Paris And The Planets

According to Eric Francis, master astrologer of, “The planet and its people are now spinning into the singularity point of the Libra solar eclipse. The exact event takes place in the States just before midnight the evening of Oct. 13.”
That’s today, folks, and that means that as I enter into my 52nd year on this planet (tomorrow I celebrate this fateful birthday), I’ll be spinning into that singularity point along with the sun. Eric’s taken up new residence in Paris and you can thank our lucky stars, he’ll be predicting our astrological forecasts every Wednesday in Parler Paris Previews starting TOday, the day of the Libra solar eclipse. Scroll down to read “ASTRO-PARIS: Aureas Adventure, and Eclipse Night,” the first of a series to satisfy our celestial curiosities.
Yesterday the room was spinning, if not the planets, during our monthly Parler Paris Après Midi coffee meetings. The first to arrive were new faces from many parts of the globe, then the regulars and several seriously long-standing friends who visit Paris from time to time came to surprise us. To read the entire exposé of who’s who and who’s here, be sure to visit /parlerparis/apresmidi.html The next one is scheduled for November 9, 2004 — a great way to meet new people and share ideas, mostly about living in Paris.
Friday night opens Les Nuits Americaines at the Mairie of the 3rd Arrondissement, so if you’re not too busy following the presidential election, don’t miss this special celebration. I’ll be there at the inauguration 5 p.m. on Friday to see what Maires Bertrand Delanoë (Paris) and Pierre Aidenbaum (3rd) have to say about the Franco/American relations! Visit for a complete listing of events.
The final presidential debate unfolds tonight along with the eclipse, 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 3 a.m. Paris Time. CNN is covering it live, of course starting at 7 p.m. EST. On a local level, there are two re-broadcasts of the Kerry-Bush debate: Thursday, October 14th at 5:30 p.m. at Joe Allen’s Restaurant (best Salade Niçoise in Paris and great hamburgers), 30 rue Pierre Lescot, 1st (first come, first serve, no RSVP needed — limited space) and Thursday, October 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the American University of Paris, 6 avenue Colonel Combes, 7th (behind the American Church).Scroll down for more information.
And good news, you can now read today’s Weekly Community Calendar all week long by visiting it’s own special page at /parlerparis/calendar.html
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
P.S. Please welcome Erin Zaleski to the Parler Paris team, Intern Extraordinaire, who is our official “Calendar Girl” keeping all our dates straight. If you have a community announcement you’d like listed on Parler Paris Previews Wednesdays, email Erin at [email protected]
Further resources:
* Join us in San Diego this November 11-14 for our last live travel writing workshop of the year:
* Get to know the Parler Paris Professionals who can help you make your dream to live in France come true. Visit /parlerparis/services/index.html
* Many people don’t have the time nor the resources to look for their own little piece of France. Let us make your dream to live in France come true.
If you wish your community announcement to be listed in the Parler Paris Previews, please provide the text in ENGLISH just as you’d like it to appear and send it to Erin Zaleski at [email protected] We reserve the right to edit as necessary.
Thank you, Adrian
Strictly Entertainment:
Comedy, Plays, Movies
Cinema Festival
The 5th annual “Paris, Capitale du Cinéma Art & Essai” film festival October 13th-19th.
30 participating cinemas around town, with 16 dedicated entirely to this year’s theme: “Love and Hate”. Screenings are just 4 euros, including the Premier of the film “A tout de suite” by Benoît Jacquot (which was shown at the Cannes Film Fest). For the schedule and list of films visit:
One World Actors Productions
English/French & World Theatre Season
Every Tuesday till October 12th
Les Caprices de Marianne d’Alfred de Musset en français
From October 19th, 9:00 p.m. and every Tuesday
TWO by Jim Cartwright, British Comedy in English
Theatre Darius Milhaud
80 allée Darius Milhaud
75019 Paris
Métro: Porte de Pantin, Sortie 4 “rue Eugène Jumin”
Bus: PC2, PC3 arrêt Porte de Chaumont & bus n°75
Parking: Cité de La Musique
Reservations: 01 42 01 92 26
One World Actors Productions
E-mail: [email protected]
06 26 10 48 48
Moving Parts Play Readings In English
Carr’s Pub & Restaurant
1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris
Métro: Tuileries
Sundays 7:30 p.m.
