Parler Paris and Parler Nice are long-standing brands of the Adrian Leeds Group. They are in no way associated with the social platform Parler, nor do they share any of the philosophies of that platform.

Your taste of life in Paris!

Subscribe and don't miss an issue!

“Passion For Paris, People And Places”

We’re getting a breath away from Christmas day, the weather is cold, damp and dreary just like one would expect and it wouldn’t be unusual to contemplate moving to a warm tropical island…but, the realization struck me yesterday that the three best reasons to live in Paris (weather not being one of them): Passion, People and Places.

Last night as I slid like an inept skater on the icy stone “parvis” in front of Notre Dame to meet up with Jean Rauscher, Webmaster of, the concept whirred in my subconscious. Jean and his wife, Sylvie, are transplanted Parisians living in Boston for many years who acquired a new passion for France after moving away. (It’s the same old story — we don’t appreciate the places we grow up in or very familiar with until we’ve looked at it from the outside, taking a new perspective. I wonder how many native Parisians have never ridden to the top of the Eiffel Tower?)

Several years ago, they started traveling back to France, and Jean discovered that history was so much more exciting when taken out of academic studies. He and Sylvie began writing about French people and places and publishing their informative articles on their Web site. They offer a variety of tours to France, but otherwise are non-commercial and keep the site alive to satisfy their passion for France. Their monthly newsletter is free. You can sign up on the site.

Passion is what mostly everyone I meet in Paris has and what we find immediately as common ground. When Tracy James came to interview as Parler Paris Previews new “Calendar Gal,” it struck me then again when she told her story about giving up years earning big bucks as a mortgage broker in Washington state to pursue her dream to live in France. She speaks with such passion, that you can’t help but feel the energy. You can now send your community announcements to passionate Tracy at [email protected]

Bill j2999on, an attendee from the recently past Washington, DC Living and Investing in France Conference arrived Monday in Paris to volunteer as staff at the December 29th Invest in France Seminar. He “begged” for the position and worked hard to find the lowest air fares and accommodations with friends to make the trip possible. We’ve put him to work preparing for the seminar and will be on the ground to assist in every way. Anything you send to [email protected] reaches Bill while he’s here and working with us.

Paris by Night, the two-hour tour by Vincent Dupont (sales manager of the four-star hotel, Les Jardins du Marais), happened simply because he’s so passionate about the City of Light, its incomparable beauty in the nighttime and the centuries of history that exude from her stone walls (besides, he loves Americans and can’t wait to show off his city)! There are a few seats available…and time is running out, so be sure to sign up now at /frenchproperty/conference/IIF_Paris/IIF_Paris_by_Night.html or write Bill j2999on for availability at [email protected]

And for those of you here during the holiday season, expressing your Passion for Paris or People or Places, there’s a cornucopia of activities to keep you busy, so scroll down for what’s on the agenda for the people of Paris.

Bonne Noël…

Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris

Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris

P.S. There will be no Wednesday, December 29, 2004 newsletter due to all of us who will be attending the Invest in France Seminar taking place here in Paris at the Jardins du Marais. There are still a few seats left for last-minute registrations. Visit /frenchproperty/conference/IIF_Paris/IIF_home.html for more information and to sign up.

P.P.S. Come for Galette des Roi, Vin Chaud, conversational exchange and membership discounts Saturday, January 15th, 2005, to the Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group. Visit for more information.

P.P.P.S. Sandy Zayas’12 square-meter apartment on the Ile Saint-Louis is suddenly available December 28th to January 2nd at only $70 a night. For anyone interested, visit /parlerparis/issues/pparis12-11-04.html for more information about it and to book it, email another person with passion for Paris, Adrian Leeds, at a

[email protected]

Further resources:

* Stay in the heart of Paris in your own luxury apartment…

* Dream of working and living in France? Don’t know how to go about simply DOING IT? Rose Marie Burke tells you how!

* Though France might seem as familiar as any other Western country, the truth is, from paying taxes to having a baby — things are done differently in France. Read the stories how other people maneuvered the system.

