only be debited from a current account in France. The partnership between International Buyers and BNP Paribas now means that we can make this a simple process for you and ensure an excellent service. The offer, called the “Esprit Libre” (meaning “peace of mind”) package, combines financing properties for non-residents’ investments with opening a current account with BNP Paribas from abroad.
ESPRIT LIBRE includes all the essential banking products and services
* Online access to BNPPARIBAS.NET to manage accounts from abroad
Visa, PREMIER Visa or INFINITE Visa card
* Overdraft facility
* Insurance covering the your means of payment (bank card and check book) and also covering the loss or theft of your identity papers
Other insurance services
* Building and contents insurance covering theft, fire, water damage and climate-related events
* A highly effective alarm system: PROTECTION 24
* Car insurance
The process of opening an account is also designed to make life simple.
1. When arranging the loan, UCB gives you the BNP Paribas welcome letter, the form for opening a new account and a list of the documents required (certified letter of recommendation from your bank and a copy of proof of residence).
2. All you have to do is to sign and return the new account form, together with the documents requested, to us at the same time as returning the mortgage application.
3. Once the loan has been agreed, UCB sends the account opening package to BNP Paribas who then
performs the usual checks.
4. BNP Paribas will then contact you by telephone and invite you:
* either to come into the branch to validate the opening of the account;
* or to do this by recorded delivery.
The new account must be validated within one month following the start of the procedure. The new service is supported by documents in French and English.
As you can see, everything can be dealt with from a distance or face to face — you decide. To find out more, do not hesitate to contact your usual mortgage advisor.
UCB (Formerly Abbey National)
Alessandro Cavallari
Métier Crédit Immobilier Spécialisé International Buyers [email protected]
GE MoneyBank Reports on Increased Mortgage Rates
Last Thursday the European Central Bank raised for the third time over the last 9 months its benchmark interest rate by 0.25%, to 2.75%.
Jean Claude Trichet, the President of the ECB confirmed that the central bank would continue to increase borrowing costs as part of worldwide trend.
Following this increase, click here to find GE MoneyBank’s new rate tables for June 2006:
And click here for a complete listing of all GE MoneyBank products:
Philippe VASSEUR
Head of International Mortgage Market
International Mortgage Department
GE Money Bank (France)
Tour Europlaza – 24C3
20 avenue Andre Prothin to
92063 Paris La Défense Cedex, France
T: +33 158 133 822
F: +33 158 132 616
E-mail: Meadda Ang, Client Manager
[email protected]
Or for general information: [email protected]
Sunday in Ville d’Avray
Excerpt from Parler Paris
Monday, June 12, 2006
The warm, sunny weather of Paris these June days have beckoned us devoted urbanites to venture into greener pastures…to the countryside and even the “banlieue” (suburbs) where life is a little slower, a little more serene. For some odd reason this past week, I was drawn to the west side outside Paris, into the Ile de France, to the area around Saint-Cloud, by the invitations of a variety of different friends and events. As a student of psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s theory of “synchronicity,” a phrased he coined himself, I paid particular attention to why this should be so important in the thread of my grand life plan.
Sunday at noon, we headed for the Gare Saint-Lazare, where trains to the banlieue leave every few minutes from tracks numbers 1 through 4. The short ride took us to “Sevres-Ville d’Avray,” just past Saint-Cloud, to lunch with friends at their “cottage” nestled among a wild and vibrant garden they call “magical.”
An apéritif of Pernod Ricard pastis (anise-flavored liqueur), a traditional Summer drink throughout France (particularly in Provence), started off a very lazy afternoon. Under the umbrellas at the outdoor tables, we feasted on a large variety of fresh Oriental salads, made by a local merchant — the best I’ve ever had.
Serge Bourguignon’s 1962 melodramatic film titled “Dimanches de Ville d’Avray” set in the 1950s, is a story of a former military pilot, Pierre Kruger, who returns home from the French-Indochinese war suffering from amnesia, and becomes emotionally attached to a 12 year-old convent girl. Eventually people become suspicious of this man-child relationship, and when the police encounter the pair, they misinterpret a gesture of Pierre toward the girl, and shoot him. The story is tragic, but Ville d’Avray is certainly not a tragic place. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!
The beautiful “étangs” de Ville d’Avray (ponds) were painted by the artist Corot and supply water to the fountains of the Parc de Saint-Cloud nearby. Our friends had heard that three times every Sunday afternoon all this month, the fountains at the park simultaneously spout at 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. In the fountains float several large paintings as part of a project called the “Dessein d’Eau” sponsored by the cities of
Saint-Cloud and Ville d’Avray until July 15th. Y
ou might not find that the Summer’s most exciting event, but if you take a seat in front of the temporary large tent at the edge of one of the ponds, you can relax to a classical music concert beginning at 5:30 p.m. Yesterday, thousands of people were there picnicking under the tall shade trees on the cool grass enjoying the beautiful lazy day. All this is free, except for a small charge of 2,50 euros to park your car. (To get there without a car from Paris, take the Métro #9 in the direction of Pont de Sèvres to the end of the line and switch to the 179 bus.)
