Leonard Pitt is passionate about the turn Paris took at the end of the 19th-century, for good or bad, when Baron Haussmann reconstructed the city to the Paris we know today. In his book, “Promenades dans le Paris Disparu,” he exposes Paris of yesterday through old photos and maps he spent untold hours researching, juxtaposed with photos he’s taken himself of the same streets in the same perspectives of Paris of today.In talks he’s giving around town this past week, at Shakespeare and Co. and coming up this Sunday evening at Paris Soirées, he expounds on how city planners made sweeping changes, not necessarily for the better, suggesting that we would not have lost so much of Paris history if those responsible for razing would have been more like surgeons than bulldozers. Pitt is currently working on his second book, a detailed exposé of the Left Bank, that he showed me in its mock-up form just last week. When he talks about the subject, being a thespian by profession and nature, his enthusiasm spills over, becoming quite animated. One can’t help but be infected by his zealous spirit. After emersion in the topic with him so recently, it was surprisingly serendipitous to open yesterday’s Zurban to read a multi-page spread about this very topic — Les Paris de Demain. They speak of Paris in the plural sense, and they question: “Are we living in a museum or in a city made up of islands?” Laws and lawmakers prevent Paris from going upward (may there never be another Montparnasse Tower!) and historic facades are protected so reconstruction is taking place behind them. Meanwhile, the suburbs are populating rapidly as property prices increase, forcing middle income folks to less expensive, larger spaces outside the Périférique. City planners are questioning incorporating the neighboring cities, but in a seamless way. How to go about doing that? How to maintain picturesque Paris while interjecting modern architecture? How to avoid Haussmannian mistakes made at the turn-of-the-20th-century? Is it the Paris of Amélie Poulain or Le Corbusier? In today’s French Property Insider, Leonard Pitt lends his poignant words about Paris past and present, generously provided to us by Mr. Pitt himself. The dialog is vast and worthy of reading in its entirety, but too long to print in an email form such as this…so when you reach the line that reads: “To read the rest of this article, click here…” — do it! It’s well worth going to the site to take it all in. In taking a look at Paris’ future, projects on the city’s drawing board are noted…what we can expect from our illustrious city planners and let’s hope it’s more surgical in nature then blanket amputation. Read on not to miss Leonard Pitt’s personal tour of the Left Bank on Saturday May 7th, or the special exhibition at the Pavillon d’Arsenal. And for landlords hoping to profit from their pieds-à-terre, here’s good advice from an owner on how to keep the apartment more occupied than not.
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Claim your seat before it’s too late! Just three weeks away…so register NOW for the Working and Living in France Conference May 20 – 22, 2005, Paris…from the same creators who first launched it in 2002…hosted by Adrian Leeds and John Howell — the experts on Working, Living and Investing in France.
Click here now to secure your place.
Volume III, Issue 17, April 28, 2005
In this issue:
* Has the Best of Paris Disappeared?
* Take the Tour with Pitt
* Paris Planning — What’s In Store
* What’s Possible for Paris — at the Pavillon d’Arsenal
* Paris Profit — How to Keep It Booked
* Today’s Rates of Exchange by Moneycorp Currency Brokers
* Hot Paris Property Picks: In the Newest, Hottest Parts of Paris
* What’s On the Auction Block
* The Conference from the Original Creators
* Book Property Services Before June 1 and Save
* Getting a Mortgage is Easier Than You Think
* Take Advantage of Your Insider Discount
* Things You Need to Know
* Classified Advertising: Vacation Apartments
Paris Disparu By Leonard Pitt
When Napoleon III set out to fulfill his long held dream of rebuilding Paris he needed the right man to carry out his grandiose plans. The position within the city administration responsible for these matters was the Prefect of the Seine, then held by Jean-Jacques Berger, a man Napoleon knew to be lacking in vision. So he instructed his Minister of the Interior Persigny to begin a search for a new Prefect. The business of interviewing candidates ended when Persigny met Georges-Eugène Haussmann. Here was his man. Persigny recognized in Haussmann a man who knew not only the technical aspects of the job, but who also had a ferocious enough temperament to take on the endless in-fighting of Paris politics. He described Haussmann as “one of the most extraordinary types of our time. Large, powerful, vigorous, energetic. Where the most intelligent, clever, upright, and noble men would inevitably fail,” he