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Your taste of life in Paris!

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Paying Homme-age to Paris

Proudly Waving the Rainbow Flag Over Paris

Paying Homme-age to Paris

Parler Paris–your taste of life in Paris and France

Monday, June 27, 2005
Paris, France

======== Special Sponsored Message =========

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Dear Parler Paris Reader,

One report counted the crowd at about 300,000. My guess is that it was really at least double that when you count both the participants and spectators. I refuse to miss it every year…”La Marche des fiertés lesbiennes, gaies, bi et trans 2005 de Paris” — the annual Gay Pride Parade in Paris.

Regardless of your sentiments toward sexuality (of any kind) — put them on the shelf for this event — it’s fun, funny, outrageous, poignant, contemporary and real. This year’s theme was “Couples and Parents: Equality Now,” a plea to the French government to change the law and to authorize marriage and adoption for homosexual couples.

Bertrand Delanoë, Paris’ openly-gay Mayor, led the parade, carrying banners and signs promoting these rights. At 4 p.m., the parade stopped for a three-minute silence dedicated to the victims of AIDS.

About a dozen of us had sat at Café Français for a few hours drinking, talking, joking and waiting for the parade to spill into place de la Bastille. It rolled in about 4:45 p.m. and took several hours to pass and disburse there. The moment we heard it coming, we jumped up from our seats and headed into the crowd, down avenue Henri IV toward the pont Sully.

My favorite float sports the flight attendants from Air France. They wear white shirts and rainbow ties. In unison they do a routine to music resembling their in-flight passenger instructions motioning down the aisles, pointing to the emergency exits, demonstrating how to put on your oxygen masks! The RATP rides an old city bus decorated with rainbow-colored Métro tickets. Durex always blows up a giant pink condom and throws free samples.

The transvestite costuming is fantastic! The shoes get higher every year — some as tall as a foot (12 inches) and others that are really stilts disguised as shoes. There are lots of exposed breasts, mostly “manufactured” ones, on gorgeous transexuals I could easily be jealous of (oh, those long shapely legs!) Groups that parade are as diverse as the “Gothics” in black leather, overly pierced and tatooed, and the enormously fat Scotsmen baring big bellies overlapping scottish kilts!

Everyone is smiling, laughing, dancing, enjoying the revelry and good spirit. What’s missing at the Paris parade, compared to Gay Pride Parades in the U.S., from what I have observed, are the anti-gay demonstrators. Parisians aren’t offended, just curious.

One thing that always strikes me during Gay Pride is the stark awakening of how many people around us have chosen this alternative lifestyle. With such an intense concentration, you migh

t wonder about how you do or do not fit in — like being the only person on a nude beach in a bathing suit. As someone in the group said, “Funny how on St. Patrick’s day, everyone is Irish.”

That evening, Le Marais was bubbling with celebration, especially between rue Vieille du Temple and rue des Archives, along rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie. The Open Café was the center of a sea of men. The Weather Girls’ song “It’s Raining Men” was ringing in my head:


Humidity is rising – Barometer’s getting low
According to all sources, the street’s the place to go
‘Cause tonight for the first time
Just about half-past ten
For the first time in history
It’s gonna start raining men.

It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah! – It’s Raining Men! Amen!
I’m gonna go out to run and let myself get
Absolutely soaking wet!
It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah!
It’s Raining Men! Every Specimen!
Tall, blonde, dark and lean
Rough and tough and strong and mean

It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah! – It’s Raining Men!










A la prochaine…

Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
Email [email protected]



P.S. Be sure to read Wednesday’s Parler Paris Previews Community Calendar for what’s in store the rest of the Summer…July 4th, Bastille day, Paris Plage and more. To send this to a friend, click here: /parlerparis/ then click on the link at the top that says “Click Here to Share Parler Paris with a friend…

P.P.S. For a very cool new view of Paris…visit “Paris à la carte” — a bird’s eye view of the city in great detail. Find your own apartment or hotel by clicking here.




* Noise Pollution By Adrian Leeds

Noise is the number one nuisance Parisians complain about according to a study made by INSEE in 2002. In the city, the sonic ambiance is a variety of traffic, horns, building sites, open-air markets, festivals, alarms, voices…and it’s rare to be in harmony!

In Paris, the traffic is at the head of the problem. Close to 3,000,000 vehicles roll in Paris every day over 1700 kilometers of streets over 105 square kilometers of area. We hold them responsible for most of the noise: engine start-ups, horns, sirens and running motors and ineffective mufflers…

Click here to read on…

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