Calendar #38
Wednesday, December 22, 2004 and December 29, 2004
Paris, France

Special note:

Welcome new “Calendar Gal” — Tracy James, who sold her mortgage broker high-powered suits and high heels after living 12 years on San Juan Island off the Washington state coast north of Seattle to pursue her life-long dream to live in Paris. She comes a bit over-qualified for editing our weekly calendar, but who’s complaining? I am sure we will find lots of other uses for her many talents!

Next week, both Tracy and I will be taking off Wednesday (me for the Invest in France Conference and Tracy for a vacation week with her U.S. manfriend), so don’t look for an updated calendar until January 5th, 2005.

If you wish your community announcement to be listed in the Parler Paris Previews, continue to please provide the text in ENGLISH just as you’d like it to appear and send it to Lynda Sydney at [email protected]?subject=Calendar_Listing We reserve the right to edit as necessary.

Thank you, Adrian

Strictly Entertainment:
Comedy, Plays, Movies

Moving Parts Play Readings In English

Carr’s Pub & Restaurant
1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris
Métro: Tuileries
Sundays 7:30 p.m.

The following readings have been organized by Moving Parts
with the kind permission of Carr’s Pub & Restaurant.

Always on Sundays, always at 7.30 p.m.!

Plays in English:

9th January Charles Borkhuis “DUSK”
23rd January Elena Kaufman “OUR MOTHERSHIP SAILS”
20th February Rachel Ollagnon “COUPLING”
6th March Kenneth Hickey “THE TRAIN SET”
20th March Mary Bruton-Sandifer “HUNTING SEASON” (2nd reading)
17th April NC Heikin (title TBA)

Plays in French:
6th February Michael Diantonio “EPIDEO”
3rd April Romain Bisseret (title TBA)
1st May Pascal Loison “INTIMITES”

Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play:
May 2005 onwards dates available
Program subject to change
Latest version always available on the website:
or send an e-mail to Stephanie: [email protected] to receive the monthly mailings
For further information contact:
Stephanie Campion on:


Drama Ties Theatre Company present a play in English at Comédie Bastille, 5 rue Nicolas Appert, Paris 11th:

by Kester Lovelace
Inspired by the classic Mark Twain novel, The Prince and the Pauper.
Britain is in crisis, after the abdication of its two Princes. A new TV reality show, Prince Academy, is launched to find the young man who can sing, dance and charm Princesses. The favorite to win changes places, unseen by the cameras, with a math geek. The audience will get to vote to decide the end of the story.

Monday 10 January 2005 – 2:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m.
Thursday 13 January 2005 – 10:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m.
with Maja Bieler, Elena Kaufman, Simon-Timothy Marozzi.
Directed by Kester Lovelace
Songs by David Stanley
Tickets: 13 euros and 35 euros (families)

All Bookings:
Drama Ties Theatre Company
[email protected]


On Stage at the Théâtre de Nesle through January 2005

TRAVELLIN’LIGHT by Nicholas Calderbank
A free-wheeling comedy suitable for ages and linguistic levels.

8 rue de Nesle, 75006 Paris, Métro: Odeon
10 euros/8 euros for students and unemployed

Literary Events

Alesian Literary Salon By Toby Brothers

January Salons Now Forming!

Here are the proposed salons for January. From the feedback I am getting from current Salon participants, there is a groundswell of interest in Faulkner – and some folks can only come afternoons or evenings. So now is the time to vote and commit. If you are planning on doing a Salon (start week January 10th), please let me know your preference. If you verbally offered your preference in this week’s Salon, now you can give your written (e-mailed, to be precise) desire. If you have multiple interests, please make that known as well. I promise to do everything I can to accommodate your requests. Remember if this is your first Salon, I require a deposit of 25 euros to hold your place in the Salon.

