A Writing Junkie Gets A Paris Fix

Almost a day doesn’t go by without someone asking, “How do you find something to write about everyday?” The first answer is that there is more going on here to write about than there are days of the week. The second part of the answer is that writing every day has become necessary…like a junkie gets his “fix,” I need to get mine by putting thoughts and feelings into words or for an artist, it could be images. I equate the two — as painting imagery with words as the medium isn’t very different from painting imagery with watercolors. the brush and the pen are one and the same.
I wasn’t always a writer, but Paris truly inspires it. In Elizabeth Reichert’s “Writers Insider Guide to Paris: For Novelists, Journalists, Poets, Dreamers and Doers Alike,” she declares that “Although Paris has traditionally called to the writer’s heart from Benjamin Franklin to Richard Wright, the myth arguably begins with [Henry] James” and “what James called ‘the great literary workshop of Paris,’ three prominent waves of expatriates flocked to the city throughout the 20th century.”
The legendary history of expatriate writing in Paris is rich. The memoirs and biographies are inexhaustible. The city is full of ghosts and full of burgeoning writers within every genre.
This Spring, Paris is calling to all those who wish to explore the art of writing, hone their skills or test their talents. Whether a novelist, poet or travel writer, there is a venue for just about everyone to put more than a toe in the water.
Here are the best of the lot to get the ink flowing…
With Kathleen Spivak, Pulitzer Prize Nominee
Sunday, April 4, 2004, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
55 Euros (10 Euro discount for former attendees and early registration)
Phone or email [email protected] to book your place NOW
(I’ll be there myself honing my skills!)
May 4 – 9, 2004 with poet Cecilia Woloch, along with poet/novelist/photographer James Baker Hall and poet/memoirist Jeffrey Greene.
This is the second year Woloch brings her illustrious worsdmiths to Paris for the poetry workshop of a lifetime. Strictly limited to a maximum of 10, there are only two seats remaining.
I’m personally hosting a dinner the opening evening and Jeffrey Greene is hosting a day-long picnic Satruday, May 8th on the grounds of his restored presbytery featured in his memoir, “French Spirits.” Readings for the public by Woloch, Hall and Greene will be held Thursday night, May 6th at Shakespeare and Company and readings by the workshop poets will be Sunday evening, May 9th at Patricia Laplante Collins’ Paris Soirées.
Cost is $700/person. This includes all workshop fees, the welcoming dinner/reception, and the train tickets and picnic in Rogny. Don’t delay to register by contacting Cecilia Woloch, [email protected], http://www.writersregister.com/artists/CA279
May 9-12, 2004
Sponsored by The American Writers & Artists Institute
Hosted by the International Living Paris Office
Learn how you can earn extra income traveling the world as a VIP, meeting new people and enjoying the freedom and independence of a writer’s life…
This is the workshop we’ve hosted for the third year here in Paris taught by the best in the industry: Jennifer Stevens, John Forde, Steenie Harvey with guest speakers Rose Marie Burke, Thirza Vallois, Polly Platt and me!
Signing up before April 1, 2004, save $100 and pay $1,297 to enroll.
Add-on Survival French Course. Eurocentres, May 7-8, 2004 and costs $195 for workshop participants.
Add-on Literary Walking Tour of the Left Bank led by Thirza Vallois.
The schedule and price is being finalized now.
There may only be a few seats left, so act now. Visit http://www.thetravelwriterslife.com/workshop/pp/
or contact Agora Travel and Conference Services (On behalf of AWAI)
Phone: (800) 926-6575 and (561) 243-6276 Fax: (561) 278-8765
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.agoratravel.com
The Creative Writing Program at WICE provides a supportive environment and small classes (limited to 10-12 students each) in which beginning and advanced writers can develop quickly. Jeffrey Greene, Director.
For information on the current programs, consult http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/creative.html or e-mail Jeffrey Greene at [email protected]
July 4 – 9, 2004
Writers in Residence for 2004 are: Irish writer Kerry Hardie, Poetry; American writer Katharine Weber, Short Story; American writer Phillip Lopate, Creative Nonfiction; British writer Helen Benedict, Developing the Novel. The one-week workshop includes 15 hours of class time and one individual conference with a choice of one Writer in Residence. Additional activities include lectures, readings and literary walking tours. Each section is limited to 12 participants.
Co-directors are Rose Marie Burke and Marcia Lebre. The Board of Advisers comprise founder Carol Allen, Jeffrey Greene, Ellen Hinsey, and Judy Rowley.
The cost is 400 euros and the final registration deadline is June 14. Applications postmarked by May 17, however, receive a 15% early-bird discount for a price of 340 euros.
The workshop fills up well before the final registration deadline of June 14th. As a special annual event of WICE, PWW is open to the general public and usually attracts writers from all over North America and Europe. A writing sample or work in progress must be submitted with registration.
For more information, visit http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/creative/pww/pww.html
The other question I get regularly is, “Can you really earn a living writing?” I guess the answer to that should be obvious! Mais oui!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. Even if you practice the craft of writing only to improve your ability to communicate clearly, concisely and interestingly with your clients and friends, it will change your life! There is nothing so fulfilling as knowing how to fully express oneself and be fully understood.
To read more, click the links below.