“A Mayor Of Paris “”Dit Non”””

A few weeks ago I spotted a lit poster on boulevard Beaumarchais that read:
“Paris dit NON à l’antisémitisme, au racisme, à toutes les discriminations!” signed, Mairie de Paris
Turns out, the posters are all over town and the city means what they say, down to the grass roots level. Following the celebration of Americanism sponsored by the Mairie of the 3rd arrondissement this past weekend as “Les Nuits Americaines,” it fascinated me to learn more about who’s at the helm of these bold events and ideas.
I see Mayor Pierre Aidenbaum (of the 3rd arrondissement) from time to time on rue de Bretagne, dining in Chez Omar, or officiating at local events. He seemed to be very much at the forefront of this very active community, especially on these issues — then I discovered that he is Jewish, born during World War II when his family fled to Au Puy to escape the Vichy government, and is the head of the International League Against Racism and Anti-semitism, a devoted socialist and radically left.
I set out to learn more and was graciously invited to meet with Mayor Aidenbaum and his press secretary, Cyril Egner. With the assistance of Pascal Fonquernie, long time resident of Le Marais and manager of several luxury short-term rental apartments (http://www.parismarais.com), we visited with them both in the Mayor’s grand office on the second floor of the Mairie de 3ème yesterday afternoon.
We sat around a large round table, spoke in French and posed many questions. Mayor Aidenbaum spoke openly and freely, particularly animatedly on the question of anti-semitism and the activities which have blackened France’s name, especially with the American Jewish community, from whom I hear regularly. He believes the media is guilty of not telling the full story and he confirmed our own feelings — the extremist aggressive behavior perpetrated mostly by youths from the suburbs are an extension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is more anti-Israeli policy sentiment than anti-Jewish sentiment. There haven’t been any anti-semitic activities in the 3rd, and he doesn’t believe for a moment that the French are specifically anti-semitic — not any more than they are anti-anything, and their dislike of other religious or ethnic groups forms a hierarchy, one more profound than the other. He pointed out that Alain Menargues, head of news at the state-owned Radio France International, resigned from his post recently after he was accused of anti-Israeli bias from his own peers! (Promoting his new book “Sharon’s Wall” about the wall being built to separate Israel from Palestinian centers of population, Menargues more than once described Israel as racist, earning condemnation from the government as well as RFI journalists and Jewish groups.)
Aidenbaum’s not worried about the future of the Jewish community in France, or the tension we’re now experiencing between the U.S. and France — he has an optimistic outlook that there will be resolution thanks to this being a very multi-cultural society, evidenced by events organized and supported by the state such as Les Nuits Americaines, the annual Chinese New Year Parade and a host of others. The 3rd abounds with cultural centers, too: Swiss, Mexican, German, Swedish and many others — almost 30% of the “quartier” is Chinese and overall very “mixité” (like a melting pot). Pascal interjected that in his own building on rue Charlot, there are Germans, English, Americans, French, old and young, gay and straight, in newly redecorated apartments and 1948 rent-control apartments — very “mixité” indeed.
I’m certainly one of those foreigners living in the 3rd — and a full-fledged resident of Paris, now that I have my official plasticized carte de résident good for the next ten years. It’s a story worth telling — the trip my daughter and I made to the Préfecture yesterday morning with Jean Taquet at our side, doing everything we could to get them to bend the law to grant her full residency without having to renew her carte de séjour every year for five years! But I’ll leave it for another time…
In tomorrow’s French Property Insider, for those of you who subscribe, I’ll be writing more about what we learned from this very informative session with the Mayor of the 3rd related to property and housing. Getting to know the insider point of view is hooking me in even more than I already am! C’est la vie à Paris!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. French Property Insider is an e-mail newsletter from the editors of Parler Paris. If you’d like to learn about the insights, recommendations, and discoveries about buying and investing in real estate in Paris and France that French Property Insider readers get every week, read more about a subscription here:
/frenchproperty/insider/subscribetofpi.html or call 1-310-427-7589 Paris time.
Further resources:
* Stay in the heart of
Paris in your own luxury apartment…
* Get to know the Parler Paris Professionals who can help you make your dream to live in France come true. Visit /parlerparis/services/index.html
* Many people don’t have the time nor the resources to look for their own little piece of France. Let us make your dream to live in France come true.