wrote, “this vigorous athlete, broad shouldered, full of audacity and cunning, capable of pitting expedient against expedient, setting trap for trap, would certainly succeed.” On June 30, 1853 Haussmann took on his appointment as Prefect of the Seine. Persigny rejoiced at the prospect of throwing this “tall, tigerish animal among the pack of foxes and wolves.” At their first meeting Napoleon pulled out a large map of Paris criss-crossed with lines drawn in four colors. These were the new streets he wanted created. The different colors indicated the level of urgency for the various projects. Haussmann gazed upon the city that he would remodel like fresh clay in his hands. At the outset Napoleon wanted Haussmann to work with a commission of city planners, but after only one meeting the new Prefect managed to dissuade Napoleon of such an idea. From then on he worked single-handedly answering only to the Emperor. Haussmann remained in power for seventeen years. During that time he became one of the great power brokers of Paris, a position he reveled in and which earned him monikers such as ViceEmperor and Haussmann the First. When Napoleon fed his Prefect’s unbridled ambition by making him a senator Haussmann took this cue to indulge himself further and added the title of Baron to his name even though he had no legal right to do so. The unprecedented scale of his building projects and the astronomical amounts of money required to carry them out led Haussmann to become a master at devising inventive, and complicated strategies for raising money. To his credit no new taxes were levied. Prime in his arsenal of financing techniques, along with the sale of municipal bonds and expropriated property, was the unorthodox practice of long term loans borrowed against future revenues. Inexplicable financing plus mounting debt and huge cost overruns created a storm of controversy. To make matters worse, Haussmann hid much of his financial maneuverings, which brought greater suspicion and scrutiny. In time, heaps of scorn rained down upon him. Not only did he draw barbs from those who were genuinely unhappy with what he was doing to Paris, but he also become a convenient scapegoat for everything wrong with imperial rule. In 1867-68, Jules Ferry wrote a scathing series of articles ridiculing the Prefect The Fantastic Accounts of Haussmann a play on words of the popular stage production “Les Contes Fantastiques d’Hoffmann.” In the end, Haussmann became Napoleon’s albatross. The only way for the Emperor to salvage his own power was to get rid of his Prefect. In January 1870, he dismissed Haussmann. But the Prefect would not go quietly. In an unprecedented act of defiance he refused to resign and thus forced the government to fire him. To read the rest of this article, click here. Editor’s Note: To purchase Paris Disparu, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/parlerparis/books/booksaboutfrance.html
To hear Leonard Pitt at Paris Soirées, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/parlerparis/calendar.html for the details to phone and reserve. To take Pitt’s tour of the Left Bank, Saturday, May 7th, scroll down for more information or email [email protected]/parlerparis For more information about Leonard Pitt and Paris Disparu, visit http://www.leonardpitt.com/ =============================== Once-in-a-lifetime experience…
Uncover Paris Disparu with Leonard Pitt Join me on a special tour of the Left Bank with author of “Paris Disparu, Leonard Pitt, Saturday, May 7th, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Be one of ten with Leonard Pitt leading the way and giving us the historical background he’s unearthed, from Saint-Germain-des-Prés to square Viviani. Reserve now to be one of the select few.
60 Euros The cost is a mere 60 euros for this and he’ll have signed copies of the book available for purchase. To reserve, email today: [email protected]/parlerparis|
=============================== Paris on the Drawing Board By Adrian Leeds Here’s what on the drawing board for Paris of our future…like it or not! Are the plans broad brush strokes or a surgeon’s careful incisions? Either way, the city planners have much in store for the City of Light: ———- Bathing in the River — A Swimming Pool on the Seine
13th Arro
Beginning May 2006, you’ll be able to take the plunge head first into a pool floating on the Seine at the foot of the Bibliotèque Nationale François Mitterand.
———- A Bridge with a View — From Bercy to Tolbiac
12th-13th Arrondissements
The 37th bridge in Paris, from Parc de Bercy in the 12th to rue de Tolbiac, will be open from July 2006, a structure made of metal to recover the oak planks and promising a panoramic view over Paris and Notre Dame. ———- Gardens in the North — Moroccan Courtyard
18th Arrondissement
Finally a little bit of green in the north. Beginning in Fall 2006, a more than 4 hectare garden is planned for the Cour de Maroc.
