This is Your Year to Move to France

Yep, it’s the first day of the year 2025. And it’s the day when we make New Year’s Resolutions to improve our lives. Some of us promise to eat healthier and smarter to lose weight. Some of us decide to organize our closets. And others of us dream of creating a new life abroad, and then promise this will be the year to do it.
This is the year to do it. If you’re living in US dollars and considering a move to a euro country, now is the time, thanks to a strong dollar and an advantageous rate of exchange—about $1.04 to the euro. The last time the rate was so good was September 2022.
If you’re considering euro countries, there is only one that makes sense, and you guessed it, that’s France. No other country in Europe has…as good a tax treaty with the U.S., as good a healthcare system, as functional an infrastructure, is located as central for easy and inexpensive travel or has as big an American expat community. France also offers a cultural life that is tough to achieve anywhere else. And then there is climate to consider…as the country offers just about every kind of climate for just about everyone. On top of it all, getting a visitor visa for one year (renewable) is a piece of cake.

In Bordeaux
We learned a lot of this when Patty Sadauskas and I attended a conference sponsored by International Living last April in Portugal. Five countries were represented: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and France. Their own correspondents and other experts extolled the virtues of each. As we listened to what they each had to say, we realized that none of the other countries could touch France for being the best, easiest, and ultimately one of the least expensive places in Europe for expats, particularly when one considers the tax ramifications. We had many people come over to our table to tell us that they hadn’t considered France as an option until they heard all of the comparisons, because they assumed France was too expensive. They were wrong! And they changed their minds.

In Strasbourg
I look back on the 30+ years I’ve been here and never regretted a moment, in spite of the trials and tribulations I’ve experienced over the years. If you read these Nouvellettres®, then you know what they might have been. Sure, there are bureaucratic and administrative things that one must manage as an expatriate/immigrant, but that’s normal when moving to any other country. And yes, I’ve had my fair share of property issues, but that’s because it’s my business and I believe in owning a real asset, even though that’s a lot more work than just renting someone else’s property and having no responsibility.

In Provence
But, would I trade any of that for life in the U.S.? No. When I left, it wasn’t a political escape or anything like that. It was simply to experience something new, and we thought it was temporary at the time. Then, France made it emotionally impossible to leave. Once those blinders were off, and I could see life in the U.S. from the other side of the “big pond,” it wasn’t anywhere near as attractive as life in France. That has proven to be true.

In Burgundy
We are indoctrinated to believe that the U.S. is above every other country in the world, and if you don’t experience life elsewhere, then you never learn the truth. You just go on doing what you do without thinking for a second that it could be different or better in a different place…and you get stuck in that rut. Those who have traveled outside of the U.S. have an inkling, but it’s not the same as living in that place for any period of time to really make the comparisons.

Looking down at Nice
So, make your New Year’s Resolution now. Decide it’s time to have a new, exciting, and much better life…for less money, too! Take just one year to find out. I’ll bet you never leave. That’s what happened to me and to a lot of people we work with. We’ve helped thousands of people do it.
And, you can do it, too.
Happy New Year!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
The Adrian Leeds Group®
P.S. Make this the year you change your life! We were among the first expat real estate agencies to provide services for North Americans seeking to move to France or invest in French property. We have years of experience as well as relationships with top industry experts to help you with everything related to French property. Please visit our Services page for the full range of assistance we’re able to provide.
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Could not agree more with this article. People in America tend to view America as ‘the world’, and chasing money, or getting from point A to point B as fast as possible seems to be the norm, all while relationships with people seem to take 2nd place and most are superficial (just my opinion). As a dual US/French citizen, I’ve noticed this on my many trips back and forth to France. Finally, I’ve noticed also in France, that when people get together in restaurants, cell phones are rarely looked at vs here in the US. People ‘connect’. Thank you.
As always, thanks so much for your insightful comments, Adrian.
It is because of our conversations with you that we are seriously planning our move to Nice this year!
Hope to see you on our scouting trip in at the end of March and perhaps to get a chance to visit with you and other friends at Après Midi!
We look forward to seeing you in March!
Live this! My husband is French and we have been living in the Is for the past 25 years because of my career as a flight attendant. Now that I am retired I’m ready to go!
Happy New Year!!
You’re correct, Adrian, if I were to move abroad, I’d definitely go to France. I’ve been visiting Paris for the past 35 years -going on January 15 this year. And spent 20 years renting houses all over the Luberon. It’s a wonderful country.
In the US, the far right is poised to deport over 10 million people. I understand that nationalism is on the rise all over, including France. If the far right takes over the government, isn’t it likely that the same thing will happen, only it will be US expats being rounded up and expelled? I’m worried that I’ll uproot myself and move to France (admittedly, a dream!) only to find myself an unwanted immigrant. You can bet trump and his ilk will be waiting, with revenge on their mind for anyone who tried to leave and is forced to return.
Why would France round up and expel immigrants from the US? We cannot imagine this happening.
I’ve read your newsletters for years and also visited many countries in Europe (and worked there for a few years). I love France above the other countries like you. This particular newsletter resonated with me so much that I had to write back. Maybe this will be the year I get my ducks in a row and get a place in Paris. I’ve been thinking about it for some time. Your sentiments have helped spur me into action!
Let us know if we can help!
J’adore this inspiring newsletter. Your email, social posts, and appearances on TV always remind me that my dream of living la vie à la française is a goal I need to work towards. Keep it up in 2025!
Thank you!