Calendar #29
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
If you wish your community announcement to be listed in the Parler Paris Previews, please provide the text in ENGLISH just as you’d like it to appear and send it to Erin Zaleski at [email protected] We reserve the right to edit as necessary.
Thank you, Adrian
Strictly Entertainment:
Comedy, Plays, Movies
One World Actors Productions
English/French & World Theatre Season
From October 19th, 9:00 p.m. and every Tuesday
TWO by Jim Cartwright, British Comedy in English
Theatre Darius Milhaud
80 allée Darius Milhaud
75019 Paris
Métro: Porte de Pantin, Sortie 4 “rue Eugène Jumin”
Bus: PC2, PC3 arrêt Porte de Chaumont & bus n°75
Parking: Cité de La Musique
One World Actors Productions
E-mail: [email protected]
06 26 10 48 48
The Improfessionals’
Impro à la carte
Wednesday October 20th 7:30 p.m.
YES! It’s time again – to treat yourself to an evening of theatrical delights with the Improfessionals!
Fresh supplies of inspired ingredients!
Pick games and themes for the scenes from our special improvisation menu. For this last show of the month our team of highly trained chefs may well bring out a special dessert – just for you!
Get your fill at:
Les 7 Lézards
10 rue des Rosiers
75004 PARIS – M° St Paul
Ticket price: 10 euros / 8 euros (tarif réduit)
Want to know more about the Improfessionals?
Visit our website: http://www.improfessionals.com
Moving Parts Play Readings In English
Carr’s Pub & Restaurant
1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris
Métro: Tuileries
Sundays 7:30 p.m.
7th November Linda Healey “Masks”
21st November Jon Allen Russo “Farce Noir”
5th December Shena Wilson December “Don’t be Daft”
To receive the monthly mailings email [email protected]
For further information contact: http://www.scamparis.com or call Stephanie Campion on:
Théâtre Pixel presents…
Bus Stop by William Inge
“In the middle of a howling snowstorm, a bus out of Kansas City pulls up at a cheerful roadside diner. All roads are blocked and four weary travelers are going to have to hole up until morning…”
Come see the play the New York Times calls “an uproarious comedy that never sways from the truth.”
18 Rue Championnet, 75018 Paris, Metro: Simplon
14 euros/9.50 euros for students and unemployed
Stand Up Comedy
Coming Soon!
Carey Marx
October 31st & November 1st
Reginald D Hunter
November 22nd & 23rd
Arthur Smith (un demie siecle de)
November 28th
Hôtel du Nord
102 quai de Jemmapes Paris 10
For more information visit: http://www.anythingmatters.com
Ecole Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle & de Réalisation
Saturday October 30th
EICAR’s International Section invites all English speaking actors to attend an open casting call for several 35mm, super 16mm and dv film projects.
Contact the International Department:
mailto:[email protected]
Tel : 01 53 79 10 00
Literary Events
Alesian Literary Salon By Toby Brothers
November Salons finalized!
Sign up now for the November Literary Salon, designed to guide participants through a classic text in 6-8 weekly sessions. Toby Brothers, Salon Director, provides loads of background information, historical and social context, essays of literary criticism and definitions of literary terms. The discussions are energized with questions and propositions that allow all, from the most fervent academic to the analysis neophyte, to participate. 2004 Fall Salons: Hamlet, Midnights’ Children, Beloved and Invisible Man.
Sign up soon- each session is limited to 10 participants.
Monday Evenings 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Beloved Starting Nov. 8th
Tuesday Afternoons 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Short Stories Starting Nov. 9th
Tuesday Evenings 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Hamlet Starting Nov. 9th
Website: http://jatmar.free.fr
Call or email [email protected] for more information.
Live Poets Society
October 26th 7:30 p.m.
Marilyn Hacker & Arthur Gregor, acclaimed and exciting American poets will be at the Red Wheelbarrow to read and share their work and
thoughts on poetry with you. Books will be available for signing after the reading.
The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore
22 rue St Paul, 75004 Paris, Metro St Paul
Tel: or or mailto:[email protected] or
mailto:[email protected]
October 29th
A reading by Michael Andre, editor of The Unmuzzled Ox, a lengendary art lit mag from NYC.
