The Best of Bretagne
Volume III, Issue 13

Last weekend’s excursion to Bretagne incited me to write a brief recount of this region of myth, mystery, medieval times and undeniable tradition. It’s a part of France flocked to by the British who have Celtic roots there and who have easy and inexpensive access by plane, train and ferry.
Being on the west coast, it has a warm temperate climate with some rain, one reason its countryside is so green and wooded. But it would be an unusual week if there was not more sun that cloud. It can get hot in the summer months, up to about 35 degrees, but unlike France south of the Loire, you are unlikely to get scorched as in the south the month of August where it can be blistering!
Breton homes are a mixture of stone cottages and medieval half-timbered houses, similar to Normandy. Old stone farmhouses are becoming increasingly harder to find and more expensive. If you love renovation and pride yourself on your accomplishments, then turning such a stone shell into a welcome Bed and Breakfast might be just your thing.
The Bretons are a very friendly lot who welcomed us wherever we went — proud to serve up typical Breton fare — crèpes and cider or oysters on the half-shell — as well as sell their famous pottery and linens and show off their boats. It is a region not to be missed and seriously considered for an idyllic life in La France Profonde.
This week’s issue also brings to light the pleasures of a floral spring. The city is campaigning for everyone to dress their windows, courtyards and balconies in the brightest, most colorful flowers, for all to enjoy. A stiff competition is ahead…should I enter my red geraniums I’m (usually) so proud of?
This year, I resurrected the old plants, trimmed them back, and repotted them alongside some new ones, coveredthem all in fresh new soil. Now, I’m sitting back watering and watching for new growth, all the while with my fingers crossed.
News for today is a rate increase on property consultation and search services scheduled for June 1 to put us more in line with the market and help us improve service. If you’re thinking of making this the year you take the plunge and buy in France, then book with us before June for services rendered any time between now and December 31 to profit from the savings. Note the new Purchase Assistance Service we offer — scroll down for the details.
And thanks to Franglo, we now have a high-powered FREE classified ad section of French Property Insider to offer up every sort of service imaginable — all the things you’ll need to make your move to France. Click on and have fun reading the ads or posting some yourself!
A bientôt…
Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Registrations for the Working and Living in France Conference are coming in steadily. Be sure there’s a seat for you before it’s sold out at the Early Bird Discount. Reserve now or contact Projects Manager Schuyler Hoffman today at mailto:[email protected]/parlerparis, phone 1-310-427-7589 or visit for more information.
Volume III, Issue 13, March 314, 2005
In this issue:
* Three Days in Brittany — Never Enough!
* Remember, Barbara, It Rained All Day on Brest That Day
* Which Council District Do You Live In?
* Paris Seeking Green Thumbed Parisians
* Gifts for Green Thumbs
* First You Dream It. Then You Do It: Reserve Now for May 20 – 22, 2005 in Paris
* Book Property Services Before June 1 and Save
* Today’s Rates of Exchange by Moneycorp
* Hot Property Picks: Chambre d’Hôte in Burgundy, Hot Properties in Bretagne
* Classified Advertising: Leeds Apartment Available July 22 – August 1
A Weekend in Brittany, Or a Lifetime?
By Adrian Leeds
It wasn’t my first excursion to Bretagne (Brittany), but it was a deeper look than I’d had before at a region “full of character that values its idiosyncrasies.” I would agree with Maison de la France — Brittany is a world of its own at the edge of the country.
Brittany looks toward the sea — a ragged coastline battered by storms, rich with marine life, fishing industries, boating harbors and ports, seaside resorts on sandy beaches, made up of vast landscapes and countless islands — a first-class refuge for birds. It is a region of myths and legends, charming towns and villages, romantic châteaux and calm, navigable rivers and canals. It has its own language, customs, cuisine and festivities.
The first culture shock you might experience is getting used to the Breton language — descendant from Brythonic, a modern-day Celtic language. Spoken more in lower Brittany, it was the language of the elite until the 12th-century and since, old Breton has left some vocabulary in the present day. Names of towns, streets and houses abound with it and learning how to pronounce them is part of the adventure.