Here is my proposal:

Monday Nights: Bleak House- Charles Dickens
Tuesday Afternoons: Faulkner- Sound & the Fury- William Faulkner
Tuesday Evenings: (Here is the problem child)
Either: Sound & the Fury-William Faulkner
To the Lighthouse-Virginia Woolf
Catcher in the Rye-J.D. Salinger

Now is the time to vote and commit! If you are planning on doing a Salon (start week January 10th), please let me know your preference. If you verbally offered your preference in this week’s Salon, now you can give your written (e-mailed, to be precise) desire.

Call or email [email protected] for more information.

Picks: Photography/Exhibitions/Museums

Le photographe photographié, l’autoportrait en France 1850-1914
From Friday, November 5th 2004 to Sunday, February 13th 2005
Maison de Victor Hugo – Hôtel de Rohan Guémenée – 75014 Paris

Vu d’Italie, 1841-1941, un siècle de photographie italienne dans les collections du Musée Alinari
From Wednesday, November 10th 2004 to Sunday, March 6th 2005
Pavillon des Arts – 75001 Paris

New York et l’art moderne
Alfred Stieglitz et son cercle 1905-1930

From Tuesday, October 19th 2004 to Sunday, January 16th 2005
Musée d’Orsay – 75007 Paris

Robert Capa
Connu et inconnu
From Wednesday, October 6th 2004 to Friday, December 31st 2004
Bibliothèque Nationale de France – BNF Département des estampes et de la photographie – 75002 Paris

La Véronique
Frank Horvat
From Friday, October 29th 2004 to Thursday, December 30th 2004
Galerie Dina Vierny – 75006 Paris


Les Nuits Parisiennes 2005

Start 2005 with panache at Les Nuits Parisiennes at the Carrousel du Louvre on January 27th and January 28th.

Join over 8000 visitors and experience 70 expositions including music, visual shows, lingerie, magicians, dance and delicacies to name a few!
Participate in the “Allumez vos bougies” on January 27th and light up the city, and sashay into the stunning La soirée de clôture on January 28th.

For more information visit:


December has several treats in store at MUSÉE DAPPER-the premier space in France dedicated to ancient and contemporary art of Africa.

Musical performance of “Issa, longues jambes” by la Compagnie Vertigo. Inspired by a traditional African story, the tale reunites words, music and dance.

Sundays: 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th January
Wednesdays: 19th & 26th January at 3:00 p.m.

Tarifs:8 euros; T.R.: 6 euros for children under 12.

CIRQUE: Balabala Street

Désiré N’Goma (acrobat, équilibriste) et Vincent Mézières (juggler) presented by la Compagnie Chapiteau d’Afrique

Thursday, December, 23rd at 3:00 p.m.

10 euros; T.R.: 8 euros for children under 12.

35, rue Paul Valéry 75116 PARIS
M° Victor Hugo
Open every day except Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Guided Tours

Paris by Night

Take a very private and personal tour with Vincent Dupont!

Let Vincent Dupont, “hôtelier” with the four-star Les Jardins du Marais, guide you and only four others
through the streets of the City of Light by night in his luxury van to see the stunning Holiday array of
lights and spectacles…

Tour all through Paris by night to see the city’s most stunning monuments…le Louvre, le Grand and le Petit
Palais, l’Arc de Triomphe, la Tour Eiffel, Le Panthéon, les Invalides, l’Assemblée Nationale, l’Hôtel de
Ville, le Palais de l’Elysée, Nôtre Dame…

And all the while, Vincent tells his tales of Paris past and present…while you sit back and enjoy the
beautiful sights of the most romantic city in the world!

Only Four Tours Available:
Tuesday, December 28th
1) 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., 2) 10 p.m. to 12 Midnight

Tuesday, December 30th
3) 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., 4) 10 p.m. to 12 Midnight

Invest in France Seminar Participants: 30 euros per person
Non-Seminar Participants: 35 euros per person

Limited to 5 Persons per Tour
Choose your tour (1, 2, 3 or 4) and reserve your place by email
[email protected]?subject=Paris_by_Night
Meet in the lobby 15 minutes ahead at Les Jardins du Marais, 74, rue Amelot, 75011 Paris
Note: Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Visit /frenchproperty/conference/IIF_Paris/IIF_Paris_by_Night.html for more information.

