Naughty Nuits
Naughty Paris
Paris has been called “The City of Light,” “the Most Romantic City in the World,” and now…”The Sexy City.”
I won’t believe you if you tell me you never thought of it that way! Heather Stimmler Hall, author of “Naughty Paris, A Lady’s Guide to the Sexy City,” said in her opening words last night at the WH Smith Bookstore on rue de Rivoli, that “Paris is arguably the sexiest city in the world.”
She reminded us, “As
home to the historic Moulin Rouge, inspiration for Henry Miller’s scandalous novels, and the setting for the series finale of Sex and the City, the French capital has become the mythical embodiment of all that is romantic, passionate, decadent, and hedonistic.”
Hall is a tall, slim, attractive accomplished journalist who devoted many years to compiling her guide to the Sexy City, long overdue in my opinion. I couldn’t wait to take a copy home to learn where to buy the sexiest lingerie or take a lover for a romantic dinner.
Most of the audience were women…and a few smart men who realized it might be a great place to meet sexy women! They were right. In the audience among a crowd of women old and young alike, was “Pleasure Coach,” Victoria Strong, whose “Divine Feminine Touch” can be found on page 186 of the guide.
Why was the guide written for women?…Why not men, we asked her. There was a bit of a roar from the women…Men! Men see sex and romance so differently than women, “n’est-ce pas?” I heard snippets of other women recounting their own experiences and ‘complaints’ — complaints that men don’t know how to please women. Victoria added, “Women often don’t know how to please themselves! We must teach them!”
Still, the “Sexy City” offers much, particularly for romantically-starved American women where both men and women are ‘gun shy’ of expressing themselves openly. Hall called Paris a city where one can ‘legally’ flirt! Women get looked at, admired, spoken to, acknowledged…beautiful women or just for being women, and again, old and young alike. Someone added, “Age doesn’t make a difference.”
We, women, of all ages, agreed.
Editor’s Note: To get your copy of Naughty Paris, visit any English language bookstore in Paris, visit or order through Amazon by visiting our Recommended Reading page at
Paris Nuits
My “Little Birdie” at the City Hall couldn’t wait to tell me all about the successful outcome of his pet project to turn Paris into “The City of Night.”
The concept is not only to better coordinate the natural habits of the inhabitants and visitors to the city with the resources available in the evening and all through the night, but to further enhance Paris nightlife by making more activities accessible.
The city plans on promoting Paris nightlife by integrating it more into all aspects of city tourism. Soon to be launched for tourists will be a new Web site (don’t bother visiting it just yet…) at with a search mechanism to find just what you’re looking for and an interactive map. They even intend to provide a ‘deciphering’ of nightlife ‘codes and rituals’ — such as when’s the peak time to arrive at a particular nightclub!
All this won’t happen until May 2009, but meanwhile, professionals and city officials are meeting this month to discuss the upside of bringing the city to life at night, but also the downsides of nightlife they will face — such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, rowdiness, and other side effects of nocturnal living.
One thing for sure, Paris is often considered more beautiful at night than the day…the reason it is so often called “The City of Light.” Should we change that now to “The City of Night?”
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
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P.S. Recently I wrote about the new “Auto-Entrepreneur” program…”Work More to Earn More.” I misunderstood an important element of the program: the limits on sales of more than certain amounts as noted in their documentation, will only change the ‘legal status’ of the company, but will not affect the tax advantage…no profits, no tax!
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