Three days in Bretagne is barely a glimpse of this rich and varied corner of France, so there was plenty to miss, and an abundance to see. We started from Paris by Autoroute via Le Mans to Rennes, the capital of Bretagne in the department of Ile-et-Vilaine. Rennes, named for the Celtic tribe, Redones, was founded pre-Roman times and served as the transportation center for Amorica. It didn’t become part of France until 1532 and soon after, the Parliament of Brittany was established making it the seat of the duchy of Brittany. The Old Town (Vieux Rennes) escaped the fires of 1720
and is now mostly pedestrianized, a center for bars, crêperies and boutiques, oozing with charm thanks to its medieval half-timbered houses with colorful facades.
From Rennes the national road took us to Vannes, the capital of the Department of Morbihan and an historic town configured in the shape of an amphitheater, one mile inland from the Golfe de Morbihan. Originally known as Darioritum, it was the ancient capital of the Veneti, a seafaring Celtic people whom the Romans conquered in 56 BC. Vannes has grown well beyond the old walled town that was perched upon a hill. Its ramparts, linked to gates and towers, are well preserved on the eastern side of the town. The picturesque old city is enclosed by the ramparts and is grouped about its cathedral. From the ramparts, we had a view of the massive one-time moat, now a beautifully manicured public garden.
Leaving Vannes in the direction of Carnac and our first night’s accommodations, we passed several of the area’s most famous and some of the oldest human monuments on Earth at Kerlescan — the megalithic tombs and stone circles of the Neolithic Revolution (planted over 5000 years ago to mark burial sites), set amidst the picturesque countryside. In addition to 2792 “menhirs” (massive stones erected by tribes who inhabited the region before the arrival of the Gauls), the area is studded with burial places, semicircles, and tumuli. This field is the smallest and most eastern, but is the best preserved with 555 stones on 13 rows. They reminded us of the wonder of life itself and I took dozens of photos as if in a trance under
their spell of mysticism.
I don’t believe there is no better way to “sleep” France than to stay in “Chambre d’Hôtes” (Bed and Breakfast) in the countryside. Becoming increasingly easier to find via the Internet, comfortable rooms can be rented for one night or more in the homes of deeply-rooted country men and women who love playing host to people from all over the world. The welcome and hospitality is always warm, the accommodations usually very adequate and clean, the price unbeatable.
Three of us shared a large room in the home of Jurgen and Jocelyne Heiligtag near Carnac ( for 60 euros (total) including a full breakfast. They were kind enough to direct us to dinner at the tiny port of La Trinité-sur-Mer, where the Spi Ouest France Bouygues Télécom 2005 regatta was taking place with 500 sailboats more than seven meters long competing for prizes.
Tasting Bretagne is yet another important part of the adventure. Before setting off for the coast, I had visions of delicate oysters dancing in my head and on my tongue. Fresh Brittany oysters come mainly from Cancale, Saint-Brieuc, or Morlaix on the channel coast. Atlantic oysters come from the Morbihan estuaries. At Le Bistrot du Marin overlooking the port, we dined on fresh “Plateau de Fruits de Mer” and “Merlan en Colère” — a whiting fish cooked and placed with it’s tail in it’s mouth!
Time didn’t allow us a full circle of the Golfe de Morbihan our second day, nor a trip to Le Belle Ile, but a quick trip to the Pointe de Kerpenhir past Locmariaquer took us to more Neolithic sites and stunning views of the gulf. From the point, you can easily see Port Navalo at the eastern side of the gulf, reachable by ferry. The area around the gulf is a sailor’s dream, studded with hundreds of tiny islands, coves, harbors, ports.
We also opted out of trekking to the P
resqu’il de Quiberon, a peninsula only by virtue of a tiny strip of land connecting it to the mainland. It is also a hotbed of megalithic stones and traces of ancient human occupation.
Instead, we headed along the coast to the tiny town of Pont-Aven, known as the “city of the painters” in the “valley of willows” at the top of the estuary, where the sea air meets the light of the countryside and where, miraculously, a hundred years ago, blew the breath of inspiration. Pont-Aven is a place to see, with all its charm, shop windows and galleries and memories of Gauguin and Emile Bernard. We crossed the bridges, wandered in the streets, dined in the fresh air overlooking the harbor.
Before heading to our chambre d’hôte for the second night, we made a stop at Concarneau, the first French fishing port and an important holiday resort which has developed around the Ville-Close, and old fortified town dating back to the 14th century, modified by Vauban in the 17th-century. Unfortunately, Ville-Close is more a tourist haven than one might like — souvenir shops have taken away from the charm and mystery it might otherwise offer.