Bonnes Soirées and Great Gatherings

Parler Paris Après-Midi /parlerparis/apresmidi.html

Next Meeting: January 11th, 2004 and Every Second Tuesday of the Month 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.

Upstairs at La Pierre du Marais
96, rue des Archives at the corner of rue de Bretagne
75003 Paris
Métro Lines 9, 3 et 11, stations Temple, République or Arts et Métiers


Paris Soirée Dinners Every Sunday

Patricia Laplante-Collins has international dinner parties on the Ile St-Louis. There is always a Guest speaker, perhaps a Writer, Actor, Historian — you name it, Patricia hosts them all. Patricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge our circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people.

For reservations or to be on the mailing list: call or write [email protected]

20 Euros in an envelope with your name, home telephone and email if we don’t already have it. Please include your card.

GREAT FOOD! International Cuisine

Thanks for reserving via return email! If you don’t receive an email
confirmation by Sunday, please call Patricia:
[email protected]



NEW! Paris Networking cocktail and speaker every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Buffet. Make contacts for business, career opportunities, self-development.

Myhanh Coaching Expert. Former Entrepreneur Myhanh knows how to create success – in life and in business because she created her own. She will share how she has generated success and flowing prosperity out of her deepest passions and wildest dreams. Career Highlights: At 20 years old, starting without experience or money, she created her own international Trading company and 5 weeks later, became a successful businesswoman for 10 years. She had fun and creatively dealt with influential market makers. Later Cartier International asked her to develop their worldwide diversifications. She later became one of the founders of the first private commercial television in France, La Cinq.

15 Euros in an envelope and lots of business cards.

At Patricia’s apartment on the Ile St. Louis: 14 rue St Louis en L’Ile, 75004 Paris.
The Métros are Sully-Morland (closest) and Pont-Marie.
Farther away is St. Paul.



Thanks for reserving via return email! Or call Patricia:

Patricia’s Tel:
E-mail: [email protected]


27 Years Of Dinner Chez Jim Haynes

Jim’s atelier becomes a salon every Sunday night where about 70 people from all over the world meet, dine, drink and enjoy themselves. Telephone on Saturday or Sunday for your invitation, directions and the door code.

Jim Haynes
Atelier A2
83, rue de la Tombe Issoire
75014 Paris, email [email protected]


Have your portrait painted by American Portrait Artist, Kathy Burke
For samples of her great work, visit /parlerparis/art/index.html

Knowledge is Power — Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

The Most Important Thing You Can Do Before the Year is Over

Learn the best ways to watch your money and real estate investment grow before your very eyes…all while gazing at the world’s most famous monument over a frothy café crème.

Now’s your opportunity to take a holiday vacation in the most romantic and beautiful city in the world and set aside JUST ONE DAY of your busy schedule visiting museums and dining on foie gras to learn how to make your money double (and even triple — like mine has since I bought my Marais apartment just four short years ago).

December 29th, the first 100 individuals to register will learn from some of the finest experts in French real estate…how to make the most of the rest of their lives while building a portfolio of some of the most desirable real estate in the world.
Take just one full power-packed day, this coming December 29th — in Paris, France. Learn how…



Paint or Draw Portraits and Self Portraits with American Portrait
Artist Kathy Burke in her beautiful Marais atelier…

245 Euros 3-hour private session
490 Euros 3-hour session with 2 to 6 people
Includes all materials.

For more information, [email protected]?subject=Parler_Paris_Reader_Request

Learning la Langue Française

Parler Parlor French-English Conversation Group

Celebrating our 7th Year in Paris

KING CAKE PARTY (Galettes des Rois)

Saturday, January 15, 2005, 11 a.m.
at Eurocentres – 13 Passage Dauphine, 6th

Come for conversational exchange and celebrate the New Year over Galette des Rois with Vin Chaud. Make new friends, practice speaking French and English and get to know the members.


