Enriching Our Lives: Last Day For The Early Bird
Building relationships — REAL relationships — is a French way of life. Not “networking” as we Americans think of it, where you get to know as many people as you can so that they can help you get from point A to point B and what you can do for each other is pretty much cut and dry.
Here, with the French and even with the American community who have lived here long enough to know, where money isn’t what matters (yes, this is really true!), knowing fascinating people who can ENRICH your life, not make you richer, is what success means.
Over the years, I’ve come to know “compatriots,” both American and French (and dozens of other nationalities), who have rallied to support each other, for no other reason but that. This is evident in the impressive list of presenters we have at the upcoming Working and Living in France Conference (October 24 – 27). I just want to mention a few, particularly three of the newest additions…
Laurent Queige was first introduced to me through a mutual French friend in the film industry. He’s a young, bright, talented, energetic guy who was appointed by Bertrand Delanoë (our illustrious Mayor) to head the Paris Tourist Office. He says that this administration is “moving and shaking” because of Delanoë’s choice of a young staff who have new ideas and are willing to put in the “sweat” it takes to make it happen. He was right. It’s working. He will be opening the conference as our keynote speaker to welcome the participants to the City of Paris.
Bill Bonner, founder of International Living, found Porter Scott, too. He’s been scouting fine antiques among the flea markets for would-be buyers for a while now, while managing several rental apartments he owns in Paris. Porter has been overseeing the renovation our new apartment on rue de la Huchette in the Latin Quarter and dragging me to the Marché aux Puces to buy the furnishings. Impressive! — Everyone there greets him with a big knowing smile. Lucky for us, Porter will be speaking about the profitability of a short-term rental apartment in Paris.
Jocelyn Carnegie, a Scotsman with more kids than he can count at such a young age, who lives in magnificent a 10-bedroom château just outside Paris (advertised for sale in French Property Insider), has returned to the real estate industry after years in another domain. He’s seen more apartments in Paris the last few weeks than he had in years searching for the “plum” apartments in the best locations at the lowest prices with the best rentability. Last week, our reader Bill S., found his perfect pied-à-terre on just the second day of house-hunting, thanks to Jocelyn’s good nose for a good deal. Jocelyn will be speaking about how to find great property in France, should you want to attempt it on your own!
Not new to our platform is…
Thirza Vallois, author of “Around and About Paris” and “Romantic Paris” who has been a friend for as many years as I’ve been here and who’s knowledge of Paris never ceases to amaze me, will be speaking opening night and then giving her famous Grand Tour of Paris on Sunday, October 26th. The tour is open to the public, should you want to come (click here for more information). If you can’t make it, the other chance you’ll have to see and hear her lecture this month is on October 18th at Brentano’s.
Polly Platt, expert on French-American cultural crossings, I met during a signing of her book “French or Foe?,” by coincidence, at Brentano’s, too. Her second book, “Savoir Flair,” recounts a story of mine about the bad service I had trying to buy bras with my daughter at the H & M on rue de Rivoli. She tells the tale often in her lectures…and you can imagine it gets laughs. Sad, but true. Today at noon EST (6 p.m. here in Paris), she’ll be answering questions online live for an hour about the French and the American Francophone at http://www.budgettravel.msnbc.com, then click on “Live Talk.” She’s also opening our program at the conference with her tales of misunderstandings.
These “fab five” and the others who will be sharing their words of wisdom at the conference are all going to be there because of the relationships we’ve built with them over the years and the trust we have in one another to do the best jobs we can. I want to thank all of them for helping to enrich the lives of all of us during this special occasion.
P.S. Tomorrow is the last day you can take advantage of the $100 Early Bird discount off the conference price. If you contact us now, we can reserve a place for you at that price…there are a few places left and there’s room “at the inn.” Click here for more information and contact Michael Whetstine at +561.968.8007 or email [email protected] to register.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
* Further resources:
* Thousands of people read Jean Taquet’s column every month and dozens of people posed questions to him. Now, you can, too.
* Need to know just a few basics to get by while you’re here in Paris? This 9-hour intensive workshop is open to everyone…
* You will be amazed by her ability to describe in detail each corner of Paris as we get a glimpse of life in the city most tourists never see.
To read more, click the links below.