Americans Abroad Get Out To Vote

The American community is buzzing with presidential election discussion.
Molly Ivins (Pulitzer Prize finalist, former co-editor of the Texas Observer and former Rocky Mountain bureau chief for the New York Times) spoke last night before an audience of Democrats Abroad France members and supporters. I missed the event, but I’m certain she exercised her sharp criticism of the current administration.
This Friday night 6:30 p.m. at the American Church (65, quai d’Orsay, 7th), Democrats Abroad is holding their Country Caucus where delegates to the European Regional Caucus will be chosen to represent them in Edinburgh on March 26th. (For more information, click here)
Democrats Abroad has a larger delegation than several of the U.S. states. Like Iowa, they determine their delegation through caucus, rather than through a primary. Republicans Abroad is also represented here in France, however, their membership is not nearly as large, they don’t send a voting delegation to their convention and don’t have seats on the Republican National Committee.
For all of us living outside the United States, voting by absentee ballot provides us with a voice. I don’t know about you, but having my voice heard this election year is even more important than ever. Next weekend here in Paris is the Overseas Voter Weekend, February 13-14-15. This is our opportunity to insure our vote will be counted, so plan to coming to one of these four meeting points:
Friday, February 13 5-8 p.m.
Coffee Parisien restaurants:
4 rue Princesse, 75006 Paris (M° Mabillon)
46 rue de Sablonville, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine (M° Sablons)
Saturday, February 14 5-8 p.m.
Joe Allen
30 rue Pierre Lescot, 75001 Paris (M° Etienne Marcel)
Sunday, February 15 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
The home of Mr. John Morris
56 rue desTournelles, 75003 Paris (M° Bastille) ring Hoban
The federal voter registration and absentee ballot application requires some information you may not normally carry with you. To find out exactly what is required in the U.S. state where you have voting residence, consult the Federal Voting Assistance Program: For county names and zip codes, see the U.S. Postal Service:
For more details about the weekend, download this invitation: VoterWeekendInvitation.pdf
For those of you living here, this contact information will be useful and for those of you thinking of moving here, we hope you’ll get involved…the American community is a vital organ of Paris.
5 RUE BARGUE 75015
Tel: 0145664905
[email protected]
Represents the Democratic Party in France, and enables American voters residing in France to directly exercise their rights in the U.S. political process and to participate in the activities of the Democratic Party. For voter information contact
Pat Clark at 01-4326-3238, e-mail: [email protected]
or Louise Meyers at 01-4553-0162, e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 0143061027
[email protected]
Republicans Abroad France is the official representation of the Republican National committee in France. Its primary purpose is to assist and inform Americans on all issues relating to absentee voter registration, but also organizes dinners, receptions and other events to promote the Republican Party and acts in an outreach capacity to both the American and French communities.
B.P. 127 92154
Tel: 0142040938
[email protected]
Since its establishment in 1973, this issues-oriented organization has been a focal point for protecting the basic rights of overseas Americans. With members living in over 20 countries, AARO concentrates on such issues as voting rights, citizenship, taxation, health care, and business competitiveness. Members are eligible to apply for AARO’s Group Medical Health Care Plans. Also, quarterly Newsletter, topical seminars and meetings. ARRO is a Founding Member of the World Federation of Americans Abroad.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
P.S. There are many American organizations in Paris that hold our hands, guide us through the trials and tribulations of living in a foreign country, and insure our well-being as Americans. A complete list can be found in the Insider Guide to Working and Living in France: The Ins and Outs and at American Citizen Services of the U.S. Embassy
To read more, click the links below.