Galerie EOF
15 rue St. Fiacre, 75002. Metro: Bonne Nouvelle
Info: mailto:[email protected]
New On Shelves by Local Authors
Her second collection of poems is available at the Village Voice Bookshop and through Small Press Distribution.
FLUORESCENCE by Jennifer K Dick
Winner of the contemporary poetry series 2004, the book will be available at local
stores such as Red Wheelbarrow, also amazon & spd or directly from UGA Press. See samples and dates/directions for USA readings all this fall 2004 at:
Long Poem “Best Love & Goodbye”, by Margo Berdeshevsky, is just out in new NIMROD International.
Order Nimrod directly from mailto:[email protected] or:
Nimrod International Journal, 600 S. College Ave.Tulsa, OK 74104
Tel: (918) 631-3080
SHEETS FOR MEN ONLY (Dancing Ink Press, 2004) is an anthology of men’s poetry edited by L. Claire Kincannon.
It includes Paris writers William Strangmeyer and Moe Seagar as well as writers such as Anselm Hollo and others from the states.
Order on http://www.amazon.com or from mailto:[email protected].
Kevin Higgin’s essay ‘Poetry, Politics & Dorothy Gone Horribly Astray’ is now available on London-based website nthposition.com.
Justin announces the dawn of his new blog http://www.freemaninparis.blogspot.com.
As he says: “a place where I chronicle, in words and photos, my life in Paris, theater, abject poverty (self-selected), and trying to study with Theatre du Soleil.”
Exhibitions, Vernissages and Fairs
Frida Kahlo Festival October 1st-30th
Paying homage to Frida Kahlo, visit http://www.festivalfridakahlo.com/presentation.htm
for the events this month.
Paris Muse: Italians in Paris
“Primaticcio, Master of Fontainebleau” and “Rosso, The Death of Christ” Renaissance Painters at the Louvre.
Musée du Louvre
Open everyday, except Tuesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Open late nights on Wednesday and Friday until 9:45 p.m.
Veronese Profane at the Musée du Luxembourg until January 30th
19, rue de Vaugirard, 6ème
Monday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
This exhibition will be open on December 25th and January 1st
Cracking “The Da Vinci Code”
This tour is available when the Louvre is open; every day except Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open late night on Mondays and Wednesdays until 9:45 p.m.
Paris Muse offers private guided tours in the great art museums of Paris. Visit http://www.parismuse.com/index.shtml?ef=0000014 to find out more.
For more information visit: http://www.parismuse.com.
Musical Interludes
Violin and Piano Recital
Nathaniel Vallois (Violin) and Charles Wiffen (Piano)
Let award-winning, world class musicians Nathaniel Vallois and Charles Wiffen dazzle you with their virtuosity and technical skill.
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.
Dvorak: Sonatina,
Beethoven: Sonata no.5 ‘Spring’,
Ravel: Tzigane,
Lekeu: Sonata
Atelier de la MAIN D’OR
9, Passage de la MAIN D’OR
75011 Paris Métro: Ledru-Rollin
Reservation: or
mailto:[email protected]
Verdi the Requiem concert
Le Choeur Européen de Paris joined by the Choeur Arioso led by Hugues Reiner will perform with the Orchestre Pasdeloup (a fine professional orchestra).
Known for his operas of course, Verdi wrote the Requiem in 1874 as a commemoration of the death of novelist and patriot Alessandro Manzoni. This is his only sacred work and its style is forthrightly operatic. According to a musician’s reference book: “The agnostic Verdi concerned himself not with the afterlife but with a humanistic and characteristically Italian memorial for the living” Once you have heard the well-known thunderous Dies Irae (Day of Anger), you will never forget it! Nor the rhythmically energetic ” Libera Me ” (Free Me, Lord) and much more.
Friday, October 22nd at 8:45 p.m.
Eglise de la Trinité
3 rue de la Trinité. Paris 9th arrondissement. Métro: Trinité.
Tickets are 18 euros (through chorus members).
Contact Judith Oringer: Tel. and
La Fontaine has free jazz concerts Monday through Saturday nights!
Don’t miss Rick Margitza on Monday nights (from 9:30 p.m.), one of New York’s jazz legends who played with Miles Davis for 20 years, playing on the 18th and 25th.
