Wouldn’t You Like to Get Paid to Travel…and Like a VIP?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could head to a swank beach resort on the Riviera, lounge by the pool, have drinks delivered on the beach, dine on local grilled daurade, try your hand at windsurfing, get a massage at the spa—all for free—and then get paid to tell people about your experiences?
As a successful travel writer, you could do exactly that. And that success is a lot easier to create than you might think—no experience is actually necessary. If you’re ready to turn your wanderlust into paid-for travel perks…and turn your opinions into stories with your name at the top—Jen Stevens can help you do it.
Jen is the Executive Editor at International Living and author of The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program. I’ve known Jen since 2002 when she and I launched the first live Travel Writers Workshop for International Living…and it happened in Paris. I was the Director of their Paris Office and she was the author of the program that they sold on paper in a binder at the time. Then, together we held the first live event in Paris that year.
Jen has been teaching folks how to turn their travels into paychecks for more than two decades now. And there’s never been more opportunity on the table than there is RIGHT NOW. If you’re ready for travel invitations to land in your lap…and for editors to say “yes” to your story ideas and publish your articles with your name on top…then this special offer deserves your attention.
As a travel writer, you could…
• Have fun! (The Number One goal!) You could relax in the hot springs at a beautiful riverside retreat and call it work, and then eat at a 5-star restaurant in the name of research.
• Get paid to do things you’d gladly pay for yourself. Hotels, restaurants, and tourist boards roll out the red carpet for proven travel writers. Plus, your vacation could become a tax write-off.
• Gain bragging rights. Not only could you see your name in magazines, newspapers, and online travel sites…but you’d also always have the coolest job that will make your friends jealous. Just think of how it would feel to be spirited out of line and shown to the front row of the VIP lounge…
• Have the chance to discover new things about the world and yourself. As a travel writer, you’d have lots of opportunity to try new things, meet new people, and see places that typical tourists often miss. You’d live a much richer life.
Jen will show you how to make it happen. Because right now is the best time in history to be a travel writer. (That’s a little counterintuitive, I know, given the mess the pandemic made of global travel. But it’s true.)
A veritable revolution is underway today—not just in the way we travel, but in the way people seek-out and digest travel intelligence and guidance. It’s creating a massive opportunity for travel writers. In more than two decades in this industry as an editor and writer, Jen has never seen anything quite like it.
In the wake of the pandemic, of course, the way we travel has shifted—and there’s new opportunity to write and sell articles as a result of that. We’re seeing new trends in travel—and you could write about any number of them. But, that’s just a small part of it. Even before everything went sideways, we were already seeing a shift in how travel content is being delivered and consumed. And the trends have simply accelerated over the last year.
As a result, we’re seeing huge opportunities for not only established travel writers—but also for folks who’ve never written a travel article before. My point is that the world of travel writing is changing…but it has changed. I would argue for the better in many ways—certainly from the standpoint of opportunity. It’s not only broadened the possibilities for writers—in terms of the volume of travel stories needed today, but more importantly, it’s expanded the scope of what a travel story is, and who can tell that story.
In 2021, we’re not living in or traveling around or writing about the same world that existed pre-COVID. It’s actually easier now than ever to find success as a travel writer—but only if you understand the strategies that are working today. And Jen would like to show you what they are, right here.
The good news is:
Seeing your name in print, selling your stories, landing freebies…those are things anybody with the right guidance can achieve. Consider Terri, for instance, an accountant-turned-writer who spent her first career preparing tax returns in an office in New York City. She says she longed for more excitement, flexibility, and fun. She found it in travel writing. Before Jen taught her the secrets, Terri didn’t even have a passport and she’d certainly never written an article. But, she put into practice the strategies she showed her. And today she has well over 1,000 bylines to her name and she’s been to 29 countries across five continents—much of it on the house.
She says, “I’ve fished for piranha in the Peruvian Amazon, driven a reindeer sleigh in Norway, swam through ancient caves in Belize, walked alongside penguins in Antarctica, and even followed a nomadic tribe on a hunt in Tanzania. As I look back on it all, I realize travel writing is so much bigger than collecting passport stamps and bylines. It has given me confidence in ways I never imagined.”
It can do the same for you. It’s all about taking the first step toward the life you want to live. And after that first step, take another one…and another. Before long you’ll be looking back realizing just how much your life has changed.
If you like the idea of getting paid to travel like a VIP, this is your best path to get there. But, don’t believe me. Believe Jen! She knows. And I know because I’ve taken her advice and have been enjoying the rewards ever since.
If we can do it—so can you. And this August 21-22, Jen would like to prove it to you.
Click here to get the details!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
The Adrian Leeds Group®
P.S. Jennifer Stevens is International Living’s Executive Editor. She’s traveled through 23 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa—many more than once—writing about the best locales for overseas travel, retirement and investment. Jennifer is the author of the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program and teaches travel writing at workshops throughout the year. In past incarnations, she wrote marketing studies for the Foreign Commercial Service in Paris and taught high school English on an East African island, where she served for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
P.P.S. You DON’T need a degree in journalism or a mastery of the English language to become a travel writer. I mean, you need to be able to put a sentence together—but you don’t have to be Hemingway. Click here to learn more. And be sure to tell them Adrian sent you!
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Realistically can someone do this with the family or a spouse!?
Of course!
I love this article about the opportunity to become a travel writer. I love you, fellow New Orlenian, living in Paris and so eloquently writing about and and living abroad opportunities. Moi!❤️
Thank you so much for blogging about Jen’s upcoming workshop! Usually I’m too busy with little things that deserve attention to do the interesting things I’d like to do. This time, lucky me, I’m having a little surgery at the beginning of August, so I am seizing the time to attend Jen’s two-day program! I’ve continued to travel since you and I met 15 years ago in Paris, but haven’t written about the cruises and the road trips. Yet I find that so many people have the most curious ideas about the places I’ve seen. Here’s a chance to let them know why I went, and what they’ve missed. Thanks again. I owe you much more than lunch!