Two Dates With French Administration

I have two dates today with the French Administration: 1) an appointment with the Préfecture de Police for my daughter’s “Carte de Resident” and 2) the signing of the “Promesse de Vente” on behalf of a client who purchased an apartment.
You may recall the five-hour wait my daughter and I had before seeing a clerk just to request an appointment at the Préfecture for the Carte de Resident!
As a minor, she never needed her own visa to live in France, nor as long as she traveled with one parent who held a proper visa. If she traveled alone, she was obligated to carry a “titre de circulation” which you must apply for at the office of immigration.
She arrived in France with us at the age of eight, just before her ninth birthday. Now, nine years later, more than half her life has been spent in France. She’s perfectly bilingual, a graduate of French public school with a baccalaureate degree and is about as “franglo” as any person can be. Because she’s lived more than half her life in France, she’s entitled to have a Carte de Resident giving her the right to live and work here for the next ten years, further entitling her to apply for citizenship and hold dual passports. Quelle chance!
Armed with all the original documents they require and a complete set of copies, a set of new photos and our passports, today is the big day. She flew here from school in New York just to attend this appointment. My fingers are crossed for success.
Then, assuming the time spent at the Préfecture is shorter than the last time, scheduled later this afternoon is the signing of a Promesse de Vente (agreement to purchase) on an apartment in the 6th arrondissement on behalf of our client who was here last week specifically for a property search. He was successful on the second day of the search and with Power of Attorney, I can perform these important duties for him.
I’ve attended many signings now for various properties. They are always interesting. Both owners attend and both Notaires. Every page of the document is gone through verbally so that all parties understand clearly what their responsibilities are and what are the detailed accounts of the property. During the first one I attended, for my own apartment, my French was limited. Luckily, our Notaire, Maître Stephane Adler, speaks a relatively good English and is careful to insure full comprehension.
So this is an exciting day for both my daughter and our client…and I am please to be the facilitator to make these wonderful things happen for them.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
E-mail: [email protected]
“The Insider Guide to Working and Living in France: The Ins and Outs” by Rose Marie Burke will get you off to a good start on the rules and regulations of immigration. To get your copy, click here.
For general information about residency in Paris for foreigners, visit the official site.
For general consultation services, property consultation and a property search, you may want to consider first contacting our IL Paris Office
* Further resources:
* An American in Paris provides personalized escorted tours of Paris to individuals, couples, and small groups from around the world. Begin your Adventure today!
* He tells it all in this candid, fun, tongue-and-cheek out-of-the-closet guide to Gay and Lesbian Paris.
* Need to know just a few basics to get by while you’re here in Paris? This 9-hour intensive workshop is OPEN TO EVERYONE
* Thirza Vallois, will be taking you by motor coach for a grand tour of Paris, winding in and out of the prettiest of streets.
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