20 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles, 10th, Metro: Colonel-Fabien
Goûtes for Gourmands
The 10th annual Salon du Chocolat
Come experience a movable feast featuring the food of the gods!
October 28th-November 1st 2004
Porte du Versailles exposition hall #5. Entrance is 10 euros–5 euros for kids 3-12 years old.
An American Pastry Chef in Paris!
Dessert cookbook author and full-time Parisian expat David Lebovitz will be hosting a discussion, tasting and signing for his latest book, “The Great Book of Chocolate”.
October 26th, 2004
WH Smith
248 rue de Rivoli, 1st
Call for reservations:
Thanksgiving Taster
A Night of Soul Food and Gospel Music inaugurating Mother Mathews’ Restaurant
The 20 odd items on the menu include everything from Turkey and cornbread dressing to Squash Morvillier to Banana pudding to Chocolate layer cake, yum!
November 3rd, 2004 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
American Cathedral, 23 Av George V
Admission: 30 euros
All tickets must be purchased in advance:
Wine Tasting with Ô Chateau
Come for a unique wine tasting experience and enjoy the pleasure of wine tasting explained to you in English by a French connoisseur.
Ô Chateau
39, avenue du Dr Netter, 75012
contact: Olivier Magny
mailto:[email protected]
Bonnes Soirées and Great Gatherings
Parler Paris Après-Midi
Next Meeting: November 9th, 2004 and Every Second Tuesday of the Month 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to me
et every month, often with local professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne
75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
Paris Soirée Dinners Every Sunday
Patricia Laplante-Collins has international dinner parties on the Ile St-Louis. She hosts a 21st Century Paris Salon where you meet interesting people in Paris and have a lot of fun. There is always a Guest speaker, perhaps a Writer, Actor, Historian — you name it, Patricia hosts them all. For reservations or to be on the mailing list: call 01 43 26 12 88 or write mailto:[email protected]
Paris Network Cocktails Every Wednesday
Hosted by Patricia Laplante-Collins…
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Make contacts for business, career opportunities, self-development.
NEW! Paris Networking Cocktail and Speaker Every Wednesday.
Wednesday 20 October – 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Cocktails. Networking: Bring lots of Business Cards to exchange with
Our guest speaker will be:
Christine Harvey
Christine Harvey is the author of SIX best selling business books published in 22 languages and articles syndicated in the Los Angeles Times and 100 other major newspapers and magazines worldwide. Two of the books, “Your Pursuit of Profit” and “Secrets of the World’s Top Sales Performers”, have sold over 150,000 copies each in multiple languages. Christine has held Board of Directors positions, a venture capitol company, a micro-lending bank, Chairmanship of one of the London Chambers of Commerce, as well as being the first American and first woman to hold that position and an organization Board with 38,000 members in 60 countries, in addition to running three companies of her own. Visit: http://www.christineharvey.com
At Patricia’s apartment on the Ile St. Louis: 14 rue St Louis en L’Ile, 75004 Paris.
The Métros are Sully-Morland (closest) and Pont-Marie.
Farther away is St. Paul.
15 euros and lots of business cards.
Thanks for reserving via return email! Or call Patricia:
Patricia’s Tel:
E-mail: mailto:[email protected]
Editor’s Note: Due to a technical problem that caused Paris Network subscribers to receive hundreds of unwanted emails, that has since been resovled, please resubscribe by emailing SAFELY now, mailto:[email protected].
27 Years Of Dinner Chez Jim Haynes
Jim’s atelier becomes a salon every Sunday night where about 70 people from all over the world meet, dine, drink and enjoy themselves. Telephone on Saturday or Sunday for your invitation, directions and the door code.
Jim Haynes
Atelier A2
83, rue de la Tombe Issoire
75014 Paris, email mailto:[email protected]
Have your portrait painted by American Portrait Artist, Kathy Burke
For samples of their great work, visit /parlerparis/art/index.html
Knowledge is Power — Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Paint or Draw Portraits and Self Portraits with American Portrait
Artist Kathy Burke in her beautiful Marais atelier…
245 euros 3-hour private session
490 euros 3-hour session with 2 to 6 people
Includes all materials.
