We’re Making You a Deal (We Hope) You Can’t Refuse!

Many people moving to France decide to rent a property for a while before deciding to buy—to be absolutely sure they make the purchase in the best location for them. By renting first, they have an opportunity to either get to know their town well and want to stay, or discover they would prefer living elsewhere. It’s logical.
However, even after living in a place for months or even years, making a property purchase on your own comes with much greater risks. This is why our clients continue to want our help, support and the “insurance” we provide that they won’t be making a big and expensive mistake.
Why you would hire us—even though you think you have the “lay of the land” or have met a real estate agent or two—is for a long list of valid reasons, which we recently outlined in great detail in an issue of French Property Insider.
The abbreviated version is this:
1. There is no Multiple Listing Service (MLS) that enables all properties to be available on the market at the same time accessible by all agents and potential buyers. Not so in France. Every agency lists its own “pocket” of properties, so that means visiting a lot of sites and a lot of agencies. It also means that the agents won’t want to disclose something that might prevent you from buying their listing. In contrast, we ferret out the properties that fit the buyer’s parameters from all of the possible resources, and the ones that meet our own criteria for being a good investment for the buyer. Adrian Leeds Group works for the buyer not the seller.
2. If our client contacts the agency directly, without our introduction, then there is no chance of a commission share with the selling agency. That could be an expensive mistake, as we will credit our client for the entire shared commission—about 2.5% of the price of the property!
3. Once the property is identified, an offer is made. We help you through the negotiation process and then work directly with the Notaire to amass all the documents .
4. We review all of the documents (written in French) so no translation is necessary, saving you quite a lot of money. Plus, reviewing them is one thing, but our job is to discover anything at all that would prevent you from purchasing the property. We also assist and advise you regarding the structure of the purchase which is key for inheritance tax purposes.
So, if you want to know what we do in exchange for our fees, it’s all this and much more as outlined in that article. but the main thing to remember is that we provide peace of mind—because without us, or some service like ours, you’re on your own. And that can be a big risk.
To reward our clients for their loyalty, we’ve developed an incentive program to make the property purchase within two years of their Rental Search that will save them quite A LOT of money. We’re offering this not only to keep our clients happy, but also to keep them safe from making those big mistakes by not having us at their side.
Here’s how it works:
When we send you our contracts for a Rental Search, you will also receive an agreement to sign that informs you of the potential savings. There is NO obligation to use our services in the future, but if you don’t sign the agreement, “tant pis”—you will lose the opportunity…so there is NO reason NOT to sign it!
And for our CURRENT and PAST Rental Search clients, we’re going the extra mile to offer the same savings for the NEXT two years! This way, it’s a win-win for everyone!
So, what’s the deal?
First off, the Advance Search Fee will be CUT IN HALF. That’s a 50% savings and already that’s thousands of euros/dollars in your pocket!
Then there is a 10% discount off the Finder’s Fees…another savings amounting to thousands of euros/dollars! There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain!
If you are a CURRENT or PAST Rental Search client, email us before January 31st to sign the agreement that entitles you to the savings for the NEXT TWO YEARS.
If you aren’t a Rental Search client yet, no worries—the agreement will be part of the package you receive.
And if you want to learn more about all of services, visit our website today!
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
The Adrian Leeds Group®
P.S. For those of you who wish to make a donation in memory of Shari Devorah Linnick, my niece who passed away this past week at the age of 50 to a very aggressive and unforgiving cancer, here’s where where you may do so. It’s a small thing to do to fight this dreadful disease. Thank you.
P.P.S. We had a lively discussion between tax advisor Jonathan Hadida, financial advisor Brian Dunhill and our audience at Après-Midi that you will find fascinating and informing talking about tax issues for expatriates. Don’t miss it. Read the report and watch the video by clicking here.
To read more, click the links below.