———- Civilized Autoroute — On Boulevard de Magenta
10th Arrondissement
At the end of 2006, the boulevard de Magenta will create a new form of separating public space. Sidewalks are being enlarged, bike and bus lanes added, limiting cars to one lane in each direction.
———- Goodbye to the Périph — At Porte de Lilas
19th Arrondissement
Work to cover the Périférique has started at Porte des Lilas. At the end of 2006, pedestrians and buses will be able to circulate over the Périférique on lanes between green space open for sports and leisure activities. ———- Tending the Docks — The General Store
13th Arrondissement
Rehabilitation of the area between Gare d’Austerlitz and the Bibliotèque National François Mitterand is proposed for fashion and design — 12,000 m2 of planks to open onto the Seine.
———- Paving the Way — Beaugrenelle-Front de Seine
15th Arrondissement
The Beaugrenelle-Seine neighborhood asphalt is in need of a face lift. From now until 2011, work is underway at the cost of 55 million euros to improve the pedestrian walkways and commercial center. ———- Rediscovering the Heart — A Pedestrian Center
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Arrondissements
To reduce car traffic in the center of Paris, it is proposed to close the area to non-commercial vehicles in three stages, reducing the traffic by 25% by 2010 as part of the Mayor’s Project Zéro Voiture.
———- Connecting the Dots — Networking the RATP
At the end of 2007, Métro line 14 will be all the way to the Olympics and to Université I-Tolbiac. On the 13 line, two stops are being added by mid 2008. In the north, a station in Saint Denis will be created in 2010 on line 12 to lengthen it to the city hall of Aubervilliers. ———- Turning Round and Round — Maison de la Radio
16th Arrondissement
Inaugurated in 1963, Maison de la Radio no longer fits the standards. A project is planned to reorganize the building around an atrium of glass, to cost more than 238 million euros to be complete by 2012.
———- Leaving a Hole — The Les Halles Project
1st Arrondissement
Called the worst urban planning disaster in the history of the city of Paris by Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, David Mangin’s proposal was accepted by the committee this past summer to renovate Les Halles in its entirety beginning in 2006 for a completion in 2012. ———- With or Without Olympics — Les Batignolles
17th Arrondissement
45 Hectares in the Batignolles are depending on the Olympics. If Paris wins the contract, the site will be ready to welcome the games and convert the entire area into housing, offices, public works and a large park. If the city doesn’t get the contract, it will wait another 20 years. One thing for certain, it will be environmentally of the highest quality. ———- A Horse on the Edge — Northeast Paris
A gigantic 200 hectares of urban renewal in the northeast are projected to accommodate the tramway and the elongation of Métro line 12 plus the future RER station Eole-Evangile — all promising to revitalize the area. The first phase is scheduled for 2008 with work to continue over 15 years. ———- Stretching the Belt — The Grand Tramway
By 2015, the Ile de France is determined to have a tramway all around Paris to interconnect with the RER and Métro to transport 500,000 commuters per day. Cost — 1.5 billion euros. ———- From the ZAC to the FAC — Paris Left Bank
13th Arrondissement
The “zone d’aménagement concerté” on the Left Bank in the 13th arrondissement, launched in 1991, is today coming to fruition. On the 130 hectares from Gare d’Austerlitz to Massena, 65 remain undeveloped. Between 2010 and 2015, we await the arrival of the Université Paris VII, commercial business and offices, 3300 apartments and covering of the tracks. The next phase…a connection with Ivry. =============================== Paris, What’s Possible for the City Until June 19th, 2005 Pavillon de l’Arsenal http://www.pavillon-arsenal.com “Paris La ville et ses possibles” The current exhibition at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal explores the possibilities of evolution of Paris in regard to new practicalities that will be lasting and durable. Beginning with aerial photos, maps and urban data, comparisons are made with other metropoles and the visitor is invited to discover 20
architectural simulations carried out on the scale of an island, a building and an inhabitant. Pavillon de l’Arsenal
21, boulevard Morland
75004 Paris – FRANCE Open Tuesday through Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Free entry
Métro Sully-Morland ou Bastille
(lines 1-5-7-8)
87, 86, 67 [email protected]
+33 (0)1 42 76 33 97
+33 (0)1 42 76 26 32