For more information, mailto:[email protected]
Learning la Langue Française
Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group
Celebrating our 7th Year in Paris
Join us at the Parler Parlor conversation group in Paris France for free-form conversation with native French and English speakers. Practice speaking 45 minutes in French, 45 minutes in English. Make friends, discuss interesting topics, learn about other cultures, progress in understanding and speaking, naturally and easily, in groups of six to eight, each in its own acoustically sound private room.
Parlor Times — 3 Times A Week In Two Locations
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Berlitz Opera
38 Avenue de l’Opéra
2nd arrondissement, Paris
Opéra, RER A Auber
Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
At Eurocentres
13 passage Dauphine (entrance between rue Dauphine and rue Mazarine),
6th arrondissement
Métro Odéon, Saint-Michel
Membership And General Information
Email: mailto:[email protected]
Elisabeth Crochard, Tel: 01 44 19 76 61
Adrian Leeds, Tel: 01 40 27 97 59
What’s On in The City of Light
Mois de La Photo
October 29 – November 29, 2004
Paris Photo
November 11 -14, 2004
Carrousel du Louvre
Fête des Frères et Soeurs
November 6 and 7, 2004
For Our Bay Area Friends
Paris through Expatriate Eyes brings Paris to the Bay Area with presentations, receptions, dinners, film screenings and more with well-known Paris-based authors, artists, filmmakers, and other cultural dignitaries.
Don’t miss the upcoming French Film Series, October 1st-October 29th
10/1-10/29 Film Screenings – Five Fabulous French Films
Where: Mechanics’ Institute, 57 Post Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco
When: Café opens at 6PM for all programs. Programs start at 6:30PM
10/1: “La Grande Illusion” (1937) Jean Gabin, Dalio, directed by Jean Renoir
10/8: “Le Plaisir” (1952) Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, directed bt Max Ophuls
10/15: “The 400 Blows” (1959) Jean-Pierre Leaud, directed by François Truffaut
10/22: “Breathless” (1959) Jean
-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg, directed by Jean-Luc Godard
10/29: “Diabolique” (1955) Simone Signoret, Vera Clouzot, directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
Tickets: Mechanics’ Institute members FREE, public $7
Reservations: 415-393-0100 or mailto:[email protected] – http://www.milibrary.org
For more information:
Phone: 415-388-4956
Fax: 415-388-1266
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Parler_Paris_Reader
Aureas Adventure, and Eclipse Night
Astro-Paris by Eric Francis
When I came to Paris, I arrived — quite miraculously — on Ile. St Louis. St Louis an ancient, tiny island, and it has a very nestled-in feeling. I soon began exploring its mysteries. One of the first I discovered was a rock shop at the head of Rue St Louis en l’ile. From the outside, it looks really good — until you go in and discover that it’s completely astonishing. It’s owned by Alain Carion, who is a specialist in meteorites. These are bits of space debris that actually manage to land on Earth. One of my passions in astrology is working with deep space objects, so I found a natural common interest with Alain, talking about the age of the solar system, the age of various planets and the asteroid belt, whether Mars rocks indicate that there was once life there, and lots besides. And apparently, unlike a lot of qualified scientists, he’s not prejudiced against astrologers. Alain is a Capricorn with Sagittarius rising (practical, but cosmic) and he has a Gemini Moon (highly diverse interests, communicative, good writer and likes people). He’s also really really good at picking out gems, and his shop has excellent items for as little as 5 euros or less and up to 1,200-plus for a huge meteor, or crystal matrix pieces, and so on. He has some excellent crystal balls. The shop is open from Tuesday to Saturday 10h30am – 1pm / 2pm – 7h30pm. If you want to meet Alain, go during the week. He speaks English, and his excellent pamphlet on meteors is available in both French and English.
As for the stars between now and next Wednesday, this is the week before a total lunar eclipse. It is a busy time, and an intense time. In the United States, desperate politicos are scrambling for power. The world is watching the developments leading toward the election, which happens two weeks from yesterday. The lunar eclipse occurs in the sign Taurus. It is the Taurus Full Moon. The exact event is at 5:07 am CED on the morning of Oct. 28. It will be visible from Paris low in the western horizon if there are clear skies. Before this happens, the Sun makes its annual ingress into the sign Scorpio on Saturday, Oct. 23.