Join us at the Parler Parlor conversation group in Paris France for free-form conversation with native French and English speakers. Practice speaking 45 minutes in French, 45 minutes in English. Make friends, discuss interesting topics, learn about other cultures, progress in understanding and speaking, naturally and easily, in groups of six to eight, each in its own acoustically sound private room.

Parlor Times — 3 Times A Week In Two Locations

Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Berlitz Opera
38 Avenue de l’Opéra
2nd arrondissement, Paris
Opéra, RER A Auber

Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

At Eurocentres
13 passage Dauphine (entrance between rue Dauphine and rue Mazarine),
6th arrondissement
Métro Odéon, Saint-Michel

Membership And General Information
Email: [email protected]
Elisabeth Crochard, Tel: 01 44 19 76 61
Adrian Leeds, Tel: 01 40 27 97 59

Astro-Paris by Eric Francis

Speaking of astrology, a new tarot card has appeared all around town. It’s an advertisement for the tram service that’s coming to Paris, and this is on billboards along St. Germain and other places; it’s probably a city wide campaign.

But why do I say tarot card? Read cards long enough and every advertisement and piece of artwork begins to speak in the language of symbols. The first thing I noticed about this ad was that it depicted an ultra-modern looking tram pulling up along a street corner, being boarded by several people, including a guy in a wheel chair. The vividly sunny day contrasts with the dark Paris winter.

The image has an ultra-utopian feel, like euphoria has just set in, and the future has arrived (with the tram) in all its splendor and perfection. It looks like ads from the 1950s that would say we’d have better living through chemistry, or like an architectural rendering of a new building on my college campus that would promise eternal bliss for the university community.

The caption is what got me: “Le Tram Reinventé les Maréchaux.” I walked back into the café where I had just had breakfast, and mustered up a translation team. People helped me, eagerly. Basically, what I got is that this translates to, “The Tram will Bring Back the Era of the Great Generals.” In other words, nostalgia, because a long time ago Paris had street cars. So on the one hand you have nostalgia and on the other, you have this vision of the perfect future. No wonder people are confused. We will find the perfect future by reinventing the past, and people in wheel chairs will be able to ride the tram on a sunny day.

A friend who is fluent in about five languages (but principally Italian and Arabic) and happened to be standing there helped me with the translation and we got a good laugh at how bizarre some things French are.

As for the great generals, it does work out that in 2006, when the tram arrives on that spring day, Saturn will be in the peak of its transit through Leo — a fitting image of the nostalgia for the great men. That particular story begins in the summer of 2005 and is one of the more significant transits of the coming year.

More on the astrology of 2005 in Planet Waves.

As for the week. We have just experienced the Winter Solstice. The days are now getting longer, and chickens, at least those left on their natural cycle, will resume laying eggs.

Mercury is no longer retrograde. Electronic Christmas gifts purchased later rather than sooner likely have a better chance of working.

While the Sun has left Sagittarius behind, many planets remain in that sign, particularly Venus, Mercury

and Pluto. Mars is soon to arrive, on Christmas day, which may be a tense transition because any planet leaving a sign and entering another can come with a fair bit of tension.

Happy Birthday, Capricorn!
It must come as a great relief when the Sun enters your sign, and this year the moment arrives with what — by every indication — should be a wave of progress, particularly in your financial affairs. Remember, though, that problems that have been building for a long time often take a while to work out, even as things improve. And change of any kind opens the door to a touch of chaos that must be negotiated carefully. No matter how good things get in the coming months, make sure you take nothing for granted, save for rainy days, and put people and their concerns over your personal financial concerns at every opportunity.

Read more writing by Eric Francis at or subscribe to Planet Waves Weekly directly by calling (877) 453-8265. Planet Waves Weekly is my (twice) weekly astrology news service devoted to covering world events from a personally relevant angle, with much information about healing, astrology, astronomy and more; plus my weekly Sun-Sign horoscopes. Call toll free for a free trial subscription. International, call (206) 567-4455 during Eastern business hours.

Eric Francis, a Paris-based American astrologer, is the author of Planet Waves, a premium online information service available at He also does private consultations (solar returns, compatibility charts, locational astrology, business consulting, gift readings and more) on the phone and in person in Paris. Call +1.206.463.7827 or +1.877.463.8265 for more information.