7th November Linda Healey “Masks”
21st November Jon Allen Russo “Farce Noir”
5th December Shena Wilson (TBA)
To receive the monthly mailings email [email protected]
For further information contact: or call Stephanie Campion on:
Literary Events
Alésia Literary Salon By Toby Brothers
Sign up now for the November Literary Salon, designed to guide participants through a classic text in 6-8 weekly sessions. Toby Brothers, Salon Director, provides loads of background information, historical and social context, essays of literary criticism and definitions of literary terms. The discussions are energized with questions and propositions that allow all, from the most fervent academic to the analysis neophyte, to participate. 2004 Fall Salons: Hamlet, Midnights’ Children, Beloved and Invisible Man.
Sign up soon- each session is limited to 10 participants.
Call or email [email protected] for more information.
Festival des Litteratures d’Amerique du Nord
October 14th-17th 2004
Join Sherman Alexie, Michael Cunningham Sandra Cisneros and other great writers at the Café Litteraire!
Brentano’s will be having a round table discussion with the participating writers (all 50?)
Hôtel De Ville 50 bis rue de Fontenay, Vincennes (suburb not the park)
Metro: Château de Vincennes
Live Poets’ Society
October 18th–8:00 p.m.
Paris’ oldest running reading series, invites Canadian poet Lisa Pasold, John Kliphan and Nina Zevanchevic. Lisa’s new book, WEAVE, came out from Frontenac House in Canada to wonderful reviews.
She has been working on a second collection, so come get a sneak peak! John, the series organizer and long-time Parisian, will share samples of new work and old faves. He has a collection in the US and newer work has been in Pharos, Upstairs at Duroc, Van Gogh’s Ear and other magazines.
The Highlander Pub
6 rue Nevers, 75006 Paris
M° Odeon or Pont Neuf with a bridge crossing.
October 19th–7:00 p.m.
Novelists and essayists, Mavis Gallant & Michael Ondaatje
will have a reading.
The Village Voice
6 rue Princesse, 75006 PARIS.
Metro Mabillion/ St Germain.
Tél.: 01 46 33 36 47 Fax :01 46 33 27 48
October 19th–7:30 p.m.
Abbey BOOK CLUB discussion author de The Life of Pi by Yann
Martel, Winner of the “2002 Booker Prize”. Read it in English or French then
come along and talk about it with us!
The Abbey Bookshop
29, rue de la Parcheminerie, 75005 Paris
M° St Michel/ Cluny la Sorbonne.
[email protected] or 01 53 59 12 60 [email protected]
October 26th–7:30 p.m.
Marilyn Hacker & Arthur Gregor, acclaimed and exciting American poets will be at the Red Wheelbarrow to read and share their work and
thoughts on poetry with you. Books will be available for signing after the reading.
The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore
22 rue St Paul, 75004 Paris,
M° St Paul
Tel: 01 42 77 42 17 or 01 48 04 754 08 or [email protected] or
[email protected]
The deadline for the 10th anniversary issue of Pharos approaches!
Email your submissions by October 15th to: [email protected]
Max10 poems or 2,000 words for prose.
Exhibitions, Vernissages and Fairs
Frida Kahlo Festival October 1st-30th
Paying homage to Frida Kahlo, visit
for the events this month.
Paris Muse: Italians in Paris
“Primaticcio, Master of Fontainebleau” and “Rosso, The Death of Christ” Renaissance Painters at the Louvre.