At Pont l’Abbé, further west, we visited the stately abbey after which it was named, spied a nun quietly cleaning the windows, visited the church, bought treats in the gift shop. It seemed meaningful this Easter weekend to be there. It allowed us to be meditative and reflective.
For me, driving the department roads of France is the highlight of any motor tour of France and Bretagne’s are every bit as stunning as any other region, dotted with old stone farmhouses, tiny villages anchored by gothic stone churches, rolling hills and luscious landscapes. The second night we were generously accommodated with two rooms in just such an old farmhouse, newly renovated and situated between Pont l’Abbé and Quimper, owned and run by a young couple with three adorable children, Nathalie Le Goff and her husband ( We paid a mere 53 Euros for outstanding accommodations and
The couple had spent the last two years doing the renovation work themselves, helping to pay for it with the revenues from the guests. They purchased what was a stone shell at the time and now, they claim, such properties are impossible to find. I was sure they had spent much more on the renovation than on the property itself.
That evening, we drove into Quimper for dinner, well-known for being an active center of “faience” pottery production since when it was part of the Roman Empire. Situated on the river Odet, throughout its history, Quimper was a shelter and crossing point. Today it is a beautiful and elegant commercial center, with symmetrically architectural style homes along the river and half-timbered medieval houses in a mostly pedestrian center.
No trip to Bretagne is complete without tasting the typical specialty — “crèpes” (pancakes). “Crèpes de Foment” from the west of the peninsular, and black flour “galettes” from upper Brittany, were both eaten by peasants in the 19th-century, either with a slice of butter or simply an egg.
On Easter Sunday, the church bells in Locranon rang for a very long time, filling the cool damp air with sweet music. As they tolled, we strolled around the preserved medieval town until we found a little “crèperie” where we cut into crisp, paper-thin galettes cooked with eggs, cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes. Cider was the perfect drink to accompany the crèpes. Obtained by fermenting apple juice, it is made with Muscadet and wine of the Rhuys. The best vintages come from Fouesnand et Beg-Meil in Brittany and those from the Val d’Auge in Normandy.
Signs for houses for sale in Locranon caught our eye and we dreamed of life in a tiny village in Bretagne…what would it be like to be a part of this rich and varied region?
Only a few kilometers from Sainte-Anne-Le-Palud, we stood in the thick green grass on the sloping plane and viewed the Baie de Douarnenez before us, the winged stretches of land jutting out into the sea. It was calm and misty, serene and mysterious.
The last leg of our trip before heading back to Paris took us to Brest to meet friends. Brest was virtually destroyed during World War II leaving a modern, industrial, and rather uninteresting metropolis. I had always wanted to see Brest — ever since I first learned the words to Jacques Prevert’s poem “Barbara”: “Rappelle-toi Barbara, Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-la…”
On Easter Sunday, there was barely a breeze stirring, much less human life, but just a twenty-minute drive takes you to the most western point of France, to Le Conquet. Here, I am told, is the best crèperie in Bretagne, although we missed our opportunity to taste them. Instead we warmed our bones with Verveine tea and recounted our weekend filled with treasures of Bretagne.
Editor’s Notes: Scroll down for some of Bretagne’s hottest properties and for Jacques Prev
ert’s poem, read on.
