“Be Happy, This is the Festival of Love!”

Get out your video cameras and keyboards. Now’s your chance to declare your love…in a very public way…before the entire city of Paris and the entire world! This Valentine’s day, under the theme of “Parisians Love Paris,” the City of Light is declaring its love for love and all love has to offer by making it possible for all of us to declare ours…for a special person or for the city itself.
Release the frustrated director in you to declare your love in your own video! Create something 30 seconds or less in any of six possible formats and two resolutions with 30 frames per second and less than 10MB of memory. Then submit it by completing this application at http://www.v2asp.paris.fr/fr/actualites/Saint_valentin_2007/video.asp
To ensure it will be chosen, be sure that it is not violent in any way, speak of racist ideas or hate, nor can it be pornographic and it must respect the rights of the author himself. Watch out! The deadline to submit your video is February 11th! And if you’re one of the lucky ones, your love video will be shown on the city Web site, all day February 14th, at http://www.Paris.fr.
Have words of love needing expression? Everyone is invited to add their loving remarks on 170 illuminated panels with 180 messages per district — a total of 2600 messages of love around the City of Light. Don’t exceed more than 7 lines of 18 characters each (a total of 126 characters maximum) and make it simple to read and understand.
Every message will display one time per hour for a duration of 20 seconds beginning Wednesday, February 14th at 6 a.m. The city Web site has provided a map where you can find the illuminated panels. One will be on rue de Bretagne, just where rues des Archives and Eugène Spuller meet, the corner where the Mairie of the 3rd arrondissement sits and just opposite La Pierre du Marais, where Parler Parlor meets every Tuesday night and where we will be celebrating our 9th anniversary on March 17th. This is also where Parler Paris Après Midi meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month — the next meeting is next Tuesday, February 13th. (Scroll down for more information about all these great meeting-up events…where you might meet your next love of your life!)
Click here to find all the illuminated panels: http://www.v2asp.paris.fr/fr/actualites/SAINT_VALENTIN_2007/plan.asp
Watch out! Your deadline to submit your words of love is February 12th! Click here to submit them: http://www.v2asp.paris.fr/fr/actualites/Saint_valentin_2007/formulaire.asp
I just entered my own to be posted somewhere in the 3rd arrondissement: “Americans love Parisians who love Americans who love Paris.”
The city’s advertising proclaims: “Pas de malheureux, le jour de la fête des Amoureux!” (“Be happy, this is the festival of love!”)
I find it particularly heartwarming that while key phrases in my own native culture are negative, violent and aggressive such “War on Terrorism,” “War on Drugs” and “War on Poverty,” that the Parisians are promoting a very different approach to their enriching their lives and solving their problems…with love. Count me in.
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
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P.S. Be sure to mark your calendars for next week’s Parler Paris Après Midi coffee gathering Tuesday, February 13th at La Pierre du Marais 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. where we will celebrate the Festival of Love together. Visit /parlerparis/apresmidi.html for more details.
To read more, click the links below.