Francesco Primaticcio (1504-1570) was hired by François I to decorate the royal palace of Fontainebleau, to make it a “new Rome.” No contemporary French artist could have handled such a sweeping commission; it needed all the savoir-faire of the Italian Renaissance to conceive and execute the immense expanses of wall and ceiling paintings at Fontainebleau. Alas, as current day visitors to the château will discover, little remains of those magnificent decorations. But hundreds of astonishin
g drawings have survived. Over 175 of these are assembled in an exhibition that the Louvre is promoting as the very first devoted to Primaticcio.
Primaticcio: Master of Fontainebleau
Rosso: The Dead Christ
Musée du Louvre
Open everyday, except Tuesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Open late nights on Wednesday and Friday until 9:45 p.m.
Veronese Profane at the Musée du Luxembourg
Museum visitors may be more familiar with the “sacred” side of Veronese, from majestic religious paintings such as the Louvre’s Wedding Feast at Cana (1562-1563). In focusing on the artist’s “profane” or secular works, however, this exhibition is an opportunity to get acquainted with his talents on a more human scale.
Veronese (1528-1588) was born in Verona but built his career in Venice, where he was showered with demands from the church, the state, and innumerable wealthy clients with palaces to decorate or portraits to commission. Veronese’s style draws on the colorist legacy of Titian and Giorgione, but his delight in perspectival games and sinuously curving bodies is all Italian Mannerism. The small-scale works on display here delight with Veronese’s sense of play and whimsy.
Veronese Profane until January 30th
Musée du Luxembourg
19, rue de Vaugirard, 6ème
Monday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
This exhibition will be open on December 25th and January 1st
Cracking “The Da Vinci Code”
Where does fact end and fiction begin in The Da Vinci Code?
If you read Dan Brown’s best-selling thriller The Da Vinci Code while conjuring images of Paris and her art treasures in your head, then our new “Cracking the Code” was especially designed for you.
This tour is available when the Louvre is open; every day except Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open late night on Mondays and Wednesdays until 9:45 p.m.
Paris Muse offers private guided tours in the great art museums of Paris. Visit to find out more.
Musical Interludes
Violin and Piano Recital
Nathaniel Vallois (Violin) and Charles Wiffen (Piano)
Let award-winning, world class musicians Nathaniel Vallois and Charles Wiffen dazzle you with their virtuosity and technical skill.
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004, at 7:30 p.m.
Dvorak: Sonatina,
Beethoven: Sonata no.5 ‘Spring’,
Ravel: Tzigane,
Lekeu: Sonata
Atelier de la MAIN D’OR
9, Passage de la MAIN D’OR
75011 Paris Métro: Ledru-Rollin
Reservation: 01 48 06 89 29 or
[email protected]
Verdi The Requiem concert
Le Choeur Européen de Paris joined by the Choeur Arioso led by Hugues Reiner will perform with the Orchestre Pasdeloup (a fine professional orchestra).
Friday, October 22nd at 8:45 p.m.
Known for his operas of course, Verdi wrote the Requiem in 1874 as a commemoration of the death of novelist and patriot Alessandro Manzoni. This is his only sacred work and its style is forthrightly operatic. According to a musician’s reference book: ” The agnostic Verdi concerned himself not with the afterlife but with a humanistic and characteristically Italian memorial for the living. “
Once you have heard the well-known thunderous Dies Irae (Day of Anger), you will never forget it! Nor the rhythmically energetic ” Libera Me ” (Free Me, Lord) and much more.
Eglise de la Trinité
3 rue de la Trinité. Paris 9th arrondissement. Métro: Trinité.
Tickets are 18 euros (through chorus members).
Contact Judith Oringer: Tel. 01 40 36 00 53 and 06 24 08 80 37
La Fontaine has free jazz concerts Monday through Saturday nights!
Don’t miss Rick Margitza on Monday nights (from 9:30p.m.), one of New York’s jazz legends who played with Miles Davis for 20 years, playing on the 18th and 25th.