=============================== How to Profit from Paris By Rosie Millard Reprint from Times Online http://property.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,14052-1585326,00.html Rosie Millard’s investment property in the French capital is not paying its way, so she asked a successful landlady her secrets. It’s all about romance, apparently. When I bought my flat in Paris three years ago, I was blithely confident that it would be an investment that paid for itself. But it has not been easy to cover its costs with holiday rentals, which was the original plan. My agent, Gail Boisclair of Perfectly Paris, says that because the US dollar is very weak against the euro, American tourists have either not been coming over at all or wanting large discounts when they do. She has done brilliantly and managed to get me 50% occupancy, but to cover its costs I need 70%. So I visit the flat of a rival. Amanda Swanwick rents out an apartment not far from mine, on the other side of Montmartre. We both charge about the same, euros 125 (£85) a night. However, hers is about half the size of mine, and mine is more central. Yet she manages to rent her flat out for 80% of the time. What’s she doing that I’m not? Investing in the French capital has become a very hot thing to do, particularly for Expats — 20% of the property sold in Paris last year went to a foreign purchaser. And buying a flat in Paris is pretty simple as long as you know exactly what you want and don’t have a complicated list of details to tick off. When I decided to buy in Paris, I had a modest amount of money to invest, and decided to go for a small flat (no more than “deux pièces” which essentially means a sitting room and a bedroom), on the first floor of somewhere central. It is vital to be in or near the center of Paris, and right beside a metro station. Nobody wants to stay in the suburbs. Access is important, too; if you go higher than the second floor, elderly tourists or families might be dissuaded if there is no lift. So, one day in spring 2002, I arrived in Paris. I had made the crucial provision of booking appointments at four estate agents in Montmartre and giving them all details of what I needed. A week is adequate notice; property in Paris moves like lightning. By the end of the day, I had bought a flat in the 9th arrondissement for £110,000. Apparently it was my non-haggling nature that did it; my charming vendor had got fed up with chancers and was determined to give it to the first person who gave him the asking price. It was ideal; 52sq m (560sq ft) of Parisian lifestyle, with immaculate parquet floors, shutters, a full-size bath and a cute kitchen. I hired a property agency to repaint and furnish it, which cost about £10,000 for labor, paint and furniture. There then followed a bit more work to set up a French mortgage (this was done through the French branch of Abbey National). My buying costs worked out at about 7% of the capital value. As my flat was coming to completion and I was ready for my first tenants, Amanda Swanwick was in the process of finding hers. She did the absolute opposite from me, buying a total wreck and spending nine months redecorating it with her business partner, Brendan Kirwan. “We found it in the summer of 2003,” says Swanwick. “It was collapsing, basically. Nothing had been done to it for 40 years. There was no electricity, no water, no working lavatory. Pigeons were flapping in and out.” Swanwick and Kirwan, who already rent out a flat in Seville through their business Swell Apartments, spent £27,000 on the refurbishment. “We made about 15 journeys back and forth; we redecorated it during a heat wave, and it was a nightmare. But because I had the place gutted and properly rewired I have not had a single problem with it,” says Swanwick. The flat is very small, only 37sq m, and a couple of floors up, but it has been redecorated with pots of French 19th-century élan. Bucket loads, in fact. Ostrich plumes are entwined into the canopy of the four-poster bed, which also has “les rêves” (dreams) embroidere
d on its pillowcases. There is a chandelier in the salon, mosaic tiles in the shower room and French clobber everywhere, from pictures of j2999ephine Baker, to gold letters that spell out “l’amour” on the sitting room wall. So no prizes for guessing what Swanwick hopes people are expecting to do during their stay. The décor makes my place, with its Philippe Starck chairs and Indian drapes, look positively monastic. Swanwick insists tourists want a lot of sexy, twinkly bits to remind them they are indeed in the city of love. She is probably right. “I like authenticity and good taste,” she says. “I used to moan about how people wouldn’t put decent towels or sheets in their flats, so I am happy to pay more to make sure they are in my flat. And even though it is small, it is a bargain compared to what you are going to have to pay for a tiny hotel room.” She has also equipped it with details that mirror a hotel lifestyle; robes, Molton brown toiletries in the bathroom, a bottle of champagne in the fridge. “People can save money by staying in, drinking champagne and listening to a CD. And it makes them feel very Parisian.” Swanwick also understands that some people do feel nervous when traveling abroad and having to cope with a foreign language; for this reason, she does all the administration from the UK, even sending the keys to her tenants before they leave the country. “We send keys, and special little maps: a little laminated map of the area is a bit like a comfort blanket. And I don’t agree with having ‘meeter-greeters’. By