A Community Get-Together At A Marais Corner Café
One community event you can count on is our monthly Parler Paris Après Midi meetings the second Tuesday of every month (except August) where anyone can come to meet and chat and exchange ideas and experiences. It’s an opportunity for you readers to discover one another and since I’ve never missed one, I can vouch for the fact that we ALWAYS have fun!
Today I’m posting yesterday’s gathering with all the photos so that you won’t have to visit the Web site to see them all (you luck out due to technical problems we’re having!), but normally, a quick click to /parlerparis/apresmidi.html will get you to the latest report and the dates and location information.
(Photos do not necessarily match descriptions.)
DALE NOVICK GABER and DELORES LILLEY hadn’t met until Après Midi, even though they do look like sisters. Dale is an old friend from New Orleans who is visiting now, but planning her full-time move to Paris next winter. Delores is a regular at Après Midi, a Canadian living part-time in Paris, but back next Fall. They clearly have more in common than their hair and good looks!
CLAUDIA and LARRY FRAME came to say hello again — residents of Seattle investigating the possibility of moving to Paris permanently. GRACE MCGANN and ELIZABETH MARTIN are here together for four weeks from the Bay area and after just one week, are already planning their return. We warned them…stay one month, then it becomes two, two becomes ten. Don’t we know how it happens? Hawaiian GAR WESTFALL found a cheap ticket on American Airlines and couldn’t resist coming to say hello again. He’s dabbling with Cordon Bleu courses and eating, eating, eating!
HAT STERNSTEIN, a conference participant from 2002 is back with a vengeance to open her gourmet doggy biscuit business called “Mon Bon Chien” and everyone had their own opinions on that to share…all of which were different, of course! She brought with her BILL MCCABE who’s hoping to retire here. CHRISTIANE CROISIEZ, a regular of Parler Parlor and Après Midi was our only French representative who comes to meet Anglophones and practice her English.
THEO ROBINSON, IL Paris’ master portrait photographer took a few shots of all of us and I managed to get one candid one while his camera was at rest. He’s who I have to thank for the “glam” shot on the newsletter — for which I am forever grateful. He has the gift of making just about anyone look gorgeous! PATRICIA LAPLANTE COLLINS sauntered in late with her pup, Eve, but we’re always happy to see her. She’s has lots planned for Paris Soirées, so watch the Parler Paris Previews Community Calendar for what’s in store.
AL STEWART, a Management Consultant with an apartment on rue Vieille du Temple, and a permanent residence in Florida, helps people find jobs and new careers both here and there. That’s a tough job, too! LINDA QUINET says she only reads Parler Paris occasionally, but enough to know when to show up at Après Midi, so we’re happy about that and “M” never signs in more than that and shys away from the camera.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. To all of you who are organizers and promoters of these events, by all means be sure to keep me informed so I can pass on your announcements to our community of readers, too. Please send your announcements by email only to: [email protected] (We reserve the right to use our own discretion and edit your information accordingly.)
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