Everything You Need to Know is on Our YouTube
If you’re thinking of moving to France, then there’s a great way of getting a lot of great information before you embark on your adventure…it’s on YouTube and it’s on OUR OWN CHANNEL!
We’ve been doing Webinars, forums and recorded events for eons, especially since Covid-19, thanks to Zoom and other programs that facilitate such videos.
On our YouTube channel, you will find five different playlists:
• Après-Midi
• Financial Forums
• Interviews with Adrian and Speaking Engagements
• Special Events
• Webinars
Here’s what you’ll find in each one:
We’ve been recording our Après-Midi sessions in Paris and Nice ever since the Covid-19 confinement, when we had to broadcast via Zoom! This is your chance to see what took place live, as if you were there yourself and hear and see the presentations by the speakers. Sometimes the technical aspects are challenging, so don’t expect perfection, but they can be loads of fun to watch, nonetheless!
Every quarter, Brian Dunhill, of Dunhill Financial, and I sponsor a Forum, with a different topic and a different speaker. These are loaded with great information related to finance in France, so have fun catching up on the past Forums.
• Interviews with Adrian and Speaking Engagements
I’ve been interviewed lots of times and have spoken at dozens of events over the years. These are the most recent of course, since recording them really started just a few years ago.
These could be any event in which I participated, or spoke at and it was recorded. For example, the latest Meet the Authors events from Nice 2023 and 2024 are both available for viewing here.
• Webinars
This is the best Playlist of all, because it’s here where you will find the most useful information if you’re thinking of moving to France. Look for the most recent and work your way back. But if WHERE to move is your number one question, then be sure to watch the Webinars titled “How to Decide Where to Live in France.” You will find this the most helpful of all!
Note: Every time we post a new video, we feature it as the latest, so if you subscribe to our channel, you’ll be the first to know it’s there for your viewing pleasure. It’s free to subscribe and will keep you in-the-know!
Click on the Subscribe button at the top of the homepage and subscribe NOW! Have fun!!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
The Adrian Leeds Group®
P.S. It’s that time of year. I’m taking my annual one-week vacation next week in Sicily, so there will be no Nouvellettres® issued between Monday, August 12th and 15th. Stay tuned for a report from Palermo and environs on August 19th!
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Hello Adrian,
I was watching several of your webinars and you had a section regarding States in the US that have an agreement for drivers license transferability. Surprisingly you didn’t have California. There’s a couple on YouTube from San Francisco that I follow named Our French Chateau. They do Q&A’s and stated that California is one of the states where you can transfer your license. I’m a Californiaian transplant. They have family in the States and have recently returned to renew their licence since they have not been issued a French license. They’ve been in the North of France since just before COVID-19. Purchasing a Chateau that they had issues with the owner. As an American I’m aware of the issues they encountered. They have two teenager’s who attend school. Since the wife and children have Italian citizenship through her mother the husband is going through the paperwork to establish his Italian citizenship. Can you do an update to your site as to which states offers driver’s license transferability? San Diego has a large Alliance Francaise community. All of my community college French classes were accepted as part of the languages transfer agreement. Thank you for addressing this issue
It’s best to check the French government website to verify which US Drivers Licenses are reciprocal with France. https://www.service-public.fr/simulateur/calcul/PermisEtrangerPermisFrancais