by Jacques Prevert
Rappelle-toi Barbara Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-la Et tu marchais souriante Epanouie ravie ruisselante Sous la pluie Rappelle-toi Barbara Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest Et je t’ai croisee rue de Siam Tu souriais Et moi je souriais de meme Rappelle-toi Barbara Toi que je ne connaissais pas Toi qui ne me connaissais pas Rappelle-toi Rappelle-toi quand meme ce jour-la N’oublie pas Un homme sous un porche s’abritait Et il a crie ton nom Barbara Et tu as couru vers lui sous la pluie Ruisselante ravie epanouie Et tu t’es jetee dans ses bras Rappelle-toi cela Barbara Et ne m’en veux pas si je te tutoie Je dis tu a tous ceux que j’aime Meme si je ne les ai vus qu’une seule fois Je dis tu a tous ceux qui s’aiment Meme si je ne les connais pas Rappelle-toi Barbara N’oublie pas Cette pluie sage et heureuse Sur ton visage heureux Sur cette ville heureuse Cette pluie sur la mer Sur l’arsenal Sur le bateau d’Ouessant Oh Barbara Quelle connerie la guerre Qu’es-tu devenue maintenant Sous cette pluie de fer De feu d’acier de sang Et celui qui te serrait dans ses bras Amoureusement Est-il mort disparu ou bien encore vivant Oh Barbara Il pleut sans cesse sur Brest Comme il pleuvait avant Mais ce n’est plus pareil et tout est abime C’est une pluie de deuil terrible et desolee Ce n’est meme plus l’orage De fer d’acier de sang Tout simplement des nuages Qui crevent comme des chiens Des chiens qui disparaissent Au fil de l’eau sur Brest Et vont pourrir au loin Au loin tres loin de Brest Dont il ne reste rien. |
English Translation: Remember Barbara It rained all day on Brest that day And you walked smiling Flushed enraptured streaming-wet In the rain Remember Barbara It rained all day on Brest that day And I ran into you in Siam Street You were smiling And I smiled too Remember Barbara You whom I didn’t know You who didn’t know me Remember Remember that day still Don’t forget A man was taking cover on a porch And he cried your name Barbara And you ran to him in the rain Streaming-wet enraptured flushed And you threw yourself in his arms Remember that Barbara And don’t be mad if I speak familiarly I speak familiarly to everyone I love Even if I’ve seen them only once I speak familiarly to all who are in love Even if I don’t know them Remember Barbara Don’t forget That good and happy rain On your happy face On that happy town That rain upon the sea Upon the arsenal Upon the Ushant boat Oh Barbara What shitstupidity the war Now what’s become of you Under this iron rain Of fire and steel and blood And he who held you in his arms Amorously Is he dead and gone or still so much alive Oh Barbara It’s rained all day on Brest today As it was raining before But it isn’t the same anymore And everything is wrecked It’s a rain of mourning terrible and desolate Nor is it still a storm Of iron and steel and blood But simply clouds That die like dogs Dogs that disappear In the downpour drowning Brest And float away to rot A long way off A long long way from Brest Of which there’s nothing left. Translation © Lawrence Ferlinghetti |
Paris City Councils
121 councils in total preside over the city of Paris.
View them all by clicking on this special map of the city:
“Fenêtres, Cours et Balcons Fleuris”
(Windows, Courtyards and Flowering Balconies)
Do you have a green thumb?
March 19 through September 2005, the City of Paris invites all Parisians to flower their window sills, their balconies, their courtyards.
The competition’s goal is to increase the value of nature in the city and encourage Parisians to embellish the facades of their buildings. This is an excellent opportunity to create a social bond among neighbors, to share in the joys of gardening and improve public space, making Paris and even more beautiful place to live.
The competition is open to all inhabitants of the city. Register to participate between now and July 15th online at
You can also register at your Marie or at Maison du Jardinage du Parc de Bercy in the 12th.
The jury will judge based on the following criteria:
* Originality
* Harmony of Colors
* Volume of the Composition
Winner will receive gardening books and other prizes offered by the sponsors.
City gardeners will be available Saturday, May 21, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in each arrondissement to counsel participants and assist via demonstrations.
You may also plan to attend the meeting at the Maison du Jardinage on June 19th and exchange seeds 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
Maison du Jardinage
rue Paul Belmondo
75012 – Paris
Métro: Bercy – bus 24,87
01 53 46 19 30
August 31st is the deadline to deposit photos of your floral presentation.
Beginning of September the jury selects the first set of winners, two candidates per category.
Mid September, the second jury will select the finalists.
September 24 and 25: Fête des Jardins
Download the official brochure in pdf in two parts: and
Spring at the Forum des Halles
April 1 – 13, the Forum en Fleurs at the Forum des Halles invites you to participate in decorating your windows, balconies and courtyards with a free gift!