Next weekend, June 17th and 18th, Ville d’Avray joins in with the celebration of “La Fête des Etangs” — a cultural festival under the theme of “Le Feu et l’Eau” (Fire and Water). This is another chance to take in the spirit of Summer in music, song, and dance…out in the “banlieue” where life is a little lazier. (For more information, visit
That was the message I left with yesterday…to slow down, smell the fresh air, take in the cool breezes from the fountains’ sprays and let the music carry me away to serenity.
“Cinema under the Stars”
Domaine de Saint-Cloud
Enjoy “Cinema under the stars” at the Domaine de Saint-Cloud. Films are projected on giant screens outdoors on the lawn and movie-goers can enjoy this refreshing entertainment for free.
Date and times: June 30 to July 2, 2005. Picnics allowed after 7:30 p.m. Movie begins at 10:15 p.m.
Tel: 33 (0)1 41 12 02 90
Property Prices on the Ile de France
By Adrian Leeds
Resale Apartments, Petite Couronne
At the end of 4th quarter 2005, prices of resale apartments in the “petite couronne” (the suburbs immediately surrounding Paris) on the Ile de France increased on the average 15.9% compared with 16.1% the previous year.
The area of the region in the petite couronne showing the most growth was Seine-Saint-Denis at a 21.4% increase (2,395 euros/m2), followed by Val-de-Marne with 17.8% (3242 euros/m2) and Hautes-de-Seine with 13.3% (3,905 euros/m2).
Houses, Petite Couronne
At the end of 4th quarter 2005, prices of houses in the petite couronne on the Ile de France increased on the average 12.8% compared with 15.4% the previous year.
The area of the region in the petite couronne showing the most growth was Seine-Saint-Denis at a 17.6% increase (232,542 euros), followed by Val-de-Marne with 13.8% (311,423 euros) and Hautes-de-Seine with 16.9% (440,606 euros).
Resale Apartments, Grande Couronne
At the end of 4th quarter 2005, prices of resale apartments in the “grande couronne” (the departments outside of the immediate suburbs of Paris) on the Ile de France increased on the average 16.6% compared with 18% the previous year.
The area of the region in the grande couronne showing the most growth was Essone at an 18.5% increase (2,310 euros/m2), followed by Seine-et-Marne with 17.5% (2,246 euros/m2), Val-d’Oise with 17.1% (2,255 euros/m2) and Yvelines with 15.4% (3,201 euros/m2).
Houses, Grande Couronne
At the end of 4th quarter 2005, prices of houses in the grande couronne on the Ile de France increased on the average 14.9% compared with 13.3% the previous year.
The area of the region in the grande couronne showing the most growth was Essone at an 17.6% increase (258,492 euros), followed by Val-d’Oise with 17.5% (242,401 euros), Seine-et-Marne with 15.5% (211,797), and Yvelines with 10.5% (319,980 euros).
Au Revoir to The Rural Idyll…Vive le City
June 13, 2006
Farmhouses lose their appeal as buyers follow metropolitan line, writes Michael Streeter
The allure of the south of France is as strong as ever for British property buyers. Those perfect blue skies, the dazzling sea and the Cézanne landscapes have lost none of their appeal for buyers seeking an escape from the greyness of northern Europe. Yet, while the south of France may be as popular as ever, many of its idyllic, rural properties are not. Crumbling stone farmhouses, sprawling outbuildings and acres of overgrown land are no longer, it seems, the flavor of the day.
Instead, the new breed of buyer wants it all. They crave the same level of comfort, and cultural attractions they enjoy in Britain – plus the climate and surroundings of France. And as they plan to spend more time in their new properties, they do not want to feel trapped in remote country properties during chilly winters when the best restaurants and top attractions close down. As a result, buyers are snapping up chic city apartments or villas along the coast, or heading for developments that combine the unique feel of the south of France w
ith the trappings
of modern life.
This new phenomenon is evident not just in Nice and Cannes, but also Marseille and other large conurbations along the coast. Buyers see them as ideal destinations for weekend or longer breaks because of the facilities they boast, and their closeness to airports with low cost carriers. Others are choosing to buy in smaller towns, which still offer visitors a range of facilities all year around.