Community Announcements

American Women’s Group: Upcoming Events

January: 12th Musée Nissim de Camondo
13th Masterpieces of the Musée d’Orsay
18th Musée Marmottan
19th Lunch Around the World
20th Cordon Bleu – Soups
24th Musée Pasteur
25th Musée Carnavalet
27th Beyond Paris – Provins

For more information, contact:
American Women’s Group
32, rue du General Bertrand
75007 Paris France
[email protected]


The American Library in Paris Presents Evenings With An Expert…

Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. beginning January 11 2005

Do you work in business or in law? Or do you simply have an inquiring mind that seeks to understand the world around us? Then come to the Library to learn and enjoy our new monthly program, Evenings With An Expert. This exciting six-session program which debuts on January 11 2005, will feature various topics of general interest from Europe’s prominent experts. The format will be a moderator and principal speaker, with questions afterwards from the audience. All sessions will be moderated by Drew Shagrin, formerly a lawyer and currently a part-time professor at HEC (and connected to AUC France through both Dartmouth and Berkeley).

January 11th “Money Laundering:Where Banking and Government Meet Organized Crime and Terrorism.” The expert is Chris Davies, the Paris-based director of worldwide compliance at Société Générale.

February 8th “International Dispute Resolution.” A primer for non-lawyers. The expert is Alex Blumrosen, a Paris-based partner at the law firm Bernard-Hetz-Bejot.

March 15th “Corporate Social Responsibility:How Europeans And Americans Understand This Term Differently.” The expert is Kate Fish, the Paris representative of the San Francisco-based consultancy Business for Social Responsibility.

April 19th “Killer of the Modern World:The Mortality Effect of Climate Change (A Case Study of the 2003 Canicule).” The expert is Magali Barbieri, a Paris-based researcher at the Institut national d’études démographiques.

May 24th “The European Union.” How is it governed now, what would the proposed constitution change, and how is the ratification process going to unfold? The expert is Peter Linton, the Brussels-based Europe Chairman of BKSH (the worldwide government relations division of Burson-Marsteller).

June 14th “EU Competition Law.” What are the rules, what are the grey areas, what are the battles, and how does all of that affect us? The expert is Pierre Kirch, Paris-and Brussels-based head of the EU law/competition law practice group of Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker.

American Library in Paris 10, rue du Général Camou 75007 Paris France Telephone: Fax: Hours: Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Evenings With An Expert are free and open to the public.

Christmas/New Year in Paris: Activities, Events & Displays

Celebrate France – Happy New Year

31 December 2004 – 1 January 2005

Thousands of performers from around the world participate in Celebrate France, a massive and varied two-day extravaganza taking place around Paris at New Year.

New Year’s Eve is spent in Chantilly with the Grande Parade de Chantilly, a spectacular street parade and open-air concert. The colourful parade consists of marching bands, dance and cheerleading troupes, floats, balloons and variety acts. The 4000 participants include 20 bands and five floats decorated with a fairground theme, the traditional parade of French circuses.

On New Year’s Day the parade moves lock, stock and barrel to Montmartre.
[email protected]


Disco Classic – A Studio 54 New Year’s Eve Party

31 December 2004

On New Year’s Eve, the disco balls at Paris’ Le Gibus vibrate to the classic tunes of Chic, Sylvester, Diana Ross, Earth Wind & Fire and Gloria Gaynor. The legendary DJ Tallulah (ex-resident at Studio 54!) is the man in charge of making the music until the early hours of 2005. Happy Disco New Year!!! Le Gibus has travelled a long way since the days when it was known as a heavy metal venue – it now attracts international DJs and a faithful gay following.