Visit the site at
Or download the complete brochure (in French) at
Make Friends in France with the Original Creators of the Living in France Conferences…
If you’ve always dreamed of moving to France, starting a new life in Paris, enjoying a “pied-à-terre” of your own part of the year or investing in property in France, this three-day power-packed conference is a MUST. Hosted by Adrian Leeds, Editor and of the Parler Paris Nouvellettre® and French Property Insider weekly e-zine and John Howell, lead attorney for John Howell & Co., Europe Law, London, these three days in Paris will arm you with all the information you need to make it happen! The line-up for the conference includes lectures, discussions, dinner, cocktails — with well-known Paris, Europe and U.S. -based experts in the fields of:
* Obtaining the Right to Be in France
* Learning the Language
* Starting a Business in France
* Minimizing Your Tax Liability
* Finding, Buying and Owning Property
* Learning About the Leaseback Program
* Renting Your Property for Profit
* Getting a Mortgage
* Protecting from Foreign Exchange Risks
* Best Offshore Banking in the World
* Crossing the Cultural Divide
* Insuring Your Health, Home and Car
* And more!
You’ll have an opportunty to ask questions and learn all you’ll need to know to make your dream come true to live in France or just be a part of the profits on owning property there.
Working and Living in France
May 20 – 22, 2005
Paris, France
Les Jardins du Marais
Click here to learn more:
Reservations and information:
If you’d like to know more about the seminar or reserve your place, email Schuyler Hoffman.
U.S. OFFICE 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time
Schuyler Hoffman, Special Projects Manager
Phone 1-310-427-7589
Email: [email protected]/parlerparis
Visit the FPI Web site and click on the link on the left panel “Click Here for Currency Currency Convertor by Moneycorp Global Money Services/Currency Online by Moneycorp” for up to the minute conversions
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The prices shown are “inter bank” exchange rates and are not the rates that you will be offered by Moneycorp. Your rate will be determined by the amount of currency that you are buying. Please speak with an Moneycorp dealer or your consultant for a live quotation.
Let us help you secure a mortgage in France with interest rates as low as 3%. Visit for more information.
Abbey National
David Anderson, Mortgage Advisor
[email protected]
Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier
Stéphane Denner,
ExPatriate & Non Resident Service
[email protected]
[email protected]
Contact Yolanda Robins
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Contact Yolanda Robins
[email protected]
Property Consultation and Search Services
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Let French Property Insider expert property consultants find your dream home in France for you. We consult with you to help you make the best decisions, ferret out the finest properties to meet your criteria, schedule the visits and accompany you, negotiate with the agencies and owners, recommend the notaires and other professionals, schedule the signings and oversee the purchase with you from start to finish! You could never do it so easily on your own. Let us take the time and effort off your hands.
Now is your opportunity to own your piece of France at a savings. Property consultation and search services rates will increase effective June 1, 2005, but if you book your services between now and May 31st to be rendered prior to December 31st, 2005, will be charged at the current low rates!
Property Search Consultation
Initial Consultation: $250 Paid in Advance > $290 Effective June 1, 2005
Property Search: $1,000 Less Consultation Fee > $1500 Effective June 1, 2005
Property Purchase: 2% Commission of Total Purchase Price of Property Less Consultation and Search Fees* > 2.5% Effective June 1, 2005**
* Minimum 4000 Euros, Maximum 20,000 Euros
** Minimum 5000 Euros, Maximum 25,000 Euros
Obtaining a Mortgage
Property Search Clients: No Charge
Non-Search Clients: $500 Paid in Advance Applied Toward 1% Commission of Mortgage Amount > $750 Paid in Advance Applied Toward 1% Commission of Mortgage Amount Effective June 1, 2005
Purchase Assistance
$1,000 Paid in Advance, includes 10 hours, thereafter billed at hourly rate. > $1,450 Paid in Advance, includes 10 hours, thereafter billed at hourly rate Effective June 1, 2005
Après Vente (After the Sale)
Relocation Package: $750 Paid in Advance > $1000 Paid in Advance Effective June 1, 2005
Renovations and Interiors
Renovation — Phase I: $1,000 Paid in Advance > $1,500 Paid in Advance Effective June 1, 2005
Renovation — Phase II: 10% of Project Costs Less Phase I
Interiors: $1,000 Paid in Advance Applied Toward 10% of Project Costs > $1,500 Paid in Advance Applied Toward 10% of Project Costs Effective June 1, 2005
Additional Services: $125 per Hour > $145 per Hour Effective June 1, 2005:
Book Your Property Services
All services contracted for prior to June 1, 2005 to be rendered prior to December 31, 2005 will be billed at current rates.
For more information, visit
r/propertyconsultation.html or contact Yolanda Robins, [email protected]
HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Burgundy and Bretagne
Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.