Happy Birthday Scorpio!
You will find your way to the future through your most intimate relationships this year. I say this knowing that one-to-one contacts have been unusually challenging for you, particularly since the very unusual events of this past Spring, and even going back to your birthday two years ago. Yet if you look closely, you will see that these events have not been haphazard, and seemingly unrelated developments all fit together in some unusually sensible ways. My take on your charts is that by early December, you will have enough perspective to see the whole picture, and it will far exceed your expectations. For now, take some time and remember all you’ve been through, and thank yourself for your persistence and honesty.
Read lots more by Eric, or subscribe to his excellent weekly newsletter, at http://PlanetWaves.net/ Eric is also available for personal astrological consultations, classes and speaking engagements in Paris.
Community Announcements
Democrats Abroad
Wednesday, October 20, 7:30 P.M.
Cocktail party!!
Home of Juliet Carter
9, Rue Jean Mermoz
75008 Paris
code: 2×64/2nd floor
(metro: Franklin D Roosevelt)
15 euro charge: includes drinks and appetizers
Please reserve by calling Danette Landry at
by email mailto:[email protected]
Wednesday, October 20, at 8:00 p.m.
Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Renowned French journalist, and author of newly-released book
“Bush, Kerry : le choc des deux Ameriques” ed. Robert Laffont
Ms Ockrent will speak in English
Fundraising dinner at the home of Susan Loder
1 avenue Bertie Albrecht, Paris 75008
100 euros
RSVP or mailto:[email protected]
Thursday, October 28, at 8:00 p.m.
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Author of Le Divorce, Le Marriage and L’Affaire, among others, will recite her now-famous lyric poem, “Make the Pie Higher,” based entirely on the words of George W. Bush, with piano accompaniment by Lauranna Mitchelmoore.
Fundraising dinner and recital, some jazz music, and some political talk, at La Main d’Or,
9 Passage de la Main d’Or, 75011 Paris
RSVP or mailto:[email protected]
RSVP for dinners
Win Back America
Four pre-election fundraising dinners to put the Democrats back
where they belong, in the White House and Congress
Wednesday, October 20, at 8:00 p.m. Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Thursday, October 28, at 8:00 p.m.
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Contribution 100 euros per Person or more is welcome!
Send check made payable to Democrats Abroad or credit card information before September 15 to Jane Donaldson, 65, rue de la Fontaine, 75016, Paris.
RSVP: or mailto:[email protected]
Classified Ads
Seeking Intern to Become Paid Professional Assistant
Parler Paris is seeking a bright, young, hard-working computer-literate native Anglophone with basic working knowledge of French and lots of knowledge of Paris to intern and be trained for possible paid position as professional assistant, to start immediately.
A 60-day unpaid commitment is required, 35 hours a week. Skills required: Computer proficiency in Word, Excel, Outlook or Other Email Program, Internet Search, accounting software (such as Peachtree) and Dreamweaver or other Web site development software, if possible. Must have good command of English language and the ability to write clearly, concisely and correctly. Must have good public relations skills, be personable, friendly, patient. Must be organized, manage details, have tidy work habits.
Duties include: email customer and reader
correspondence, light bookkeeping and record-keeping, general office duties (filing, copying, posting, etc.), phone reception, appointment scheduling, etc.
High speed Internet access and computer supplied for work in Parler Paris office. Relative expenses reimbursed (phone, Métro/transportation, supplies, etc.)
Compensation following internship for permanent position negotiable, if proven to be suitable.
If you’re seriously interested and willing to invest in your own future while helping people who wish to live, work or invest in France, then send your resume to Adrian Leeds at mailto:[email protected]
* Vacation Apartment
Available Oct. 31st-Nov. 6th: 550 euros/week
Rue Livingstone Montmartre penthouse studio
7 rue Livingstone
18eme arrondissement, Paris, France
Métro: Abbesses or Anvers.
35m2 or 350 Sq.Ft.
Sleeps 2 to 4
Metro: Abbesses or Anvers
This beautiful completely renovated apartment is located on the 7th and top floor (with elevator) of a typical 1930’s Parisian building. Photos available at: /parlerparis/apartments
For more information please contact: Erica Berman
mailto:[email protected]
To read more, click the links below.