sending people the keys it means that if they are delayed in getting there, they don’t have to worry about meeting up with somebody or leaving a message in French. Sometimes the last thing they want to do is engage in polite talk. And you get very stressed if you are running late.” Her advice on investing abroad? “Be careful if you don’t speak the language at all,” she says. “And make sure you are doing something that your expertise, whether in interiors or property, can add value to.” Don’t be ready to part with your cash just because something might appear to be flavor of the month. “Lots of people in Ireland are investing in Warsaw, because it is cheaper than London and Paris. But Warsaw isn’t on anybody’s to-do list. Just because something is cheap, it doesn’t make it good value. Even though it may enthrall you, you must make sure it enthralls others.” She also suggests checking out the low-cost airlines’ destinations. “When we were looking at investing in Seville there were no cheap airlines going there,” explains Swanwick. Not that stopped her. “We wrote to Michael O’Leary, the CEO of Ryanair, and asked if he was going to open it up as a cheap route. He told us he was trying, so we knew there was a hope it might open. And two months ago the first Ryanair flight went into Seville!” Finally, get your figures down on paper before you part with the cash. “You must do your research and not fall in love with the idea of owning a Paris apartment because everybody else has one. If your figures don’t add up, you just have a liability. There are boring things such as dealing with the marketing and the plumber, but they have to be done. But if you do all these things, you will have a super-strong foundation.” Would Swanwick buy another? “The next place I am looking for a flat is Venice. Venice is like Paris. You don’t have to sell Paris. Everybody wants to go there, as they do with Venice. No, what I would like to do next in Paris is open a boutique hotel. Buy something which has between 12 and 16 rooms. And translate my twinkly chic to a hotel!” So, how have we both done on the capital appreciation front? My flat, bought for £110,000, is now valued at about £185,000, while Swanwick’s, bought for £100,000, is now worth in the region of £165,000. After visiting her apartment, I walk back up Montmartre and past the very same agent, Agence Privilege, from whom I bought my flat three years ago. How much would I now have to spend for a decent-sized flat in the same district? I find one apartment of 41sq m at £160,000 and a duplex of 50sq m for £195,000, while a little one (35sq m) on the sixth floor with a great view is going for £140,000. Will prices continue to rise? Well, the key thing about Paris is that the housing stock is utterly limited. And should it win the Olympic bid, property in the city might suddenly look very desirable indeed. I’m putting in the linen sheets and Molton Brown toiletries this week. Editor’s Note: Looking for your own romantic Paris pied-à-terre? The French Property Insider team offers Property Consultation and Search Services. Book your appointment today. Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/insider/propertyconsultation.html
=============================== Parler Paris Après-Midi https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/parlerparis/apresmidi.html NEXT MEETING: May 10, 2004 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 3
p.m. to 5 p.m. This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France
questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions
and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property
and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to
network with other Parler Paris readers. Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
=============================== TODAY’S CURRENCY UPDATE
Visit the FPI Web site and click on t
link on the left panel “Click Here for Currency Convertor by Moneycorp Global Money Services” for up to the minute conversions of all major currencies. Compare currency values easily and quickly by visiting: https://adrianleeds.com/frenchproperty/loan/moneycorpconvertor.html Charts http://www.Moneycorp.co.uk/members/charts.asp The charts below are updated every ten seconds. The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation. ===============================
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Newest, Hottest Parts of Paris
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/insider/propertyconsultation.html
*** PARIS 12th, Rue de Bercy, 3 Rooms
Métro: Bercy ou Cours Saint-Émilion. The Balconies of Bercy, facing Parc de Bercy with a majestic perspective on the Bibliothèque Nationale with not one building obstructing your view. The residence benefits from a beautiful facade of smooth white tile. Access to the building is protected by a beautiful modern door of glass and iron, decorated in warm tones of marble floors and elegantly decorated walls. The apartments are well arranged with living spaces efficient to the bedrooms. Exposed balconies afford panoramic views over the Parc de Bercy.