Trisha Mason, managing director of VEF French Property, says these buyers are in search of a “sustainable lifestyle”. She says: “It’s all very well to have a lovely rural location – but what happens when you want to go to the cinema, if you want to hear music, or if you would like to have a good selection of good shops and restaurants on your doorstep?” She says that two decades ago the majority of Britons looking for property wanted the classic rural idyll. Although traditional isolated properties remain popular, many people no longer want to “escape” modern life – they just want to experience it where the sun shines. “What these people are trying to achieve is a similar lifestyle to that which they have at home – but with a much better quality,” she says.
Jean-Claude Caputo, of Riviera Estates in Nice, which represents Savills International, says the rush to the cities is caused by people no longer wanting to use their property just for holidays. “They are spending more and more time here, not just in the summer season, so they want facilities nearby.” This trend has been apparent for some time in Cannes. John Weaving, of property agents Cluttons, says: “We have seen in the past few years that villa owners are downsizing, from large villas with land to a more manageable property. And thanks to the quality and size of their villas, they tend to go for the top floor, high-standard apartments.”
These properties do not come cheap, ranging from around Euros 250,000 (£170,000) for one-bed investment flats to rooftop villas going for £685,000, right up to £2 million in the most exclusive locations in Cannes.
Along the coast from the traditional markets of Nice, Cannes and Antibes is Marseilles. Founded in 600 BC by the Greeks, this wonderfully located city has long suffered a reputation as a home of drugs, gangs and crime, an image reinforced by the classic film The French Connection. Recently, however, Marseilles has been undergoing a huge redevelopment and renaissance. It is already a popular destination for many French people, especially Parisians, who can reach it by the high-speed TGV rail link in just three hours. And for those looking for property as an investment it could be a smart long-term buy, thanks to a strong local rental market. So far UK property experts have not moved into the market in big numbers. But those who have are impressed. The consultancy Investors Provident recently marketed a series of one, two and three-bed flats in a new development called Pavillon Massalia. The prices ranged from £105,000 to £171,000 and all 10 were snapped up within weeks.
Meanwhile, for those not prepared for the bustle of big city life, but still wanting many of its facilities, there is a trend towards newbuild developments in rural areas. For example, Savills International is marketing a 370-acre development called Les Domaines de Saint Endreol, in the Var department, about 45 minutes from Nice. This boasts a golf course and spa as well as a restaurant and bar and prices start at £280,000 for two and three bedroom properties.
France: check out
* Buying property in France is not harder than in England and Wales but, because of the language barrier, you need to make sure you fully understand everything about a property and its costs before signing anything.
* The solicitor often acts for both sides and is paid for by the vendor – but you can instruct your own lawyer if you want. The lawyers then share the fee, which can be as high as 10 per cent of the transaction on an older property.
* The usual process is to sign a preliminary contract called a compromis de vente or a promesse de vente. After this the buyer has a seven-day cooling off period during which they can pull out of the deal without penalty. After this period a deposit is paid and then after lengthy legal searches – sometimes taking two or three months – the final acte de vente is signed when the balance is paid.
* If you are seeking finance for your deal make sure that in the compromis de vente that the sale is agreed subject to you getting a loan or mortgage.
* Inheritance laws in France are very different from the UK – seek legal advice on this before you sign.
* If you plan to live in France full time and need to work there make sure you plan this well in advance. Check that any qualifications you have are valid in France and be aware of the high taxes that all workers, especially the self-employed, have to pay.
* Above all learn French. The main reasons for people returning home after trying to live in France are a feeling of isolation due to not speaking French and an inability to find work – often for the same reason.
The Musée du Quai Branly Opens Its Doors
From Maison de la France
Study the history and lifestyles of ancient cultures at the Musée du Quai Branly.
On June 23, the Musée du Quai Branly will invite the world to its massive educational playground. Located on the banks of the Seine in Paris, the museum houses 300,000 objects from the civilizations of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas.
The Quai Branly introduces the artifacts of these diverse peoples and cultures, acting as both a museum and learning center. It features a multi-media library, boasting 25,000 freely-accessible books, films, photographs and sound documents. Two audio-visual rooms give visitors an opportunity to place objects in their context, while an inform
n system presents descriptions and sound programs near objects.
The Quai Branly is also a research center. Collaborating with researchers and curators who use the collections for study, the museum will invite them to teach in its auditorium and projection room.
The opening comes after ten years of planning and design. In 1995, President Jacques Chirac commissioned a project to rethink the way tribal and primitive art was displayed in the museums of Paris. The solution was to construct a new museum that would combine the broad collections of the Musée National des Arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie with those of the ethnological laboratory of the Musée de l’Homme. Collections of statues would also be exhibited in a new gallery at the Louvre, the Pavillon des Sessions.
Architect Jean Nouvel (Institut du Monde Arabe and the Cartier Foundation) designed the building with the demands of image, identity, environment and function in mind. The site spans 39,000 square meters and is surrounded by some of the most famous cultural institutions of France. The Quai Branly counts among its neighbors and peers, the Louvre, Centre Georges Pompidou, and the Palais de Tokyo/Modern Art Museum.