As we are not a real estate agency. These properties do not constitute a sales listing. For those readers seriously interested in finding property in Paris or France. you can retain our services to do the whole thing for you. For more information, visit
Welcome to Nuits-Saint-Georges, heart of Burgundy, close to The Clos de Vougeot, and the original Abbey of Citeaux, 20 kms from Dijon -1 hour and 40 minutes from Paris or direct from Roissy to Dijon by TGV (high speed train) and 20 kms from Beaune. Our village offers you all major commodities, within 5 minutes from the guesthouse: train station and post office, banks, shopping and supermarkets, tourist office, open air markets, cinema, swimming pool and tennis courts, bicycle rental, wine cellars and domaines to visit, restaurants, wine bars and wine shops, horseback riding and trekking, vineyard tours and of course wine tasting !
Born and raised in Burgundy, Claude Bonnet, owner of the guesthouse traveled extensively in North America and Asia over these past 20 years as Export Director of various leading wine companies. His huge 16th century family house welcomes you in Nuits-Saint-Georges, the heart of Bourgogne, at walking distance from Grands Crus Vineyards. The choice of 4 guestrooms from 60 euros per night plus many more options such as a grand tour of Burgundy wine tasting and a complete bed and breakfast service.
The old house of over 4000 square feet stands in the heart of the village. Its two terraces, at garden level, and on the first floor, overlooking the garden with flowers and trees are great places to relax. Barbeque is available on the upper terrace which opens on to the sunny family kitchen. Hosts are always welcome to experiment with their own cooking and share meals with the owner!
Asking Price 600,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
* Carnac (Department 56)
House 4 room(s)
Total surface: 1130 Sq ft
Year of construction: 1948
Surface of the living-room: 280 Sq ft
Bathroom: 1
Toilets: 2
Kitchen: Indépendante
Heating: Fuel
Garage: 1
Land: 10760 Sq ft
Sight river of Crac’ H, house of character, out of stone, including/understanding 3 rooms, on a raised garden of 1000 m².
Asking Price: 279,400 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
* Douarnenez (Department 29)
House 5 room(s)
Total surface: 936 Sq ft
Year of construction: 1928
Surface of the living-room: 398 Sq ft
Bathroom: 1
Toilets: 2
Kitchen: Indépendante
Shower room: 1
Heating: Gaz de ville
Cellar: 1
Garage: 1
Land: 9146 Sq ft
TREBOUL – sight sea and beach with foot! Splendid stone-built house of 1928. Living room with chimney, kitchen, 4 rooms, bathroom, basement + studio independent of 45 m² with terrace, garage. Superb raised garden.
Asking Price: 371,000 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee (2.433.600 FF)
* Le Conquet (Department 29)
House 7 room(s)
Total surface: 1722 Sq ft
Year of construction: 1979
Surface of the living-room: 323 Sq ft
Bathroom: 2
Toilets: 2
Kitchen: Aménagée
Heating: FUEL
Garage: 1
Land: 26900 Sq ft
Asking price: 358,865 Euros + 2% Finder’s Fee
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 12th, 2004 AND EVERY SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This is your opportunity to meet every month, often with local
professionals who can answer your Working and Living in France
questions. You are invited to come for drinks and share your questions and comments about what it takes to create a life here, own property and enjoy what France has to offer. It is also an opportunity to network with other Parler Paris readers.
For a detail description of the past meeting and for more information< br/> about Parler Paris Après Midi, visit:
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Single American professional woman seeking furnished studio or one-bedroom Paris apartment with lots of storage, bath tub, proper overn and lots of light for 800 Euros or less per month to rent from May 1 for 6 months or longer. Contact Nancy :[email protected]
North American couple seeking inexpensive furnished short-term rental apartment of one-bedroom or larger from May 1 for two to three months while renovations take place on personal residence. Contact Nicole: [email protected]
Leeds Marais Apartment
Available July 22 – August 1, 2005
Located in a 17th century Le Marais Hotel Particulier, this 70 square meter two-bedroom apartment with lots of light is nicely furnished and is perfect for up to four people when rented in its entirety or a single woman in the freshly renovated guest room when owner Adrian Leeds is there.
Pictures and more details available at
For all short term rental apartments in Paris, take a look at or for long term apartments.
1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet
1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres
For more conversions, refer to:
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Copyright 2005, Adrian Leeds Group, LLC
To read more, click the links below.