Asking Price: Upon Request *** PARIS, 15th Arrondissement, 5 Rooms, 113m²
Close to Métro: Javel. An apartment in perfect condition on the 10th floor with an elevator. 34m² living room and dining room with a small balcony. Kitchen with dining space. Three bedrooms, 2 with a balcony/terrace and a view of the Seine.
Asking Price: 770,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** PARIS, 1st Arrondissement, 7 room duplex, 215m²
Métro: Les Halles. In the heart of Paris! In a beautiful stone newly renovated building with elevator, close to Les Halles. Duplex on the 4th, 5th and top floor. The apartment has three terraces of 10m², 17m² and 18m². Plus a lovely view of famous Parisian monuments.
Asking Price: 1,490,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
*** PARIS, 13th Arrondissement, 2 Rooms, 40m², with Terrace 52m²
On the future tramway line, a pretty two rooms with a large terrace on the 6th floor with an elevator, unobstructed view, bath, toilet, independent kitchen, funcitional plan, sunny and quiet.
Asking Price: 245,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee =============================== Paris Auctions http://www.encheres-Paris.com Next session:
May 10, 2005, 2 p.m. Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the website at http://www.encheres-Paris.com/ Though the site has a button for an English version, it isn’t reliable to work. To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on: https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/insider/subscribersonly/articles/auctions1.html
2 Rooms 42,97 m²
91 rue de Seine
75006 PARIS 6th
Starting Bid: 195,000 Euro
Deposit: 39,000 Euro
Studio 11,39 m²
33/37 rue Lauriston
75016 PARIS 16th
Starting Bid: 25,000 Euro
Deposit: 5,000 Euro
=============================== The Original Living in France Conferences and Seminars by the same creators who launched it in 2002… Working and Living in France Conference May 20 – 22, 2005 Les Jardins du Marais, Paris If you’ve always dreamed of moving to France, starting a new life in Paris, enjoying a “pied-à-terre” of your own part of the year or investing
in property in France, this three-day power-packed conference is a MUST. Hosted by Adrian Leeds, Editor and of the Parler Paris Nouvellettre® and French Property Insider weekly e-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for John Howell & Co., Europe Law, London, these three days in Paris will arm you with all the information you need to make it happen! The line-up for the conference includes lectures, discussions, dinner, cocktails — with well-known Paris, Europe and U.S. -based experts in the fields of: * Obtaining the Right to Be in France
* Learning the Language
* Starting a Business in France
* Minimizing Your Tax Liability
* Finding, Buying and Owning Property
* Learning About the Leaseback Program
* Renting Your Property for Profit
* Getting a Mortgage
* Protecting from Foreign Exchange Risks
* Best Offshore Banking in the World
* Crossing the Cultural Divide
* Insuring Your Health, Home and Car
* And more!
You’ll have an opportunty to ask questions and learn all you’ll need to know to make your dream come true to live in France or just be a part of the profits on owning property there.
Working and Living in France May 20 – 22, 2005 Paris, France Les Jardins du Marais
Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your
dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the
best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your
criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the
agencies and owners, recommend the notaires and other professionals,
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Now is your opportunity to own your piece of France at a savings.
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Leeds Marais Apartment Available July 22 – August 1, 2005
Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hotel Particulier, this 70 square meter two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and is perfect for up to four people when rented in its entirety or a single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian Leeds is there.
Monte Carlo Seaside — a dream view of Monaco and the sea! Located at the french border of the principality of Monaco in Roquebrune Cap Martin — this big one bedroom flat of 600 square-feet with a terrace can easily accommodate one couple + one extra adult on a convertible sofa. Fully equiped kitchen, marble bathroom, private cark park, security doors, pure silence, fresh sea breeze, direct access to the quiet private beach at 200 meters, 5 minutes to Monte Carlo train station or bus stop, easy access from Nice international airport and Monte Carlo train station. *Special Weeks in May: Monaco Grand Prix and Cannes Film Festival: 1000 euros per week Visit https://adrianleeds.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/frenchproperty/insider/rentals/pfmontecarlo.html for lots more beautiful photos and to book your stay contact FPI_Monte-Carlo and ask for the French Property Insider Special Offer.
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