How to Get First Class Seats on Most Every Flight you Take…Without Breaking the Bank

The first time I encountered Jen Stevens and her brilliant instructional course, “The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program,” was in early 2002. That’s when we first collaborated with Jen and the team from the American Writers & Artists Inc. (the AWAI) to begin a series of live workshops here in Paris based on the program. Since that time, many workshops have taken place here in Paris and other locations around the world, very successfully, I might add, and the course itself has remained the backbone for all that was born of it.
Whether you are a published author, a budding author, or total novice in the art of writing, or even just a traveler who wishes to express your experiences with more finesse than “What I did last summer…,” then you will want to know about this special opportunity.
Today, Parler Paris and the AWAI bring you not only a free 30-day trial to discover the program for yourself, and not only a $100 voucher to be redeemed on future workshops, but also, totally free, the inside scoop on how to travel first class on just about every flight you ever take!
It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I thought so, too, but it’s true. And I personally vouch for the quality of the program, the quality of the workshops and the amazing value of this special report…as I’ve been through the course, taken the workshops and desperately need to learn how to travel first class instead of being in the “cattle car” on all those long flights between the U.S. and Paris!
Lori Allen, the Director of AWAI’s Travel Division (who you may remember was married at the Eiffel Tower this past Spring!) has all the details that you will want to learn more about. Simply click here to read all about it:
You’ll be thanking me big time for letting you know about this once-in-a-lifetime chance to become a well-paid travel writer and travel first class wherever you go, to boot!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
P.S. Remember, you can’t realize your dreams if you don’t act upon the opportunities such as this that present themselves. If this is your true path or purpose in life, don’t think twice. Just click here now. /parlerparis/promos/twr-fc-parlerparis.htm
To read more, click the links below.