For more information, visit
Property Consultation, Search and Relocation Solutions
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Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
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The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation.
Parler Paris Après-Midi
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Living La Vie in Ville d’Avray
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These propert
ies do not constitute a sales li
sting. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France, you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
*** Ville d’Avray, Apartment, 4 rooms, approx. 99m²
In the center of town, a beautiful apartment in a small building on the ground floor with a terrace and southern exposure. Fully equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, toilet and 2 parking spaces.
Asking Price: 630,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Ville d’Avray, Apartment, 5 rooms, approx. 150m²
Close to business, schools and transportation, a lovely apartment, with southern facing living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and fully equipped kitchen. With a balcony, cellar, and parking.
Asking Price: 795,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Ville d’Avray, House, 6 rooms, approx. 170m²
Perfect condition, exceptional charm. Large living room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, bathroom, equipped kitchen, garden.
Asking Price: 950,000 Euros + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
*** Ville d’Avray, House, 9 rooms, approx. 340m²
Magnificent property! Large living room, office, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 toilets, kitchen, terrace, 3 garages in the basement, full southern exposure.
Asking Price: 2,300,000 + 2.5% Finder’s Fee
France, Atlantic Coast, Asnelle-sur-Mer
Studio 19m² to 20m² Euros 54,000 to Euros 56,000
One Bedroom 28m² to 29m² Euros 77,000 to Euros 80,000
Residence situated only 50 metres from the beach! Tourist residence located in Calvados, Normandy within the town of Asnelle-sur-Mer. Guaranteed rental income of up to 4.5% and holiday options! Prices are extremely reasonable for this beach front property in the famed Golden Beach area of Normandy.
Located 2km from Arromanches and 10km from Bayeux on the officially acclaimed historic ‘Gold Beach.’ This beach is part of four others including the legendary Utah, Omaha, Juno and Sword beaches where history was made on D-Day in 1944. In addition to these unforgettable beaches, Asnelle-sur-Mer (The Beautiful Beach) offers quaint villages with charming sites to see. Surrounding Asnelle there is also plenty to see including various chateaux and manors, and the Cathedral of Bayeux.
This is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of extremely fair prices for an area that is internationally renowned and absolutely solid in terms of capital appreciation. In addition to an attractive guaranteed rental income this residence offers owners the opportunity to vacation within the residence with a reduced rental income. Rental yield ranges from 3.2%-4.5% with a 15%-20% discount off the public rate within the residence concerned or within any other residence serviced by the same management company. As with all Leaseback properties, the residence will be fully managed guaranteeing a hassle-free investment and a 19.6% VAT discount. The beautiful beaches and quaint villages of Normandy await, as well as cash back, on this all too rare investment!
Paris Auctions
Next session: July 4, 2006, 10:30 a.m.
Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st
Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work.
To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris,
click on:
![]() 10 rue de Lyon 75012 PARIS 12th Opening Bid: 62,600 Euros Deposit: 13,000 Euros |
![]() 11 rue Mayet 75006 PARIS 6th Opening Bid: 110,000 Euros Deposit: 22,000 Euros |
![]() 63-69 rue de la Croix Nivet 75015 PARIS 15th Opening Bid: 285,000 Euros Deposit: 57,000 Euros |
![]() 9 bis – 11 rue Simonet 75013 PARIS 13th Opening Bid: 465,000 Euros Deposit: 93,000 Euros |
![]() 21 rue Descombes 75017 PARIS 17th Opening Bid: 35,000 Euros Deposit: 7,000 Euros |
![]() 21 rue Descombes 75017 PARIS 17th Opening Bid: 60,000 Euros Deposit: 12,000 Euros |
![]() 7 rue Lalo 75016 PARIS 16th Opening Bid: 470,000 Euros Deposit: 94,000 Euros |
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France with interest rates as low as 3%. Visit for more information.
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1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
For more conversions, refer to:
* Leeds Marais Guest Room or Entire Two-Bedroom Apartment — Available in its entirety July 21 – 30, 2006.
Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hôtel Particulier, this 70 square meter two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and is perfect for a single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian
Leeds is in or for up to 4 people when she’s traveling.
Pictures and more details available here:
* “Le Provençal” Studio: Available as of August 2006
Located in a very charming and quiet 18th-century building in the heart of Le Marais, this sunny studio is perfect for one or two seeking ultimate Parisian calm, flavored with the beautiful colors of Provence.
Pictures and more details available here:
Parler Paris Apartments rental representation at If you have a property ín Paris you’d like to keep booked and represented properly, please email Adrian Leeds at [email protected] for more information.
For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at or for long term apartments.
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Copyright 2006, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC,
To read more, click the links below.