Turn Your Passion for France into Profit

The spring Paris sun is already streaming through my windows past newly sprouted big, bright, red geraniums. Even though I gave up writing on Fridays in lieu of organizational tasks and client meetings, I felt compelled this morning to write and share a few thoughts and reminders.
Yesterday’s French Property Insider issue was devoted to Paris Past, Present and Future — outlining all the projects the city has in store for making improvements to the environment, landscape, infrastructure, habitability, vitality…and it made me realize once again, how lucky we are to be in such a progressive city that still respects its past.
Thanks to the city leaders, the people of Paris and of all of France, these socially minded ideas are not only making this one of the greatest spots on the planet to take root, but are seriously adding to the value of each “petit coin,” as we guard it and protect it from degeneration. If it were not for the passion held by lawmakers and ministers like André Malraux, the 17th-century building where I now live in Le Marais would have been razed like any other slum instead of blossoming into the elegant, chic habitat my neighbors and I enjoy every day of our lives.
The point is, that Paris and France not only have a rich and varied past…they have a big, bright future, too…just like those red geraniums staring me in the face. And it’s a place worth investing in — where the rewards are great. Not only has my own apartment increased in value more than three times in just the last five years, but so has my appreciation for cultural ideas I never knew existed — the arts, literature, history, science…
And I have France and the French to thank for that.
This letter serves as a reminder to those of you thinking of making the move to France or thinking of just staking a small claim that could be a home-away-from home, an investment that yields a profit or a nest for your retirement years. Just three short weeks from now, the finest specialists in the fields of property, finance and lifestyle are gathering together here in Paris to lend their expertise to a select group of passionate people who want to learn how to make their dream to work, live and invest in France come true.
Together, we are going to show you how even with today’s rate of exchange, making a purchase NOW means greater rewards in the future…and why you wouldn’t want to wait any longer.
Face it, making an investment in a foreign currency is important to diversify your global portfolio. People who are profiting from properties they own and rent to vacationers (Paris is the #1 tourist destination in the world!) will show you how to earn as much as 10% every year on your investment…while at the same time, the value of your property increases way more than that! (Paris showed an average increase of 14.2% in 2004!)
Currency specialists will be teaching you how to hedge your bets against the fluctuating rate of exchange and opening off-shore accounts that protect your assets.
The team is going to show you how to become a part of life in France, too…by getting the property visa, opening a business, learning the language, crossing the cultural divide…and managing the transition without too many high hurdles.
This is the same team that made it all happen for the first time way back in the fall of 2002…and this is the team that can make it happen for you.
Join me, John Howell and the rest of the professionals who will take your dream and turn it into reality…right here in Paris, France, May 20 – 22, 2005 at the Working and Living in France Conference.
Don’t delay. Visit the site for all the details and all the special activities we’ll enjoy while learning three months worth of information in three short days.
Click here for more information…
Or click here to go straight to reserve your place before it’s too late…
A la prochaine…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, Parler Paris
Email [email protected]
P.S. On the heels of the Working and Living in France Conference, highly acclaimed photo journalists Rich Wagner and Blair Howard will be teaching a small group of lucky folks how to get paid big bucks for taking photos with your simple digital camera while traveling or researching a story…right here in the City of Light…at the Ultimate Travel Photographer’s Workshop, May 25-28, 2005! I’ll be along as host and student, too…so, what a great way to get to know Paris even better!
Time is running out,
so don’t delay. You’ll find more information here.
To read more, click the links below.