10p.m.-6a.m., 30 euros (includes one drink and one glass of champagne)
Address 18, rue Faubourg-du-Temple, Paris, Ile-de-France 75011, France
By Métro: République (Lignes 11, 3, 5, 8, 9)
Email: [email protected]


Overdrive Speciale 31 – New Year Party
The Club Boat Batofar…

31 December 2004

If you’re serious about your partying, the Batofar is the place for you, with a 14-hour party-marathon to begin the New Year in proper fashion. All the resident DJs take part in this electronic funk extravaganza, including dA frESH, Henry Goes Dirty, Popof Live, Yvan Vegeta, Se

bastien, Freak’N’Cie and Arnaud Plage.
A beautiful red boat on the Seine which contains a multimedia space, bar, club and restaurant. Guaranteed to be hosting a cutting-edge programme of events.

10 p.m.-12 p.m., 20 euros
11, quai François Mauriac, Paris, Ile-de-France 75013, France
By Métro: Bibliotheque or Quai de la Gare
Email: [email protected]


From 15 November 2004
BERCY VILLAGE 1, Cour Saint-Emilion 75012 PARIS
[email protected]

From December 1st, 2004 to January 1st, 2005
Closed tuesday
CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU Place Georges Pompidou 75004 PARIS

Ice Rink in the 5th
Open every day from December 5th, 2004 to March 13th, 2005 midday to 8:00 p.m., 9:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.
Place Raoul Dautry 1 Place Raoul Dautry 75015 PARIS

Open every day from December 6th, 2004 to March 13th, 2005 12 midday-10pm. 12:00 midnight on Friday. 9:00 a.m. to midnight on Saturday. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday
With a designated area with games and activities for children under 6 years old. Skates can be hired for 5 euros.
HOTEL DE VILLE DE PARIS 1, place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville 75004 PARIS

From December 18th, 2004 to January 2nd, 2005 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
A host of merry-go-rounds spring up all over Paris for the festive season, offering entertainment for all the family. The Manèges de Noël, with traditional carved horses and other animals, whirl around on the squares of the central arrondissements of the French capital, including Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, Place Saint-Sulpice and the Square du Temple.

Though the merry-go-rounds are designed primarily for children’s entertainment, a trip on one of these gaudy manèges is also a romantic treat for all who love the City of Light.
Place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville 75004 PARIS

From November 9th, 2004 to December 31st, 2004
GALERIES LAFAYETTE 40, boulevard Haussmann 75009 PARIS

From November 24th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005
RUE ROYALE rue Royale 75008 PARIS

From November 25th, 2004 to January 4th, 2005
AVENUE DES CHAMPS-ELYSEES Avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 PARIS

From November 25th, 2004 to January 4th,2005
AVENUE MONTAIGNE Avenue Montaigne 75008 PARIS

From November 25th, 2004 to January 5th, 2005

From December 1st, 2004 to January 15th, 2005
75018 PARIS

From October 29th, 2004 until January 1st, 2005
MAGASINS DU PRINTEMPS 64, boulevard Haussmann 75009 PARIS

“Magic Windows”
From early November to early January
LA SAMARITAINE 19, rue de la Monnaie 75001 PARIS

Dates: from 09/11/2004 to 31/12/2004 –
GALERIES LAFAYETTE 40, boulevard Haussmann 75009 PARIS

From November 17th, 2004 to January 1st, 2005
LE BON MARCHE RIVE GAUCHE 24, rue de Sèvres 75007 PARIS

From November 27th, 2004 to February 3rd,2005
CATHEDRALE NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS 6, place du Parvis-Notre-Dame 75004 PARIS

From November 30th, 2004 to December 24th, 2004

From November 30th, 2004 to December 24th, 2004
75008 PARIS

From December 3rd, 2004 to January 2nd, 2005

From December 3rd, 2004 to December 31st, 2004
TOUR MONTPARNASSE 33, avenue du Maine Tour Montparnasse / Montparnasse 56 75015 PARIS
[email protected]

From December 3rd, 2004 to December 24th, 2004
1, PLACE DE LA NATION 1, place de la Nation 75011 PARIS

From December 17th, 2004 to December 24th, 2004

“Children’s world”
From December 4th, 2004 to January 2nd, 2005 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1, PLACE DE LA BASTILLE 1, place de la Bastille 75004 PARIS


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