20 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles, 10th, Metro: Colonel-Fabien
01 42 45 36 27)
Goûtes for Gourmands
The 10th annual Salon du Chocolat
Come experience a movable feast featuring the food of the gods!
October 28th-November 1st 2004
Porte du Versailles exposition hall #5. Entrance is 10 euros–5 euros for kids 3-12 years old.
The 15th Semaine du Goût
October 11th-17th throughout France, with participating restaurants offering special gourmet menus and food-worshipping activities at open markets and food boutiques.
An American Pastry Chef in Paris!
Dessert cookbook author and full-time Parisian expat David Lebovitz will be hosting a discussion, tasting and signing for his latest book, “The Great Book of Chocolate”.
October 26th, 2004
WH Smith
248 rue de Rivoli, 1st
Call for reservations: 01 44 77 88 99
Bonnes Soirées and Great Gatherings
Parler Paris Après-Midi /parlerparis/apresmidi.html
Next Meeting: November 9th, 2004 and Every Second Tuesday of the Month 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne
75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers
Paris Soirée Dinners Every Sunday
Patricia Laplante-Collins has international dinner parties on the Ile St-Louis. She hosts a 21st Century Paris Salon where you meet interesting people in Paris and have a lot of fun. There is always a Guest speaker, perhaps a Writer, Actor, Historian — you name it, Patricia hosts them all. For reservations or to be on the mailing list: call 01 43 26 12 88 or write [email protected]
Paris Network Cocktails Every Wednesday
Hosted by Patricia Laplante-Collins…
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Make contacts for business, career opportunities, self-development.
NEW! Paris Networking Cocktail and Speaker Every Wednesday.
Wednesday 13 October – 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Cocktails. Networking: Bring lots of Business Cards to exchange with others
Our guest speaker will b
Jean Taquet, French Jurist
Instructor: Jean Taquet is a French jurist and an associate member of the Delaware Bar Association who specializes in civil, criminal and commercial law. He is well known for his legal column formerly in the ‘Paris Free Voice’, addressing reader’s questions about their rights under French law.
Jean Taquet’s Practical Answers:
Visit: /parlerparis/
For Jean Taquet’s main Q/A column with its latest update
At Patricia’s apartment on the Ile St. Louis: 14 rue St Louis en L’Ile, 75004 Paris.
The Métros are Sully-Morland (closest) and Pont-Marie.
Farther away is St. Paul.
15 Euros and lots of business cards.
Thanks for reserving via return email! Or call Patricia:
Patricia’s Tel: 01 43 26 12 88
E-mail: [email protected]
Don’t Miss Paris Soirées Dinners Every Sunday at 7:30 p.m.: Happy Hour and Dinner followed by a guest speaker in English.
Tap into Parler Paris … written by Adrian Leeds, a resident of Paris
for almost 10 years, daily bringing you an “insider” view on life in
Paris with tips on how to maneuver the system for Working, Living,
Visiting, and Investing in Paris and France! Subscribe today:
27 Years Of Dinner Chez Jim Haynes
Jim’s atelier becomes a salon every Sunday night where about 70 people from all over the world meet, dine, drink and enjoy themselves. Telephone on Saturday or Sunday for your invitation, directions and the door code.
Jim Haynes
Atelier A2
83, rue de la Tombe Issoire
75014 Paris, email [email protected]
Have your portrait painted by American Portrait Artist, Kathy Burke
For samples of their great work, visit /parlerparis/art/index.html
Knowledge is Power — Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Paint or Draw Portraits and Self Portraits with American Portrait
Artist Kathy Burke in her beautiful Marais atelier…
245 Euros 3-hour private session
490 Euros 3-hour session with 2 to 6 people
Includes all materials.
For more information, [email protected]
Learning la Langue Française
Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group
Celebrating our 7th Year in Paris
Join us at the Parler Parlor conversation group in Paris France for free-form conversation with native French and English speakers. Practice speaking 45 minutes in French, 45 minutes in English. Make friends, discuss interesting topics, learn about other cultures, progress in understanding and speaking, naturally and easily, in groups of six to eight, each in its own acoustically sound private room.
Parlor Times — 3 Times A Week In Two Locations
Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Berlitz Opera
38 Avenue de l’Opéra
2nd arrondissement, Paris
Opéra, RER A Auber
Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
At Eurocentres
13 passage Dauphine (entrance between rue Dauphine and rue Mazarine),
6th arrondissement
Métro Odéon, Saint-Michel
Membership And General Information
Email: [email protected]
Elisabeth Crochard, Tel: 01 44 19 76 61
Adrian Leeds, Tel: 01 40 27 97 59
What’s On in The City of Light
Les Nuits Americaines
A Festival of American Cinema, Music, Dance, Conferences and more!
October 15th and October 16th
Mairie du 3e 2, rue Eugene Spuller
Metros: République, Temple, Arts & Métiers
Mois de La Photo
October 29 – November 29, 2004
Paris Photo
November 11 -14, 2004
Carrousel du Louvre
Fête des Frères et Soeurs
November 6 and 7, 2004
Aureas Adventure, and Eclipse Night
The other day, in between horoscope projects (I write sun-sign horoscopes for magazines, newspaper and Internet), I decided to take a walk. I stepped out of my apartment building on Rue des Chantiers, turned left on Cardinal Lemoine, and took about twenty paces. I did a double-take and found myself standing in front of the office of Aureas, the legendary French ephemeris. What is an ephemeris? For astrologers, it’s the equivalent to a tide table for a fisherman or a ruler for a dressmaker. The ephemeris is a book that tells astrologers the positions of the planets, and Aureas is the Stetson hat of the French astrological industry. I don’t know of the people there had ever experienced someone walking in off the street as excited as I was, but there’s a first time for everything.
Wednesday and through the end of the week is an extraordinarily interesting time astrologically. If you happen to be able to watch the last Bush-Kerry debate live early Thursday morning, I suggest you do it. That’s because it’s occurring about an hour before a solar eclipse, and will be a fine example of astrology in real life. Not that we need another example: the unusual pressures, pace, events and developments of this week are more than enough evidence that the Sun, the Moon and the stars are mingled with the story of our lives. The eclipse is the Libra New Moon, signifying a time of change and renewal in our most intimate partnerships, a time of unusual honesty and a phase of history when the scales of justice begin to tilt a different way — hopefully in the direction of the fair and the kind.
You can visit my web page at, or call me at 06 33 52 00 82 . I’m also available in Paris for personal consultations and talks.
Community Announcements
Polls, Predictions and the US Presidential Campaign
Friday, October 15th 2004 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
John Fortier, Research fellow, American Enterprise Institute Discussion with Bruce Cain, Visiting Professor, American Center, Sciences Po, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies, UC Berkeley.
Moderator: Pierre Bollinger, Associate Director, American Center, Sciences Po.
Free entrance No Booking Conference in English
56 Rue des Saints Pères-Room François Goguel
75006 Paris (5th floor)
Contacts: Pierre Bollinger [email protected]
Alice Mauss [email protected]
Kerry-Bush Debate
Live Broadcast of the Kerry-Bush debate by the Young Democrats of
Paris including a screening of “Unprecedented”, a documentary on the 2000 Florida Election debacle.
Wednesday, October 13 at midnight
Carr’s Irish Restaurant
1, rue du Mont Thabor, 1st,. No RSVP, cash bar.
See TWO re-broadcasts of the Kerry-Bush debate
Thursday, October 14 at 5:30 p.m.
Joe Allen’s restaurant
30 rue Pierre Lescot, 1st first come, first serve, no RSVP needed (limited space).
Thursday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m.
American University of Paris
6 avenue Colonel Combes, 75007
(behind the American Church, 63 bus)
Town Meeting for AARO (Association of Americans Resident Overseas, A non-partisan group that represents the interests of Americans living overseas.
Friday, October 16 at 2:00 p.m.
American Church
65 Quai d’Orsay, 7th
Call to reserve a free seat by the 14th at 01 47 20 24 15.
Democrats Abroad
October 17, 2004, 6:00 p.m.
A showing of the film “A Patriot Act” at the home of Lois Grjebine
This film is a brilliant, funny, and ultimately chilling indictment of the Bush administration’s stealth movement to subvert the US Constitution and replace American democracy with so-called “Christian” values. “A Patriot Act” was directed by Academy Award Nominated documentary filmmaker Lilibet Foster.
The film is based on Mark Crispin Miller’s Patriot Act: A Public Meditation, which was originally presented by the New York Theatre Workshop. Miller is the renowned media critic and author of
The Bush Dyslexicon and the recently released
Cruel & Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order.
11 rue Jules Chaplain, 75006
Metros: Vavin or Notre-Dame-des-Champs
Contribution: 5 euros
More Democrats Abroad Events
Saturday, October 16th Political Rally
Americans (and those who desire US regime change) gather at the Eiffel Tower to send the message home: George Bush has disgraced America in the eyes of the world- vote Nov. 2nd for Kerry & Edwards.
Ave. Gustave Eiffel-3:00 p.m. Saturday
Saturday, October 16, at 6:00 p.m.
Rally: Letter to America from Democrats Abroad
A rally to send the message home: “Why I’m Voting.”
At Place d’Alma in front of the flame.
Come one, come all. (More information to follow.)
Wednesday, October 20, at 8:00 p.m.
Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Renowned French journalist, and author of newly-released book
“Bush, Kerry : le choc des deux Ameriques” ed. Robert Laffont
Ms Ockrent will speak in English
Fundraising dinner at the home of Susan Loder
1 avenue Bertie Albrecht, Paris 75008
100 euros
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
Thursday, October 28, at 8:00 p.m.
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Author of Le Divorce, Le Marriage and L’Affaire, among others, will recite her now-famous lyric poem, “Make the Pie Higher,” based entirely on the words of George W. Bush, with piano accompaniment by Lauranna Mitchelmoore.
Fundraising dinner and recital, some jazz music, and some political talk, at La Main d’Or,
9 Passage de la Main d’Or, 75011 Paris
RSVP 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
RSVP for dinners
Win Back America
Four pre-election fundraising dinners to put the Democrats back
where they belong, in the White House and Congress
Wednesday, October 20, at 8:00 p.m. Women’s Caucus Dinner
Christine Ockrent: View From the Other Side
Thursday, October 28, at 8:00 p.m.
Diane Johnson and All That Jazz
Contribution 100 Euros per Person or more is welcome!
Send check made payable to Democrats Abroad or credit card information before September 15 to Jane Donaldson, 65, rue de la Fontaine, 75016, Paris.
RSVP: 01 45 49 14 70 or [email protected]
First Annual WICE Book Fair Benefit
In conjunction with Studio Arts Open House
Do you have books to donate? Contribute your books to the Fair and we will pick them up! Please contact John Baxter at
Biggest English-Language Weekend Book Fair in Paris
Thousands of Books — starting at 50 centimes
Signed first editions, paperbacks, rare books, children’s books, DVDs, CDs, including books from the libraries of Diane Johnson, Mavis Gallant, C.K. Williams, E.L. Doctrow, Carolyn Kizer, Robert Harris and many more. Not to be missed!
Saturday, October 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (auction at 6:00 p.m.)
Sunday, October 17th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
20 bd du Montparnasse
75015 Paris
Métro Duroc
Start A Business In France
For free advice on how to start a business in France, the Mairies are offering assistance:
Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Mairie of the 6th Arrondissement
78, rue Bonaparte
Wednesdays 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mairie of the 20th
6, place Gambetta
To read more, click the links below.